The Princess Wei Yang

: 183 Hongmen Banquet


Li Weiyang sent Jiang Nan’s back to go, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared. Jiang Nan is not a normal coward. He is smart, alert, and decisive. The only drawback is that he is too proud. But now, obviously he has been able to restrain his arrogance - entering the Princess House means that he has let go of his past identity and pride.

In the past, Li Weiyang was able to compete with the Jiang family. The biggest benefit was that she was alone, with a hard stone, but the Jiang family was a beautiful jade. The two sides collided, and the natural damage was jade. This point, the Jiang family also understood, so When they make any decision, they must carefully consider the consequences of their actions. It is inevitable that they will not be able to do anything. But now, the situation seems to have been transferred, and the people who have gone out of their way have become Jiang Nan, and Li Weiyang is still sensitive to take care of, so she is not prepared to lose her life to take revenge.

Hey, this play is not good to watch. Li Weiyang thought about it, but smiled softly.

Guo Cheng came to her next moment, and all smiles were: "Why, have you confirmed it?"

Li Weiyang had a faint smile on his face and said, "Yes, it is true that Jiang Nan is not wrong."

Guo Cheng sighed and said: "The imperial family, the family of the family, has fallen to the point of being a male pet. It is really pitiful."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "No, no pity. If the humiliation can achieve the goal, he will be successful."

Guo Cheng bowed his head for a moment: "As a matter of fact, with the help of the princess, Jiang Nan’s departure from this identity is just around the corner. It seems that you still have to be more careful."

Li Weiyang’s smile is like a wave of water in the water, and it’s gone: “It’s hard to prevent the dark gun from hiding. I’m going to be careful, and I’m still coming. Drinking water, because Guo’s family can come here, the same Mrs. Guo will never forget my goodwill. Therefore, no matter when I am, I will try my best not to be tired of Guo’s family. The third brother does not have to worry.”

Guo Cheng looked at her, and there was a hint of surprise: "I don't mean this. I just care about you." Although Li Weiyang may not believe it, but these days, she always faces alienated and cold, but right. Mrs. Guo is filial and responsive, and is very respectful to them. From the no-planning, he always has a illusion of ambiguity, as if Li Weiyang is really his younger sister Guo Jia. Subconsciously following her, I just hope that this wonderful illusion will last longer. Because if Li Weiyang and Jiang Nan fight, it is bound to be implicated in Lin'an Princess, he does not know what consequences will be brought, so he will make a point.

Li Weiyang just smiled and said: "If I don't even have the ability to save myself, I have already become a loess." She looked at Guo Cheng and said, "I don't want to be tired of Guo... ”

Guo Cheng laughed and said: "Guo Jia and Sui Huang are originally dead enemies. There is nothing to be tired and not tired. Just I hope that you are safe, because the mother can not be without you. When necessary, I will give you help……"

Li Weiyang thought for a moment, but he shook his head and said: "No, this thing, I should solve it myself." She does not like the affliction of others, especially Guo. Yes, she relied on Guo’s family to enter the power of the capital, but in getting along, she noticed Mrs. Guo’s unreserved love of the girl, the closer she is, the more she feels guilty, the more she Will be tied up. Therefore, she would rather come for herself.

Guo Cheng looked at her in surprise and was speechless. For a long time, he said: "Whether you accept my help, you are already Guo Jia, this identity will not change anyway. It also means that everything is tied to Guo's honor and disgrace. More important The refuge of the Guo family is always much better than the wind knife sword you are outside. The truth is that you should measure it yourself."

Li Weiyang bowed his head and said: "I have not accepted the asylum of Guo's family?" Although she does not want to swear, she can owe less to her, and she can be less affected by Guo. Recently, the warmth and goodwill of this family has made her feel overwhelmed.

Guo Cheng was stunned by her, then he smiled and said: "No matter what you say, I am waiting for you to take the initiative." After he finished, he blinked and said, "You see, somebody is Waiting for you."

Li Weiyang turned around, but it was Xu Wangyuan who walked quickly toward her. He walked over to her side and looked at Guo Cheng with a heavy look. Guo Cheng immediately stepped back three steps and smiled: "I just said two sentences, I will leave immediately!" Then he stepped back three steps, face With a smile, he quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Li Weiyang was surprised and looked at Yuan Liedao: "What is going on?"

