The Princess Wei Yang

: 242 a big fight


Mrs. Guo stayed by her son, tears fell on his face, and Li Weiyang just looked at it silently, and his heart was a little regretful. If the ginseng of Yuan Lie was left, Guo Yan would not have Life is dangerous. .luanhen. Although she also knows that for the current Guo Yan, ginseng is useless, but it is always better than nothing. At this time, someone suddenly reported outside the door: "Mrs. Chen, sent a hundred years to Chiba."

Mrs. Guo took a moment and immediately looked at Li Weiyang. Li Weiyang silently said for a moment, "Get in."

The prostitute replied, and then a red koi, two people were brought in with respect and respect. Li Weiyang glanced at Ms. Guo: "Mother, this one hundred years of red cherries sent by Erqi is very rare. I have heard people say that the centuries-old Ganoderma lucidum and the millennium ginseng can generally be renewed." She asked the girl who said: "Is there anything that the second sister said, who is this thing for?"

The prostitute replied with respect: "Miss Yu, the Chen family left the Ganoderma and left, not talking about who to give."

Guo Yan’s actions on the day have already broken off the relationship with Chen Bingbing. She sent this Ganoderma lucidum at this moment, is she apologizing to Nalan Snow, or is she reluctant to ask Guo Yan? I am afraid that only she knows it. Mrs. Guo glanced at the son on the bed and sighed with a sigh: "So you look at Jia Jiaer, what can you do with this thing? Can we believe her?"

Li Weiyang smiled faintly: "The second time is sometimes confusing, but it is also human nature. This Ganoderma lucidum is sent for help. We don't have to go through with ourselves. Of course, let the patient take it."

Mrs. Guo frowned slightly: "The doctor has already said that there is no way for him to hurt him, but it is a day after day, even if you have this ganoderma, there is no way to save your life. You will take Ganoderma lucidum into medicine. Let the Nalan girl take it."

Li Weiyang looked at Mrs. Guo, and there was a hint of surprise in her voice. She could not help but say: "Mother, the second brother, he..."

Mrs. Guo shook her head and her eyes were a rare insistence: "Ganoderma lucidum is not very useful for your second brother, but it can save lives for Nalan girl, so I will let you feed her to Ganoderma lucidum. If you The second brother is still awake now, and he will do the same. This is what we owe to others. I can’t let Yan’s children not be reconciled. For the sake of this owed life, Jiaer, do you say that I am doing right? ?"

Li Weiyang looked at Mrs. Guo, but she saw her beautiful face full of sorrow, and the eyelashes were also stained with tears, and sighed softly: "Mother said, my daughter said it to you. Do." She said that she told the Zhao Yue around to send this Ganoderma Lucidum to Nalan Snow.

Chen’s 100-year-old Ganoderma lucidum had only one strain, and the effect was remarkable. On the morning of the third day, Nalan Snow woke up. Li Weiyang went to visit her. Nalan Xue leaned on the bed and her voice was weak: "I have trouble again for Guo Jia, isn't it?"

Li Weiyang smiled, but this smile, but there are a few points that she can't even tell the complexity. At the moment, she always feels very weird. It seems that there is a pair of hands pushing the whole thing. development of. It’s not just Nalan Snow, Guo Yan, himself, and everyone in Guo’s family, as if they were in the calculations of that person. Looking at Nalan Xue, who was in front of her eyes, Li Weiyang did not want to say anything more. The voice was soft: "The mother has taken care of it and told me to take care of Nalan girl. After you have recovered, I will send you back."

Nalan Snow shook her head and said: "I am too self-willed. When I leave, I have so many things. It is obvious that my family is not willing to let me go. If I listened to Miss Guo’s advice, I will continue to stay. In the vast majority, maybe..." She said, her hand has been attached to her cheek.

When Li Weiyang saw this scene, he knew that Nalan Xue had already known that his face had been ruined. He said with comfort: "Nalan girl is a famous doctor herself. She must know that the scars have to be cured for a year and a half. Maybe, after some time, the appearance of Nalan girl..."

Nalan Xue laughed and said: "I don't care about this kind of thing. The so-called female is pleasing to the self. Now, what other people are going to be happy?" She said, she couldn't tell the expression. lonely.

Li Weiyang’s heart moved and looked at her: “Nana girl, can you have any experience in treating a sword injury?”

Nalan Snow’s eyes revealed doubts and said: “I don’t know where the sword wounded by Miss Guo is hurt?”

