The Princess Wei Yang

: 150 人 hostages


Three days later, Princess Yongning met with Li Weiyang, but I did not know whether it was intentional or not. The location was about the garden in the suburb.

"The princess has something to say?" Li Weiyang saw Princess Yongning, the first sentence is like this. However, the other party waved and said, "Let's go on board and say."

She said that she ordered four nieces to row, and she and Li Weiyang were sitting on the edge of the boat, and the boat drove to the lake. Li Weiyang had an unclear understanding of her practice, and then she was a little comprehended. Princess Yongning, is this afraid of having a wall? But what exactly is it, so that the Princess Yongning, who has always been outspoken, is so cautious...

"Weiyang, I am calling you today, to tell you that the Princess of the Western Royal Family and Princess Anguo came here to marry my royal family."

"Marriage? Princess Anguo?" Li Weiyang's face was only a little surprised, and then relieved. Looking at Tuozhen's true attitude, he can also guess what the other party is doing.

"Not only the third brother, but you." Princess Yongning lowered his voice and said this.

Li Weiyang gave a slight glimpse and suppressed the vibration of his heart. He said: "Is it necessary to let me replace the nine princesses?" This is very sharp, but she knows that people like Princess Yongning should not try to play tricks. It’s better to go straight.

Sure enough, the face of Princess Yongning emerged with a trace of embarrassment, but still honestly said: "The father is indeed pity the nine sisters, and she has already been married, and the west is stronger, and it is not good to win the wife who has not passed the door, let alone Nine sisters are still married to Luo Guogong. In addition to the nine sisters in the palace, there is no princess of the appropriate age, but there is one county magistrate. It is really a coincidence to say it. The Queen Mother will seal you as the county owner. This is the Western royal family. It is."

Li Weiyang sighed and there was never such a coincidence in the world. I am afraid that the Queen Mother is already calculating. Yes, compared with the use of secret means to frame their own virtues, how bright the Queen Mother is. Are you not making meritorious deeds, I will reward you well, and the county lord can not do anything. Does this grace not allow you to go to heaven proudly? Waiting for you to be happy, good, and the errands of the pro, are you not happy? When you first accepted the title of the county, why not say that you are not happy, this is the price you have to pay.

Compared with Desheng, the Queen’s method is a hundred times higher than the high-altitude, and it also makes you dumb to eat coptis, and you can’t say it. After all, Li Weiyang was originally a young lady who was born in the prime minister's house. He was able to get the Queen's favor as a county lord. It was a step-by-step journey to enjoy the glory of the rich and the envy of the people. You must go honestly and kiss, without any room for refusal. Even if you know that the other side is calculating you, you still have to thank you, because the county main book is sealed in front, and the pro-family is behind.

"Speaking of it, the father is also helpless. I will tell you this in advance, just to make you have a preparation in your heart." Princess Yongning quietly observed Li Weiyang's look.

Li Weiyang smiled and smiled. He couldn't see anything unusual on the face. He said in a whisper: "Thunder and rain are all graceful. Since Weiyang has accepted the grace of the Queen Mother, it is natural to worry about the Majesty and the Queen Mother, so even if the pro is true, Weiyang can only accept it."

"Good is right." In the eyes of Princess Yongning, she passed a trace of ecstasy. She thought that Li Weiyang would be fiercely opposed. After all, no one would be willing to let go of a good day and rush to the unfamiliar miles of life. She did so selfishly to the extreme, but that was also for her sister, the nine princesses. Li Weiyang does not go, he has to go to the nine princesses. "The Yuexi West is different from my Dali. The adult princes have been sealed by Wang Kaifu. The four emperors are enshrined in Yanwang. His mother is a beautiful prostitute in the Empress Dowager. After the mother died, the descendants were raised by the descendants. Big, so it is equivalent to the post-mortem, the status is much more noble than the average prince, it is not aggrieved."

Li Weiyang smiled and listened. In the view of Princess Yongning, the Yanwang of the West is the royal family. Although the mother’s birth is not high, it is the queen’s own raising, which is equivalent to the Queen’s biological son. Although you are also out of Li Weiyang, if you don't have a post-uplift, you don't have anything, so such a marriage is not aggrieved, it is simply a leap-level lift.

