The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 886 of the Chapter 886 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

With the exploration of night long winds on the border of the body, the power of the ring of Hui Night is gradually improved, and now the density and quality of the golden oysters are much better than before.

The clay explosion of Didala just wanted to leave a margin in the golden bones.

Although the skeleton Samurai is just a low-order undead creature, but the skeleton warrior is natural, this extent of "six-5 zero" explosion is simpired by the skeleton.

The light of light blue undead is burning around them, and the samn of the samn is even more gallbling than before.

"The vicious little ghost!" Dida port wrinkled into a Sichuan word, the left and right hand, the palm of the palm.

"In this case, I will use C2 to deal with you!" Didara hands and one, holding a new white out-proof clay.

! Didala threw this white upstrap, his body showed a giant [Dragon] in front of him, although it was as an ever, but the figure is quite huge.

This is another proud of Didara, one of the proud explosive arts ... C2 giant [dragon].

bass! Didara jumped to the giant [Dragon] head, both hands together, "How, the little ghost is afraid?"

~ ▉ [] The end of the tail begins, and then the giant [Dragon] has a large number of round balls.

boom! The left side of Didala has shown a faucet of the giant [dragon].

"Hey ... Another thing that explores a class, can you get a new trick?" The night's wind is right, and there is a black jade stick in his hand.

It is the undead stick!

Hand-held undead polishers, the night length winds the golden Chakra into it, the eye hole of the head of the entire undead stick is on the moment, and the purple undead is beating.

When the night length of the wind, I feel that my death is a big increase, this is the first time I have used the undead rod in the actual battle.

"What?" Didara, he felt the heart of the night's wind, the heart of the neighbors, "This little ghost is too evil, I have to solve him as soon as possible!"

Didala's hands began to quickly print, the big mouth of the blink of @ once again, which spurted a small double-wing bird, directly rushing to the night, speed!

Night wind flashes the attack, biblock and night lengthy winds.

At this time, the double wing bird turned around in the air and flew behind the night's body with a faster speed.

"I am going ... this is not precise guided missiles ... kao! Didala This guy actually steals high-tech!" Night long wind spit.

"Drink!" Dida launched.

The biblock suddenly exploded after the night length of the wind, and the night long-term wind was shouting through this explosion.

At this time, Didara has let the giant [Dragon] fly in the air, and the round ball of his other framed and the giant [dragon] has disappeared.

"Oh ... play IQ with me?" The night is very hard to smell the taste of a conspiracy.

"Little ghost! Fly!" Didala is on the giant [dragon] faucet.

The big mouth of the giant [Dragon] once again opened again, this time a bigger clay fat bird shot from the big mouth of the giant [Dragon], shooting towards the night, and the speed is twice as much as before.

! The night long-lasting wind is shining, the explosion sounds again, the huge explosion will turn over the mud around the night long wind.

"This little ghost is really fast!" Didala sighed, "but ..."

~ When the long wind turned over, the feet were in the mud ...

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785 chapter, C4 Caero

After the black flame fire column swallows the clay fatfoot, the power is not seeing, directly shot to the [giant] dragon under the feet of Didala.

boom! Dida Lee is a huge giant [Dragon] is running through the black flame fire column, and the huge body is burned by two and a half.

boom! The residue of the landed giant [Dragon] directly detonated the ground on the ground, the mine continuous explosion sounded.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

After the smoke, the land of the night-long body is already a pit, and Didara is sitting in the caucasian bird to fly out of the dark fog.

"The damn little ghost!" Dida was twitched, and anger has filled his chest. He has been able to break one by the little bout in front of him.

Night wind is now a gas check, like Didala, regards Didara as an object of practice, how does it not allow Didara that is a proud of Didara feel anger.

"What is the art of explosion makes it, don't say that I have not given you a chance!" 31 nights and cold.

"You!" Didara was a thoroughly angered, and he directly picked up a big clay in the ninja bag.

Hey ~ ▉! Didara actually uses a mouth to chew clay, and this night-length wind can determine that it is the body of Didara in his mouth.

"Well? Isn't he wanted to be self-explosion?" Night is cold and coldly looked at Didala, no action.

In fact, when the night is long, it will only be black, and the Didala has no chance to eat clay.

However, the night grows wants to see what the Dida is so moving, although the aesthetic level of Didala and the scorpion have a fight, there is no ugly ugly.

But the night's live wind has to admit that Didara is very creative, and its explosive is a five-flowers, which is dazzling.

Soon, Dida will give a big clay into his mouth, and then it is a hands together.

"Little ghost! I want to kill the skills, this trick will be your life!" Didala rapidly printed.

Immediately, I spit down in Didara's mouth, which turned out a lot of clay.

Clay is like a waterfall generally spray in the mouth of Didala, and the continuous expansion of clay is big!

"Hey! This endurance is originally intended to be used to kill someone, just solve your little ghost!" Didara laughed.

The night-long eyes appeared in front of a huge Didala's clay, the giant branch and the previous tail be small, but it is still much more much more than the Black Fire Dragon.

Black Fire Winged is like a toy in front of giant furnish!

"Kao ... play?" Night live wind is also a glimpse. He didn't think that Didara actually got such a huge stuff. "If this stuff explosives, it should be powerful!"

"Haha, little ghost! Enjoy my explosive art C4 Kato Luo!" Dida portally directed a giant branch with a giant hand fan to the black fire wing tits.

boom! The power of super boulders, simple movement, brought violent wind, blowing night long hair and dancing.

The night-length wind commands the flexible dodge of the black flaming dragon.

"Little ghost, are you not very arrogant? How can I only know how to dodge!" Didara mad smiled, "Do you really think that you can escape the attack of C4 Caero, you are so true!"

Didara sat with a clay bird flying to the high altitude, while at this time, the giant clay framed stomach continued to rise, and the whole body was also rising, just like being blown.

At night, the eyes of the eyes, the purple undead in the right eye is burning in the bears. At the same time, the left eye of the night, actually turned into a beautiful red, three of whom hooked jade in constant rotation .

That's right, the first time the night's first use is the case, I suddenly wore the mystery of Didara C4 Caerry Luo.

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