Li Weiyang bit his teeth, and the doctors they invited all said that Guo Yan was not saved, but it was dragged on for one day, and the sword on his chest had been pulled out, but the wound had already festered. If it was not treated in time, I am afraid that Guo Yan will die young. Li Weiyang has no feelings for Guo Yan, but she is somewhat dissatisfied, but she does not want to see Guo Yan and Na Lanxue have a pair of lovers, so she is always separated. She meditates for a moment and says: "Nalan girl, you I am sick now, I will tell you after two days." I hope Guo Yan can continue to drag on for two days.

When Li Weiyang thought about it, he stood up. Nalan Snow suddenly took her hand. Li Weiyang shocked: "Nana girl, what else do you need?"

Nalan Snow fixedly looked at Li Weiyang, her eyes were very clear, almost to see Li Weiyang's heart. Looking at it like this, Li Weiyang couldn't help but smile: "You are really smart, the injured person is my second brother, and this sword is still in the chest. All the people say that his life is not long. Nalan girl, Do you want to see him last?"

Nalan Snow’s face brush changed a bit and held her hand tightly: “Take me to see him.”

Li Weiyang looked at Nalan Xue in a distressed way. Nalan Xue quickly said: "My own body is very clear to me, but it is because I can't stay awake because I can't support it for a while. With Ganoderma lucidum, I can adjust my body for me. There won't be any serious problems. You can rest assured, let me go and see Guo Yan."

Li Weiyang nodded and then told the niece next to put on clothes for her, and then told the people to help Nalan Xue go to Guo Yan's room. Every time Nalan Snow walked, her body was shaking, her face was very pale, and there was a big sweat on her forehead. But she still said nothing, clenched her teeth, clutching her hand, step by step. Moved.

When Li Weiyang saw her like this, her heart couldn’t help feeling, what kind of feelings would make people feel the pain of one body? Yesterday, the doctor also said that Nalan Snow Girl had to wait at least one month to get out of bed, but in the blink of an eye, Nalan Snow had been able to stand up. This is a great willpower.

Because Guo Yan was seriously injured, the other people in Guo’s family were sitting in the outer room. They were all waiting quietly, but no one thought that Nalan Snow would appear here. When I saw her, everyone’s face was changed. Princess Chen Liu murmured: “Nana girl, you are...” After the day’s events, everyone knows the truth and knows this Nalan snow. It is the fiancee who was abandoned by Guo Yan.

Qi Guogong’s face was moving. He looked at Nalan Snow Road: “Nana girl, are you coming to see Yan’s last side?”

Nalan Snow gritted her teeth: "Qi Guogong, I am a doctor. If there is a last hope, I will not give up. Please let me see him."

Qi Guogong and Mrs. Guo looked at each other, and Mrs. Guo’s eyes showed the color of pleading. Qi Guogong nodded. “You go, but your body is also very bad now. Be careful, don’t hold on.”

Nalan Snow was helped by the raft into the inner house. Mrs. Guo looked at Li Weiyang and could not help but blame: "Silly boy, I know your heart is in a hurry, but Nalan girl is a serious patient. If there is a case, our pains are in vain."

Li Weiyang sighed a sigh: "Mother, if the second brother still has a rescue, Nalan Snow will naturally do the last bit of hard work. If it is not saved, she also hopes to see the last side of her second brother. If we have been hiding her, Secretly sent her back to her hometown. One day she will know the truth. It’s hard to keep it from resentment.

After listening to this, Mrs. Guo couldn’t help but wet her clothes. Qi Guogong grabbed Mrs. Guo’s shoulder and said softly: “Don’t be sad, this is also the fate of Yan’s life.” In fact, the most uncomfortable thing in Qi’s public heart is that he did not refuse Chen’s marriage, even though he also refused. Chen's proposal, Guo Jia will face extremely bad situation, but now seeing his beloved second son lying in bed, dying, Qi Guogong can not help but repent.

Mrs. Guo couldn’t help it anymore. She fell in the arms of Qi Guogong and cried aloud.

Princess Chen Liu was also tears down. Jiang quickly handed over the scorpion and softly advised: "Grandma, your body is not good, don't be too sad, maybe the second brother still has a save." Looking at the door with hope. At this moment, everyone’s eyes were fixed on the door, and I was afraid that Nalan Snow would come out and tell everyone that it was a bad news.

After the semi-column incense, Nalan Xue was helped by the people. She looked at everyone, but her eyes were gentle. She said: "Guo Yan is still saved, but I must do it according to the recipe I said."