She is now sure that Princess Yongning is the order of the Queen Mother, to order her. By the way, I warned her that if I don’t want to say this again, I will only die if I wait for her. I also want to know what will happen to those who dare to refuse.

"I heard that Yan Wang has not been jealous. Once you marry, it is Yan Wang, and you are married on behalf of Da Li, and the other party does not dare to grieve you." Princess Yongning whispered softly.

Li Weiyang sneered, the princess of the Dali married, the other party may still have scruples, but his identity, there is no prominent royal status, the family is far away, even if there is any wrongedness can only go to the stomach Pharynx, even unable to go home to cry, compared with the world-famous Wang Hao, they really can only stand by. In fact, it is a grievance, and one accidentally died. As long as a paper document says that it is sick and dead, who will go after it? At that time, Yan Wangyi was born in the side of the big family, and he could see it better. Li Weiyang thought this way, but he smiled.

Princess Yongning is still comforting, but Li Weiyang’s line of sight has moved far. In this world, the emperor always has the final say. They can control the fate of all people and will not allow you to resist. However, the position of the emperor, but after all, one day to change people...

In the distance, the lake is green, the lotus leaves are tender, the lotus is in full bloom, and it is beautiful in the pool. Li Weiyang's body is slightly sideways, and his fingers are shallowly extended into the water, and the surface of the water is drawn out as the boat floats.

"Weiyang, that Yan Wang I have not seen, but the beauty of the Western Royal Family is notorious. You can guess the appearance of the Princess Anguo. I will tell the Queen Mother that the idea will let you see one side." Princess Yongning looked at Li Weiyang with a smile, thinking that she was very satisfied with the marriage. Although she was surprised, she continued. "I see, marry the past. This calendar can find out the man who matches you, but it is not very Easy..." When Li Weiyang was still in the prime of money, the family of the public servants could still pick one or two. Now she is a county magistrate. This marriage is even harder to find. I have to be the right person at home, but I also want others to be embarrassed. I am afraid I don’t know how long it will take. Li Weiyang’s age is not small, but even Miss Li’s four people come to visit, but she has never been interested...

However, it was because she had been too stiff with Jiang’s family, and she did not leave her own way. After all, she passed a lot of sultry reputations. In this way, going to and relatives is a way to go.

Li Weiyang's arm stretched into the water shallowly, and the wave of clear water was drawn. The smile on his face was faint from beginning to end. There was neither opposition nor approval, even the shyness of ordinary girls.

Yongning couldn't help but sigh in the heart. If it wasn't for the nine princesses, I really didn't want to do such a chore. In her opinion, why bother to run this, Li Weiyang is the daughter of the courtiers, and the direct intention is, why? Nonsense, but the Queen Mother said that she is a very thoughtful person. If something goes wrong, it is not good. I should first analyze the pros and cons to her, and let her sincerely thank her.

The royal family is such a hypocrisy, hitting you with a slap, knocking out your two teeth, and you are grateful and grateful.

Li Weiyang was thinking about this. Suddenly he heard the niece screaming next to him. Princess Yongning turned quickly and turned to the back. Suddenly, the face was horrified, and the people stood up. One of the prostitutes was overly horrified. The pulp fell into the lake and splashed a large splash.

Li Weiyang looked at their eyes and saw Tan Yun standing on the rock outside the railing of the lakeside pavilion, crumbling.

"Quickly go over there!" Princess Yongning was completely stunned, and Li Weiyang calmly and quickly told the four prostitutes that they reacted and quickly took the boat to the other side. But before they got there, Tan Yun had jumped into the water with a bang, splashing a splash of water.

Princess Yongning was completely frightened and could barely say half a word.

The prostitutes yelled at the door and shouted for help - the guards guarded the lake, and Li Weiyang and the prostitute who rowed the boat quickly hurried the boat to Tan Yun and extended the pulp to her so that she could not sink. Unexpectedly, Tan Yun did not grasp the meaning of the pulp at all, but fell straight into the lake, and soon the top of his head disappeared.

