The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 891 of the Chapter 891 of the Prince of Tennis

Snapped! The night's wind flew up and flew the flying segment of the ground like a garbage.

Immediately turned cold and looked at the horrible corner. "It's too weak, you have probably know!"

"Why do you have a bamboo bamboo bone blood?" The corner is shocked.

790 chapter, Master

The night length of the wind is slightly tight, shrugging the shoulders, and then refers to his head. "Since the strength is so weak, you should use your mind, IQ is still so low. You can mix into the organization, the biggest The reason is probably the so-called not dead! "

"Don't die? Changfeng, what do you mean?" Xiao Li asked.

"You see these masks noise, every mask is probably has a heart, which means that in addition to him, this guy has five hearts!" Night wind slowly.

"Ni? How can there be this kind of thing?" Kate four people were very surprised.

"I just wore one by my punches, so four masks were dead!" "" "" "" "

"So ... If you want to kill him, do you need to destroy his remaining four hearts?"

"Yes, it is still smart every day!" The night long turns smiled.

Looking at the night's smile every day, suddenly pretty face is red.

"Oh ... I really didn't expect it to be seen by you!" The corner is a cold, restored the calm, must enter his age of less than a hundred years of fighting experience is quite extensive.

"My heart is all grabbed from the Ninja, I have been fighting, since I was broken by your little ghost. In this case, I only use your heart to add!" The corner is cold Tao.

-703- "It turns out, so he can use a variety of different attributes Chakra!" Ning.

"Changfeng, I will help you!" Xiao Li said.

The night is in the wind, "No! More than people, I am happy!"

The smile of the night-catching wind makes the horns very uncomfortable, there is an unknown previvable in the heart.

"I advise you to collect your heart back, so you can die three times, otherwise, I will break your heart once ... You die once!" The fire of the undead is constantly burning.

"You are back!" The night is back to the four people in Kate.

"Well!" Kate four people looked horrified with the night's solemn, and they retreated on a hundred meters.

When the night is wind and right, there is a black spot among the voids, and these black spots are slowly launched into a black hole.

The midst of the black hole is constantly exudulating, and the surrounding air has fallen a few degrees.

"What is this?" The corner is frown, in the long years, the corner has experienced a lot of war, which makes the corner are quite sharp to dangerous smells.

"Go out!" The night is cold and cold, and ten black holes came out of the black hole.

These , the calling before the night is completely different, and their body shape and normal are almost, and the hands are all colored flames in burning.

Their skeleton is white, and it is like white jade. If you look close to it, there is energy in this bone in the constant flow.

Blue, red, huang color ... These The color is different, and the fire in the eye hole is different.

The night-catching call is a seven-level undead creature ... Undead Master!

The bones of these undead Master are actually quite fragile. Once they are treated, it is easy to be destroyed.

But at the same time, these undead Masters are also magicals of each department, and the attack power is quite horrible.

Each one is a moving fortress, such a 10th night grew a total of ten.

"I don't know if the power of magic and is bigger?" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

The four people watching the Kate of the war look at it, and the night-long style will summon it. It is very horrible to come.

Wind, overturn! Fire · Heart!

At this time, the corner has been can't hold, and the two mask blame launched an attack.

For a time, the wind is the sky, the wind is raging, the wind is the wind, and it is more than the previous range, and the night long wind and his ten are all enveloped.

"Give me a destroyed him!" The night hand, right hand, pointing to the corner.

For a while, the hands of all the hands of the 10 , the energy is fluctuating in their absence.

Frozen world!

One of the white right hand, waved, suddenly instantly ciggered into a huge ice wall in front of the air in front of the night.

The mask monster is no effect on this ice wall, but it is gradually extinguished by the cold gas released by the ice wall.

"What? Is this a tolerance? How did I have never seen it?" I have never seen such sickness.

Where did he know that this is not tolerance, but a powerful spell that Master released.

This white mason, the magician of the Ice Empire, it just released the frozen world is his magical ban in his life, you can directly freeze a city.

Although it has now made this magical power, it is less than one thousandth, but it is more than enough to deal with the mask.

~ ▉ When the Kate four people stunned, the five giant thunders in the sky bombarded, directly hit the places where the corners were standing.

This is the five thunderous roots released by the Master of Thunder.

However, this is still not finished, the Master of the fire in the side of the Master of the Thunder is also waving two skulls.

The huge fire dragon appeared from it, and directly hit the direction of the role.

Next, the remaining eight simultaneously released their own spells, and the whole earth is trembled.

The huge explosion sounded, and these spells gathered in the same point and produced a huge explosion.

"Walk!" Night live wind did not expect these Master's power horror, serial explosion sounds.

The night length wind is flashing in front of Takada, and the body releases the golden Chakra energy shroud in the body, and all the four people will be covered.

"This ..." Kate four people were already stupid, the power of the night grew up, the power of the shouted their eyes, it was too strong.

The huge explosion is a few more ways of the mask strange, and the entire wasteland is covered by the smoke, Huangsha, which is extremely low.

The ten

"MD, I forgot to put them in a small world!" The night is dark.

bass! At this time, a coke black mask flew to the foot of the night.

"Hey! You don't say you are not dead?" The night is cold and hot, and the mask stepped into the mask.

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