The Princess Wei Yang

: 286 three people into tigers


In a hurry out of the Queen's Palace, I met Li Weiyang at the gate of Gongmen, and Xiaochu smiled coldly: "Miss Guo, how is this time still in the palace?"

Li Weiyang smiled and smiled: "I was in the command of the empress of the empress to accompany Hui Yu's remarks. m4xs. What is Shu Wei, and what do you think about the will of the goddess?"

Just before the squatting, he was humble like a dog, and smiled coldly. He straightened his body and said: "Miss Guo is really clever, this time you succeeded in getting out of trouble, but is it so easy next time? You still have to find a few more handles of your Highness, and hold them at your hand as amulets, otherwise you will not be able to climb again if you are not careful!"

The tone he said was cold and the joints of the teeth were creaking.

Li Weiyang has never seen him look so horrible, but he is a little surprised. She carefully looked at the other person's expression and suddenly chuckled.

Chu Chu coldly said: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Weiyang sighed and sighed: "I laughed at the madman who was mad at the maiden, but ran to suffocate me to an innocent person. Don't you feel too much and angered?" Chu Chuan gloomy, but he heard Li Weiyang again. Continue to be authentic: "I heard that the adult was once the mother of the goddess, but really?"

It is better to say that it is a family member. The heart of Chu’s heart was shocked, and then he stared at Li Weiyang’s words: “Yes, my family has served the Yi family for generations and passed to my generation. It’s already the tenth generation.” He said, but it’s a review. Looked at Li Weiyang: "I don't know how Miss Guo was suddenly interested in this matter?"

Li Weiyang gently walked two steps, looking at him with a smile: "The Chu Chuan is too loyal to the maiden, so I am a little curious. I am an adult... I must be very admired for the maiden."

Yan Chu no expression: "The maiden is my master, I am naturally very awesome to her."

Awe and admiration are two different things. Li Weiyang heard that his words clearly contained the cold hatred of Sen, and could not help but smile, and looked like a concern: "Why should you hide the adults? You look like you are angry and rushing, it’s not the goddess who is angry with you. This is not right, the elders are doing their best, and they are the loyal subordinates of the maiden. Does she have to blame you? Or is it that the treatment there is not very smooth?"

Looking at Li Weiyang, he was almost shocked by the keen instinct of the other party. He unconsciously shook his body but stopped in time. He smiled and said: "Miss Guo is really eye-catching, nothing can lick your eyes. Yes, I did give medicine to my Majesty just now. Although my recovery is expected, it will take some time. I am afraid that Miss Guo will be disappointed."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I have something to disappoint with? This time I am sick, it is also a long-term overworked illness... The headache is an old disease. I don't know how adults treat them under the shackles?"

Chu looked at her and said coldly: "This is my secret recipe. I am afraid it is inconvenient to mention Miss Guo."

Li Weiyang smiled lightly and faintly said: "It is Guo Jia who took the risk! It is not early, Guo Jia will leave here, and the adults will meet again."

Looking at Li Weiyang’s departure, there was an endless coldness in his eyes. This woman is too impractical, and she seems to have been seen by her in a few words.

Li Weiyang returned to Guofu all the way, but the concierge reported to her: "Miss Wang is here."

Prince prince is visiting at this time? Li Weiyang thought about it and stepped into the hall, but he saw Guo Dazheng sitting with the prince. As soon as I entered, I heard Guo guide smiled and said: "Jiaer, you can come back. How can I talk to Miss Wang, she is not ignorant, it is obvious that you still want to be a companion!"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "What is wrong with the five brothers, is it that Miss Wang is angry?"

The prince snorted and said: "Guo Wu Gongzi has always been this personality, no one in the eyes, I will not care about him."

Guo’s face was unchanged, and he gently waved the folding fan. The attitude was leisurely: “Miss Wang is not in the eyes, but too proud, so that the eyes grow on the top of her head.”

"You don't want to bully too much!" The prince slammed the table violently, almost ruined.

Li Weiyang looked at the other side with amazement: "You have a skill in the five brothers, and you can actually push Miss Wang, who has always been angry and indifferent, to this."

Guo Dao couldn't help laughing. The prince was stunned and said: "I am kind enough to visit you, but you told your five brothers to bully me, forget it, I will leave!" She said while standing up, she must Go outside.