"Not good, she tied something on her body!" Li Weiyang frowned. In a twinkling of an eye, there is a water-stricken prostitute who drowns and quickly swims to the place where the other person sinks. A fierce man goes down and climbs the stunned Tanyun. With the help of others, he will drag Tan Yun to them. On the boat. Li Weiyang saw that Tan Yun’s feet were tied with a stone, so that her whole person had just sunk down. This shows that she is eager to find death.

Li Weiyang personally gave her a massage belly, saw her in the belly and then patted her face, trying to make her awake, and ordered the prostitute to take off her robe and put it on her.

Princess Yongning looked at her, almost at a loss, and she felt embarrassed. She was a big princess and a master. I didn’t know what to do if I encountered such an unexpected situation. On the contrary, Li Weiyang was so calm, it was like Older than her.

"Is she still alive?" Yongning was authentic.

Li Weiyang gently opened the chaos on Tan Yun’s face, and found that her brow was crumpled and her teeth were close, as if she was bent on her death, she could not help but sigh and said: “Also live, but it’s almost dead. ""

Yongning didn't know what her words meant. She was a bit stunned. At this time, the prostitutes had already put the boat on the shore. A group of people helped Tan Yun to go ashore and panicked to ask the doctor. When Princess Yongning saw that Li Weiyang was not feeling right, this said: "What is wrong with this? Is she not good here?"

Li Weiyang glanced at Princess Yongning and shook his head. This - it seems that she should not ask her such an outsider. At this time, Tan Yun suddenly woke up, and immediately got up, the next prostitute immediately tried to hold her, but she madly bite the arm of a prostitute, the whole face is mad and does not say Even the eyes are blood red. Li Weiyang keenly noticed that the ten fingers that Tan Yun had extended, all the nails were peeled off, and each finger had no idea what was deformed by the object, and the blood was very terrible. She involuntarily took a half step back.

Tan Yun is a famous artist of the impeachment. How do you play it in the future? Li Weiyang looked at Princess Yongning and saw her face with an extremely horrified look. She screamed: "What is going on here?! What happened to everyone's hand!"

In the days of the Dali, for the skilled woman, the usual title is everyone. This is the case with Mo Niang. At this moment, seeing Tan Yun’s pair of such wonderful hands became this appearance, Yongning could not help but startled. The first reaction was that the prostitutes did not take care of her. Who knows that the prostitutes all face each other and can’t say half a word. "Princess... Princess, slaves don't know!"

The prostitute who had been taking care of Tan Yun only stumbled over and fell to the ground, saying: "The princess is forgiving, the princess is forgiving! It is the slave who can’t see the week, and will let the people go everywhere -"

Yongning sees Tan Yun as a mad and insane appearance, and said: "What happened? Tan everyone was so good yesterday! How did you hurt this day? Even the mind is not awake, just jumped over the lake! You really How to care!"

The prostitute trembled in fear, saying: "Slaves... Sorrows don’t know how it will become like this! In the first two days, everyone moved into the house, and the mood has been suppressed. I didn’t know if I had an illusion last night. I suddenly said that I was I saw what the black man was. After that, I started the nerves and quickly became mad. The slaves watched her day and night according to the princess's instructions, but she had a night out in the night, and the slaves were all exhausted and could not sleep in the early hours. She ran out at this time, but she didn’t know how to get hurt, but she still had to vote for the lake-"

"Nonsense, how could it be okay yesterday, today is crazy! Where is the truth in the world!" Princess Yongning scolded.

Li Weiyang looked at Tan Yun, could not help but silence, Tan Yun is crazy, she can basically guess. For a person who regards life as a life, she suddenly peels off her fingernails and ruined her hand, so that she can no longer hold her, which is equivalent to killing her only belief in survival. She was greatly stimulated at once and hated to die in the lake. This kind of mood is understandable. However, it is really amazing that someone can avoid the surveillance of so many people and start to Tan Yun. And like the Mo Niang, if there is a deep hatred and hate, it is directly killing, why bother to torture people?

Mo Niang is a dancer. The most important thing is the slender body and a pair of touching eyes. So she ruined her good skin and dug her beautiful eyes. Tan Yun is impeached. Master, who did not hesitate to break Tan Yun's hand for convenience - such a mind is a hundred times more than a direct killing of the other party.

