The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 907 of the Chapter 907 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the hair is also extended, and the right arm of the night long wind is.

"What are you doing? Good color cactus!" The night's long wind turned over to the opposite wall, very confused.

"Wait! I still have a few questions to ask him!" Looping also turned to look to Payne, "The long door, Biki, how did he go?"

"Ah! I have ever, that guy ... but, I have already died! This kind of thing doesn't matter!" Payne gas is cold.

It's also a glimpse, in his memory, the director of his memory is once vowed to swear to protect Xiaonan and Baiko, and now it is actually telling this.

"So what happened?"

"Nothing happens, just fight. There are too many people to die, sadness makes me grow up! The child will grow up with grief!" Petion's tone is more cold.

"This is what you called, abandon friendship and partners!" Tapped.

"You are still a teacher, but I grow into the existence of people in the endless pain!" Pethen cold voice.

"What do you say?" Said that it is still stunned.

The night is boring on the side. "I didn't say it, your apprentice has been stimulated into a mentally ill person!"

"Yes, I have grown into God! Be got, said, what I think is God's will! Teacher, you still, you can't understand my words, there is no way to see something. I can see it now! "Payne began to brainwash the row of taps and nights.

"And after God, you can notice that the thing you can't do, it's simple to evolve!"

"What do you want to do? Let's talk about the camouflage of the gods.

Payne did not pay attention to the challenge of the night, but slowly closed the eyes, "I took the rest of the war, which is the miracle of God!"

"Then why do you want to collect a tail?" I also asked myself.

"Anyway, you have to die, then I will tell you that I really destination." Pethen opened his eyes and looked at it. "In order to use the sealed tail, create a new ban!" Surgery, only need to destroy the strongest and most sharp banners of the country in an instant! "

"Well ... It sounds a bit like the nuclear weapons on the earth!" The night is holding down the chin.

"Make this kind of thing, how do you want to stop war? I will only make the war more fierce!" Lishuo directly Payne.

"To stop the fighting of countries, how to do it, and then teachers!" Payne asked.

"You should not let all countries get this weapon, and then the country will definitely use this kind of power, and then hundreds of millions of human beings will die, so that only the remaining human fear war to achieve you The so-called peace? "Night long-faced corner with sarcasm.

In the world that lives in the night, the nuclear weapon is this role. The nuclear weapon is like the sword of Dhakelis hanging on the human head, which makes humans feel fearful to the war, and then exchanged the world peace. .

But the night's wind always thinks that such peace is only temporary, and the potential harm of nuclear weapons is beyond imagined.

There are thousands of nuclear weapons in the United States, and Russia must have a lot, and these nuclear weapons are enough to give the earth.

If you really break out the World War, the probability of the human survival on the earth is very low.

After all, the nuclear weapon is not a change in the cold weapon to the hot weapon, but is enough to destroy the sword of the Damakllis!

"What! Do you really think? The long door!" The arrogant is also surprised, and the idea of ​​being said by the night is shocked.

"Hey ..., the teacher, did not expect that the little ghost you brought can actually guess God's ideas! Yes! As long as there is this fear, the battle will disappear!" Pethen swept a night, " The world needs to grow, so the world needs pain! "

"Next, he will advocate yourself is the God of peace!" The night's wind interrupted Payne, he didn't want to listen to Payne naive brainwash.

"Your little ghost is that killed the four members of the woods?" Payne looked at the night grew well and murderous in his eyes.

"Yes? There is a matter, do you come to me?" Night long-faced horns slightly ...

808 chapter, dog biting dog

Payne is like a expression, and his body suddenly appears a huge chameleon.

"Changfeng kid, the long door is not you can deal with, you will return! I am coming with him!" Draw a pattern on his face, both hands together.

When the night is growing, "Good color cactus, you need time to open the cactus? Too much trouble, or change me!"

The purple flame in the night long eyes is burned in the bears, and the hands start the print, and the wind is right in the right hand.

Among the void, a black point is expanded into a black hole, of which the gas is constantly exudated.

"I almost forgot this kid is also a enchanting!" The black hole whispered in the void, he always thinks that the night's endurance has some evil gates, which makes people feel cold.

Night, the corner of the mouth, the eyes look at Penne, "and I summoned the creature than call? Congratulations, the door of hell has opened you!"

"Go out!" Night winds finally worked.

In the black hole, a huge black figure appears in front of the three people.

Floral dragon! The nine-level undead biodium bone dragon from this call!

bass! Night wind a turning station to the huge head of the land bone dragon.

The entire land dragon floral is the soil [yellow] colored flame in the burning of the bears, and the eye hole is also [Huang] sword fire.

This bone dragon is a gentle dragon in the end of the earth, so it is also a feature of the earth.

The so-called land dragon is the dragon that can only be crawled on the ground. Although it is not more than the sky, the firing Dragon, but in general, the strength of the bone dragon is still good in the undead creatures.

At least the chameleon summons from Been, there is too much ju dragon, and the chameleon does not say, and it is called the dragon to be a great insult to the dragon.

"What is this sickness?" Pednes on the big she headstaked in the white dragon, the huge land bone dragon, the heart, "Sure enough, not the same, not An opponent that is easy to deal with! "

~ ▉ At this time, Chao Long Zhang opened a big mouth and directly swallowed the whole belly, and the huge figure of the chameleon disappeared in the original place.

"Hey ... I have disappeared with me?" Night Changshi stands on the floral dragon, there is no action, he is waiting, Waze's attack.

~ ▉ At this time, the top of the two people suddenly appeared in the top of the night, and there were three heads that appeared in the dog, which was very similar to the hunger.

It three heads have expanded the bloody big mouth seems to be swallowed in the moment.

"You use the dog to deal with the bone dragon? It's really true!" The night long's mouth flashed a lot of disdain, still sitting on the head of the bone dragon, there is no action.

The formal bone dragon is a big mouth, and the two huge spears in the mouth are shot. This is the most commonly used attack method of the land bone dragon.

~ ▉! Two lightning giant spears directly penetrate the left and right sides of the three-headed dog.

Oh ~ ▉, the dog head of the three dogs was divided, and it turned out that the three evil dogs were once again to the land bones.

!! At this time, the formal bone dragon slammed two lower grounds, and suddenly he raised a huge bubil in the four weeks of the bone dragon, and the three-headed dumps were stamped into two halves.

Wang! Wang! After Wang ~, I turned it in this time, I was stabbed into a semi-crossing, and the dog was changed to two evil dogs.

In other words, there is already a six-headed dog in the night of the night.

"The bigger the more psychic creatures?" The night is slightly frowned, and the land bone dragon under the pat is taken. "He is too narrow, we go out!"

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