The Princess Wei Yang

: 229 mediocrity


Under the silent night sky, Princess Ali was standing alone in front of the tent. Her footsteps suddenly came from behind her. The voice was very light, but it was very gentle, like stepping on Ali's heart step by step. Ali did not look back and knew who was behind her. She whispered softly: "You listen, it seems that someone is singing."

Li Weiyang listened with heart, but found that the songs of the herdsmen came from the grass where I didn't know. The tone was very melodious, and the words were very old. The people's mood was calm and calmed down. Li Weiyang smiled and said: "You still can't bear your hometown. Do you really want to go back to China with us?"

In Li Weiyang’s opinion, no one wants to leave her hometown. Even if she is, she has a deep feeling for Da Li, but her experience is very special. Now her home and country are no longer important in her heart. Princess Alice, who was born here and grew up here, has become accustomed to the life of simply grazing and singing. Perhaps this clean grassland is suitable for her. Li Weiyang thinks this way and continues: "It is not too late, you can Repent."

Ali shook her head and said: "No, there is no pure land everywhere. It is no longer my home."

Li Weiyang looked at her side face and did not speak. Ali suddenly looked back and looked at Miss Guo Jia under the moonlight, black hair, dark eyes, white skin, quiet eyes, just watching a power that makes people feel calm. Ali smiled softly. "When the Maharaja was in, all the people were afraid of him and respected him. But now, the five brothers will soon be the Maharaja. I don't think he can live without them. One day, one day, someone will ignite a fire on this grassland."

Li Weiyang did not speak. She knew that Princess Ali was right. The Western Emperor supported the position of the Five Princes on the Maharaja. There is another important reason for not saying that the Five Princes are weak and lacking in strength. Within five years, the grasslands There will be a war again. Once the melee begins, the alliance of the seventeen tribes will be torn apart, and a battle of sand will compete for each other. The grasslands will no longer have the strength to unite against the west. This is far better than spending time and energy on the West. It is much better to look after this place. These words, she believes that she does not say, Princess Ali will understand, this girl is innocent, but not stupid.

At this time, the song became more and more melodious, as if someone was whispering in all directions, Li Weiyang looked up, a round moon filled in the sky, the moonlight radiated white light, the sky is the silver of the stars, this beautiful On the boundless grasslands, even on the top of each blade of grass, the light of the stars and the moon is reflected, which makes people feel awed.

Li Weiyang looked at the distance and suddenly heard Princess Alice say: "Have you seen the sunrise on the grassland?"

Li Weiyang shook his head and Princess Ali said with a smile: "I want to finally take a look at the sunrise. I will go back with you tomorrow morning."

Li Weiyang nodded and just said something, but he was stunned by the wind and coughed up. Zhao Yue quickly wrapped up Li Weiyang with a cloak. "Miss is not good yet."

Li Weiyang has been dragging the wind for 15 days, and Mrs. Guo has been dying. Don’t say that the accompanying doctors have been brought over by Mrs. Guo to Li Weiyang’s ill, even the witch doctors on the prairie have invited them. What methods have been tried, Li Weiyang's condition has not improved, but there is a growing trend. Mrs. Guo is really nervous. As soon as the hunting was over, he hurriedly urged the Guo family to go on the road. Therefore, they will leave the grassland the next day. Li Weiyang turned and walked to his tent, but I didn’t know why I walked halfway and turned my head. I saw Princess Ali’s eyes. The slender back looks extraordinarily lonely under the silent sky. The fiery figure seems to be like a flaming figure. To be integrated into the black lacquered night sky, Li Weiyang sighed and immediately said to Zhao Yuedao: "Let's go."

Early the next morning, the horizon just had a blue-white shimmer, and the entire camp in the west began to move. The banned troops adjusted the formation, the servants sorted out the equipment, and one of the carriages began to return. Li Weiyang gently picked up the curtain. Guo Daozheng was riding the horse next to her carriage, and the wind raised his black body. Mao, Guo’s eyes have a cold silver light flowing. He seems to have noticed Li Weiyang’s gaze. He turned his head and looked at her as if he was really glaring at him. He smiled slightly, but there seemed to be a kind of saying in his eyes. Unclear feelings.

Li Weiyang was shocked. At this moment, she suddenly had a little understanding of Guo’s thoughts. She gently lowered the curtain. Mrs. Guo asked: "What happened?"

Li Weiyang turned back, but it was a calm smile, as if he didn't know anything: "Mom, I want to finally take a look at this grassland."