When everyone listened to this, they all had surprises in their eyes, especially Mrs. Guo, even with their hands together, and even said: "Amitabha, Buddha bless." She said she went up and took Nalan Snow’s hand: "Nana Lan girl, thank you very much."

Nalan Snow smiled faintly, his face was extremely pale, but there was comfort in that look.

Li Weiyang looked in his eyes and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If Mrs. Guo had just been selfish and took Ganoderma lucidum to save Guo Yan, I am afraid that one can not survive. Now, she is good and good. Facts have proved that Li Weiyang thinks things too simple, Guo Yan is overweight, and it is not as easy as Nalan Xue said. For the next two months, Guo Yan was lying in bed, often with high fever and heavy gauze around his chest. In order to prevent him from enduring the pain in his chest, Nalan Snow tied his hands to the bed. In order to prevent him from scratching himself and aggravating the injury. Now Nalan Xue is still a patient, so she must grit her teeth, use all her will to stay awake, and make various diagnoses and treatments for Guo Yan. At this moment, she has no power to collapse and can only use all her efforts to save her life. Guo Yan, there is only one thought in her heart, that is, let Guo Yan live.

In the course of this treatment, Li Weiyang watched Nalan Xueming himself going down, but he never stayed in the side of Guo Yan, and even took care of all the care. This kind of work is very difficult. Although Guo Yan has been in a coma, he struggled so badly that Nalan Snow often overturned the medicine bowl when he was taking medicine and applying medicine.

Li Weiyang looked at it from beginning to end, and couldn't help but feel the emotion. Nalan Xue's body was very clear. Except for the wound that had not been cured, the wound on her face could not see the wind, but she just wanted to Guo Yan, I have been here for the day and night, just because she is a doctor? Li Weiyang shook his head. If it was just for this, Nalan Snow would not have the kind of frenzied frenzy on her face. What's more, she has done far more than a doctor should do.

People who are in a coma often don't know what they are doing. Every time they go to the medicine, Guo Yan struggles so badly that everyone can't do anything, but they see Nalan Snow's endless bowl, one bite. One bite is in my mouth, and one bite into Guo Yan's mouth. She is so dedicated and even devout, not only shocked everyone, but even Guo Yan gradually calmed down. In this room, there are not only Princess Chen Liu, but Mrs. Guo, Qi Guogong, and other members of the Guo family, but Nalan Xue seems to be totally unconcerned. Everyone was looking at her, but she still fed the bowl of bitter and bitter medicine into his throat.

Li Weiyang read her mind. She has been trying to suppress the deep feelings of Guo Yan and control the love for Guo Yan. If she changed herself, I am afraid that Guo Yan has already hated it. However, Nalan Snow still loves him, and even at this point he still refuses to give up. But in front of everyone, Nalan Snow never showed the slightest emotion, as if treating Guo Yan she was just a dedicated doctor. Mrs. Guo couldn’t help it anymore, and she quickly walked out. Then the other people in the Guo family quietly retired one by one, leaving this room to the couple who are desperate.

Li Weiyang came to Mrs. Guo’s side and his voice was very gentle: “Mother, don’t be sad, everything will be fine.”

Mrs. Guo burst into tears, not only Mrs. Guo, but even Princess Ali, who had been silently watching everything happening, couldn’t help but whimpered: “The Nalan girl is too pitiful, I have never seen her so well. Girl."

Li Weiyang glanced at Princess Alice and looked complicated: "Princess, Nalan Snow is indeed a good girl, her experience is also very sympathetic, but..."

Guo Cheng sighed: "But she has no fate with her second brother."

Princess Ali slammed her head and replied: "Why? Didn't the two young ladies have left the Guo family? And the second master has already been cleaned with her. Can he not marry Nalan Snow in the future?"

Mrs. Guo listened to her innocent words and shook her head with anxiety. "Ali, you are a stupid child. The marriage between the family is broken, not only you are stupid, but also the child." Stupid. Although he used this life to return Chen Bingbing's feelings, can Guo Chen's two things be so simple to end?"

Princess Chen Liu kept sighing constantly, and Jiang’s side next to her was also with a lot of regrets. Princess Alice looked left and right. She really didn't understand. Since Chen Bingbing had already gone back, she was cut off from Guo Yan. This marriage should be done for this. Why do they still have to say this?

Guo Dun hit a fist on the beam and looked painful. Qi Guogong has been silently sitting, sitting quietly, and the old man is in general and has no reaction to their words.

