The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 895 of Tennis Prince Chapter 895

"Changfeng ... you!" Naruto glance.

"But you'd better put away your hypocrisy, you are best not to play what bad idea, or I don't mind ... Kill you!" The purple flame of the vague wind suddenly appeared.

When the Sakui does not leave a step, the forehead has a cold sweat, he just gave the momentum of the night's wind [pressure] in the original place, completely moving.

"Well, we are still driving! Time is not much!" Large and a round field.

"Let's go!" The night did not pay attention to Zuo, but turned to the beginning of the biggest meteor.

"This kid really is as difficult as [wraps] ... ... ...

Four days later, Tiandi Bridge.

The big and use of the body became the shape of the Heat Sally, etc.

Three people in the night are on the hill lurking on the hill, and the night is boring, and there is no hub.

The Naruto is solemnly looking at the big sum of Tiandi Bridge, "I hope the big and captain can succeed!"

"I haven't seen it for a long time, and the people!" Suddenly, a person in a tomb has embarked on the Tiandi Bridge from the other side of the Tiandi Bridge, and went to the front of the big.

"This guy is!" The big and brow wrinkled, and people were actually a pharmacist.

"We haven't seen it for five years!"

Naruto, "Why is him!"

"Cut ... Why is I am not surprised? This guy not only escapes the technology first-class. Alternative: ≯ This spy level is also the upper layer!" Night loud mouth.

"... Pharmacist, is there anyone tracks you?" The big and the voice of the scorpion said.

"Do not worry!"

"How is your situation?" Big and only asked this ambiguous problem to test your pocket.

"There is not much time, so the long-distance call is short, the time has long been, the big snake pill will be suspicious!"

"MD, the photo is really a active", compared with the big and simply flaws! "The night did not hurt the Tucao," I was paced by the other side! "

"I have to ask you a few questions!" Great and directly asked, "Where is your base place, there is also the information about Yuxio Sasan!"

Pulling the glasses on the rhinar, "We have several secret bases, in order not to let outsiders know our location, will move to other places every week. Of course, we also have a secret outside the country. Base! The spies of the big snake pills take us in the past! "

"And the way to move is very troubles, so you can't make it easy to explain you. At present, we have lurked in the island in the northern lake. Three days later we have to move! Yuxi Bozuo is there!" Said a secret The location of the base.

"The wind is too big, I can't hear it!" The Naruto hidden in the dark complained.

"Nothing is so good, this guy is generally lie in the mouth, who knows that he is true, which sentence is fake!" The night is far from the wind, "But the words come back, these guys have only Make these evil spirits, it is difficult to become a big device! "

··· ▉ ▉ ···

"What are you talking about, the long wind?" Naruto is obviously not to understand what the night is saying.

On the bridge.

"Right ... About you to order me!" Suspered.

"Worse, although I still want to ask some things, but if I continue to talk, I will wear it!" The big sum is shocked.

After the big snake pill, I still used the cells who were abandoned by him to do a seal treatment, so I didn't have a way to get the information of those cells! "Suddenly," You still hand over the things, I Can't stay here! "

"This, okay, I will give you now!" The big and suddenly took a bitter after you.

Just when I was a big and wanted to attack her pocket.

...... [.....

After the back, suddenly showed the figure of the big snake pill, "You talk about it is really interesting, can you let me also participate?"

"It's a big snake!" Naruto was shocked.

"The big snake pill has been reincarnated?" Night wind looked at the hands of Big Snake Pills, "But the words come back, the big and IQ is too low, so you can't see it!"

At this time, the plum is standing next to the big side, and it is not seen that it is not seen.

"Do you really?" The big snake pill suddenly cold.

Big and a glimpse, "I was broken?"

At this time, the right hand suddenly saw Chakra's blade appeared, and then he hit the big and big.

"Wear? What is going on?" Big and the back of the bridge, his right arm was cut, the blade of Chakra cut a blood mark, blood arrogant.

"Losing the shadow of the snake!" The big snake pill is a show, more than ten giants drilled out from the hands of the big snake pills, and instantly wrapped the big and [wrapped].

boom! Just when these giant biting a big neck, big and turned into a wood, a wooden division.

"Is this a wooden sickness?"

"That is the turning into the wood!" The big snake pill recovered the growth of the giant.

"The big snake pill, this is the body of the scorpion?" He is still playing.

It is also drunk in the dark, and it is a perfect interpretation of the life, that is, the life is like a play, full relying on acting!

795 chapter, Naruto tail

"Oh, do you not when you have his hand? Why don't you know his true face!" The big snake pill is of course not a light of oil.

"Because he came to hide in the embarrassment, no one knows what is his body!" Tour.

"What is going on? Pocket ... Are you not a spy macro to the spy from the big snake pill? You should be controlled by the surgery!" Big and cover the injured arm.

"You said that kind of surgery, I have already been unsaled by the big snake pill!"

"Pretending to be in the middle of the scorpion to meet me, it seems that you are a big snake pill, pocket!" Big and whispered.

"No! I just agree with the idea of ​​the big snake pill, say, who is it? Who are you? How did you get the news that you want to meet here and I will meet me?" Yamato.

At this time, the Naruto couldn't help but rushed directly to the Tiandi Bridge, and the night long wind and Zuoki were also in front of the Naruto appeared in front of the pockets.

"It's a boy!" The big snake pill saw the night's wind, the brow is a wrinkle, and the eyes are murderous.

"There is a Naruto!" He swept a three-person, found a strange face - Zuoi.

"Hey ~ Three little ghosts, isn't you waiting for my secret number?" The big and dissatisfied.

"I am evil! You will make Saso help!" Naruto eyes red, it is already partial own.

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