Yuan Lie, a pair of bright scorpions, bright and bright, heard Li Weiyang's question, his face is not red and not breathing: "Nothing, probably he has something to deal with." Guo Dun heard that he always came When Guofu was looking for Li Weiyang, he thought that he had a heart to pursue. He was afraid that he would just return to Guofu’s sister to marry, and that the mother would once again fall into a desolate situation. She simply found the Xuwangfu and repeatedly warned Yuanlie, and he was not allowed to approach Guojia again. One step, however, who is Yuan Lie, how can he listen to his advice, is simply not at all in mind, continue to go its own way.

Guo Jiasan’s brother blocked the door and Yuan Lie jumped from the wall. They blocked the wall, and Yuan Lie was even more ruined. He dug the tunnel into the back garden of Guojia and smothered Guo Dun. Once he stopped Yuan Lie on the road, and he was desperate to fight with him. Although Guo Dun was born as a famous teacher, Yuan Lie also experienced severe training since he was a child. Therefore, Guo Dun did not take any advantage at all. Instead, he hanged a color on his body. Guo Cheng, who was on the side, came up to persuade him, but he was wounded by the two men. A handsome face, one eye is green, he was afraid of the stuffing, and for two days did not dare to show up at Guo. Since then, Yuan Lie has eagerly ran to Guo. Outside, there was a madness everywhere, saying that Xu Wangyuan Lie at the banquet had a crush on the Miss Guo’s family at first sight, and made a hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-question pursuit.

Now Guo Dunyi saw Yuan Lie, his eyes were not eyes, his nose was not a nose, and he turned away with a cold voice, and Guo Cheng, an innocent persuader, was a love-hate, and he smiled and said that he didn’t care. The head actually blocked people from the tunnel that Xu Wang dug for three days. He also smoked smoke in the tunnel in a shameless manner. He hardly blocked Yuan Lie, who was preparing to see Li Weiyang. Yuan Lie deeply felt the careful eye of the Guo family brothers, so he switched his strategy and used the secret letter to let Li Weiyang go out. But Guo Cheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has been quietly observing. He discovered the secret of the snake-spoken book. He reversed the direction of the snake with a golden orchid that attracted the snake. The sealed letter was also sent to him. Hands...

Of course, Xu Wang Yuanlie is not very irritating. If he does not see Li Weiyang living in Guo's family, he is not good at it. I am afraid that he has already let the secret guards murder the Guo family brother several times. After killing a few rounds, the two sides slowly figured out a way to get along. As long as Yuan Lie was not too enthusiastic about Li Weiyang and did not ask for a non-divided marriage request, the Guo brothers acquiesced in their dealings.

What do you say about the three chapters of the law, these people are simply insatiable, and do not want to think about how many years they have known each other, and they have a hard time. Yuan Lie secretly groaned in his heart, and his face smiled more and more. He almost spent the eyes of the lady and the prostitutes in the garden. He looked at Li Weiyang and smiled and said: "I just heard what you said."

Li Weiyang’s smile slowly floated up in the corner of his lips, like a blooming lotus, shining brightly in the sun: “How about hearing?”

Yuan Lie’s eyes flashed a glimpse: "I have a solution, do you want to listen?"

Li Weiyang raised his brow and looked at him: "What is the solution?"

Yuan Lie's gentle smile opened: "You marry me, be my Xu Wang, when you don't bother Guo family, you can do your own thing as you like! Okay?" His eyes, looking forward to Glittering, beautiful looks and radiance, for anyone, will not be willing to refuse such a beautiful man, especially Li Weiyang knows that he is deeply in love with her. Moreover, this idea sounds absurd, but it is a good way. Being a king of Xu, I gained more power, but at the same time, everything she did had no direct relationship with Guo.

However, why is she hesitating? Although she was not ruthless to him, she did not want to marry him immediately.

In the impression, it seems that someone treats her tenderly and promises to love her for a lifetime, but later, the eyes of the resentful and resentful eyes, the anger of a heart, and the sacred decree that she may forever forget. Without such a past, she is not unintentional, just afraid, afraid of changes in the human heart... Not to mention, can she give Yuan Lie wholehearted love? Even if she can, the current situation allows her to say love? Although Yuan Zhen died, can Jiang Nan? The black hand behind the scenes - the Queen of the Queen?

"Yuan, what are you thinking?" There was a voice that was calling her.

Li Weiyang suddenly woke up and returned to God, only to find that his trembling hands were wrapped tightly in the palm of his hand, screaming at the hot temperature. "Weiyang, are you okay..."

After withdrawing her hand, she whispered softly: "I am fine." In such a close act, the Yuan Lie is trying to sit down on some rumors? She subconsciously stepped back, no, now, it is not the time.

What kind of smart person is Yuan Lie, and he can see Li Wei’s move, how can he not understand it? The heart suddenly flashed a bit of pain, but the smile on his face became more and more brilliant: "I am just a joke, are you serious?"