Princess Yongning’s face was white and said: “Who is the man who dares to start in the Princess House?”

Li Weiyang stared at Tan Yun’s **** hands and said: “Nature is the one who murdered Mo Niang.”

Princess Yongning reveals an incomprehensible look: "But if you want to start, you can kill Tan Yun together that day. Why do you have to pay for Zhouzhang for three days?"

Li Weiyang sneered: "This is going to ask the black hand behind the scenes." In fact, she can vaguely guess a clue. The death of Mo Niang is because Tuoba really has no help, and Princess Anguo cannot tolerate her. That Tan Yun, it is because she said two words to help Mo Niang out of her sisterly sentiment. That person means, you are not helping her, I will let you see the other person bitterly dying, and then you must live in the horror of being murdered at any time, and then torture you to death a little bit.

This distorted mind cannot be made for outsiders, and it sounds like that. However, Li Weiyang probably can guess, because she just looks at the eyes of Princess Anguo, she feels that there is an unpredictable shadow in the other's heart. The royal family often regards human life as a mustard. However, life is in the eyes of Princess Anguo, but it is even more unfortunate than the grass mustard. The whole game is a game that makes her happy. Everyone is in this game. piece. In her innocent face, there is infinitely murderous and malicious, extremely elf eccentric, and arrogant, and acting style is simply unreasonable and unreasonable.

"I will order Jingzhao to thoroughly investigate the case, and I must take the black hand out behind the scenes!" Princess Yongning was indignant.

Li Weiyang shook his head and smashed it out? Even if you can get out of it, will the Dali risk bravely deal with the Princess of Anguo? Regardless of whether Jing Zhaoyin started with the spirit of observing the autumn, in the end, he will become a catcher and a deer, because he is fair and unselfish, and he can’t dare to marry the West Princess. Because the relationship between the Dali and the South Xinjiang has been deadlocked, it is extremely necessary to take the position of the West. Yao Changqing is an honest official, but he also knows what is big or bad. The Vietnamese Princess is a small murderer, and the national people are big. If it is really traced, it will not only create a defamation case, but also make the case become more and more like a snowball, until it is too big to control. This matter, Li Weiyang knows that Yongning Princess is not stupid, she must be aware of it, otherwise she will not be as good as Tuozhen, and choose to tolerate the arrogance of Princess Anguo. Therefore, Li Weiyang just said: "Princess, let's treat the people in the pool first."

Princess Yongning was dumb, and she glanced at Li Weiyang, and the Princess of Anguo was smashed thousands of times. They are all royal children. No one is more noble than anyone else. Although the calendar is not as strong as the west, it is not a weak country. If it was changed in the past, she had already ordered the Princess of Anguo to be buckled. However, the situation today is very special. Even the father and the emperor have added to it, and blamed all the actions of Princess Anguo on the arrogance and arrogance. In the case of the complaint, I thought that the emperor would help her to get back to justice. He taught the Princess Anguo. Who knows that Anguo just surrendered a guard as a deadly ghost who accidentally injured the nine princesses. The father also turned a blind eye and calmed down. Yongning had no choice but to understand this abnormal situation. He couldn't understand it at this time. He could only sigh and waved: "You bring people down." The prostitutes looked at each other and helped Tan Yun.

Princess Yongning looked at Li Weiyang and said: "Weiyang, you see this today -"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Princess, as you said, everything is handed over to Jing Zhaoyin. I think he will find out the murderer as soon as possible." She will not care about this because she has nothing to do with her, she is not the savior. Will not save those who are not important. Tan Yun and Mo Niang, she can't do much if she wants to save, and it will bring countless troubles to Mind. Of course, she is clearly divided, so as long as Princess Anguo does not come to provoke her, she will do nothing.

Li Weiyang came out of the princess palace. Bai Yu and Zhao Yue were waiting for her on the side of the carriage. Zhao Yue saw her out and followed the carriage.

Li Weiyang looked at Zhao Yue and asked thoughtfully: "Zhao Yue, if your brothers and sisters join hands, can you beat the man with a knife on his face next to Princess Anguo?"

Zhao Yueyi, like if he didn't realize that Li Weiyang would ask this question, he couldn't speak for a while, but his face was a bit whitish.