Li Weiyang quickly stopped her and smiled: "Since it is here, why bother to go so quickly, the words are not completely complete."

The prince looked coldly at Guo’s glance, and Guo Liang quickly raised his hands and said: “Well, I immediately shut up and said nothing.” He said, his hand was on his mouth and made a snoring action.

The prince smiled coldly and turned to look at Li Weiyang: "I swear that Guo Wugongzi’s mouth is going to be a disaster sooner or later. Jiaer, you still have to control him so as not to discredit the Qi government."

Guo led his mouth to seem to say something. He thought of his own promise, but he shrugged his shoulders. If nothing happened, he took the teacup and drank the water.

When the prince saw that the other party was no longer talking nonsense, he whispered: "How is your situation going into the palace this time?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I have already solved my ban on the ban, and now I can get through the big ones."

The prince was a little bit, and he thought for a moment: "You have received the letter that Zhao Yue gave me. I have already received it. I just didn't think that the gimmick of the phoenix was actually a spy sent afterwards."

Li Weiyang faintly said: "After the squatting eyeliner is everywhere, if not so, how is her power ingrained? Miss Wang is more careful!" She said here, suddenly smiled and said: "No, I should call you The child is only."

When the prince heard the words, he knew that Li Weiyang meant to treat her as her own. The heart was warm and smiled. "In fact, if you don't hold the tea, I really want to turn it."

Guo guide couldn’t help but say: "Miss Wang’s thoughts have become really fast."

The prince glanced at him: "That won't be as fast as your promise."

Guo Dao knows that the other party is sarcastic, smiles lightly, and no longer makes a sound.

Li Weiyang and the prince sat down and told Zhao Yue to continue a cup of tea for her, only to faintly said: "Thank you for your concern. It is because of your instigation and help that I can get out so quickly."

The prince smiled and smiled: "I am just an implementation person. The idea is all out of you. It can be seen that I am far behind you."

Li Weiyang said: "Everyone in this world has his own strengths and weaknesses. My strength lies in seeing people's hearts, and the strength of your son is to march in the march, why bother?"

The prince thought carefully, but it is also true. Now she has already understood that there are people outside the world who have a heavenly truth, and she no longer cares about the length of time with Li Weiyang. She said softly: "In fact, this time I originally wanted to go to the battlefield with my father, but I also planned for him one or two. But I thought about the situation in the capital... I stayed at the Wang family. I want to be so anxious afterwards. They are transferred, I am afraid there are other purposes."

Li Weiyang heard a smile and said: "She will never cause this war just to get rid of me."

The prince thought carefully, and raised a layer of worry on the surface: "Do you say she wants to win the palace?" She said that when she won the palace, the voice was obviously three points.

The side of Guo’s guide is also a suspense, can not help but sit up straight and said: "No, she has such a bold?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "If there is no courage after the embarrassment, who else in the world dares to say that he has courage? Of course, she has some courage, only to see if she has this thought!"

The prince couldn't help but frown: "How do you say this?"

Li Weiyang looked at the prince, and the word was authentic: "I saw the sorrow in the palace today." The chuchu is the empress of the queen. After Li Weiyang entered the palace, he would not be surprised to see him.

When she looked different, the prince could not help but ask: "What do you see when you see him?"

When Li Weiyang indulged in a moment, he slowly said: "I have heard of it before. I have been offering a medicine to treat my headache. I have been medicinally addicted to my illness for many years. This kind of painkiller should be taken every three months, and Chu Chu is not sent to the palace in the half year of the capital. It can be seen that the drug is very fancy to the drug, and even no longer. I guess This is just a means of controlling the underworld."

The prince couldn't help but wonder: "But if she can get rid of her under the medicine, she can control the Prince to become a king."

Li Weiyang laughed: "Where is it so easy, even if the Prince is enthroned, the courtiers will still doubt her. I know that my Majesty has been taking the medicine of the sorrow, what really happened, and the first one can’t escape. If you can't run away, can you not be suspected afterwards? This is a paradox in itself."

When I heard this, the prince couldn't help but become more confused: "Do you mean that the emperor took the medicine only to control him, not to kill him?"

