The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 859, Chapter 859, Chapter 859

A slamming, the big snake pills explode, and the head of the night is kicking into more than ten snakes, all of which have been kicked in the moment.

"MD! It is actually a snake!" The night is very annoyed. When you disappear, the big snake pill has been running, only leave your own snake.

Without a helping, the big snake pills naturally know that the general trend has been going, and how can he continue to correct the night-length wind correction with his sly.

Especially in the case of our own body so fragile.

"Wait! The big snake pill, you are a bastard!" At this time, the company has basically restored Chakra in the body, and the body is free to act.

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ , a good color of the cactus! People run, you will recover!" The night does not hurt the Tucao.

"Oh, don't you have your boy, you can take a three-tolerant of the big snake pills. This is going to pass it. Your name is also a big shock!" The coming is also hit.

"Opener ..." tapped into the situation of the plan.

"Hey ... don't call me like this later ... You should call me the fifth generation of fire!" The planner looked up.

"Well?" Tapped.

"You don't say that it is also to be with this kid?" Differently don't understand why the program suddenly promised the requirements before the death.

"Forget it! Now I am the fifth generation of rigs. This is not the ninja of the wooden leaves. It is my hand!" The program stopped, smiled, "I can't ravage. ] He! "

"Cut ... the agency is still so dish!"

"What are you talking about?" At this time, the Naruto stood up, "What about the big snake?"

"Nothing! From today, the aperator is the fifth generation of rigs! Ok, now we can return to the wood, and laugh.

"Hey!" Naruto was very surprised.

"Is it finally completed ..." The bones of the night's body is also chemically formed into the ring of Hui Night.

"The secret on this kid is really much!" Located on the heart of the night.

Ding! At this time, the system's tips were random in the night-long's mind.

Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line task: Help it, please return to the fifth generation of Huayi Village, you get a lottery.

"Well!" The night is holding a fist. "The bored mission is finally completed ..."

This task is always easy. It is indeed a welfare task. The biggest obstacles encountered are just that the big snake pills that have been sealed. It is nothing to do with the current night.

Although it is a bit unfortunately, but the night's hard work has harvested a A [level] tolerance spiral pill, it is another kind of benefit.

However, the night-length wind feels that the spiral pills have some chicken ribs to him. If the situation just now, there is a distance of a remote attack, and it is not easy to make the big snake pill easily.

"Well, forget it! I finally had three lottery!" Night long-winding back to Woody Village, all the way to look at the three lottery, "I don't know this time I can get this time." What treasure, will there be a big prize, really look forward to it! "

"A stinky boy, what are you thinking, laughing is so happy!" The program turned to look at the night's heart, "this time is far from this little ghost."

Fire country wooden leafy village.

"Wooden leaves have also changed much ..." Operators stand under the statues of all ages, overlooking the fire in the feet.

"From now on, I will dominate the fifth generation of fire!" The program muttered on the high platform.

"I can't think of you, you can invoke her ..." Water households can also be sent back to the hand.

"This is nothing! How can she refuse me this big guy!" Said that he said.

"Cut ~ I don't know who is being killed." The Naruto secretly squatted.

······ Flowers ······

"It seems that we have to ask all the famous names ... Celebrating her of the fifth generation of rigs! Strings, blindle want everyone knowing this!" The sleepledum of sleep is in the spring.

"Yes!" I have paid my head.

"Right, your apprentice, no, your partner?" The master turned.

"Partner?" It's also a big real thing. "You said that night long wind is a little ... I don't know, he has always been alone, this time isn't my personality charm, it is true. This little child is from horses, haha! "

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

.... [.......

"I said the master, you don't look at that kid!" The tapped.

"Which ... is also your own hymn, how can I like it!" The migraine of the agency hide his embarrassment.

"Don't say this, or first invite the master grandmother to treat Kakasi and Sasuke and have a strong eyebrow!" Naruto urgently, his heart is still very concerned about Kakasi and Sasuching.

"Well! Let you see the medical treatment of this noodle!" The master smiled and laughed.

Everyone first came to Sasuke's ward. Under the high medical inletter, Sasuke quickly woke up.

"Naruto ... Where is this?" I just woke up, Sasuo, I am still unleaven.

"Haha, idiot! This is a wooden village!" Naruto saw the doctor's medical skill like the legend of the legend, and the card was very admired.

After that, I came to Kasi's ward, and the power of the apeer didn't expect the strength to let Carti recovered.

Kasi is a short period of time, and the mental damage he suffers is much slightly more than Sasuke.

"Carti, I can't think of two little thieves, I will make you in this way. What is the difference between this and ordinary people? Thanks to me, I will take you the day!"

"Please go see the lovers!" Akah Kakasi woke up on the side, the continuous setup.

755 chapter, give fruit

Woody Village Hospital, Xiao Li's ward.

Xiao Li took a green tight service to reveal the entire back of the hand.

The last time and the night's waves, Xiao Li forced five doors leading to the large area of ​​their body bones, and injured still very serious.

Of course, if it is not the last blow to finally, the last hit is finally, Xiao Li is likely to die.

But even so, Xiao Li's hand injured is still very unauthenticated.

After the master, after the hurt of a small child, the slight frowned.

"How is it, a master?" Akai hurriedly asked.

Snapped! The program took the shoulders of Xiao Li, "For you, I advise you to give up to do a ninja!"

"Well !!" Xiao Li Yun, his eyes are all round.

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