At this time, I heard someone outside reporting: "The country grandfather, Chen Jialai people."

The coming will always come, Qi Guogong sighed: "I will go see it." He has not yet reached the door, but Mrs. Guo suddenly said: "No! This is the matter of Guo, we are all I should go and listen to see how I can solve this problem!"

Qi Guogong saw it and immediately looked at his wife. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer her. When she saw her look firm, he finally nodded and solemnly said: "Well, what can we solve together?"

Inside the living room, Chen’s people were also face-to-face. Chen Xuanhua looked at his father Chen Ling and couldn’t help but say: “Father, this thing may not be as simple as it seems.”

Chen Ling is now in the book of the Ministry of Rites, the official of the second product, usually very calm and self-sufficient, but the matter involved his own niece Chen Bingbing, he had to come to see. He looked at his son's side, but made a gesture, faintly said: "You don't have to say much, see how Qi Gonggong explained the matter." Mrs. Chen has been rubbing her tears, reluctantly suppressing her heart. resentment.

When Guo’s people arrived, Chen Hanxuan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly stood up from his chair and walked quickly. His eyes were cold and violent, and his expression was extremely angry: "What did you do to my older sister?"

Qi Guogong’s face is a glimpse, and Guo Dun, who is next to him, has a cold interface: “What did you do? It should be what your big sister did to my family!”

After he said this, Qi Guogong had a cold eyebrow and a harsh voice: "I still can't stop! The elders are here, where are you talking about here?" This sentence is not only in reprimanding Guo Dun but also in the innuendo of Chen Hanxuan. The ceremony is first.

Chen Ling certainly understood, and he waved: "Han Xuan, come back to sit!" Chen Hanxuan gritted his teeth, his right hand can no longer be used, so he has been using the left sword. For this reason, he always believed that his mistakes had been repaid, and he did not owe them anything to Guo, and he could stand here confidently and Guo’s family theory. Hearing his father's cold voice, he showed a sly look on his face, but forced to suppress, and back three steps.

Qi Guogong looked at the Chen family, and his tone was a bit cold. He slowly said: "If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasure Hall, if you have something, just say it."

Mrs. Chen stood up at once. She looked at each other and took a deep breath. "What happened? You still have a face to ask such a thing! I will give you a good daughter to Guo, but you are How to treat her? After she went back that day, the whole person was demented and asked her not to say anything! I want to take her to Guojia theory, but she is not willing to live and die! Not so long ago, it was still quiet. I took the Ganoderma lucidum that was stored in the warehouse for a hundred years. I sent someone to know that she had sent Guo Fu! This series of strange things has caused us to be suspicious. She suddenly suddenly last night. Hang up!"

When Qi Guogong heard it, his face became very ugly and he said, "What about now? How?"

Mrs. Chen shook her head in pain: "Fortunately, Shantou discovered in time that she was saved, but now the whole person is in a coma, and the proverb is constant, but I don't know what to say."

Li Weiyang sighed, but fortunately, Chen Bingbing is still alive.

Mrs. Guo heard this sentence, her face was astonished, Zhang mouth wanted to ask anything, but she couldn’t speak. It took a long time to dry up and said with difficulty: "So, today, are you coming to the teacher to ask for sin?"

Mrs. Chen bite her teeth: "Yes, we are here to discuss a statement! She has been repeatedly calling Guo Yan's name. She always wanted to be your good wife. Why do you want to treat her like this? Don't give us a Saying, I will never leave today!"

Mrs. Guo’s heart was swept away by great pain. All the emotions, worries, torments, jealousy and other emotions in her heart were vented. She shouted: “What qualifications do you have to question us? Didn't you force yourself to succeed?"

Mrs. Chen did not expect the other party to apologize for the slightest apology. Instead, she pursued the old things and could not help but anger: "What do you mean by this?"

Li Weiyang stepped forward and gently held Mrs. Guo’s arm and said softly: “Mother, don’t be angry, if you have anything, sit down and say it slowly.”

However, Mrs. Chen is furious, and her voice is like a jade. "You Guo's family are murderers. Are you ruining my daughter like this, and even have a face to ask me?" Chen Ling, who is next to him, quickly pulled Her, whispered: "Madam, what do you say slowly, why are you so excited?" Mrs. Chen is usually a gentle and gentle lady, but at this moment she has not considered much, thinking of her daughter dying Look, her heart is extremely painful.