Li Weiyang was slightly surprised, and then he understood it. He was already serious: "You only have Min in your heart. When can I look back at me? I am always behind you!"

Li Weiyang was dumbly said by his half-truth. For a long time, she smiled softly: "How come you think of jealous with a child?"

He didn't look away, he covered the pain in the amber scorpion, and the smile on his lips became weaker: "There are children, even the people of Guo family, I don't want you to get close to them."

Li Weiyang was surprised and could not help but say: "Why?"

He suddenly turned his head, and there seemed to be a very complicated emotion in his eyes: "Yuanyang, there are many people besides me. But I have nothing but you."

Li Weiyang’s heart was shocked and he looked at him intently. He seemed to have restrained all of this after he said this. He didn’t want to scare her, even though he had to use all his strength to laugh again. He didn't even tell her how he spent each day after she suddenly left. He couldn't even stay alone in the house, there was her shadow everywhere, he kept groaning, and refused to believe that she would leave him to leave, obviously she promised, but reneged on him. Every time he opened the door, it seemed as if she would stand there and smile at him. As long as he reached out, he could touch her, and she could see her face anytime and anywhere... He would return to Yuexi and accept Asahi’s identity has been searching all the time without going crazy, all because he believes that she will be waiting for him, waiting for him to find her.

She knows that he is so persistent and afraid, even he sometimes feels fear. So all this, he will not let her know.

"Well, you should go in, Mrs. Guo is looking for you." Yuan Lie said with a smile, as if nothing had happened before. Li Weiyang looked back and saw that Mrs. Guo had an anxious look on her face. She paused for a moment and could only be advanced to appease her...

Yuan Lie looked at Li Weiyang and walked over to Mrs. Guo, and the amber scorpion became deep. He used to have nowhere to go, no one can rely on, the kind of pain that was abandoned by the whole world, the shame that was despised, the suffering that could not be ignored, the feelings that were difficult to tell people, have been treasured in his heart. No matter how difficult, he remembers that the person who spent the days with him was Li Weiyang. Only in front of her, he can speak freely, only by her side, he can show the truest self. No matter how she escaped, she and her have an inseparable connection. This kind of connection, in these days of attachment, is infiltrating into each other's bone marrow, and can't forget.

Yuan Lie looked at her back and smiled. Weiyang, after all, one day, you will nod. And before that day, I had enough patience to wait.

Not far from the corridor, Princess Linan saw this scene. She whispered to Jiang Nan, who said: "This Miss Guo is the owner of Anping County."

Jiang Nan nodded and said indifferently: "Yes."

Princess Linan raised her brow and her voice became indifferent: "So, my sister is dead in her hand?"

Jiang Nan sneered aloud and said without hesitation: "Yes, Princess Anguo was tortured and killed by her." Li Weiyang is always Li Weiyang, and every move he takes is so dangerous, but every time he can be saved. In the past, he once hated her, but he admired her like Jiang Hua, and even this, with a hint of heart that he could not deny. In his opinion, she is a woman who is enough to match him. But when his reputation and the Jiang family were ruined in her hands, his heart was left with only the hatred of the bones. This hatred tortured him day and night, letting him sit up and let him sleep and forget about food. Every day he only thought about how to revenge.

When Jiang Hua brought the death of Princess Anguo, Jiang Nan immediately realized that the opportunity had come, so he revealed everything to the Queen of the Queen through Lin’an Princess. Of course, the Li family had to pay the price. Originally, he thought that everything would end with the revenge afterwards, but when he saw Li Weiyang again in the big time, he realized that the other party did not die. Not only that, but she also became the daughter of Guo’s family for many years. The original Lantern could poke her identity, but she used it in reverse. Ha, in the end, Yan Wang lost his life. Jiang Nan was originally full of doubts about the death of Yuan Zhen, but on the day he saw Li Weiyang, he immediately connected everything in tandem.

She came to the door, and even if he let go, she would not give up this endless hatred. Unfortunately, he will not always be the man who was transferred by Li Weiyang.

"She actually dared to come to the capital, but it was really daring." On the face of Princess Linan, there was a cold smile. Anguo is her younger sister. Although she is always arrogant and always eager to win, she is a sister of a close relative. She died in the hands of others, and the murderer dared to appear under her own eyes. ... There is a strange anger in the heart of Princess Linan. Of course, Princess Linan would not think of the evil deeds of the Queen. Even though she knew that she also felt that the Li family would die. Anyone who dares to challenge the authority of the royal family is damned.

"However, why did she go so close to Xu Wang." Princess Lin's gaze was on Yuan Lie's body, and the beautiful long eyebrows painted were twisted.

