The Princess Wei Yang

: 279 Who is poisoned?


On the second day, there was news in the palace, and Hui Hui Niang was specially summoned to see Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang. Mrs. Guo heard some news about this news: "Jia Er, what will Huixi Niangni want to see?"

Li Weiyang indulged for a while, faintly chuckled: "Mothers don't have to worry, the waves are raging in the middle of the country, and the harem is not very calm. It is of course important for Huiyi Niangni to call them into the palace at this time."

Mrs. Guo heard Li Weiyang’s words and nodded and said: “She is not easy to be alone in the palace. Let’s go to the palace to accompany her.”

Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang entered the palace together. When they saw that Guo Huizhen’s face was very thin, Mrs. Guo looked at her up and down and asked her gently: “The goddess, how are these days so embarrassing, what happened? ”

Guo Huizhen grabbed the fingers of Paz and tightened it. He shook his head and glanced at the palace lady who stood down and said, "Okay, the palace and the mother family talk, you all go back." Without retreating, only the most trusted female officer around Guo Huizhen was at the door, preventing outsiders from coming in.

Hui Wei looked at Li Weiyang, and there seemed to be hidden concerns in his eyes: "There have been no peace in the palace since these days. I think the same is true outside."

Guo Huizhen asked about the situation in the middle of the present. Li Weiyang smiled faintly: "The maiden, there is my father and the king of Jing Wang, and you don't have to worry too much, or just rest in peace."

Hui Hui looked at her soft face and just sighed: "Yuan Ying is a child who is too impatient. I always worry that he does not know how to deal with it."

Li Weiyang and Mrs. Guo looked at each other and Mrs. Guo took the lead: "The maiden is really worried. The prince of Jing Wang is a dragon and phoenix. He is unparalleled in intelligence and very restrained. Recently, he has been very important to him. There were few errands for him to do. I heard that all of my high school was very good. I was praised by the middle and the middle. If there is such a child, what else does the goddess have to worry about?"

Who knows that Hui Hui has become more uneasy after listening to this statement, saying: "He is my son. Can I not understand him? He is indeed a very talented person, but when he talks about how to fight, he is so captivating. Queen? I am afraid that people deliberately throw out some traps, and he stupidly stepped in. I specially invited Daxie and Jiaer to enter the palace today. The most important purpose is to hope that Jiaer can persuade him to persuade him not to let him Too quick to make a quick profit, think about what you should do in the recent period."

Li Weiyang did not think that Guo Huizhen would suddenly talk about this. It was a bit of an accident. Madame Guo quickly said: "The niece is too high to see Jiaer. You are his mother. If you can't even persuade him, how can Jiaer be? ?"

Who knows that Guo Huizhen is a faint smile, obviously does not agree: "Jiaer, you are a smart child, will understand what I mean? Although I do not have this blessing to be your mother-in-law, but I am still your aunt, blood relatives this One point is that it will not change anyway. Seeing that Yuan Ying is your cousin, I care a lot about him. I am a useless mother, can't give him everything he wants, can only persuade him to close his hand. ""

What Guo Huizhen said, Li Weiyang all understood that it seems that Huiyi Niangniang does not want her son to compete for power. Indeed, according to Guo Huizhen’s disposition, she should be the same as Qi Guogong. After the slap in the face, the mind was deceitful, the position of the prince was very stable. Jing Wang Yuanying was particularly enthusiastic about the rumor for winning the position. Recently, he has been eager to make a quick profit. Huixi will be anxious and there is nothing strange about it. One of the most important reasons for thinking of Li Weiyang is that she can see that Yuan Ying’s heart is still hard to forget about Li Weiyang. Such a person can certainly influence her son. Although she knew that her actions were somewhat selfish, but out of a kind mother's heart, she still hoped that Li Weiyang could let go of the barrier to persuade Yuan Yi, maybe he would not listen to her advice.

Thinking of this, Guo Huizhen’s face showed a sincere color and took the initiative of Li Weiyang’s hand: “Jiaer, it’s aunt who asks you to help my aunt.”

Li Weiyang looked at Guo Huizhen's eyes, and suddenly remembered that when the Emperor of the Royal Family wanted to give her the death, Guo Huizhen was desperate to stop in front of him. In any case, she should have returned this person. Li Weiyang turned this thought in his mind and smiled lightly on his face: "I understand, the goddess, if I have the chance to meet the King of Jing, I will persuade him to persuade him."

Guo Huizhen took a sigh of relief and turned to Mrs. Guo and said: "Da, you have a good daughter who knows how to be sensible. I really envy you. If Nankang has Jiaer, it is so smart and sensible."

Mrs. Guo sighed at the bottom of her heart, but turned to the topic: "Is Princess Nankang better recently?"

