The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 12 Tea cooking skills


The boundless darkness drowned himself, **** broken legs, day after day torture, Li Weiyang suddenly woke up from his dreams, covered with cold sweat, almost soaked the coat. .luanhen. She gasped with a big mouth, until the white scorpion came over and opened the account of the rain over the azure yarn, whispered: "Miss Miss, are you okay?"

Li Weiyang subconsciously glanced at the carved paint bed where she was. She was just dreaming, she was still alive.

In the darkness, Li Weiyang still had some sorrows on his face. The broken hair on his forehead was soaked in cold sweat, and the wet wet land was stuck on the bright forehead.

"Do you miss the third lady again?" Bai Yan asked cautiously, "Would you like some water?"

Li Weiyang shook his head.

At this time, Mozhu came in from the outside of the house and whispered: "Is Miss San uncomfortable?"

This night is the day and night of the day. Li Weiyang glanced at the white, and Bai Hao immediately smiled: "No, just the quilt is thick, sweating!"

Bai Wei is a clever gimmick. Li Weiyang thought that when he was sent to the White House and the Purple Smoke, it was a pity that they always felt that they had been too harsh in the past, and even these two gimmicks had never been close. When the big lady said, she sent out to marry. Now it seems that she needs help, and these two gimmicks need further tests.

Mozhu is the second-class girl next to the old lady Meng's body. Now she is in the room of Miss San. She naturally mentions it. She listened to the white words and smiled. Then she turned and went out to take the hot water on the stove. Come, whisper: "I help the lady wipe the body."

Li Weiyang nodded. Mozhu’s hands and feet were filled with hot water in the brass basin. He took a piece of cloth with a fragrant towel and went up to help the white scorpion to clean and change clothes.

Changed the bedclothes, only felt slightly cool, Li Weiyang's mood slowly calmed down, she looked at the two hoes, smiled and said: "Don't be busy, you all go to rest, there is something I will call."

At noon the next day, Ziyan took a clam of celadon and said, "Miss San, this is sent from the kitchen. It is said that today the master invited the guests, so I can’t wait for the lunch in the backyard. Order a chicken soup mat."

I don’t have a small kitchen like a big sister, I can only eat public meals. After listening to this, Li Weiyang just smiled and said: "Okay." Then she opened the lid, but at a glance, it was a chicken soup diluted in water. There were only four chickens in the bowl, one chicken and one chicken. The neck, a chicken butt, and a piece of chicken ribs are really not decent.

Even if Li Weiyang, he could not help laughing. Li’s family is very big, and the children who have been treated have always been able to pass the surface. They don’t say anything else, and watching the furnishings in this room are very valuable. On the surface, the big lady is not a bit sloppy. However, these expensive furnishings are all in the library. They cannot be lost or damaged. Otherwise, they must be compensated according to the price. And my own clothes, come and go, then the two can see the guests, they have come for a month, although the lady often mentions the person to give them clothes, but never really act. Former life, Jiang has not done so excessively, at least on the surface, she is still a dignified and aunt. It can be seen that the last time I wet her baby daughter's clothes, and Li Changle who coughed for two days before the person was remembered. At the moment, the minions who are clearly underneath have begun to look at the people with low eyes and step on her head. Li Weiyang gave a faint look, like laughing and laughing.

Purple smoke's eyes are red: "Miss San, slaves and the kitchen people have theoretically. As a result, those people said that the other ladies' rules are like this, the three Misses pick and choose, they also said ... other masters If you want to eat anything and drink it, you will make up for it yourself. If Miss San wants to eat well, he can learn to do it."

Sticking? Li Weiyang shook his head with a smile, and she is now a poor, cunning prostitute, where there is money to fill the next person. The big lady’s mouth is sweet and bitter, and when she rewards herself with a lot of things, but she doesn’t have a penny, those things can’t be sold. These people are pregnant and she has no money. Haha, this is really interesting.

Li Weiyang's clear eyes sparkled, and then she told the purple smoke: "Go take scissors."

Ziyan didn't know what she was going to do, but she still went according to the words, but her eyes were staring nervously at her, for fear that she couldn't think of it. Li Weiyang smiled slightly, took off his robe, cut the sleeves of his clothes with scissors, and let the purple smoke take up the thread to make up the thread, and then put on the robe. . Then she stood up and said: "I heard that the five sisters were released today, and now I am asking the old lady."

Purple smoke looked at her, her face was very confused.

"Go, let's go see the five sisters." Li Weiyang's smile is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems to have brought a three-pointer.

Out of the house, Li Weiyang's face is full of smiles like a spring breeze, no one likes to see a face full of tears every day, the old lady is no exception!

The place in the Xiangxiang Pavilion is lively and warm. The big lady is sitting next to the old lady and discussing with the second lady, Meng, about the New Year.

Li Changle wore a white silver fox fur, and the sea bream red streamed pleated skirt. On the dress, she was no more out of the other ladies in the room. She could match her very beautiful looks. Sitting there was conspicuous. I compared the other girls in the room. At this moment, she was smiling and listening to her mother, dignified and quiet.

Li Changxi wore a rose red inlaid with a mole rattle, with gold beads on his head, and the ruby ​​earrings on his ears swayed, his face was smiling, and he couldn’t see the frustration and annoyance of being shut down for a month. Obviously, she has already slowed down from the grievances. She single-mindedly pleased the old lady. From time to time, she said two jokes, but no matter how hard she tried, the old lady’s face was faint and there was no special look. The four Miss Li Changxiao is still silent as always, but from time to time she looks up at the second lady of the second room, Li Changru, and every time she looks at it, Li Changru is staring at Li Changle with hatred.

The people in this room seem to be happy, but they are all worried.

Shantou Luxin took a red-painted wooden tray and sent the tea to everyone's table.

The old lady, Meng, took a sip and took a sip, and suddenly stopped: "Hey? This tea is very fragrant."

Li Changle heard the words and took a sip of his mouth. He agreed: "Well, this soup is also good, and the taste is also positive. It is an excellent top grade." He said to Greens, "I am still old lady here." The people are good, the things are good, I have never eaten such a fragrant tea soup!"

This technique of cooking tea was regarded as an extremely elegant activity in the present. Not to mention that in the palace giants, between the market, it is also very popular. Do not say anything else, Miss Li Changle is a master, but also got the guidance of a famous teacher, and now can get her praise, it can be seen that the skill of this tea-making person is very good!

This time, everyone in the house took tea soup to eat, almost everyone is amazed.

Meng Shi smiled faintly: "Green Xin, your craftsmanship for making tea is soaring, you want to reward."

Green Xin smiled and went down to the body: "Old lady, this tea soup is not a slave, but Miss San."

Everyone in the room is a glimpse, and the big lady’s face can’t be complicated. The old lady Meng’s eyes flashed a faint smile: “Oh, is it Weiyang? Let her come in!”

I have been struggling to say for a long time, the old lady is only faint, Li Weiyang is so easy to let the old lady praise! Li Changxi looked at Li Weiyang, who had entered from the door, and hated to burn a hole in her face almost!

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