The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 911 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

puff! One time, blood is arrogant!

812 chapter, write round eyes

Four of the four Petion were closed to the bone cage to the meat cake, and the heaven Peshen did not know what method used to escape, in the speed of the back.

"Want to escape?" The night grew, glanced at the heaven, parsing, and waved his right hand, and paid the land bone dragon pursuit.

Just now, this trick consumes a lot of golden Chakra in the night long. It is not much in Chakra in the night, plus the previous wars, in fact, Chakra in the night, there is no more .

I want to put a big trick, solve the six Petion, I didn't expect it to escape the hit of this killing by Heaven Payne.

Just chasing the ground bone dragon rushing lightning, chasing the Tiandao Payne, opened a big mouth to bite the Tiandao Pene, suddenly, the Tiandao Peshen suddenly turned back, the right hand.

Bang! The huge "two or four three" land bone dragons are actually pushed by an invisible force, which is turned into a high altitude.

"Well?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, the land bone dragon fell from the high altitude, and the fallen is the place where he is standing.

! Lifting the right hand in the night, it was in the air, and then took the huge body of the land bone dragon dropped from the air, and then threw the land bone dragon into the small world.

After a series of actions, when the night is again looking forward to the direction of the Tiandao Penne, the Tiandao Peshen has disappeared, and the other night-long's familiar figure is quietly standing in front of the night.

It turned out to be Yuxi Pub!

Yuxi Pub is used to look at the night grows in the cold, and it is also.

"Yuxi Hose? Is it called Petion?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, turned around, "Good color cactus, you will chase Tiandao Payne, don't shoot! I will give it to me." All right!"

"Stinky boy, you have no problem? Chakra in your body has consumed a lot!" There is no worries to alert.

"There is no relationship, just" I want to have a master with the high-rise of blood circles and blood, and a smile in the mouth of the night.

At this time, the night-long wind has guess the six Petion is not the head of the organization, and it is quicker in the organization, and even a black hand is in the back.

"Well, here, give you, contact!" The thumbs up and biting it, and quickly printed at any time, and finally the spirit has a small grain.

And at this time, it is a bigger .

boom! Laters and flew directly and chased the heaven Pedne.

bass! At this time, Yuxio was moved, and his eyes were turning.

~ ▉ ▉

At this time, the purple flame of the loud eyes in the night is burning. "Your opponent is me! I am not telling you, no matter how strong illusion is no effect on me!"

Yisizhiso appeared in the night length and the one in front of it, so that I would like to make two people in the original place.

The fire blood of the Night Wheel is limited to all illusion. He has long, know that Yizhi Hosi launches illusion, and when Uzhi Hostel wants to be bundled to chase the heaven Petion, wave Break.

At this time, Tiandao Payne moved quickly, and finally flew to a high-rise roof.

At this time, a figure drilled out of the ground and is another member of the organization.

"I didn't expect this little ghost to grow this level, but you don't have to escape, take your strength, spend a little time, can kill the little ghost!"

"No! I took the boy with my spots, and he also had two blood jaws of the body of the bone and writing rounds, and [meat] is far more than very much, and more importantly, he can summon all kinds of various The creature. True and his fire, the result is not necessarily ... "Pethen is still a faceless expression.

"What should I do now? Collect everyone, kill the little ghosts and the little ghost?"

"No! I want to catch the nine tail, and the ghosts also go to grab the eight tail, and then just take the little ghost!" Tiandao Payn replied.

"Well, I have to go to the wooden village, you continue to observe the battle here, there is a problem to contact me!" Tiandao Payne ordered.

"Okay!" The absolute sinking into the ground.

At this time, a huge jumped over the heaven Petion, but also the big name ...

"Payne, who is you?" The top of the squat is also chasing Penne.

"The teacher, you are really persistent!" Tiandao Payne handed the ground.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ . ,

The lens is turned back to the night length and Yishe House.

"Why, do you want to drag me?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Yisizhisu, opening.

"Try it!" Yisi Subo did not express a repression.

"In this case, then I am welcome!" The night's eyes became bright from the purple flame, three of which turned.

At this time, the Yuxi foot is exactly the same!

"Well?" Yu Zhi Houli gods moved slightly, but the heart was not calm.

In this world, in addition to himself and Sasuke, some people have written eyes, and it has evolved into three hooks.

There is too much doubts on the night's body, and its growth is too fast, and all kinds of unreasonably have no way to explain.

Nowadays, there is still a bloody boundary of the Yishabo family, which makes a calm Uri Hosi changing.

"You don't have to look at me, this pair is not Sasuke!" Night long-winding saw the mind of Yis Zhi Pubie 3.6, "Who said that you must have a person in Yisha, can have a write-wheel eye!"

bass! At this time, Unecheo was moved, he turned out to be a long-lasting wind.

Yuxi hubstrates out of the windbreaker, and a fine steel in his hand is not straight to the chest of the night.

"Even if you have a write-wheel eye, your speed is alright!" At this time, the eyes of the night's wind are also opened, and the movement of Uzhi Poso is like slowing down in the eyes of the night.

After the right hand, the night's hands have a long sword in the hands of the night. It is the grass sword!

Snapped! The night-length wind instantly took the long sword on the chest and she raised the attack of Uzhi.

At this time, the two eyes of the two eyes were relatively, and the air surrounded by the air fell a few degrees.

Write the wheel eye to write the eyes!

813 chapter, fierce battle

bass! Night long wind wrist slightly hard force, the bitterness of Uzhi Houchi is unable to break.

~ ▉ ▉ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The bodies of the Yisi Poso became two wooden piles, which were for the body.

Under the night length of the eyes, and it is one of the nurgers that can make the body that can make the body, and Yisiza is one of them.

At night, his figure is already behind the Yishe's body, and the branch of the grass sword has been plugged into the back of Yuxi Pub, the whole piercing.

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