Mrs. Guo is surprised: "This place is so empty, there are beasts everywhere, people are very ruined by blood and blood, and what is good-looking? Do you like this kind of life?"

Li Weiyang’s eyes are quiet and his smile is bleak: “Yes, I like the life here, I like the herdsmen here, I like them to sing the pastoral songs that I don’t understand. It’s fun, isn’t it?”

Mrs. Guo smiled and shook her head. "You, always like these strange things."

At this time, I heard that Li Weiyang coughed up. Mrs. Guo stepped forward and held her hand: "The hand is still so cold, Zhao Yue, the stove is born."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I am fine, but some of the cold has not healed, the mother does not have to worry." She said this in her mouth, and did not care too much in her heart. It is impossible to recover from the cold, not ten days and a half. Li Weiyang feels that he is already in the cold, and the grassland winds will be so serious. When he returns to the warmer west, the condition will naturally be alleviated.

This road car Malton, Mrs. Guo is afraid that her condition will be aggravated, she whispered: "I know, and will go to Qingzhou in two days, please say there are many famous doctors, let us stop and take a break."

Li Weiyang couldn't help but laugh. "This is going back with the brigade. How can we delay the time because of us?"

Mrs. Guo smiled and said: "You can rest assured, I will talk to your father about this matter."

Li Weiyang no longer insisted, she just felt particularly tired, coupled with the fact that the carriage had already ignited the brazier, and it was warm. Mrs. Guo is not afraid of infecting the cold. She has been guarding Li Weiyang, and she is extremely worried.

Princess Ali also sat in this carriage. She looked at Madame Guo’s mother and daughter, and her eyes showed an envious look. Mrs. Guo saw Princess Alice and couldn’t help but smile. “Princess, I have never asked you about something. If you follow us back, are you not afraid of your other relatives?”

Ali was awkward and smiled. There was a bit of loneliness in the smile. "I have no other relatives except the third brother. My mother died when I was ten years old."

Mrs. Guo glanced at her, and then she showed a trace of pity and sympathy. She waved to Princess Alice. Ali was very obedient and leaned over. I don’t know why, she always felt that Mrs. Guo had a mother’s body. Taste, it is a very warm feeling. Mrs. Guo gently touched the head of Princess Ali, and gently said: "From now on you live in Guofu. We have many children and are very lively. The princess also likes children very much. I think she will like it. you."

Princess Ali was subconsciously leaning her head on Mrs. Guo’s knee. She looked at Li Weiyang’s heart, and Miss Guo was really happy. There are such loving and beautiful mothers, and there are fathers and brothers who love her so much. Princess Ali was full of envy in her heart, and Li Weiyang over there also gently opened his eyes and smiled lightly.

The carriage was bumpy all the way, and arrived in Qingzhou two days later. After preparing for the Qiguo Gazette, Mrs. Guo finally got the license, and took the lead to stop the carriage, relying on the Qingzhou Mansion and quickly looking for a famous doctor. However, the cold is cold, and it is not so fast. No matter how good the doctor is, the results are the same, but they are all calm and calm, and they are so angry that Mrs. Guo will slap their faces.

Yuan Lie also refused to leave, insisted on staying in the Qingzhou government, and Jing Wang Yuanying had to stay for two hours because of the task of driving, and had no choice but to go on the road. Qi Guogong worried about the safety of Mrs. Guo and his party, and decisively left all the guards around him, plus three sons, to protect Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang, more than enough.

When I was on the road again, Li Weiyang’s condition did not improve at all, and even there were signs of inflammation of the lungs, which was so coughing day and night. Even though she has been trying to appease others, they can all show her lack of strength and look. Mrs. Guo originally wanted to stay for a few days to search for a good doctor, but Yuan Lie felt that this matter could not be delayed any more. The doctor here is not much better than the majority. He is going to visit the famous doctors, and he will cure Li Weiyang earlier. Mrs. Guo thought that the environment of the Qiguo government was better than that of the Qingzhou government. So the two of them summed up and refused to retain the Qingzhou County officials, determined to set off again. The carriage left the house and passed through the lively market. Princess Ali was excited to open the curtain and looked at everything outside the window. Guo Dun, who was not far away, was watching Princess Ali, and her eyes flashed. .

Guo Cheng looked at Guo Dun, and his eyes showed a hint of gratification. In his opinion, his four brothers were not qualitative, but this time they were facing the Princess Ali, but they were always subconsciously chasing her and refused. I am not discouraged, obviously it is deep in love.