Hui Hui smiled slightly, but there was a slight regret in his expression: "Nankang insisted on making a home in the middle of the shackles, and I couldn't stop her. I originally planned to let her stay in the ancestral hall for some time, wait for the limelight to pass her. After picking it up, I can choose another husband for her when she is calm, but she did not expect that she had already seen everything and was not ready to return to this iron cage."

Hearing that Guo Huizhen described the palace as a cage, Li Weiyang shook his head gently. Hui Niangniang said that there is nothing wrong with it. This is a splendid place. It is also a place to control people's freedom. Ordinary people are not living here. Go on. Mrs. Guo looked at Hui Wei, and she slowly overflowed with a trace of sadness. She was able to understand the feelings of being a mother. Hui Niang personally brought Princess Nankang personally, but she unexpectedly fell to this point. Perhaps this is the number of personal lives. . Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sit next to Hui, comforting her softly.

At this time, the outside palace lady suddenly knocked twice outside the door, Hui Yiyi, Yang said: "Come in." The palace lady came in respectfully and respectfully, "Reporting: "The goddess, the time of eating Arrived."

Guo Huizhen nodded, and said to Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang: "With me, I will eat together."

Mrs. Guo does not like to eat in the palace because the rules are too big. According to the custom of the palace, the emperor has no less than 30 dishes per meal, the queen is no less than twenty-five, and the harem is no less than twenty. So many dishes are on the table, they want to eat. As long as the dishes are made, the palace ladies will carefully put the vegetables on them in the dishes in front of them. A person's appetite is limited. We don't like to walk around on weekdays, but we can't eat much. Sometimes dozens of delicious dishes come up, but it's just like doing it.

It’s not the first time that Mrs. Guo stayed in the Huisong Palace. But every time the palace lady personally served her, she felt uncomfortable. Although there were prostitutes in the family, the serious atmosphere in the palace. And the cumbersome rules always make her dislike. Although Li Weiyang knows this, but since Hui Yi personally retained, they are not good to refuse.

When the dish full of tables came up, Mrs. Guo looked at it but she had no appetite. She should have no words to talk about, but she couldn’t help but care about the truth: "Is the body of Dagu better than before?"

Mrs. Guo turned her head and looked at Hui Wei and smiled. “Thanks to Jiaer’s day and night, my body is much better now.” In fact, most of her illnesses were caused by Guo Dun, and now she has recovered after her nursed back to health. It’s healthy, but the delicious dishes on the table seem to be greasy and make people feel less refreshed.

Hui Wei smiled and personally put a piece of cabbage in front of Mrs. Guo, and then she also clipped some, and then said: "This dish is not here, it was tribute from other places two days ago, just started me. I didn’t dare to taste it. Later, I occasionally tried to know that it was exceptionally fresh. I specially asked someone to stay and prepare to send it to the Qiguo Government. You can also try it.”

Mrs. Guo showed a touch of emotion on her face. She smiled and said: "The rare goddess has the heart."

When Li Weiyang saw that they had a very good relationship, they couldn’t help but smile. Li Weiyang was hoping to chopsticks, but suddenly saw a palace lady who had just served with a sneak peek at Mrs. Guo. It seemed to look at her eyes. She couldn’t help but remember the chopsticks, and her heart was moving. Mrs. Guo had sent the chopsticks to herself. The mouth of the mouth, it is necessary to eat it, Li Weiyang suddenly coldly said: "Mother, wait a minute!"

Mrs. Guo was trying to taste this fresh vegetable, but she was scared by the sound of Li Weiyang. She immediately put down the chopsticks and stunned: "Jia, what happened?"

Li Weiyang looked very coldly at the palace lady and said, "Come and come and try it!"

Guo Huiyan smiled and said: "You don't have to be suspicious of Jiaer. In the original palace, people wanted to try it. I just thought that the rules were too cumbersome and told them to avoid it, but the silver needle test was still there."

Li Weiyang smiled coldly and said: "The goddess sometimes needs these cumbersome procedures." After that, she turned to look at the palace girl: "Not yet! Didn't hear me?"

Guo Huizhen was taken aback, she looked at the palace girl frowning: "Apricot, you didn't hear what the lady said?"

At this time, the lady named "Xinger" was slammed to the ground. I don’t know why the cold sweat was flowing, and Li Weiyang’s smile became more indifferent. He said: "Since it is a fresh vegetable that has never been heard, it may be rewarded. You eat two, and you don't have to pay for your loyalty to take care of the maiden."