She turned her head and smacked her face to face Chen Shangshu, who was crying loudly: "It's all you! I said that the family of Guo can't be married, but you have to help your daughter to marry. Now you see, these How cold and ruthless people are! They even pretend to have an uninformed look. Will our daughters who are born to make them so ruined? Losing you is still a middle-class minister, can you look at your own eyes? Is the daughter so badly ill? If the daughter has three long and two short, I will never let you go!"

Chen Ling was helpless with the wife of Sapo, and her eyes showed that Chen Xuanhua had just walked up like a dream, and it took a lot of effort. In the end, Mrs. Chen was taken away from Chen Ling, and Mrs. Chen was still there. Cried in silence: "You Guojia does not give me an account, I will never leave easily!"

These remarks reminded Mrs. Guo and Chen Bingbing of an unprecedented conflict. Mrs. Guo’s heart was so sad that she thought of the son who had not come to bed so far. The current refutation: “All this is not because of your daughter! There are so many men, your daughter wants to like my son, he already has a fiancee, but you threaten with the alliance of Guo Chen, you have to marry your daughter. Who is the culprit? Who is What is the bully? Who is the insulting mad dog that rushes to bite?" These harsh words are that Mrs. Guo decided not to say it on weekdays, even Li Weiyang was shocked to see her, let alone others.

Mrs. Guo’s cultivation has been very good. Even if Mrs. Chen is in public in this place, she will not say such words. Li Weiyang will understand when he thinks about it. Mrs. Guo has accumulated the guilt of Nalan Snow to the extreme these days. A girl like Nalan Snow, if she is not beautiful enough, is not kind enough, is not understanding enough, and is not forbearing enough... Mrs. Guo is not so uncomfortable.

She has lost a good daughter-in-law, and then almost lost her son. Now, Mrs. Chen is still coming to the door, and she is aggressively accused. After all, isn’t this marriage forced Chen’s family to end? ? Both families are wrong, but Mrs. Chen’s actions today have pushed all the mistakes to the Guo family. It is too harsh.

Mrs. Chen seemed to be unbelievable. She looked at Mrs. Guo and stared at her. She realized that the other party did not want to recover this marriage. Suddenly there was a panic in the eyes of Mrs. Chen. She was low and dumb. Almost scared to say, "You, are you crazy?"

Mrs. Guo sneered a sneer, suddenly approached, staring at her, as if to see her in general: "From beginning to end, what did our Guo family do to worry about Chen's family? I did not, Yan Zi did not, Guo Jia every No one is sorry for your daughter, but what about her? She has fallen to this end today. Have you ever asked her what he did? Is it true that my Guo family is not, she has no fault at all? These days Since then, I have been tolerant of her! In that year, you used this friendship as coercion, forced my son, abandoned his beloved woman, ruined the marriage alliance, and made a betrayal. If not, he I will not leave the big guards to guard the frontiers soon after I get married. I have lost a son. Now you still blame me. Who is unreasonable? Who is our Guo family? Hey, it’s really a slippery world. ”

Mrs. Chen looked at her with a sigh of relief, and then looked at the silent people around her, and could not help but be dumb, and soon hysterically rose up: "Chen Ling, Xuanhua, why don't you talk? Even let her be so black and white upside down, arrogantly criticize We are Chen family!"

Mrs. Guo heard the sound, just silently looked at her: "Because of the tragedy caused by our two families, it is close at hand."

Mrs. Chen shocked a bit and tried to concentrate all her efforts to refute the other’s complaint: “What did you say lost a son? He stayed at the border, but my daughter was already lying down and couldn’t get it. ......" She looked at the other side, the dead word could not be said at the mouth, and finally bite her teeth, trembled: "Isn't this marriage you promised?"

Mrs. Guo smiled coldly: "Yes, so both of us are guilty. We have dismantled a pair of lovers, so everything that we suffer today is that we are self-sufficient and have sin. I really should say sorry, Guo Jia is only sorry for the Nalan girl alone."

Mrs. Chen sat down in the chair at once, almost shockedly watching Mrs. Guo: "Do you want to kill a couple of years of friendship for a small monk?"

Mrs. Guo’s face was pale and her voice was even colder: “Mrs. Chen, please keep your mouth clean and don’t tarnish Chen’s centuries-old reputation!”

Mrs. Chen bit her teeth: "Isn't it? What is the Nalan girl? What does she have compared to my daughter?"