Li Weiyang leaned on the embroidered pillow on one side, smiling at this scene. At this time, I suddenly heard Mrs. Guo say: "Let the carriage stop." Li Weiyang sneaked and immediately looked at Mrs. Guo, but saw Mrs. Guo’s eyes look out of the window, and there were a few looks. The silk is different. Li Weiyang could not help but ask: "Mother, what happened?"

Princess Ali was also very surprised to see Mrs. Guo, "Why don't the carriage leave?"

Mrs. Guo pointed to the outside of the car: "You are jealous."

Li Weiyang followed Mrs. Guo’s hand and saw through the window that there was a temporary shack in the shack. The shed was surrounded by long queues. The waiting people were all anxious and face-to-face. There are dozens of people who are sick. Mrs. Guo said: "What is there, send someone to ask."

Someone soon reported back and forth: "Mrs., there is a doctor who is treating people, so there are so many people here, they are all visiting."

Mrs. Guo could not help but wonder: "What doctor?"

The outside guard immediately replied: "There are too many people, and the slaves can't squeeze in. They ask people outside to say that they are a very skilled woman. They have just arrived in Qingzhou for a few days. They are here for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. The medical skills are very good. There is a good effect to rejuvenate."

Mrs. Guo said with a smile: "I know! Qingzhou City is a famous doctor. Let us stop and ask the woman doctor to see Jia Jia."

Mrs. Guo is really sick and rushed to the doctor. The doctors have passed away. Is it not comparable to this river and lake doctor? Li Weiyang couldn't help but laugh. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't help but coughed two times before she whispered: "Mom, I said it was just a cold wind. After going back, I will slowly retreat, and there will be no serious problems."

Mrs. Guo did not take it for granted: "Those are quacks, and there is nothing that can't be seen. The good end is delayed! No, let the doctor take a look." She told her to say: "You go. Send fifty-two silver, ask the doctor to come over and treat the young lady."

The guard whispered back: "Yes." It disappeared into the crowd.

After half an hour, the guard returned: "Mrs., the woman doctor is a girl, no matter how the slaves please, she just refuses to come."

Mrs. Guo glanced: "Is there anyone still not willing to make money?"

That guardian said: "Yeah, the slave is also strange. She left the silver in front of her, but she didn't even look at it, let the slave get to the back to get a brand. When is the turn, she will call the number. ”

Mrs. Guo couldn’t help but worry: "But we are going to hurry. If we wait, what time is it waiting for?" She said that she thought about it and told the guards to invite the three young masters. Guo Chengfei quickly came over. Mrs. Guo said to him: "If you go and see my hand, I will ask her to come to see Jiaer."

Guo Cheng said quickly: "Mother, this is absolutely impossible. This is leaking our whereabouts, and it is easy to cause a local sensation. You didn't see the officials of the Qingzhou government harassing and harassing, we can hardly rest, if I’m going to alarm others, I’m afraid I can’t go.”

When Mrs. Guo remembered the disgusting strength of the officials giving gifts, she felt that he was right. She frowned and said, "What should I do? If so many people want to rank, don’t they wait until dark? Tell her, Fifty-two is only a deposit. If she is willing to treat it, she will be treated with silver."

Guo Cheng heard the words, and quickly said: "Yes, this is the son to go to see."

Li Weiyang gently coughed, there is no one in this world who does not want to be silver. This female doctor is very strange, and she has a three-point curiosity.

It didn't take long for Guo Cheng to come back and look like a sullen man: "Mother, one hundred and two she would not go to the doctor, but she gave her son a number, hey, it has already been placed on the 130th. It will not be until tomorrow."

Mrs. Guo’s face has become very anxious. What can I do? They themselves could not stay here for too long. At this time, Xu Wangyuan Lie came over. He looked at Mrs. Guo and said warmly: "Mrs, what happened?"

Mrs. Guo said it again, Yuan Lie looked at the number plate, but smiled slightly: "Let me try it."

Li Weiyang suddenly stopped him: "Others are waiting in line, we don't have to use power to suppress people. If it doesn't work, then forget it. Go back early."

Yuan Lie shook his head and smiled confidently: "There is nothing in this world that can't be done." The pair of handsome eyes flashed with brilliance in the sun and turned and left.

Mrs. Guo nodded and said: "This is like a word."