Apricot is even more fearful, squatting on the ground, but refuses to look up and touch the dish. Guo Huizhen saw that she was stupid and understood the three points. This is called the apricot's palace girl who returned to her after changing the palace. She was born with wisdom, liveliness and enthusiasm. She would read and write, and she would vote for Guo Huizhen’s temper. When she was bored, she would call the palace lady to chat with her, but she never thought that the other party had ulterior motives. She couldn’t help but sigh: "Apricot, what happened to you, or - this dish has problems!"

Apricot didn't dare to look up and even dared not answer. When Guo Hui’s eyes sank, he ordered the female officer to bring over a cat he liked. This cat is a kitten given by Yuan Ying. It has a very sensitive sense of smell, and it smells like a delicious thing. , indicating that it likes it. But once it hits a poorly tasted food, it keeps licking its neck to show that it is not edible. In a short while, Guo Huizhen’s pet was taken, and Hui Wei ordered the palace lady to hold a small piece of cabbage to let the kitten sniff. As a result, the chopsticks had just been placed in front of the kitten, but it turned and ran. Seeing this scene, Guo Huiyan stood up fiercely and screamed: "Bring it back!" The palace girl immediately forced the cat back, hard Clipped a small piece of cabbage to it, but the kitten screamed and put his head high, and he did not intend to eat. Swisen.

Guo Huiyan sneered and suddenly turned his head: "Apricot, even you betray me!"

Hearing this, he said that the apricot was completely stunned. Then she quickly stood up and slammed into the wall with lightning speed, but a dozen eunuchs and palace ladies could let her hit it? Everyone grabbed her with all her hands.

Seeing this chaotic scene, Guo Hui was cold and only felt soft and couldn't help but sit down slowly. Now she is really scared. If it wasn't for Li Weiyang who noticed that Apricot's look was wrong, and prevented himself and Daxie from eating the dish, I am afraid that they are already dead at this time. Thinking about this, she was both annoyed and scared. She was simply furious and sighed. "Put the apricot out and interrogate it. You must dig up the poisoner and smash him."

The eunuchs looked at each other and raised their hands to take the apricots out. Guo Huizhen was pale and his body kept shaking. Seeing that Hui Hui was so nervous, Mrs. Guo couldn’t help but pat her shoulders softly and said softly: “Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

This sentence is like the last straw that crushed Hui's shoulder. She cried out fiercely and said incredibly: "Why are people around me being used by people, can I not be good enough for them?"

Li Weiyang gently sighed: "The goddess, sometimes you are not good enough for her, but the human heart is too complicated, it may be for fame and fortune, or for power, who will know the thoughts in her heart."

Hui Hui suddenly looked up and said: "I really don't understand!" She apparently still can't figure out that she has betrayed her with her long-time Liang Liangguan, and now it is the turn of Xing. When Guo and Chen were handed over, Xing Er was once given to Chen Guifei by Hui Hui. Later, because of the fire, the people around him were not enough. Although some new people were added, they were always dissatisfied. Chen Guizhen came out. A good intention, returned the apricot to her.

Mrs. Guo, who thought that this matter was very embarrassing, could not help but say: "Is it a noble woman?"

Recently, the relationship between Guo and Chen has eased, so Chen Guizhen sent the apricot back. Li Weiyang shook his head: "Where is Chen Guizhen so stupid? Just sent people back and poisoned us, she is not going to be hurt."

It is not who Chen Guizhen will be, Guo Huizhen's face is even more ugly. Mrs. Guo thought for a moment and said: "The case of poisoning is important in people's cards. This matter can't be done in the Imperial Diet House. Just check it out, especially to find out who made this dish. Whoever comes, just grab it. People, leaving a living, can naturally force them to give instructions behind the scenes."

Guo Huiyan shook his head. "I am afraid that things are not so simple. Since the other party dares to do it, it must be riddled with roots."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Yeah, maybe nothing can be found, but what is important is that the girl must make a big checker, shock everyone, it is best to kill some, so that The goddess is sitting on the Diaoyutai, maybe... Spreading some rumors in the palace is more beneficial than catching the real murderer."

When Guo Huizhen heard this, she couldn’t help but lift up the alum and looked at Li Weiyang almost stunned. Li Weiyang’s smile is very gentle, but her tone of speech is very cold. Guo Huizhen couldn't help but think that Jing Wang Yuanying once told her about a gossip from the palace. She immediately thought of Li Weiyang's body, but is this all possible? Jiaer is just a weak woman. Although she has more thoughts, how can she doubt the old things in the palace? Everything is even unheard of. However, looking at Li Weiyang's cold face, she did not dare to ask more. I don't know why, for the first time in her heart, she had some embarrassment and anxiety about Li Weiyang.

Ning is killing the wrong, not letting go, how cold and ruthless this girl is.