Jiang Nan sneered aloud, and he had already recognized the handsome and magnificent King Xu, the Li Jiasan young master next to Li Weiyang! He slowly said: "Xu Wang has always loved her, let them collude like this, the situation will become more complicated. The public mainly removes Li Weiyang, so let's start with the Xu Wang."

Princess Linan thought for a moment and said: "The uncle has never said that he has such a son outside. It was only during his serious illness that he suddenly emerged. It was very strange. It was always a matter of my mother. Keep an eye out, but the uncle has insisted that this is his son, and that there is no way to start. Since he loves Li Weiyang, we might as well think of a way to make them turn against each other. Just pull him to our side and solve Li Weiyang. It's not difficult."

Jiang Nan glanced at Princess Linan, and his face looked like a smile: "Can the princess be sure?"

Princess Linan smiled sweetly and said: "Of course, but this also requires me to play on the spot, are you willing?"

Jiang Nanqiang endured the disgust of his heart and smiled a little. He said: "As long as it is beneficial in the overall situation, what is it that is not willing? Just don't know what you want to do?" In fact, he did not want to see the face of Lin'an Princess. I also like to show off the style, thinking that the man in the world can let her pinch in the palm of her hand.

Princess Linan smiled slightly and looked charming: "When a man is always unable to hold it, if Li Weiyang sees it with his own eyes, he must be angry and angry. In this way, their alliance will not be broken, isn't it very interesting?" ”

Lin's princess's favorite thing is a good fight. It seems to be a boring hobby. When she sees which minister in the DPRK is particularly good with her wife, she always wants to take the opportunity to destroy it. It’s only when people turn their backs into hatred and the husband and wife are separated. This is exactly the same as the resentment of Princess Anguo because she can't be a wife. It is just a kind of pastime for Princess Linan, a way to prove her charm. So far, she is almost unprofitable. Of course, Jiang Nan is an exception. However, she does not believe that there are exceptions! Yuan Lie is just a young man who grew up in the folk. She can let him hook with only a little means!

Her beautiful face contained a smug smile, and turned her head to the prostitute: "Go to the Royal Highness of Xu."

Before the banquet began, Yuan Lie was invited to the small hall where Princess Linan was used to entertain guests. He thought that all the guests were here, but when he saw the Linan princess who was alone, he stunned and frowned. "Princess, what is this?"

"I have already heard that you have returned to the capital, but have never been able to tell more about it. Since Xu Wang has come, why not sit down and drink a glass of wine?" Lin’an princess laughed and smiled, and the charming face had an inexhaustible style.

In terms of appearance, Princess Linan is more mature and more charming than Li Weiyang, but what about it? In the eyes of Yuan Lie, but the red powder is only. He smiled slightly and politely said: "Princess, I still have something to do, take a step first."

Princess Linan smiled and said: "Oh, that's a pity, I want to talk to you about your life!"

Yuan Lie stopped his footsteps and showed a sneer in his gaze. "Oh? My life? I don't know what the princess knows?" Although the Queen has always doubted it, she never confirmed it. Does Lin'an Princess know anything? At this moment, Yuan Lie would like to know this. Princess Linan raised her smile and said: "You sit down and say."

Yuan Lie smiled and sat down slowly. Princess Linan hides the smugness in the scorpion and leans on the past: "You drink this glass of wine first, let's talk slowly." She likes to capture men, especially relying on her own beauty, so that men can take the initiative to bow down. Today, she can't wait to prove her charm in front of Jiang Nan. Therefore, while handing over the wine glass, she anxiously observed the expression on Yuan Zhen. However, she found that he was careless and didn't even look at her beautiful face. How is this possible! She has the same charming appearance as Begonia, and she has the status of a princess. Why can this man walk in front of her...

Yuan Lie is pretty and pretty. Under the two eyebrows, the amber scorpion reflects the radiance of the crystal, the high nose and the thin lips. This man has... an incredible perfect appearance. Despite the desire of Jiang Nan, Princess Linan can not but be shocked by the beauty of Yuan Lie. Moreover, she always feels that this beautiful looks like a deja vu. Such a man, what kind of beauty is not available, how do you prefer the unrecognizable Li Weiyang? Later, she compared herself to Li Weiyang in her heart and decisively felt that she was far better than the other. Thinking about this, she picked up a little loss, put on the most touching smile, said: "Xu Wang, why do you refuse to be thousands of miles away?!"

Yuan Lie glanced at her, with a mockery in her throat.