Li Weiyang nodded. "Yes, I think it’s a hidden hatred for you. But after that, I really can’t tell what she meant to kill her. Although their relationship is not very good, even kneel down. Treat her as an enemy."

Hearing here, Guo Dao used his thoughts and said: "There is only one person who knows what he wants, and he has always suspected that the death of Princess Qixia is related to the aftermath, so she hates her even more. It is impossible to be born with other princes. In recent years, he has never entered the harem again, and he knows how deep his resentment is."

According to the royal practice, the emperor must stay in the Queen's Palace on the first day and the fifteenth of each month. Only then can I give birth to the Prince and two princesses. But now that he has taken control of his family in the next step, he has never stepped into the Queen's Palace, and even the old system has been abolished. This is not only a humiliation for the aftermath, but also a meaning of completely losing favor to the people of the world.

No woman can tolerate the existence of such a thing, let alone the arrogance of the heart and the enthusiasm of the means. In her heart, the emperor should be full of hatred, but why is it delayed? The prince changed his position and thought that if he changed himself, he would not be able to tolerate her to treat her like this. But why is the queen, why can she endure so many years? She really couldn't figure it out, so she didn't speak for a long time.

Li Weiyang faintly said: "What are you thinking about?"

When the prince slammed, he raised his head and looked at each other. He said: "I just feel very strange. According to her attitude towards the Queen, she should be very disgusted with him. Why is it that he is full of hatred against his majesty? What?"

Li Weiyang gently sighed: "This is going to ask the five brothers."

Guo Dao was shocked: "Ask me? How do I know what the **** is thinking?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Who said that Chu is an eunuch?"

Guo's face changed: "Isn't he? How is this possible? If there is no cleansing in the palace, there is no way to accompany the girl in the palace." He said here, but he looked at Li Weiyang suspiciously. Road: "How do you know that people are not eunuchs?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I don't mean this. I mean, he is an **** now, but he was not in the past! He was always a family member of the family before he became a servant, and he must have been serving at the side of his wife. If there is something that should not be there, it is very likely!"

When I heard Li Weiyang say this, the prince was shocked: "You mean, she is against the queen..."

Li Weiyang nodded and affirmed her guess.

Guo Dao dare not believe in the truth: "How is this possible! An eunuch, he is so courageous. Even if he was not an **** in the past, then he is only a small family slave, saying that the family is uplifting him! He said that his eyes are still very disdainful.

But the prince looked at him and shook his head seriously: "No, Jiaer is right."

Guo guides Emei: "How does Miss Wang know that this must be right?"

The prince replied: "It is not difficult to guess. If things are placed on the five sons, can you do something like a loved one?"

Guo Dao was shocked. For a long time, he suddenly understood: "Do you mean that you are a monk to accompany you to the Queen?"

Li Weiyang smiled slightly: "He is the empress of the Queen. He naturally has the opportunity to enter the DPRK. It is just around the corner. Why do you want to become a small close-knit attendant? This is a great price, if not After the heart is full of special feelings, he is so loyal to this? You think about how much money he has done for the past few years, how much risk he took. He said that he has no love for him, who will Believe? Even if others see the feelings of the future, what about it? He is just an eunuch, not a man at all, no one will think about it."

After Li Weiyang reminded him, Guo’s guide did not say anything in a half-time. For a long time, he finally sighed: "So I said that the woman's perception is terrible, and you two of them look so accurate, and call me this man is self-confident."

Li Weiyang looked at the prince, and smiled and glimpsed: "Since the sorrows are infatuated with the shackles, then things are not difficult."

Guo guide suddenly asked: "It's not difficult? How are you going?"

Li Weiyang slowly said: "The more he is infatuated, the more he creates opportunities for us. Just use this handle properly and use it more than anything else."

Guo Zhiwen’s words raised his brow: "Do you want to take advantage of the love of the sorrows?"

The prince smiled and said: "This is a big secret. If you don't use it, it is not a pity!"

Guo Dao looked left and right, while Qing Liru was like a lotus, while the wind was flowing, but the heart was deep, the means were sinister, and it was inevitable to sigh again and again: "The most poisonous woman, the most poisonous woman!"