After the meal was over, Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang went to the door and happened to meet Jing Wang Yuanying to come to Hui Niang. Mrs. Guo thought of what Hui Hui said just now, and could not help but whisper, saying: "Jiaer, my son seems to be lost in the Niangniang Palace. I will go back with the palace girl. You are here to accompany the Jing Wang. Words."

Now they are standing in the corridor, the terrain is wide, even if someone sees them standing together, they will not say anything more, they can complete the Huituo and do not have to see each other privately, avoiding gossip. Li Weiyang smiled slightly: "So, I am here waiting for my mother."

Looking at Mrs. Guo’s re-entry into the hall, Yuan Ying came forward: “How come the cousin is free to enter the palace today to see her mother?”

Li Weiyang’s cold dawn fell on the opposite side: “I don’t know if your Highness?”

After a moment of silence, Jing Wang laughed and said: "Mother is calling you to enter the palace, I am afraid that you are going to persuade me." He is a very intelligent person, and the words break the key.

Li Weiyang looked at him with a hint of indifference in his smile: "His Royal Highness does not feel that he is too hasty. The rumors are just rumors, and may not cause much harm to them."

Jing Wang smiled slightly, but asked softly: "Jia Er, what is the real intention of spreading this rumor?"

This person is not willing to give up, Li Weiyang raised his brow: "I don't want to hide it when I say it here. What is the purpose of the future will be known to the Highness, but at this stage I hope that you will not act rashly, let alone destroy my plan." ""

Jing Wang could not help but frown: "I am destroying your plan? How is this possible? Isn't it for you to let me knock the drums?"

It is clear that it is known! Li Weiyang smiled and became cold: "I am letting you knock on the drums, but I didn't let you intervene excessively. Especially since the Queen recently put some errands on you, don't you think that there are many traps?"

Jing Wang Yi Yi, there is a shock in the eyes: "What do you mean by this?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "What kind of person is after the squatting, under her close supervision, when did the courtiers vote for you under the prince of Jing Wang? But now they are eager to move, and they will push the good things to Jing Wang one after another. Don't you think this is very strange?"

Jing Wang slightly disapproved: "Maybe... this is because they are disappointed with the Prince, and they will turn their attention to me."

Li Weiyang’s expression is a bit ridiculous: “His Royal Highness really thinks things too simple! There is nothing more than a struggle for power between people, especially on the pilgrimage. It’s not important that His Royal Highness is not born to the Queen. The important thing is that he is a prince, and he is the object of support. If they know this, it is enough. Why do you have to take care of other things? Think about why the family is willing to let the people under the house intervene. It is just a mess. Why did the military department’s book suddenly show you good things, it is to pour dirty water on you! The best way to destroy a gossip is to create a bigger thing, Your Highness, you want to be clear!”

Listening to the other side is so sloppy, Jing Wang could not help but have a cold sweat, and for a long time did not speak, decided to look at Li Weiyang: "You mean... I am digging for a trap for me."

Li Weiyang gently sighed: "Yes, if you don't stop in time, I am afraid that it will be too deep! My words are here, please ask your Highness!"

Jing Wang has thought about some things that have been done recently, and I can't help but understand it. I am glad that the other side reminded me that I couldn't help but give birth to a hope: "You still care about me, I thought you were too obsessed with Yuan Lie, so much so that Turn a blind eye to me..."

Li Weiyang gently rubbed his brow: "Where is Jing Wang?" After all, you are my cousin, aren't you?"

Jing Wang smiled coldly, and there was a layer of frost in the face of Junmei: "You have been traveling with him all the time since these days. In the vast majority, I don't know how many people are saying that you are close to good things."

Li Weiyang could not help but feel a little displeased, sinking his face and said: "You follow us?"

Jing Wang brows more tightly: "I care about you."

Li Weiyang turned and his voice became extremely condensed: "I have my freedom. I am willing to be with whom I have nothing to do with my Highness. Please stop here!"

Jing Wang stepped forward and stopped near her three steps, and changed her tone: "Jiaer, I am just afraid that you will misrepresent the loss of friends and trust the wrong life."

Li Weiyang turned his head sharply, and his eyes were infinitely cold: "I will say it again, I am not a child, I don't need my grandmother to worry."

Jing Wang looked at Li Weiyang, and his look was quite moving: "The heart is sinister. You are a woman after all. It is always sad. The identity of Yuan Lie is special. Have you already known it?"

Li Weiyang looked at him and his face slowly calmed down: "It seems that Hui Yi Niang tells you everything."

Jing Wangdao: "On that day, in the royal study room, it is said that Yuan Lie is his son, but as far as I know, the father has not been a son who has been living for so many years! No, there is only one, that is, Qixia Princess Health! Since you know his dirty origin, why should he be so close to him?"