Yuan Lie’s horse stopped until he reached the tent. He jumped off the horse and opened the tent to look inside, but he was a little surprised. But seeing the inside of the tent, there were dozens of wounded people lying in the dense, seemingly burned. Those people mourn with wounds and look very painful. Listening to the opinions of the people around, it seems that there was a fire, and the patients were sent to this place urgently. Yuan Lie could not help but frown his brows and glanced aside. A young woman was bandaging the wound in front of one of her injured ones. The woman was the same age as Li Weiyang, and she was dyed in a light green dress. A lot of blood, the appearance is not how beautiful, but the eyes are like a gem, flashing a gentle, feminine light, not only dignified and gentle, but also amiable.

Yuan Lie opened the door: "Which is a doctor?" This is a question that was known to me. There is only one woman in this place. She heard her words and raised her eyes. She looked at Yuan Lie faintly, but she did not have the slightest for this handsome son. The reaction, the mouth said: "I am."

Yuan Lie raised his brow and said: "I have important things to find you."

The woman didn't look at him any more, bowed her head and continued to treat the patient: "Sorry, I have a dozen patients who have just burned here, so I don't have time to talk to you now, wait until I finish." I have continued to bow my head to do my own work.

Some helpers next to him, according to the woman's doctor's instructions, hold the patient down, put a cork in his mouth, and tie him with a cloth strip. The woman doctor is hot on the fire with a sharp blade. And, along the texture of the muscles, cut the carrion on the man's arm. The crowd widened their eyes and had not seen how she did it. The carrion had fallen into the copper basin. Immediately, she quickly stitched the texture with a long line and applied ointment to the joint. Then I began to deal with the legs that were interrupted by the stakes. First, I found the position and fixed the bones that were fixed by the planks. Her movements were very fast, and less than a moment before and after, this was done.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Lie could not help but believe that this woman's medical skills can be said to be God. The patient pulled out the cork and couldn’t help but thank the woman. "There is a good rest after going back, and it will heal after three months." Then she turned again to deal with other patients. More than a dozen people are not burns or bone necrosis, there is a half hour, she did not say a word, one by one, the body is also bloody, the body is so thin, but more than the average man's physical strength can persist, This makes Yuan Lie can not help but look at it. I don't know when, other Guo family and three sons stood by Yuan Lie, and they looked at the woman's treatment with surprise. Guo Cheng Xiang Yuan Lie said: "It seems that her medical skills are very high." Yuan Lie nodded, and more and more firmly said: "Because of this, it is more important to ask her to go to Weiyang for treatment."

These ten patients were quickly dealt with, and some people helped them out. Those people thanked the doctor very much. She just nodded faintly: "The next one comes in." She said she held the wood next to her. It seems that I am a little unstable. I also know that she has just stood aside for half an hour, and she has not moved. This kind of persistence is really admirable. Guo Dun quietly bit his ear to the person next to him: "I heard that she still sent herbs to the white, and did not collect money."

Guo can't help but whisper: "Do not collect money? Where does she come from so much money?"

Guo Dun’s voice is getting lower and lower: “Blackmailing the wealthy households, I heard that she had just seen the biggest rich man in Qingzhou City, but it was a skin trauma. She even wanted someone to have one hundred and two silver. These rich households heard that she is a The famous doctor, even if it is rubbing the skin, is looking for her. It seems that she has used the money to supplement these poor people."

Guo Zhiwen said that he nodded and said: "It really is a very interesting doctor."

Just when the next patient came in, Yuan Lie suddenly took out a piece of gold and handed it to the patient. "Your injury is not very serious. Turning right from here is a big pharmacy. You only have to Go to the doctor who is sitting, he can treat you like that."

When the man saw the gold in his hand, the eyes and the beads had to be smashed out. He came here to see if he was sick because he was sick. It was because the medical expenses here were very low, especially when the doctor looked at it. They are poor people who will give medicine free of charge. Now that I have lost such a big pie from the sky, he can find someone to go to the doctor, and he can make a profit. When he thinks about it, he will lead the gold to Yuan Lie and turn and leave. The next five patients were like this. The woman doctor squinted and looked at Yuan Liedao: "Who are you, why should you destroy my diagnosis and treatment?"

Yuan Lie smiled faintly, revealing three indifferences in his eyes: "We are the people who come to see the doctor, but you are not willing to go, we have to come and ask you personally."

The woman doctor knew that she would say no more, I am afraid he would drive all her patients away. She bit her teeth and said, "Well, please come to your lady."

Yuan Lie shook his head, only slowly said: "She is not in good health, can't blow, can't get off the bus, please ask you to move."

