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Chapter 330 of Prince Wai Wai

"Emperor, Splendid is your own daughter, you ..." Zhu Guifei cried again, but this time the tears were more sincere than before.

Su Jing waved his hand and motioned the **** to take Zhu Guifei down. He was really tired of Zhu Guifei's mother and daughter.

"Emperor, the splendid splendid came out, I have recognized how much dowry you gave her, but Zhen family, don't take our splendid in your eyes, do you let them despise the royal? Emperor, you are not for splendid, in order Our royal face ca n’t let the Zhen family belittle us. ”

Zhu Guifei has been taken out by the little eunuch. He yelled at the Imperial Study Room. She hoped that Su Jing would hear it and hope that Su Jing would pay attention to the Zhen family for the sake of the royal face.

Zhu Guifei struggled to shout less and less, and until there was no more sound, Su Jing turned back to look at the lesser son who was waiting on his side.

"Princess Zhu Gui said, what happened to the Zhen family?"

"Emperor you ..."

Yoshiko was a little surprised. He waited by Su Jing's side, naturally knowing that Su Jing had his own eyes and ears, but his eyes and ears didn't even report such things? Is the emperor trying to test himself?

But no matter what the purpose of Su Jing, since he asked, Xiao Zizi naturally knows everything. Even the grievances of the Fairy Princess and Zhen Junran many years ago, Zhen Junran said to Aman what she would never forget.

Of course, the focus of Shaozi is that Su Jinxiu is responsible for all this, and Zhen Junran is entangled in the princess of the sun, but he has eaten the bear heart, leopard gallbladder, and does not know the shame.

Su Jing looked at him with indignation, and the smile on his lips was even heavier.

"Your master knows that you are protecting the princess Sun so much, and will definitely reward you well."

"The minions just protect the princess in words. I don't know what you are going to do to reward me?" Xiao Zizi smiled flatteringly, staring at Su Jing in a nonstop manner.


"The servant's heart is toward the princess Sun, and the emperor is naturally satisfied."

Su Jing looked at Xiao Zi and finally smiled, throwing a sapphire inkstone on the table into Xiao Zi's hand.

This sapphire inkstone is Taizu's beloved thing. After Bei'an was founded, he was in the Imperial Study. Now, it has fallen into the hands of Lesser Son.

Less than a stunned stare looked at the inkstone in his hand, he hadn't recovered for a long time.

He determined that this was the emperor's reward to himself, but this reward was a bit too heavy.

If you just throw this to Zhu Guifei, you can block Zhu Guifei's mouth.

"Emperor, this ..."

"Give your master, let his people be smart, and pay attention to the things you should pay attention to. My people have great things to do."

After listening to Su Jing's words, Xiao Zi was relieved and gave the inkstone to his prince. His prince must have a reward. When the time comes ...

Xiao Zi thought, the corners of his mouth had been raised, and the proud look made Su Jing look a little awkward.

The kid was away. Looking at the younger boy, he felt that he could see the kid's face, which was really irritating.

"The emperor is assured that my prince has already arranged it. Inside and outside the harem, the court will go up and down. What do you want to know, despite asking, I will know everything."

"He has a good ability."

I could n’t tell if it was a compliment or a sneer. Xiaozi was complimented and explained with a smile: "The emperor, the prince can only protect the princess, is n’t it? The princess finds a husband who has the ability, and it ’s a mess than to find Zhen Junran. Much better. "

Less than Zi's persuasion came from the heart, but just forgot, Zhen Junran was also Su Jing's son-in-law.

Seeing that Su Jing's face was a little stiff, later realized that Lesser Son realized that he was wrong.

"Emperor, I don't mean that, I mean my prince ...... No, I mean that Zhen Junran he ..."

"What kind of thing is he, I know best."

"Then let Princess Splendid ..."

"That was not the way I chose for her, it was chosen by your master, and it was chosen by herself."

"Then ..."

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