Li Weiyang did not like others to criticize Yuan Lie, and even disliked Jing Wang’s arrogance in this arrogance. She converges on her anger and anger: "His Royal Highness, I am with Yuan Lie, and have nothing to do with his origin! Tell you that no matter who he is and what his identity, it will not affect my feelings for him! You don't have to bother!"

The smile on Jing’s face has completely disappeared: “You are not willing to accept me because I am fighting for power. Can you avoid this with him? No, absolutely impossible, he is the son of Qixia Princess. The father will not let him go, he will not let him go after him, he will not have a day of peace! What good is it for you to follow him? What can he give you?"

Li Weiyang’s eyes are clear: “I thought I had said it very clearly. Your Highness, I don’t like you. Please don’t make a mistake and put your mind in a person who won’t love you at all. Now this situation is yours. I need a king to stabilize the overall situation. In my opinion, Miss Wang is the best candidate."

"Prince 矜?" Jing Wang looks cold, "I didn't think you pushed me to her?"

Li Weiyang smiled slightly, but there was some coldness in his look: "His Royal Highness, I am for you. Miss Wang is unparalleled, noble, and skilled in the art of Qimen. It will be very helpful to His Royal Highness in the future. You If you marry her, you can cut off your mind and help you. What's wrong with it? On the contrary, even if you find me, I won't help you, and I won't want to help you."

Jing Wang’s forehead faintly has a blue veins. He stepped forward and said, “Why do you think I am doing something wrong, do I like you wrong?”

Li Weiyang looked at him coldly: "His Royal Highness, whether it is past, present or future, I can only treat you as my brother, please don't entangle me!"

Jing Wang’s expression is very firm: “Don’t say so, there is no absolute thing in this world, I have an opportunity!”

Li Weiyang looked at the other side and couldn't help but sneer. There are many people in this world who are too confident. They feel that the whole world is at his feet, and everything is left to him. Jing Wang is obviously such a person. His attachment to the throne and his insistence on himself are not because he loves himself so much. The more important reason is that a kind of hatred that does not admit defeat is supporting him.

After all, Li Weiyang turned his anger into a smile: "His Royal Highness has something to worry about about my affairs. It is better to think about what to do with the Dali afterwards." Jing Wangyi, frowning: "Large Calendar? You are talking about the current emperor Tuoyu, what is the relationship between him and the future?"

Li Weiyang said with a smile: "Afterwards, I supported Tuoba Yu as the king, but so far we don't know what she wants to do for her."

After all, Jing Wang is a very intelligent person, knowing when to put down love and love, and think about the future. At this moment, he couldn’t help but earnestly said: "So there is a problem with the alliance between the big calendar and the big week?"

When Li Weiyang saw that he thought of the key points so quickly, he couldn't help but smile: "If there is no problem, why should he do so after all, what benefits can she get?"

Jing Wang’s heart was annoyed, and he slammed the palm of his hand on the pillar. He gnashed his teeth and said: “She is always so restless!”

As long as you mention government affairs, this person will forget the love and love, but it is not too stupid. Li Weiyang smiled and turned away.

At this time, Chu had just walked out of the Queen's Palace, but he saw the Prince coming to the face, and he could not help but raise his vigilance and bowed his hands and said: "His Royal Highness."

The Prince always walked directly from him, and he didn't even look at him. But today the Prince suddenly stopped and smiled and said: "Hey, how is this going?"

Chu Chuan said: "His Royal Highness, Wei Chen, this is just the time to see the Niang Niang, and will soon return to the government." The Prince's rare attitude and embarrassment, there is no embarrassing situation, which makes the Chu Chu heart is not too practical.

The prince smiled more and more sorrowfully: "I happen to have something to look for, please come back to me."

Rao is a deep-hearted person, and listening to this is inevitable: "Don't you see your goddess?"

The smile of the prince is more gentle: "I will come back to see my mother later, but it is rare to meet you." He said, he did not care about his humility, and took the initiative to come forward and help him: "Go."

Winning Chu frowned, but there was no more words, almost being left behind.

The two returned to Prince Edward all the way. The Prince seemed to be in a good mood. He ordered the cook to prepare more food. He had to drink a few cups with him. Because I knew that the amount of alcohol in the Chu was very large, the Prince specially prepared the most powerful wine and kept persuading him to drink alcohol. He had a smile and enmity. Winning Chu sees the prince so enthusiasm, clearly is to take this opportunity to reconcile with himself, so it is not easy to over-push, but after drinking a few cups, the sorrow can not support, and finally sinned to the prince, then Drowsy on the table.

When the Prince saw his voice whispering, he stood up and walked out of the living room and directed his escort: "I killed him immediately!"

The guard leader was taken aback, and he whispered: "His Highness, please think twice, but the adult is next to the Queen's Mother..."