The woman doctor couldn't help but frown and asked coldly: "Who is your lady?"

Yuan Lie glanced at her and his eyes were cold and cold: "You don't need to know this."

The woman doctor sinks her face and said: "There are patients here, they can come, why is your lady not coming? But it is a few steps, what is the relationship?"

Yuan Lie smiled slightly. He said: "If the doctor is willing to move to treat her, I am willing to donate one thousand and two silver." He said that the people in the shed were stunned. Although Yuan Lie’s gaze is light, it reveals a trace of embarrassment. “With this thousand, the girl can treat more people and can apply more medicines, even if all the patients in Qingzhou City are finished. More than enough."

The woman glimpsed, and then her eyes swept over the faces of Yuan Lie and Guo Jia. The people in front of him were young and beautiful, and they were gorgeously dressed. When I first came to see it, I would not be able to continue practicing medicine if I offend these people. She thought about it carefully and gritted her teeth: "Well, I promise you, take me to see the patient."

The woman followed Yuan Lie and they walked to the carriage. Yuan Lie made a gesture of asking. She entered the compartment and saw Mrs. Guo’s gentle and dignified face. It was a glimpse. Then a girl with a round face next to her looked at her curiously. But it doesn't look like she is sick. She whispers softly: "Which is a patient?"

Li Weiyang smiled and reached out. At this time, the woman doctor noticed the other party. The woman’s presence was not so strong, so that she did not even see her, but the black eyes, the white skin, and Li Wei’s body were very The moving temperament always makes people think that she is very special. When the woman thinks about it, she puts her hand on the pulse of Li Weiyang. Before she speaks, she hears Li Weiyang: "The family is anxious about my condition, right. The doctor is rude, I am very sorry."

The woman doctor raised her eyes and looked at Li Weiyang. It seemed a little surprised that she would say this. She thought that these people were just full of money and strength, and they would force her to come to the hospital, but unexpectedly, in this carriage. People don't seem to be embarrassed, but they are polite.

Li Weiyang explained: "We are foreigners, we can't stay here for too long, so there is no way to wait for the number to be equal. I know that this is very wrong, and I missed the lady you are treating others. So, I am willing to donate again. Five hundred and two silver, the right as a doctor's consultation fee."

The woman doctor looked at her in surprise and said: "I have not treated you for treatment. You don't know if I can cure it. How can I give me so much money?"

Li Weiyang looked at the long queue of platoons and whispered softly: "It can make so many people wait hard, one shows that the lady is a kindhearted person, the consultation fee must be very low, and the second one shows that your medical skills are very Gao Ming, if not, why did the disciples of countless pharmacies rush to deliberately mess?"

When the woman doctor slammed, she immediately said, "I said that no one has come to trouble today. It turned out that you came to block me. Well, I thought you were deceiving people. But who knows but also did good things. Ok, I will treat you for you. She said that she carefully indulged for a moment, suddenly frowned, then let go of Li Weiyang, turned and wrote a prescription on the book case, and stood on the side of the carriage, Yuan Liedao: "Go back and follow the prescription." Take the medicine, I promise that it will be fine in seven days."

Yuan Lie took over the party, smiled and said: "Thank you."

The woman did not speak, but stretched out her hand to look at him. Yuan Lie understood it and handed a piece of paper. The woman looked at it. It turned out to be a silver ticket of 1,500. It was really a big deal. She has been in Nanbei for so many years, and it is the first time she has seen such a generous person, and the son-in-law in this carriage is obviously not a wealthy family, and her body is more expensive. She nodded. "The person who said thank you is me. I thank you for the people in Qingzhou." She said that she got off the carriage, but she heard Li Weiyang in the carriage: "Miss, if I am alone in Qingzhou, I am carrying it. I am afraid that such a large amount of money is not appropriate."

The woman doctor turned her head and looked down: "Do you want to go back?"

Li Weiyang coughed twice and gently shook his head: "Three brothers."

Guo Cheng quickly responded: "Yes, I am here, what is Jiaer?"

Li Weiyang said: "You pick two people from our guards and ask them to protect the girl. When she takes the money, she buys the medicine, and she finishes the disease safely and leaves."

