The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 847 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

boom! After a second, the water ball suddenly burst, the water ball was scattered.

"Well ... It seems that it is not as difficult as it is imagined!" The night grew away.

"You ..." The smile is also solidified. He has never seen someone else to master this skill so quickly.

It is impossible to know that Cassi, Cardi, is impossible to copy this tester, because this tension requires a very meticulous control.

"The talent of this child is too terrible!" The golden light is also flashing in the eyes. "Cannot let this kid to go into the evil road ... or it is trouble!"

"Wow! The long wind is successful! It looks very simple, let me come!" Naruto raised a waterboot, put it in his hand.

"Hey ... um ..." No matter how hard, the water ball is a silk, and the water in the water ball has not changed.

There is no gap between do not comparison. At this time, there is a strong talent of the night.

After all, there is a title plus awareness, and after two worlds, the night's long wind also feels that the ability of 210 to his soul has become strong. From a sense, the soul has a great extent to a large extent of a person's understanding. High low.

"Fortunately, if the Naruto is broken so quickly, then ..." To know that this year is also a trick.

"Okay, you will continue!" Sooked a tree to rest.

"..." Night live winds only have such a skill. He also jumped into a tree leg and started to practice.

On this way, in addition to the road is a practice, there is no sound of the teenager without the Naruto.

Moreover, the night grows again, this makes it easy to suspect the age of night, after all, like a madman who does not stop cultivating this day and night, and has been very young.

Even if he is self-confident ...

Through the way, it is generally lonely and [silence] lonely companionship, and there are fewer people who can stick to the people.

Moreover, the night's talents are still so amazing, and they also looked at the eyes closed at the eyes, seemed to see a new star that will shocked the whole nignip in the future.

Looking down and looking at the feet, it is not stopped. Once again, I practice my niece with rotation to destroy the water ball, and I have a breath.

"Oh, it seems that the world is the world of these young people ..."

742 chapter, powerful understanding

Next day.

After a night, the Naruto finally turned around the water in the water ball in the next day.

"Wow! The water rotated, I succeeded!" Naruto cried.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ The water ball on the right hand is constantly trembled, and the sound of the sound is issued.

"Look, I can get the water ball like the long wind!" Naruto laughed.

"Yes? Before you broke, I still went to sleep a nap!" The coming is also hurtful, looked up and looked at the night long wind that was sitting on the tree.

"This kid is really hard enough ..."

Time is like water, it has been over more than an hour.

Naruto saw the hope, but never broke the water ball, couldn't help but have some intrustions.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ , how can you not break?" Naruto called.

"Oh ... is it broken?" The coming was also awakened ...

The Naruto is full of sweating, whispered: "Nothing ..."

"Well, forget it! I have a good time!" I also looked up at night long wind, "Hey ~ ▉, you come to the Naruto, this is also a practice for you!"

"Sliced ​​~ ▉▉ ?" The night grew is slowly opened his eyes, and it sweeps his eyes with a despised eyes.

"Good!" The night growing slowly, -700- immediately flashed under the tree.

After a day or night's cultivation, the night long style feels that Chakra in your body will seem to have increased, and the blood of the blood session is actually a gradual color, there is a sign of breakthrough.

"How can you get a water ball?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

"This is a feeling, a kind of feeling!" Night long laughs.

"What is feeling?" Naruto looked confused at night long wind.

"Haha, tease you!" The night was laughing, "You first turn the water in the water ball to me!"

"Good!" Naruto raised a water ball.

The water in the squad is not broken, it is not broken.

"Well?" Night's trend nod, "your rotation is not enough, the cohesiveness is too bad!"

"What should I do?" Naruto asked urgently.

"You just transferred the water in the water ball to left?" Night long winds.

"Yes, long wind, how do you know!" Naruto is very surprised, he is just a habitual movement, I didn't expect to be noticed by night.

"You try to rotate the water in the water ball to the right, calm down, use your sport!" Nightly shot the chest of shooting people.

"Oh?" The one of the rumors is also open, "The stinky boy insight is very strong, I didn't find that the Naruto belongs to the right-rotated!"

"Then I will try!" Naruto started to gather Chakra's water in Water Balls, and the rotation of the water in this water ball was even more intense.

Water polo is also protected to the limit, and it will break the feeling.

"Very good, that's it!" The taps slowly stood up and went to the two people.

"Naruto, this tutor is very suitable for you, because there is no need for complex printing, just need to make Chakra!" Suddenly, "this tuition is also the fourth generation of fire. "

"Oh!" Naruto was shocked, "Is it true for the fourth generation?"

"Yes, the fourth generation of fire is spent in three years to complete this stem, in the difficulty, this is a super high-end stem of A [grade]!" "" "

"Really spent three years? How do I feel very simple ..." Night wind spit.

"Hey ... stinky boy, you don't have to be too early, this tuition requires three stages, breaking the water ball is just the first stage!" Lish also replied.

"Yes? It sounds very simple!" When the night's wind, he was too late to die.

"The stinky boy is too arrogant ..." The night is also angry.

~ ▉▉ The water sphere in the hand is getting bigger and bigger, but the water ball is not broken.

"It's evil, why still can't!" Naruto shouted.

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