His words have not been finished yet, but he heard the prince sigh: "I told you to do something, if you can't do it, look up!"

Listening to the Prince biting his teeth, it is clear that he hates poison and wins Chu. The guard leader can't help but bite his teeth. He immediately said, "Yes, Your Highness!" He said that he took a dozen guards to the living room and just stood in the throat when he entered the throat. After the curtain, the shackles were slamming and moving. The original Chu had never drunk the wine given to him by the Prince. Every time he picked up the glass and drank it, he skillfully spit the wine back. In the sleeve, he used the blind eye to pass the eyes of the Prince. The voice that the Prince had just discussed with others outside the hall, and the sentences were passed into his ears.

The guards who followed the escorts led the way to panic, and the ten people came forward to attack and win Chu, forcing him to let go of the command. The guards only thought that the iron hand almost suffocated him. At this moment, he was saved. He coughed a few times and said: "I have the will of the prince, kill it! Let everyone go together!" He immediately greeted others and violently attacked each other. After all, there is only one person in the Chu, and in any case, it is no match for a dozen guards like wolves. After a while, they are subdued. Numerous sharp knives were tied to the sorrowful body. After a moment, he was covered in blood, until the person was motionless. The guardian commander went up to explore his breath and turned back to everyone. Nod: "It's broken."

Hearing the sound of being slashed by the sword, the prince smiled coldly outside, and soon saw the **** commander coming out and reporting to him: "His Royal Highness, the man is dead."

The prince smiled. "Good job!"

This time, the Prince felt that he had done a wonderful thing, because this person is too abominable. He not only wants Lianlian to come to his side to be a secret agent, but also constantly threatens her to do things for him and monitor herself. Leng Lian is not under his control, he even wants to kill the cold lotus! Such a person staying behind her mother will only alienate the feelings between their mother and child. This is for the sake of the mother, to get rid of a traitor! Thinking of this, Prince Edward slammed two channels: "The body was thrown into the moat for me. I will let the news go out tomorrow, saying that I was drunk and drunk, and fell into the moat for a while, and died!" He said the last two words. At the time, I couldn’t control the embarrassment and triumph of the eyebrows.

The guards led the way and quickly whispered: "Yes, Your Royal Highness."

The prince did not know that he had just ordered people to throw the corpse of the sorrow into the moat. The secret agent who had been firmly staring at it reported the news to Yuan Lie. Later, Yuan Lie quickly rushed to Qiguo Gongfu and told Li Weiyang about this great news. Li Weiyang was not surprised. He just said faintly: "Oh, the Prince is so fast."

Yuan Lie’s eyes flashed brightly: "The prince’s invitation to him as a courtier does not dare to push it easily anyway. Who knows that the other party actually wants his life! This is also the fate of this smash!"

Li Weiyang stood still and sighed. When he heard his words, he was slightly decapitated. He whispered and seemed to be thinking about what it was. Yuan Lie’s tone was lightly finished. When she saw her look, she was puzzled. She smiled lightly: "What happened to you? Don’t you be happy to get rid of your heart?"

Li Weiyang smiled softly: "It's not unhappy, but I think it's too fast and too easy." She finished and blinked at him.

Yuan Lie heard it here but it was a glimpse. There was some understanding between the thoughts and the sharp turn, but it was quiet: "You don't really want to see this scene? Before using lotus roots and that rumor is to provoke the separation and make the Prince and You are killing each other, now you feel wrong?"

Li Weiyang’s eyes are clear: “Maybe I’m too suspicious, or... I’m not as strong as I thought.”

Hearing that Li Weiyang said this, Yuan Lie breathed a tight breath and could not help but smile: "The sorrow is dead, and it was killed by the prince. This thing has nothing to do with us! Even if someone is pursued afterwards, it is also a prince. He was guilty of killing the imperial court officer for no reason. When he was the first mother, he would not easily spare him. Let us wait and watch the show!"

Li Weiyang smiled and nodded, then she whispered: "It's late, you can go back."

Yuan Lie saw the cold light in the other party's eyes. He stunned and then suddenly laughed. The eyes were brighter than the stars. It seemed that there was a glimmer of light, and she smashed her and made a kiss on her forehead. , whispered: "Today you can sleep well, rest early!" This quickly disappeared into the yard.

Li Weiyang looked at his back and couldn't help but touch his forehead, but smiled softly.

At this time, the cold wind of the night came in a burst of chills, Zhao Yue quickly came over and put on a cloak for Li Weiyang, Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Go back, I should also be placed." Hear Li Weiyang In this way, Zhao Yue quickly told people to arrange.