Everyone else is a glimpse, including the woman doctor. She looked at Li Weiyang, and she was very hesitant in her eyes. She did not think that the lady was so weak, but she was a thoughtful person. She just wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped her steps and couldn’t help but look back. Li Weiyang said: "Miss, you seem to be growing in the south, you haven't eaten any bitterness, so your body is weak and you have to get cold. On the other road, you are tired and tired, and you are nervous, so that the cold evil enters the body, and it will not scatter for a long time. The condition is aggravated. Now your symptoms are dry mouth and cough. The cause is only because of the coldness of the outside. It should be prescribed some mild drugs, and it will be slowly adjusted. Unfortunately, I don’t know what kind of quack doctor I encountered. I used the medicine of Dabu, plus Your heart is exhausted, blood is lost, so you can't heal."

Yuan Lie didn't know anything else. He suddenly heard the word of quack doctor, and subconsciously looked at the woman doctor with cold eyes: "You mean, someone deliberately used the medicine of Dabu, what does this mean?"

The woman doctor smiled a little and looked at Yuan Lie-dao: "Is there anyone in the past?"

Yuan Lie thought about it and immediately nodded: "Yes, it is ginseng, and it is Laoshan ginseng."

The woman shook her head and said: "It is a quack doctor. The ginseng **** is fierce. How can I open it to a young lady who needs to be supplemented? The young lady is born rich, her body is very expensive, her body is very weak, she prescribes medicine, and naturally she needs to use warming. Law, but what kind of ginseng the quacks open! Oh, I think 80% is deliberate." She said this, but she felt that she had lost her words, and she said: "This is not my business, but if you believe me, Don't eat any of the previous prescriptions."

Yuan Lie raised his eyes. He looked at Mrs. Guo: "Madam, have you heard what the doctor said?"

Mrs. Guo nodded and said, "I heard it." There was a chill in her voice at the moment. At the beginning, I was treated by Li Weiyang, but the doctors in Taiyuan Hospital changed a total of four doctors. The prescriptions were exactly the same. What does this mean? Some people deliberately want Li Weiyang to become more serious, and even hope that she will return forever. If you don't go to this woman in Qingzhou City, I am afraid that I will wait until I return to the capital. Li Weiyang has already died.

It is possible to let the four doctors scream at the same time, which shows that this human rights situation is great. Yuan Lie suppressed his heart and angered, and then asked: "We have seen countless doctors in this Qingzhou City. Why didn't anyone say this like you?"

The woman shook her head and said: "The first is the cold, and the doctors prescribe the medicine. Now the lady is a mixture of many illnesses. The ordinary doctor can't see it. It's no strange. Well, I still have a lot of things. The patient, do not say more to you, leave." She said, she smiled and walked quickly to the tent.

Mrs. Guo looked at Li Weiyang, her eyes narrowly said: "Look like it, let's go back and find those doctors who are too medical!"

The prince wanted to take the opportunity to have his own life, but it was no stranger. Li Weiyang looked at it, but shook his head, and it was a cough. Even though he coughed his face, he still looked at the back of the woman doctor. There was a smile in the middle, and she always felt that this doctor was very interesting.

Guo Cheng also gratefully looked at the back of the doctor: "It seems that this Qingzhou City is also a famous doctor."

The carriage passed through Qingzhou City. They took the medicine according to the doctor's prescription. Li Weiyang drank the prescription for three days. The condition was already greatly improved. He could even walk out of the carriage to see the outside scene. Yuan Lie looked at the eye. In it, I was so happy that I couldn’t wait to go back and give the woman a thousand. Li Weiyang laughed at him like a child, Yuan Lie did not care. After passing through Qingzhou City, it is Lanzhou. Lanzhou is very prosperous. They stayed for two more days and traveled all the way to the mountains. It was very pleasant. There are many guards and protections of Xu Wangyuan and Qiguo Gongfu. This road has been very smooth and smooth, and there has been no harassment. They have gone all the way to return to the capital. Into the city gate, Yuan Lie’s face showed a disappointing look. If he wanted him to choose, he would rather stay on the road for a while, why bother to come back so urgently? However, Mrs. Guo saw that Li Weiyang’s condition had healed. He was afraid that Qi Guogong and other people would worry, and he quickly rushed back to the capital.

When Li Weiyang returned to Guofu, everything seemed to be very calm. She was forced to live for three days by Mrs. Guo, and she was willing to let her go out three days later. Since the grassland and the party, the reputation of the Guo family has been very strong, and many of the ladies’ banquets have invited Li Weiyang to go. Li Weiyang only went once three times. He did not refute the face of others, and he was not overly enthusiastic. As a result, Miss Guo of the Qiguo Government became one of the best ladies and ladies in this capital. More and more matchmakers began to go to Qiguo Government. Run, the threshold must be trampled.