With his short-sighted contact, Lin’s face is slightly red, and a thin layer of spring is more beautiful. “I really want to be friends with you. With my help, my emperor Uncle's powerful scorpion, there is no way to find you again. Isn't it?" The struggle of Xu Wangfu is fierce. There is Hu Shunqi's support behind Xu Wang's, how can Yuan Lie be so powerful, and he can't be too strict with his stepmother. It is harsh, otherwise it will be poked by the bones... But if the Queen is willing to put pressure on it, Hu will definitely converge. In the view of Lin'an Princess, this is an excellent sale. Of course, the premise is that Yuan Lie will be turned to their side, and in turn to deal with Li Weiyang, even including the Guo family behind her. The power of the family can help him to go to the point where he naturally knows how to choose it... Princess Linan caressed the faint smile of the hair, just showing the perfect smile.

Yuan Lie’s expression was very cold, saying: “Oh? The princess doesn’t know, has my mother returned to Hu’s hospital to recover from illness?” The old woman, who had already been cleaned up by him, did not dare to jump, if she had not seen the dead King of Xu On the rise, he has already let her pack the eggs, how can he tolerate today?

Princess Linan was shocked and there was a horror on the face. But she quickly calmed down and smiled. "Despite this, the old family members of Xu Wang do not recognize your identity?!"

The loyalty of the family is cultivated from the age of the child. No matter how good the Yuan Lie is, those people will not easily recognize his identity. However, in Yuan Zhenlie, this is only a matter of time. He has the means to let those people surrender. Now, he really wants to know that Princess Linan asked him to come here. What he wants to do is not to say these nonsense.

When Princess Linan saw that his expression was cold, he would no longer talk about such a topic. Instead, he would tease and seduce in every way. However, Yuan Lie was not pretending to be ignorant, but he was flashing away. Princess Lin’an met and his heart was angry. Can't your own charm and power touch the other side? ! how come? ! Or is Li Weiyang so outstanding? Her eyes drifted behind the screen. Jiang Nan thought she didn't find out. Every time I mentioned the woman, did he have a very complicated emotion in his nephew? That is not just hate!

Linan Princess is more and more angry, the more difficult it is to get, the more she wants to get. Between the flow of eyes, she gave birth to another plan and said: "There was a painting given to me by the uncle, but unfortunately I am not interested in these, and now I should return to the original owner."

Yuan Lie raised his brow as if to see what other tricks she had. Princess Lin’s teeth, taking a picture from the side, slowly unfolding, but it is a picture of the **** palace.

It can be seen that everything just seduce myself. How did Xu Wang send her such a painting? Yuan Lie sneered a little, and Lin’s hand had fallen to his shoulder, and the body stood up and was very close. Her eyes looked at him intently, but there was no ordinary man on Yuan Lie’s face who saw this kind of painting, and the kind of distracting expression that could arise from her heart. He walked slowly and steadily one by one, very calm and natural, and there was no trace of evil thoughts on his face. Princess Lin’s eyes were light and horizontal, and she saw a pair of exquisite embroidered shoes stepping into the hall. Her heart was proud, and the body was about to touch Yuan Lie’s leg. When the person came in, they should see how close they are... Who knows that at this time, suddenly heard the chair rang, she has not responded, the whole person has fallen to the ground.

When Li Weiyang just picked up the curtain, he heard the scream of Lin’an princess and immediately slammed it. Then he chuckled and said, “His Royal Highness, what do you mean by this?”

Yuan Lie spread his hand and said: "You see, I am innocent."

Li Weiyang looked at Linan Princess Tieqing's face and nodded. "I know." This posture fell to the ground, and the buttocks fell into two petals. It was really nothing. It seems that Yuan Lie has long known the idea of ​​Princess Linan, deliberately embarrassing her. This person is really very careful.

Princess Linan suddenly climbed up from the ground and burst into anger: "Yuan Lie, you are so bold!"

Yuan Lie put the picture of the **** palace on her face and smiled a little. "Yes, my Royal Highness, I am really courageous. I hope that when you seduce a man next time, you should choose the object."

Li Weiyang smiled and turned away. Yuan Lie didn't look at Lin'an Princess and chased her away. Princess Linan angered all the dishes on the table, and walked out of the screen behind the screen, but it was Jiang Nan who had been observing the development of the situation silently. He looked at the anger of Princess Linan, his heart was filled with sneer, but the face was cold and cold: "Princess, I have already said that this method will not work."

On the face of Princess Lin’an, there was a hint of haze, saying: “Do not blame me for ruthless face!”

------Off topic ------

Yesterday, it was updated at 6 o'clock in the evening. For the first time, I felt the joy of dragging the manuscript.

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