Zhao Yue did not expect that when she and Li Weiyang entered the house together, there was a black shadow flashing and it was not ready to fly to the shadow of the corner. He skillfully used the slight wind to cover his whereabouts. The martial arts high-powered people are good at the unification of the "hands and eyes". When the black people are dozens of steps away from the yard, they have already noticed that the small courtyard has been covered with dark guards. He sneered: "Just you I also want to block me, I am crazy!"

When he found that a wild cat was lying on the wall not far away, he picked up a fallen leaf on the ground, turned his finger, and the blade flew directly to the cat. As a result, the wild cat screamed, and countless secret guards went to the cat. The direction is to pursue. He smashed the darkness of his energy, and when he was alive, he fell gently on the roof of the main house. Slowly uncovering a tile and looking into the house, I saw a woman lying on the bed and sleeping, but the curtains were hidden, but I could not see the figure. In his heart, he laughed at the other party and was really deliberate. He was about to start. He suddenly felt the wind blowing in the back. He hurriedly turned back in a hurry, but he saw a Jinzi son flying to the roof as he did. He was not hurried, just sneer. At the foot, "snap", deliberately stepping on several eaves, has fallen into the house.

Yuan Lie did not panic to chase, but cold channel: "Whoever catches a living, rewards two hundred!" He ordered, the guards swarmed up, surrounded by small courtyards inside and outside the water. Knowing that he was surrounded by heavy people, the black man did not panic, flying a hidden weapon with a blue light shining directly into Li Weiyang on the soft couch. I saw that the person who should have been asleep suddenly leaped from the bed and escaped the darts. Seeing that the other person's figure is like electricity, the black man was taken aback and carefully licked the other person's color, but he saw that the woman was born well, but it was a heroic, not Li Weiyang!

He immediately knew that he had been taken, and quickly issued more than a dozen hidden weapons. He slammed into all the guards in the room. His angle was very good, and the hidden weapon was strange in shape and smelled highly poisonous. Just after picking up the human skin, there was a shrill sound of "squeaky". Only after seeing a hidden weapon in the **** that he had injured, the whole person's skin began to fester, and after screaming, he fell to the ground, and it was swollen. parefull. Someone beside him to help him, but he snorted gently, and even screamed and fell down together. He was obviously poisoned like him, rolling over on the ground, and mourning all over the place. Rao was a shock to seeing Yuan Lie, and he was taken aback. He immediately slammed: "Don't go to the poisoned person!"

His voice just fell, only to see a smog of smoke, and the black man has disappeared out of thin air, Yuan Lie eyes cold: "This guy is really awkward!"

At this time, Li Weiyang came out from the compartment next to her. She saw this scene and could not help but sigh gently: "Winning Chu did not die."

Yuan Lie sneered a sigh: "To count his life!" When Li Weiyang looked at him, he would know what he was doing. He deliberately said the words and let the other party think that he was fooled. The result was really coming! It can be seen that this person who wins Chu is not only scheming, but also sultry and arrogant, and alone can dare to break into Guo’s family.

Guo Da, who just heard the news rushing into the yard, saw the scene in the room. His look suddenly changed. He could not help but say: "Sister, what happened?"

Li Weiyang shook his head gently and said: "Winning Chu deliberately pretend to die in front of the Prince, just to make me believe that he is dead. When people are proud, it is very easy to forget. He chose to ambush tonight, most It is possible to succeed."

Guo leads to Zhao Yue, who is wearing Li Weiyang’s clothes, and suddenly realizes: “You are in doubt, let him think that you will relax your vigilance tonight!”

Li Weiyang’s scorpion’s water color Yingying: “It’s not God’s calculation, but I feel uneasy inside. This is a strange intuition. I think someone may kill me today, so Zhao Yue made some arrangements in advance. Five brothers, how are you here?"

Guo Dao was embarrassed to say: "I see that the moonlight is very good today, so I turned around and turned around. I heard that there was a noise in the yard and I rushed over."

Li Weiyang nodded a little, but he heard Yuan Lie coldly said: "The other side is martial art, and the hidden weapon on his body is very poisonous. I really can't imagine if you were lying in bed at the time, now I am afraid... His words were not finished, but his face was faint and whitish.

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "You don't have to worry too much. Since he has been here today, he will not use this method again in the future. I am temporarily safe."

Hearing that Li Weiyang said this, Yuan Lie did not relax because of this. He whispered: "This person is not only embarrassed, but also quite strategic. I must be more careful in the future."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "If he is so good, how can he become the confidant around the Queen?"

Early the next morning, the Prince entered the palace to ask the Queen, and then he suddenly said something inadvertently. "After the mother, I know that there is a big event outside, and there is a person floating on the moat..."