When Li Weiyang heard it, his heart sneered, Chen’s family may be noble, and he looked down on Nalan Snow’s origins, so that they felt that Guo Yanben should belong to Chen Bingbing, Nalan Xue was damn, so she lost her marriage and lost her life. It’s self-sufficient, and it’s not related to Chen Bingbing. This kind of logic is really robbery, but Mrs. Chen said such righteousness and remarks, so hesitated.

Qi Guo publicly said: "Chen Shangshu, I have no mood to discuss with you for the time being. As for your daughter..." He looked at Chen Ling and apologized apologetically: "This marriage is afraid of this." Now, I will let Yan Er write a letter and leave the book and personally send it to Chen."

Mrs. Chen heard this sentence, all the swords and shackles turned into a collapse, the fragile tears could not stop flowing, she shouted: "Why are you so worried? Where is my daughter? Is it necessary to leave?"

In fact, Chen Bingbing’s actions, even if Guo’s family wants to take her off, there is nothing wrong with it, but Qi Guogong is not willing to make things too stiff, and he is not willing to let Chen Bingbing have no way to go. The power, she will be able to find another good marriage in the future, and will not delay her life.

Chen Shangshu looked at Qi Guogong coldly. Just how his wife called it, he didn't stop it. He wanted to come to his heart and support it. Although the Nalan girl was very pitiful, her emotional experience was even rough, but the family is the family. The interests are the interests. The alliance between Guo and Chen is not only related to the Guo family, but also to the entire political affairs. He does not want to let the alliance of the two families fall apart just because of a country woman.

He slowly said: "Guo Xiong, I hope that you can consider this matter carefully. If you really do this, can you save everything in the past? Your Guo family is innocent, this time, just an unfortunate accident. Do you want the two families to burst like this, making people feel awkward, is this what you want?"

The calmness of this statement made the people in one room stunned.

Qi Guogong sighed. At this time, Mrs. Chen’s heart burst into a million thoughts. She suddenly stood up and walked to Mrs. Guo’s face, staring at her, and then repented and spurned: “Family, It’s all my fault, don’t just say and leave two words because of my rudeness, how much ice ice is like Guo Yan. We all look at this thing, she didn’t know it in the past two years. How much effort, she did not like to force herself, we always love her, love her, protect her, but married to Guo, every move is to discuss Guo Yan's favor, to discuss your Guo family I liked it. A few days ago, she came back and said to us, "The young master who wants to adopt for the Guo family, please a master of martial arts, and even let his younger brother Han Xuan personally teach her, she is so painstaking, do you all turn a blind eye? Is she serious about wanting to be a good wife? Why are you not understanding her? Isn’t that Nalan Snow really so good that you can’t see the benefits of my daughter?”

Li Weiyang sighed. At the moment, Mrs. Chen is not the lady who just slammed the door and asked for sin. She is just a mother who is crying. This scene is not unmoving, even though her heart will be touched. . It’s just that what happened today, Chen Bingbing is responsible. If she doesn’t know everything before marriage, she can still say that she is innocent, but she now knows that she is still aware of the poisonous hands of Nalan Xue. Too much. If not. Guo Yan will not make a break with her, let alone his willingness to crush his life, and also cut off her relationship with her.

Mrs. Guo is to understand her son. From the beginning of Guo Yan’s move, she understands that he is not prepared to reunite with Chen Bingbing. I thought of Nalan Snow... Mrs. Guo looked at Mrs. Chen and shook her head. "Sorry, madam, this thing is hard to recover."

Chen Hanxuan was discolored and angry: "You Guo family is really crazy! Do you know what the consequences are?"

Li Weiyang glanced at Chen Hanxuan and said for the first time: "Chen Gongzi, here are all elders. There is no place for you to talk. Please keep silent. Especially the last time, we still have accounts." ""

Chen Hanxuan’s eyelid jumped. He looked at Li Weiyang and his voice condensed: “What do you say, I am not already...”

His words have not spoken yet, but he heard Li Weiyang sneer a sneer: "Yeah, you are no longer using your right arm, but you still have a left-handed sword, then my fifth brother, he is like you. Is it the same? He can't lift the sword again in his life. How do you pay him back?"

Next to Chen Xuanhua’s cheeks, he twitched slightly, suppressing the agitation of the inner tide. Looking at Li Weiyang’s eyes, he couldn’t help but stunned: “I know that this thing is Han Xuan’s wrong, he is too negligent, so that Others have a chance to take advantage of it, and he is a very stubborn child. He simply doesn't know how to apologize. So, I took him to the door last time, hoping to resolve the resentment and injustice in your heart, but I I didn't think that just because of these resentments, you will blame everything on my elder sister."

