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Chapter 355 is rewarded to you

Zi'an looked at her, and when she saw her face was quiet, she didn't see the kind of worry and anxiety of her daughter, which made Zi'an feel surprised.

She was either forbearing deep enough, or she didn't really worry about Yi'er.

Moreover, she went to find the prince herself, she was just a civilian, how to find the prince?

Zi Andao: "Ma'am, stay here, we can just find it."

The woman looked at them, and finally her eyes fell on King Liang's face. "You are His Royal Highness, are you?"

King Liang nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

"Okay, go ahead and get her back for me." Yi'er mother said, not insisting on the previous statement at all.

King Liang bowed and should get off.

The three of them went out immediately, taking the secret guard and the boss of the princess.

Knowing that the prince was in Lanfang before, the three of them went straight to Lanfang. When they arrived at Lanfang, they discovered that the prince had already left.

As a result, the three of them acted separately, and King Liang entered the palace. Zi An took a few people to find in the wine shop and tea shop in the city, and Xiao Tuo took people to walk along the East Street, where there are many places to check the fence.

Naturally, the three did not know that after they left, Yi'er mother also left.

After she left, she found a beggar at the street and said a few words to the beggar, who then left.

King Liang went to the East Palace. The East Palace said that the prince had not come back, and went to the Queen's Palace again. He had never seen him.

King Liang was very anxious, and the prince took Yier away, and today they went to Lanfang to find him, and he has made him alert. With his brutal temperament, Yier will definitely be in trouble.

Xiao Tuo took a few people to go to the Goulan Pavilion without seeing him.

Zi An searched one by one along the distillery and found nothing, but she saw the beggar walking back and forth on the street. She secretly wondered that she saw a lot of beggars on the sunrise street, but most of them begged in one place and rarely moved.

Xiao Tuo and others rarely pay attention to the prince on weekdays and only stare at the Taifu party. Therefore, most of the places that the prince often goes to do not know.

If Tai Fu would go anywhere in the past, Xiao Tuo could speak up casually. He was responsible for monitoring Tai Fu for some time.

There is no way but to search blindly in this way.

Zi'an was touched by these beggars. The prince's life in Beijing is very high, and he went out in a big battle. He was very high profile. Many people have seen him. If he can use the power of those beggars, he may be able to find him. .

So, Zi An asked the boss of the sword to find a beggar, and asked him to distract people to find him, and he was paid.

When King Liang and Xiao Tuo went to search for the prince, they were really stunned.

The prince originally intended to tease Yi'er, but when Wang Liang came to Lanfang Xingshi to ask for guilt, he changed his previous attitude of tolerance, but he was more genuine.

So, after King Liang and Xiao Tuo left, he ordered someone to imprison Yi'er in a temple outside the city, and he immediately left the city.

He remembered that in the princess's house that day, Xiao Tuo caused him to be slapped by Prince An. He had entered the palace to sue. The queen not only did not help him, but also scolded him, making him angry.

Seeing Xiao Tuo so nervous about the little girl, he seemed to have caught a chance to hit them. Where would he easily let go?

In particular, how could the waste man even look at this little girl, how could he let her go? He has n’t seen the waste man hysterical for too long.

This temple was built by the queen and dedicated to the bodhisattva. It is not a royal temple, but it is only set up for the harem, and only the concubines can go.

There is a village under the mountain, but the people are not allowed to enter Shangxiang.

The people who come here most often are the prince and Yifei. In fact, the monks in the temple know what is going on, but no one dares to say anything.

The lady of Yifei came here yesterday and said that she was here to pray for the princess and to pray for seven consecutive days here.

When Yi'er was arrested, the monks in the temple did not dare to say anything. They also knew that the prince was powerful and overbearing. This temple did not have the incense of the people and could only rely on royalties to provide funds.

The monk, the four majors are empty, but still have to eat, otherwise where is the strength to read the Scriptures?

Yi'er was thrown into the fire room, guarded by the Prince's minions.

Yier's hands and feet were tied and her mouth was sealed, but she was not afraid at all, and she even looked at the Prince's claws with her eyes round and round.

The door was pushed open, and the prince walked in with people, and the minions retreated, "Your Highness!"

The next man moved to the chair to sit down with him. He tilted his feet, glanced at Yier coldly, and waved: "Unlock her."

The next man unraveled Yi'er brutally, took the cloth from her mouth, kicked it, and "kneeled!"

Yier knelt down with a thump and threw his head heavily on the ground, and suddenly blood oozed out.

The prince tweeted: "Look at you, it's really rude, how can you treat the beautiful girl like this? Not yet hurry up?"

The next man grinned and walked over to pull Yier, "Fortune telling you is good, Your Royal Highness is a man who cares for flowers and jades."

The prince laughed strangely, "It's a good person, this palace is such a person."

Yi'er stared at the prince, "Aren't you a brother of Big Brother? Why did you catch me here? They called you, Your Highness, who are you?"

The prince laughed aloud, as if he heard the strange things of Tianda.

Yier froze, "Who wants to marry me?"

The crown prince smiled and looked at her, "Don't you know? That wasteful man went to his mother and said he would marry you, a little maid from the city, and was scolded by her mother. This girl has not dared to find you since then. Really? What kind of use is this waste? "

Yi'er was furious and clenched his fists and said sharply, "You are not allowed to say so, big-headed brother. You will let me go immediately, otherwise my aunt will find me, and you will be miserable."

The prince laughed, "You ma'am? That palace is to see how powerful your ma'am is, how can it make this palace miserable."

Yier looked at him and gasped, "Why are you so bad? You and the big-headed brother are not brothers. You are not like him at all. No wonder he never talked about you in front of me."

The prince snorted, "The waste man is indeed not the elder brother of this palace, he is just a wild seed, he is not qualified to be a Murong family, don't you know? No one will care about this waste person, the mother does not care, this palace does not care, all Everyone only treats him as a waste. "

Yi'er listened to him saying that he was very distressed to King Liang. No wonder he was not happy to see him in the past, but no one liked him.

"You don't care, I care, I won't let you bully him." Yier said angrily.

The prince wanted to rehabilitate Yier well, but seeing her as boring and not challenging at all, she stood up and said to the two minions: "Reward you."

The lady of Yi Fei came here today to burn incense. It is better to steal jade and incense than to spend with this girl.

The two minions looked at Yier's fine skin and tender flesh, and thanked with a fist, "Thank you, Your Highness."

The door of the fire room closed, Yi'er stood up, took a step back, and there was panic in his eyes, "Don't come, you don't come."

The tall man's claws grinned and said: "Little girl, rest assured, Lord will hurt you well."

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