Afterwards, he looked at him with a smile and smiled. The prince couldn't help but sigh: "This person is the sorrow of his mother... oh, it is also his fate, even because of drunkenness fell into the moat, lost his life in vain, but unfortunately the mother was careful with him. Cultivation, it is in vain. After the mother, you should not be too sad..."

After a cold smile, watching the Prince leisurely said: "He was not drunk and fell in, was thrown in!"

The prince suddenly looked pale, and he didn't have a deep heart after all. At this time, he couldn't help but be a little scared, but he forced the inner fear, and he maintained a calm smile on his face: "Ah! Was it thrown in? Hey, this Not surprisingly, he has offended too many people on weekdays... After he looks at his loyalty to you, he will give him a thick burial."

Afterwards, the smile became more cold. She looked at her son. At this moment, he was not only disappointed, but extremely tired.

After being looked at like that, the Prince almost left the seat subconsciously. He murmured: "Why are you looking at me with such a look?"

After sighing, I sighed gently: "Your child really disappointed me!"

After hearing this, the Prince was shocked. He immediately said: "After the mother, is it that you suspect that I have done something to the adults? He has so many enemies, most of whom don’t want him to die? Did he fall into the moat? After the mother, I suspect that I did it? You look at me too high, how can I dare to move your beloved courtier!"

Afterwards, I smiled lightly, but the tone was soft and sighed: "Is it you do, just ask the question and you will know."

Rao is a prince who spits lotus and is a tongue-in-cheek, and can’t help but change his face: “A dead person, how can I answer?”

Later, after looking at the beautiful screen of the side, the prince looked suspiciously along her gaze. After seeing the screen, she slowly walked out of a Tsing Yi man. The silver mask on the half was gleaming. It was the corpse in the moat. Winning Chu! The prince was greatly frightened by the whole person. He violently stepped back three steps and dared to say: "Is it you? How are you still alive?"

He smiled gently and bowed to the prince. His posture was graceful and lively like a enchanting man: "His Royal Highness, Chu Chufu is a big fate. It is not so easy to die anyway! I want to thank you, I am bothered." ""

When I heard this, the face of the prince’s whole person could already be described as earthy, and he pointed at the sorrow, almost scared to say nothing. When he stepped forward, the Prince took a step back until he retreated to the wall. There was almost no retreat. He stood up and his voice could not restrain himself from shaking: "How did you escape?"

The sorrow is just a smile: "But it’s a little bit of a trick. I want the prince to think that I am already obedient, Your Highness, the next time you kill, you must confirm that I am ruined."

Hearing this, the prince's gaze could not help but move up in his body, but he saw that there was no wound in his body. The prince could not help but anger: "The guards, they dare to deceive me!"

The smile of Chu Chu is even worse: "His Royal Highness is really wrong with them, but it is a blind eye on the rivers and lakes. How can those guards not believe?"

The prince was completely unaware that he was still alive, and he even thought that he had become a **** of the other party. He murmured: "You are such a terrible madman!"

The elegant figure of the curvy curve is casual and relaxed. He suddenly stepped back two steps and shouted to the prince: "His Royal Highness resentment against the sorrowful, the micro-minister knows very well, but the enemy is currently, hope that His Highness will not read the old enemy, and can Chen joined hands to deal with that Guo Jia!"

The prince looked at him, but his heart sank inexplicably, almost fell to the bottom of the valley. Finally, he shook his head and said: "You are deep in mind, I can't count you!" He said, he was struggling to leave, just stepping on When I passed the threshold, a cockroach was almost ruined and fell to the ground.

Seeing the back of the Prince, he sighed softly and said: "Your action has failed yesterday."

After turning around and looking at the cockroaches, there was some regret on the face: "The niece, Guo Jia designed the prince to kill me. I also used this opportunity to let her relax and be alert, but I was surprised that this woman was too embarrassed to see through. My mind! I went to kill her personally last night, but I still have no success. This is really a pity."

After watching it, I laughed, and the voice was mild, but with a cold heart: "Princes look at you, why don't you look down on Guo Jia? If she is so easy to deal with, how can Anguo and Lin'an be? Die in her hand? You are still careful."

Yan Chu smiled and said: "After this, the Prince of the Prince will not easily do it to me. The only point in my body is that the goddess knows that unless one day the maiden wants to kill me, no one can ask me for my life! ”

Listening to his self-confidence, he smiled a little and looked calmly: "I naturally won't."

Chu Chu carefully thought about this, half a sigh, my heart was choppy, but only a slight smile hangs down the scorpion.

------Off topic ------

I wish you a lovely scum girl Yuqing flower happy April 2, but fortunately, you are not like me, April Fool's Day, hahahahahaha

At the same time, I would like to thank the children who gave the rewards on April 1st, and gave the red list to the public downstairs (^w^)↗

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