A thick stack of famous posts in Mrs. Guo’s hands, she carefully selected, but did not let Li Weiyang know, what is wrong with her choice of a few son-in-law? Why do you hang a tree of Xu Wang Yuanlie? Mrs. Guo’s thoughts are a bit selfish, although she knows that Li Weiyang and Yuan Lie’s feelings are very good, but after the grassland and her party, she saw that Yuan Ying and Yuan Lie were somewhat vigilant. They always felt that there was nothing better with the royal people. It is better to pick a family. Live a good life, she would like her daughter to marry an ordinary person, and she does not want her to be involved in royal disputes.

And Li Weiyang is ignorant of all this. On this day, she went out of the house, but went straight to the most famous Shuzhai Tibetan manor in the capital. This Tibetan mansion contained all kinds of precious ancient books in the world, and the young lady of Guo’s family was a frequent visitor. When I went to the new book or thought that Li Weiyang would like it, I sent someone to go to Guofu to let her choose, but Li Weiyang still likes to take a carriage to Tibetan Wenxuan. It is all a distraction. Princess Ali is traveling with Li Weiyang. She is still so novel to everything in the capital. She refuses to look at anything. She always likes some strange things, especially the windmills on the children's hands. Obviously, I have never seen them. I have been chasing the children all the way, scaring people to cry. Also like to eat sweets, in the door of the osmanthus cake shop, his eyes widened and drooling, Li Weiyang did not buy her, she refused to go, just like a child.

"Ah! Jiaer, look at that person, juggling!" said, Princess Ali stopped and drove the carriage, and immediately waited for Li Weiyang to answer, and immediately jumped. Li Weiyang saw that Princess Ali was fascinated by what she didn't know, and she couldn't help but laugh. At this moment, she saw a young woman not far away, carrying a parcel and rushing her face. She Hey, I called Princess Alice: "You see, who is that person?"

Ali looked back and looked at the woman, but there was a hint of surprise in her eyes: "Is this not the doctor?"

Li Weiyang nodded and immediately told the carriage to follow the woman quietly to see where she was going. Ali looked strangely at Li Weiyang: "I haven’t seen you so much in the week, who cares so much? She went to What do you do most? Do you see a doctor?"

Li Weiyang shook his head and said: "She has a piece of paper in her hand, like asking where." The woman walked all the way, and when she passed a corner, she suddenly stopped, Li Weiyang ordered. The carriage quietly followed not far, not letting the other side catch a glimpse, but saw the woman doctor parked in front of a little girl, the little girl’s eyes were big, her body was rags, and there was a straw in her head, obviously Sell ​​yourself.

The woman doctor looked at the little girl and immediately smashed her bag. Nothing came out. She pulled the jade bracelet from her hand and stuffed it into the girl’s hand. Before leaving, but still did not take two steps, she stopped again, turned her head, together with the only gold plaque on the head also pulled down and stuffed into the arms of the little girl. The girl was very moved and gave her a bow.

Li Weiyang looked at this scene, and he could not help but smile. Ali said: "She has gone a long way from Qingzhou to Dadu. So she will stop all the way to see a doctor, but she has to treat so many patients, it should be very rich, and Xu Wang just gave it. Her five thousand five hundred and two silver, can't they use up?"

Li Weiyang smiled and whispered: "Yeah, I guess she must have bought all the medicines and gave them to the poor."

Princess Ali was involuntarily frowned and said: "How come this stupid person in the world?"

Li Weiyang looked at Ali's confused eyes and smiled slightly: "Yeah, how can there be such a stupid person in this world?" Then she told the driver to say: "Look at what the lady is looking for, let us send her a Cheng."

The driver immediately responded and drove the carriage all the way to the woman. At this time, Li Weiyang felt that it was wrong because she was very familiar with this road. Not waiting for her to tell the driver to slow down, the woman had stopped in front of a government house, and there was a plaque hanging on the front door, which was written with three large characters "the government office." Li Weiyang, Alice has said loudly: "How did she go home with us?"

Li Weiyang looked at the woman, his brow gently wrinkled, and then suddenly opened his mouth and called Zhao Yuedao: "Zhao Yue, you go to the concierge and ask them to invite the lady to go in."