At this time, the carriage has begun to move forward, leaving the Princess House and heading for the official road. Li Weiyang looked at her embarrassed look and said: "If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Zhao Yue shook his head and gritted his teeth: "If he is alone, slaves and big brothers should join forces, you should be able to stop him, but if the other four join hands, it is difficult to say."

Li Weiyang nodded and said: "This is much better than I thought." She looked at Zhao Yue's face with a look of slyness. She just wanted to comfort her a few words, but she heard the hoof sound suddenly after the car. In a hurry, with a blink of an eye, I saw the four riders rushing forward from the back of the car and surrounded the carriage. One of them laughed happily: "I heard that this carriage is sitting on the nine princesses of the Da Li, and I picked up the curtain and came to see me!"

Li Weiyang stunned, Zhao Yue had opened the corner of the car curtain, but put Li Weiyang behind him, only took a look, Li's **** had all been knocked down to the ground, and she did not even have time to notice.

"Let your princess come out to see me." The man laughed loudly.

Zhao Yue looked up at the other side and was shocked.

Seen in the eye is a very young man, a gorgeous robes, gorgeous and gorgeous like a phoenix, he has a beautiful and incredible appearance, Fengmei eyebrows, Zhu Lip Yao nose, exquisite facial features perfect can not find a trace . This kind of charm is a kind of fascination beyond the gender and appearance. Zhao Yue followed Li Weiyang and used to be a handsome man. Besides Li Minde, who is not obsessed with beauty, she has not seen such a beautiful man. Yes, Li Minde's looks are beautiful, but they will never let you think of a woman. But this man is extremely feminine and extremely gorgeous. If there is a throat on his throat, you can't believe that he is a man.

He licked his head and smiled on his face, which made him feel terrified. However, his mouth was filled with a playful smile, and his unpleasant taste was between the man and the woman. Dangerous and evil: "Hey, this girl is not bad!"

Behind him, there are six Tsing Yi guards. Among them, the one who lives in the first place has a tiger-bearing waist. It is even more ugly next to this beautiful boy. He snorted and smiled charmingly: "Wang Ye, do you want to go through the curtain completely?"

The Chinese costume boy smiled and said: "You don't have to, the Nine Princesses should be happy to meet with me!"

Zhao Yue saw him say this, his heart was very angry, he said: "This is not the car of the nine princesses, please leave!" If ever, she had already flew to give this guy a sword, but she saw the six Tsing Yi guards. However, there is no movement, and from the inside, the six people who are not well-known are the top players. She can fight with each other, but she can't take Li Weiyang's adventure.

The Huafu son dragged down and smiled. "Isn't it a princess, then it's fine. It's a gorgeous carriage. It must be a beautiful girl! It is said that the Da Li woman has a unique charm. I also played a few these days. With the white noodles, you can only let you pinch, it is really tired, this horse in the carriage is so pretty, I think the master is not bad, quickly open the curtain I am!" That Tsing Yi guard interface laughed: "Wang Ye said so, Do you want to kiss a Fangze?" Huafu Gongzi smiled and said: "I am afraid that the girl will not." Tsing Yi guard laughed and said: "There is a subordinate, Wang Ye wants this woman, is it better to take a bag?"

Zhao Yue’s face has already turned green, and Li Weiyang faintly said: “It’s just like the opening of the curtain, I’m afraid that it’s the son’s appetite.”

Huafu Gongzi obviously does not believe, the slender white hand holds a fan, the mouth is lightly hooked, the beauty looks like water, the first words contain three points of laughter, the wind can also be said, it is also frivolous, just waiting for Li Weiyang to drive curtain.

Zhao Yue looked back and was shocked. Then he woke up and smiled: "You can be optimistic about that son." He said that he completely opened the curtain and revealed the appearance of Li Weiyang in the carriage.

There was a beautiful girl in the carriage, but unfortunately, the beautiful face was full of pockmarks, and people looked at the scenery of Datun. There was a pock on the eyelids. It was very strange. ugly. The Huafu son was taken aback, but saw the curtain suddenly put down. Zhao Yue Gao said: "You have seen the appearance of my lady, can you leave now?"