Li Weiyang shook his head and said in a plain tone: "Everything that Eryi did, she knew in her own heart, Guo family had angered her because of Chen Hanxuan's affairs? If it is true, as early as when she had just happened, she already There is no way to stand on the Guo family, but we have been always with her, and I have never been a little sorry for him. For the reasons for her self-sufficiency, you can go back and ask the second question to see what she did to Nalan girl. What did you do to the second brother and what did you do to Guo?"

Listening to Li Weiyang’s quirky words, Chen Ling’s face is a change. He looked at Mrs. Chen with a puzzled look, and Mrs. Chen is also puzzled. Why did Li Weiyang say this? Mrs. Chen stepped forward and said, "Miss Guo, please explain clearly."

This kind of stubbornness, Li Weiyang’s scorpion’s disgusting flashes quickly, and the rest is quiet: “Many things can’t be said clearly. You only know that Guo’s family is not a bit sorry for the second, and she is not hanging because we are forced. He is not because the second brother wants to be separated from her. The most important reason is because she feels embarrassed inside. If a person does not do something wrong, why should she marry? Maybe ask the second question, you can Ask the blessing child around her to see if she is being challenged by someone, and she will teach her to do something that cannot be exchanged."

Li Weiyang had already doubted Fuer, but Chen Bingbing guarded Fuer from beginning to end, so that at this point, Li Weiyang would like to know how Chen’s family would handle it.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly jumped in their hearts. Chen Shangshu and Qi Guogong looked at each other. Then Chen Ling said: "Okay, we will definitely investigate this matter. Miss Guo, if you have half today, Sentence lies..."

Li Weiyang erected three fingers, coldly said: "If I have a half-lie lie today, Huang Tian is on the ground, calling me a million arrows to wear the heart, and never live forever."

When Mrs. Guo heard this sentence, she quickly stumbled: "You are a stupid girl, why should you make such a sinister oath."

Li Weiyang said slowly: "If this is not the case, how can the Shangshu adults believe me?"

Chen Ling bit his teeth, no longer saying anything, told the people around him: "Let's go back and ask things clearly." He said, he had already walked out quickly, and Mrs. Chen wiped her tears and hurriedly followed. Chen Xuanhua was covered with frost, and Chen Hanxuan was cold and screamed, and they all left in tandem.

Qi Guogong looked at the back of Chen’s family, but he shook his head and said: “The alliance between Guo and Chen is completely complete.”

Princess Chen Liu looked at her son and couldn’t help but sigh and sighed: "The so-called predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the cold. We did not insist on our position when we were elders. We had a couple of lovers. So, nowadays, this resentment has become deeper and deeper. We are all relatives of Yan, but there is no way to help him. I can only watch young people shed blood and tears and give up their lives. It is really embarrassing. !"

Everyone can look at each other and see confession and apology from each other's eyes. Mrs. Guo is more like a knife: "This is the main thing here. I will not let Chen Bingbing enter the door again. Things should be solved by the elders. As for their feelings, they should be handed over to themselves. I only hope that in the future, I will not regret things again, and I will not look back, things are wrong, regrets!"

Mrs. Guo said this, Qi Guogong had already understood Mrs. Guo’s thoughts. He sighed and went to Mrs. Guo’s side and said, “Mrs. I don’t blame you for all this, just blame the world for getting people.”

When Li Weiyang saw Mrs. Guo’s tears, she couldn’t help but shook her head. The look on the face was even more complicated.

Under the careful care of Nalan Snow, Guo Yan finally opened his eyes and made a sound. Although the sound he said at the beginning was so broken and dumb, he finally survived. Moreover, gradually able to barely start walking, although every step is so strenuous. In the end, he was able to open the gauze, and the wound on his chest had begun to scab and healed bit by bit.

Nalan Snow's body has also recovered, but her face has left a horrible brand, especially on the left face, there are two twisted scars, and all the time, the scar will follow the shadow, always Remind her that her face has been destroyed.

Now that the Guo family has been able to face Nalan Snow honestly, Mrs. Guo has repeatedly assured her that Chen Bingbing will no longer be an obstacle between her and Guo Yan. As long as Nalan Xue has the heart, she can stay with Guo Yan. However, Nalan Xue didn't think so. Even though Guo Yan still loves her deeply, she is already self-defeating. How can she treat him as calmly as she used to? Whenever she dreams back at midnight, she realizes that she is The face is already ruined. Therefore, she is willing to keep the good memories of the past, and the attitude towards Guo Yan is also very cold, just like an ordinary friend.