The Qi government is guarded by strict officials. If there is no famous post and the permission of the master of the Guo family is not allowed, it is absolutely impossible to enter, but when the guards see the carriage of Miss Guogong, Zhao Yue gestured to them, they Immediately understood, and respectfully invited the female doctor into it. The woman doctor showed a hint of surprise, but she still licked her own baggage, and walked into the gorgeous and solemn Qiguo government.

Li Weiyang got off the carriage, and Princess Ali was even more strange: "What did she come to the government office to do? Looking for us?"

Li Weiyang said faintly: "Is it, just go in and know." She said that she had already stepped through the door.

Nalan Snow waited quietly in the flower hall. Her eyes didn't stay in the gorgeous furniture of the government for half a moment. In fact, even if the Qiguo government was so expensive, she could not attract her attention. She just sat, squinted and looked at her clothes with a slight uneasiness, as if there was a hint of inexplicable tension. At this time, I suddenly heard someone smiled: "The doctor is looking for the government office. Isn’t the silver ticket we gave you not cashed?"

Nalan Xue was taken aback and jerked her head up, but saw that Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang walked in with the door. Nalan Xue’s face suddenly showed an embarrassed look. She did not think that the lady in front of her would be the wife of Qi Guogong and the person she was looking for. She was suddenly dumb.

Li Weiyang looked at her and smiled softly: "This girl, how did you find it here?"

Nalan Xue opened her mouth and wanted to explain that she was not coming to recover the medical treatment. She looked at the smiles of others. Obviously, people just joked. She did not think she was chasing money. She said: I have been looking for a long time to find it. If I know that you are a Guo family, I will not..."

When she had not finished speaking, she heard the voice of the ring at the door. Her gaze looked over there, but she saw two young and beautiful women surrounded by hoes and walked in from the side door. One of the women's goose faces, almond eyes, a goose-yellow dress, wearing a very simple but very dazzling precious gem, walked up to bring a fragrant wind, she smiled and walked to Mrs. Guo's side, opening: "Mother, are you back?" Mrs. Guo went to Shangxiang today. When she came back, she happened to meet Li Weiyang. This came with her, and it was Chen Bingbing who was holding her hand at the moment.

Mrs. Guo patted her hand: "Come, I will introduce you to Jia's savior."

Chen Bingbing curiously looked at Nalan Xue, and Mrs. Guo introduced them to them: "These two are my daughter-in-law. This is the big brother of Jiang, this is my second son, Chen. This girl saved you in Qingzhou. My sister has a life, come, thank you soon."

When I heard this paragraph, Nalan Snow, who had just smiled, changed her face for a moment. Several people present, who did not notice her expression is wrong, only Li Weiyang saw Nalan Snow uncomfortable at that moment. Nalan Snow looked at the beautiful embroidered, beautiful and lively Qiguo Gongfu Er Er Chen Bingbing, then subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his old clothes. The embroidered shoes were damaged because of the long journey, obviously not incompatible with this gorgeous place. She paused a little and gently stepped back. In the twinkling of an eye, she picked up her own baggage and said, "I'm sorry, I went to the wrong place." Then she gave a light and walked quickly to the door.

Mrs. Guo is amazed: "This girl, why come here without saying a few words? Are you not looking for us?"

Nalan Snow bit her teeth and held back the tears in her eyes. When she turned back and looked calm, she said: "I am looking for someone named Guo, but they are not here." She said no. Speaking again, I have already walked out quickly.

Mrs. Guo wondered: "What happened to this girl?"

Chen Bingbing also looked at Nalan Snow's back, and his face was surprised. "This girl is so strange, how did she just say that Jiaer's savior ran away, is it because we are afraid of dragging her? She said she Looking for the Guo family, but how can you find the Qi government?"

Everyone was looking at each other. Only Li Weiyang had a meditation on her face. She looked at the back of Nalan Snow. She didn’t speak for a long time. Until Mrs. Guo gently pushed her, she suddenly turned back and looked at her. what happened?"

Mrs. Guo smiled and said: "How do you lose your soul, telling you that you will not agree for a long time."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Nothing, I just think that this girl is a bit strange. She has been from Qingzhou to the big ones. She traveled long distances without even drinking a cup of tea. Who are you looking for?"

Princess Ali joined in and jumped in and saw everyone standing here. I couldn’t help but say: “How did the girl go now? I also specifically greeted her, but she ignored me and did not return. It’s not very strange to go out?”

Li Weiyang whispered softly: "Yes, it is very strange. Who is she?"

------Off topic ------

(⊙o⊙)... Everyone went out to play in the New Year, I am still holding my position, hahahahaha

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