Huafu Gongzi and the six guards were all stunned. Even the words were forgotten. The Chinese clothesman turned back and gave a slap in the face of the Tsing Yi guard: "Where did you find the ugly monster, I still dared to show me! It was It’s too long!”

The Tsing Yi guard of the tiger's back is completely stunned, and he trembles on the ground: "Yes, yes, the prince is forgiving! It must be wrong with the subordinate! Behind the sin!"

Zhao Yue held back his smile and said: "Isn't you still letting go?"

The Chinese servant swarms the fly and says: "Roll!"

Zhao Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that Miss did not want to get into trouble today, so she told the coachman: "Go away."

Who knows that the carriage has not gone a few steps, then the Tsing Yi guards whispered: "How can you make a mistake? It is this carriage that is clearly said!"

Huafu Gongzi thought it wrong, and sighed: "Stand up!" Zhao Yuexin sinks, the Tsing Yi guard has been forced to come up, she took out the long sword, and felt a very strong softness to open her sword, unconsciously The empty door of the chest is exposed, and the guard of the tiger's back is a pair of iron palms, such as a big axe, and it is empty. Zhao Yue hurriedly left his left foot, and his right foot vacated. He flew down from the carriage. In an instant, the two men had a long sword and fought for twenty rounds.

Zhao Yue is more and more uneasy, and the Tsing Yi guard is also awkward. When he went to the calendar, he did not meet the enemy. Whoever expected to encounter Zhao Yue’s little girl, not only did not have the slightest advantage, but was scorned by her. Zhao Yueqi was in the air and sent a signal to the air. The Tsing Yi people saw it and immediately understood it, but there was no word and quickly attacked.

The Huafu son saw the two deadlocked, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and the other people smiled and said: "Is it stupid?" The other people immediately returned to the gods, and five long swords came up to attack Zhao Yue.


Zhao Yue was scratched by a long sword and his back was injured. She gritted her teeth and turned back to block the second sword. While entangled a few people, they were not allowed to have a chance to get close to the carriage. Between the movements, the wound on her back was split and the blood was flowing. In this case, it could not be supported for too long. .

Recently, the winds in Kyoto are tight, and people who are murdering and murdering the Jiang family are everywhere. The secret guards who had been sent to protect them around Li Weiyang were all eye-catching, so they had to temporarily remove them. They only sent a lean Lifu. Guard protection, but it is no surprise that whoever dares to plunder in Kyoto, this is still on the official road! As long as you stick to it for a while, the master and the big brother will see the signal and will bring someone to rescue! Zhao Yue did not hesitate any more, his movements were more rapid and hot, his left hand turned, he clasped the wrist of a guard, and then slammed, and instantly broke the other's wrist bones.

Li Weiyang has opened the curtain and frowned at this scene. She does have a full-fledged idea, but at this moment, it is not useful. If it is a reasonable person, she can also try to negotiate with the other party, bargaining, because her identity is special, and she is very clever, and she has absolute certainty to save the risk; however, it is a group of inexplicable people, the other party is What purpose! No, wait a minute, look at the appearance of the young son, they call him a prince, is it ——

Although Zhao Yue is a top player, but facing the siege of six martial artists with high martial arts, there is no way to easily win. Suddenly, she has a palm in her left shoulder, slamming the ground, making a sound of a broken bone, and the blood is big. The group came out and dripped on the ground, which was shocking.

Li Weiyang couldn't help but clench his hands and stared at the scene with his eyes wide open - "Stop!"

Huafu Gongzi suddenly looked at her and waved his fan. He said, "What are you? Why let me stop!"

Li Weiyang gently licked his face and showed the original beauty: "I am the owner of Anping County, the person you really want to find." She just put the sesame on the pastry on her face. It is only now that the true face is revealed.

After a glimpse of the Chinese costume, he laughed and said, "What about that? If this gimmick dares to resist, I can kill her first and take you away."

"Ka!" Another record of broken bones, Zhao Yue's left leg was kicked hard, as if the bones were cracked and generally sounded, she was kneeling on the ground, obviously could not stand even standing However, it is still straight up the waist, waving a long sword with madness, not letting the other side have a chance to leave.

