The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 909 of the Chapter 909 of the Prince of Tennis

Immediately, the right farewell is a mid!

boom! The huge explosion sounded, and the virtual dragon was in the wind.

The seemingly transparent variant dragon once again showed the origin, it is already in the night long-lasting punch!

Night live wind with two flies of dragon icon, this chameleon was smashed into the internal organs by this, even the blood is not anxious, instantly kill ...

"It's so fast!" Petin's figure appeared in front of the night.

"Hey, how do you play this?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Wes, and the corner of his mouth is ridiculous.

Payne still has no expression. In this case, Pen is still unfashionable, and the night-long doubizes are skeptical in front of the Petan, but is not his body, but is similar to the or furnish.

Because the night grows through the micro expression between cross, people are not expressive, in fact, the inner heart activities will still be reflected on the face or the body movement, this is a micro-end.

It is also a micro-face for facial paralysis, such as Sasuke or Yuxi.

And the undead creatures of Payne and the night-catching calls, there is no expression, which makes the night grow some suspect.

Psychic! At this time, Petion in front of me is in combination.

!! His handles each other have a psychic rune showing, and then two men wearing a red cloud windbreaker appeared on both sides of Payne.

"This will summon it is a person?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled. "Is it a member of the organization? And these three people have a round?"

"What is going on? Is it a long door? How can three people have a round look?" The one is also eyebrows.

"Who are you! 5.6 First, I will say it again!" The night length of the wind appeared in the body of Petion.

boom! boom! boom! In a very short time, the night grows in the three punches, just like a three bodies, in the three people in Payne.

All instantly hit!

boom! boom! boom! Payne three people were blown up at the same time, and they were embedded in the cement wall.

The three deep black holes appeared in front of the night length and the eyes.

"This little ghost is still so violent!" The tap is also cold sweating, and the movement of the night is too fast, even if the immortal state is also dared to say that the ordinary boxing attack can be next night.

Because [meat] has a certain level of body strength, many of the effects will be lost, because you can't fight at all!

810 chapter, six pairs

"Is it spiked?" When it also turned his gaze to three deep cave, a fat man rushed out.

! There is no expression in the fat man, and it appears in front of the night long eyes.

"Sure enough, there is no feeling, and my boxing seems to be part of his body to absorb some of the body? So the minimum hurt is smaller!" The night's eye brow wrinkled.

boom! The night is once again placed again, and a golden Chakra ball in his hand gathered. "Let me try you have any ability!"

Night windmares will be a blind man with a spiral pill!

At the same time that the big explosion sounded, the fat man actually took the power of the explosion into the body.

bass! At this time, the first thing that was first long and tired also considered that Pethen's guys appeared behind the night.

"Stinky boy, after you!" Tapped.

Fast printed with your hands, then the right hand shot on the ground.

Bang Rynard! One time, in the whispering of the night-lived, there are many golden spurs, all around the nightly wind, is like a 31 blooming lotus.

~ ▉ ~ ▉! These super sharp golden bones are instantly piercing the red cloud windbreaker man behind the night length.

boom! I saw that the man is also a quick printer, which is called out a panda to block the attack of the night.

The body of the panda was pierced in an instant, and the sound of disappeared, and the red cloud windbreaker man was no loss.

Night wind has already understood that these people can say that they are not Payne, or they can be said to be Wes.

It sounds very winding, meaning that Payne is not alone, but the long door in the mouth is controlling these so-called Payne.

Summomard a variety of psychic creatures at the beginning of the beast.

It is the hungry ghost Peden!

As for another Penne, the night-lived wind has not seen what is the ability.

"Stinky boy, do you want to help!" The coming is also asked.

"No!" The night is swaying. "Good play is just beginning, good color cactus, you don't want to intervene! I already know how these guys are going!"

"Ni! What do you know?" The coming also didn't have any communication in front of the three Petion in front of him, and the attack on the night is almost completed in an instant, that animal road Wen actually to go to the spirit of the spirit, and the reaction speed is not the speed of human beings.

"These guys are not ordinary borders!" Looking at the three people in Penne.

"Sharing the visual, so I will be a round to my eyes, it is a bit mean!" Night long-lasting horns slightly fighter, "I am a bit like there is a little in the body!" Old W "

"But do you really think that the fist is vegetarian?" The night's eyes flashed a cold light, "Let you see my true power!"

Night wind retreats the body's golden warfare, and then the arm has doubled a lot.

"What is the stinking child?"

At this time, the huge explosion sounded the ground instant crack blowing under the long feet.

In the eyes of the night-catching eyes, the night is all in the three bodies. After the three Petin's body, in fact, the night's long wind is not bordered, but it is too fast, it seems like it is Three more.

"Continuous ordinary boxing!" The noble arms of the nightstream moved in an instant.

boom! boom! The bombing ~ ▉ is continuously sounded continuously, and the warm waves whose night long belongs should be, the temperature of the surrounding air has risen sharply.

This time, the night is used to have an eighth handed dragon icon.

Every punch is a truthful playing on the back of the three Payne.

There is only a huge explosion in the ear, and he is almost the waves that have been brought by the night-catching fists.

Even so, it is still blown up.

"The body's strength of the long wind is too terrible ..." The bike cross-care is in the chest, still retreat.

"One hundred and eight rogue boxes, finishing the company!" The night is growing up.

Just a second for a short second, the night growth wind continued to bustle, that is, every three Petion ended up with a row of three consecutive times.

Night wind does not use any Chakra or energy, which is pure [meat] body attack, 80% of the dragon icon is played by night.

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