At noon, Xu Wangyuan Lie gently walked into the small courtyard. The two prostitutes were sitting on the steps at the end of the corridor. They whispered and saw him appear. They were all surprised. Zhao Yue saw that he immediately made a gesture. The two prostitutes sneered quietly, but at the same time they lowered their heads. Yuan Lie has already smashed the curtain and walked in.

In this light and shadow, a woman sitting on the edge of the bed, long black hair scattered like a waterfall, she closed her eyes, as if listening to the snoring outside the window. Yuan Lie walked over and his footsteps were very light. The afternoon sun shone on Li Weiyang's face, causing a faint light and shadow on the eyelashes and nose. Her face looked calm and soft, and people couldn't help but be moved.

Yuan Lie sat next to her, staring at her quietly, her eyes became very soft, Li Weiyang suddenly turned the blind man, saw Yuan Lie, and the paint scorpion had a warmth of sorrow: "I let you check Do you find out the things?"

Yuan Lie looked at Li Weiyang, and his cold eyebrows loosened a point: "Yes, I have checked it. This secret report records everything you need, but are you sure you want to see it?"

Li Weiyang looked at him, his expression suddenly froze, the sun was foggy, and Li Weiyang’s color was very cold, and the facial features were brighter, but at the moment, her eyebrows contained a complex color.

Yuan Lie smiled slightly, and the amber-colored scorpion became more and more touching. There was a trace of enchanting. Only when he looked at Li Weiyang, he felt more pity in his heart. He had not spoken yet. He had already stretched his arms and hugged her tightly.

The firm iron arm, gently on her shoulder, can feel his warm breath falling on her hair, Li Weiyang enjoys this care and warmth, muttering: "Why do I not want to see it?" What?"

Yuan Lie raised his brow, his lips brushed from her hair, and it was clear and hot. "Nothing, just a feeling."

Li Weiyang’s lips moved and seemed to want to say something. After all, he did not say it.

"In my case, I would like you to be able to live alone, without intrigue, without fatigue, let me hold up this sky for you, so that you are no longer alone, no longer sad, no longer need to calculate, okay?"

Li Weiyang looked at him and smiled slightly: "But many times, I don't like to hide behind other people. What I need, I have to take it myself and take it."

Yuan Lie no longer answered, he quietly looked at her face, and many times he looked at each other so seriously. I don't know when it started. He told himself that he must protect the person in front of her, make her happy, let her relax, let her relax, let her no longer worry, no longer alone. He whispered softly: "So I still brought this secret report, I can't see it, the decision is in your hands." He said that he had stuffed a thin letter into Li Weiyang's hands.

Li Weiyang clung to the letter, but it was a slight sigh. Yuan Lie’s face could not be seen clearly because of the backlight. It was just a pair of amber eyes. It was very deep and bright. After converging from the usual smile, it showed a blurred color. He whispered: "You listen to this. Humming, how beautiful."

Li Weiyang was slightly coveted, and he had to raise his eyes. His eyes were quiet and waveless: "That is the second brother bragging."

Yuan Lie looked at Li Weiyang's look, and his heart moved: "It seems that he really likes Nalan Snow."

Li Weiyang nodded and said: "In this world, not everyone can have a lover, and they have been broken up for so long, they could have been together, but unfortunately, the face of Nalan’s girl is never possible to recover. But this thorn also stayed in the heart of the second brother."

Yuan Lie smiled and said: "If you change me, you may not hesitate to take her away."

In the eyes of outsiders, he is a man of temper and full of power, but in front of her, he is just a man who will be tempered in front of her. Li Weiyang smiled and shook his head. He said: "Guo Yan can never make abandonment of the family. Even though he knows that he is sorry for Nalan Snow, he has not shown anything to Nalan Snow until now. This is Guo Yan, the second son of Guo Jia, you can feel that he is weak, but I have to admire him, not everyone can do this, suppressing their feelings."

It is not a good thing to suppress your own feelings. Even the most beloved woman can't protect it. This is not a man. Yuan Lie sneered, but he held Li Weiyang tighter and smiled. "So he is the biggest fool in the world. Let's not learn from him. It is time to prepare for the wedding."

------Off topic ------

I want to marry the woman, um, make a fist.

I feel that the children’s papers that have been wronged in these chapters can be counterattacked after two days. ╯(╯3╰)╮

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