Li Weiyang looked coldly, as if Zhao Yue’s life and death had nothing to do with her, but her voice was cruel and colder than before: “Your Royal Highness, my niece has a wound, I want your people. If you die, if I am dead, I will ask you to go to the temple to worship her, you can believe?!"

The Chinese costume son listened to her talking and interesting, and could not help but laugh. He has a deep heart, and naturally he does not really believe that Li Weiyang has this ability. He smiled a few times and said to Li Weiyang: "You--" He originally wanted to say that if you have this ability, I will kneel down to you. The girl is good. But when he was on the pair of cold eyes, he was dumb.

How can anyone in this world have such a look, cold, depressed, and no feelings. She is stating a fact and is not threatening him. She just told him that if Zhao Yue had a wound, he would have to have one of his guards to die. If Zhao Yue died, she would avenge the **** and ask him to bury him.

No, wait a minute, she called him Yan Wang! She knows his identity! Yuan Zhen was completely stunned, and he stared at Li Weiyang. However, the other side also looked at him. In the eyes of the old wells, there was no fear in the expression.

Judging from the information he obtained, Li Weiyang was only a good show who had won the position of the county by the Queen of the Bar, but he didn't want to have such a cold look. It was not like a living person, and there was no smoke. This young girl should not have such a look, even if it is the sisters of her group of arrogant women, there is no shortage of young girls like Princess Anguo, she will not reveal such terrible eyes.

"Stop!" he subconsciously. The six Tsing Yi guards had their hands on time. Zhao Yue had suffered multiple injuries, but he still stood up and stood up, dragging his injured leg and returning to the carriage. He didn’t even have the strength to get on the carriage. Can only rely on the carriage. The coachman was already scared and shivering. He didn’t dare to speak at all, and the guards of the Li family didn’t know where to go.

Yuan Zhen stared at Li Weiyang and did not speak for a while.

This seemingly weak girl, but her body is full of swordsmanship. In her beautiful face, she could not see the slightest fear and fear, as if she were not in a desperate situation.

This girl is really arrogant! Yuan Wei looked at Li Weiyang, although he was not moving, but Li Weiyang has undoubtedly left him with such an impression: This is a proud and powerful girl. Although she was in a bad situation, she did not retreat, nor did she feel that she had fallen to the bottom. Of course, there is also a possibility that Li Weiyang is a blind arrogant person. However, Lantern also knows that this possibility is extremely small. No woman like Li Weiyang can bring him such great pressure, making him difficult to breathe. He subconsciously broke the silent silence and said coldly: "Bring the carriage back."

Li Weiyang put down the curtain, she didn't even ask where to go. Yuan Zhen became more and more confused about Li Weiyang's mind and waved his hand: "Take the niece too!" Then, the group of people crossed the official road and entered the woods, and disappeared quickly.

Waiting for a hidden house in the location, Yuan Zhen sent people to put down the eye mask of Zhao Yue and others. He invited Li Weiyang to the room with enthusiasm, and then he stared at Li Weiyang and looked around with a seven-point provocation. , three points to watch out.

Yan Xiyuan of Yuexi, from childhood to the Queen of the Queen, has a higher status than others. Today, he is already a king of Yan, but he clearly caught Li Weiyang, but he did not understand Why did she look so calm?

"You can worry?"

"Natural worry." Li Weiyang faintly said, Yuan Zhen's face showed a disappointment for a moment. He originally thought that Li Weiyang would say something, but he did not expect that she was just like this. She was scared by herself and opened her mouth, and it seemed that she did not even have the resistance. Li Weiyang calmly went on and said: "I don't know when I can see the heads of the six guards?"

Yuan Zhen did not turn around and instinctively said: "What do you say?" In his capacity, he said such things, even he felt a little embarrassed. He had to cough gently to cover up.

Li Weiyang looked at him coldly and said: "Yan Wang and Anguo Princess are both VIPs of the Dali, and they are allies who have been invited by the Majesty. However, you have robbed the Anping County Lord and even injured my guard. This is the provocation of the Yuexi to the Dali, and it is an unconcealed conspiracy. When you entered Beijing this time, it was clearly based on the principle of showing good alliances, and secretly colluding with the reality of the South Xinjiang. The purpose was to subvert the mountains of my calendar and slaughter me. The people of the calendar!"

"What are you talking about! I am asking you to be a guest -"

After giving Yuan Zhen a such hat that he could not afford, Li Weiyang said again: "The Princess Anguo first humiliated the princess of our country. It was originally a matter of incomprehensibility and no rules! Seeing that she is about to form an alliance, she has launched A scapegoat, we squatted and spared her arrogance. Then she sent people to kill Mo Niang and murder Tan Yun. After all, we have no evidence, no catch on the spot, or not! But today I am on the official road. I was robbed, and my close-knit women had to fight for the blood in order to protect me. This matter was seen by dozens of Lifu guards, not by myself. If I could not return safely, my father Li Yuxiang was for The reputation of my Li family is also to make a noise on the Golden Temple. When the Yan King’s evil deeds will be revealed to the world."

"I - Li Weiyang, you don't want to talk nonsense. I was sent by the Western Emperor to form an alliance. When did you collude with South Xinjiang!" Yes, he caught Li Weiyang for another purpose, but the Western Emperor sent him. Come, but it is indeed for the alliance, this is not adulterated.

The Western Emperor of course sent a special official for the alliance, Xiao Zhengtian, and this person is straightforward and well-known. Now, he and Li Xiaoran have already negotiated the conditions and signed the alliance book. It can be seen that the Vietnamese people are serious about the alliance. And, not only do they need them in the calendar, they also need a calendar. If the alliance is to avoid harassment in southern Xinjiang, then the west is to embezzle the entire southern Xinjiang. When they deal with southern Xinjiang, they naturally hope that the Dali can become an ally, and then the two countries can share the benefits and share the fruits of the game.

Princess Anguo clearly follows the messenger of Yuexi to visit the Grand Canal... The face of the Royal Highness of Yan Wang is the messenger of the West, but he is directed at other things. The person behind him is the Queen of the West! In a short period of time, Li Weiyang has already sorted out the whole matter. It is precisely because the purpose of the Queen of the Queen is not to sue, so Yan Wang will invite her in this way, but this can only be done privately. If it is suddenly smashed out, Yan Wang can’t eat it, then the Queen is also It will be detained with impediments to alliances and disasters.

"You--" Yuan Zhen stunned Li Weiyang. He didn't say anything about this horrible person. She dared to preempt her. "If this thing goes out, your innocence will be ruined. Can you dare say it?"

Li Weiyang suddenly smiled softly, and the smile was full of malice. She looked up and stared at the beautiful face of Yuanxiao, and sneered: "Innocent? What kind of shit! You can know me, Your Royal Highness. Who is Li Weiyang? You know what is the reason why I am not married at this age! If you don’t find out, you will find something, you are really, stupid enough!”

Yuan Zhen’s face was suddenly white and white, and he could hardly tell a half-word. Who is Li Weiyang, how would he know! He never looked at the girl in her eyes. She was just a weak female stream. Even though the intelligence said that this person was suspicious and tenacious, he never believed it. But now, see how he caught it. Hot potato!

He arrested Li Weiyang for its purpose. Of course, she could not let her die. But if the Li family really took things out, then he would become a sinner who would destroy the Dali and the Western Alliance, even if he would protect him. With him, the father and the stubborn Yuexi old courtiers will also swallow him away.

Li Weiyang, it’s **** it!

He thought of it here and lost a smile: "The county owner, I am just asking you to be a guest. If you can't talk about hijacking, why should you lose your reputation to frame me?"

Li Weiyang looked at him and said: "That will kill your six guards, let's talk."

------Off topic ------

Edit: There is a baby downstairs saying that I broke my mouth, >_

Xiao Qin: You have broken your mouth O(n_n)O Ha!

Editor: ╭(╯^╰)╮ There is a baby who says that he has seen more than one hundred chapters, just to see where you can get this Raven.

Xiao Qin: For a long time, this poor baby must have been stupid by the thunder, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Edit: →_→

Xiao Qin: I finally have Weibo... Please remember, Sina Weibo, Xiaoxiang Qinjian, everyone is coming to play with me, hahahahaha

Edit: Will you use it?

Xiao Qin: o(╯□╰)o

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