After talking about the sorrows, the prince secretly paid attention to him and went to visit him the next afternoon. When Zhao Yue introduced her to the garden, she saw Li Weiyang and Guo Dao sitting in the pavilion leisurely and playing chess. The curtains on all sides have been rolled up, the breeze passed, and the atmosphere was quiet and warm.

Seeing that the prince was coming, the prostitute next to her quickly led her to sit down. Li Weiyang smiled and said: "How can I be so anxious, didn't I just come here yesterday?" She said, she had already dropped a child.

The prince faintly smiled: "Yesterday, you said that you want to think about the idea of ​​Chu, I was hooked up by you. I didn't fall asleep last night, but you always said half of it, don't you want to Kill me."

Li Weiyang glanced at her and smiled without a smile, but turned to Guo and said: "Five brothers, you should play chess."

Guo’s thoughts have been contemplating for a long time and seem to be very embarrassing. Seeing that he was thinking very well there, the prince bowed his head and saw that the chess blacks had accounted for half of the country. It can be seen that Li Weiyang was sure. She couldn't help but urge: "Well, you don't want to go to play chess, you haven't answered me yet!"

Li Weiyang looked calm and apparently did not put this matter in his heart: "I have said that there will be my own method, why should I be so anxious, you are not such a personality in the past."

The prince couldn’t help but swear, complaining: "Tune up the appetite of others, and deliberately say nothing. How did you not find yourself so bad in the past!" Her voice just fell and she saw Princess Ali enter.

Princess Ali was originally a smile, but when she saw the prince, the beauty was cool, and the voice was three more unpleasant: "What are you doing here? Guo Jia does not welcome you!"

When I heard this, the prince was amazed, but the other two people laughed. Guo Dao said: "Miss Wang, you are not like this person. Even the polite and open-minded people like Princess Ali do not want to see you."

The prince wanted to be angry, but he thought about it but endured it. He said to Princess Alice: "I still don't know that my Princess has become a good friend with Jiaer?"

Princess Ali is looking suspiciously at Li Weiyang. There are three points in her eyes. She really can't understand these smart people. They fight each other for three days and don't talk about each other. They can play tea together and play chess in a blink of an eye. What are you thinking about?

Princess Ari’s heart is simple, she has no way to understand that there is only one point between all the family or from or to rely on, that is the benefit. When Guo and Wang have different interests, they will fight for your life. But once their goals are the same, they can work closely together. What's more, Li Weiyang's tea, has completely conquered the prince, and now she is sincerely helping her, hoping that she can successfully defeat the shackles and think that the Wang family will win more benefits. After all, the Empress Dowager is very powerful, and she has not yet accommodated the status of the Wang family. Even if she removed Li Weiyang for her, what good can the Wang family have? On the contrary, if the Wang family changed to support Jing Wang Yuanying, once he was in the position of God, their identity could be very different, and suddenly they became the giants of Qin Wang from the ordinary family.

Princess Ali saw that Li Weiyang really nodded, and then I believed that the prince was indeed good with her. I couldn’t help but squat and sit down and look at the game in front of me.

The prince, Princess Alice, looks cute and looks happy, but she is also a smile. There is a very strange thing in this world, but those who have deep minds love to be friends with simple people. Xu is a lot of calculations. It is really impossible to take her a **** like Princess Ali.

At this time, Zhao Yue took four small donkeys, made of white jade, very delicate. The prince thought it was tea, but it was a warmth in his hand. Opening the lid and seeing the red broth inside was very flattering. He couldn’t help but ask Li Weiyang: "What is this?"

Li Weiyang smiled slightly: "In such a cold weather, I don't think it is fun to drink tea. It just has fresh cherry juice. It is warm and warm lungs when the water is warm." The prince nodded, and soon he saw it. The prostitutes usually send a variety of fruits and snacks. Put a ten, seven or eight dish on the small gold plate and put it in front of her. The prince was safely there, while eating snacks, while watching the game leisurely, from time to time pointing to Guo.

One by two, Guo Dao was a little angry, and he raised his eyebrows: "Can't I play chess? You have to teach me!"

The prince’s face changed: “You are a good person! I am kind enough to teach you, you don’t thank me, why are you still blaming?”

Guo Liang snorted and said quite a bit: "I believe that my chess skills are not lost to Jiaer. You don't want to speak. After a moment, I can win her!"

The other three people in this sentence laughed. The prince glanced at him and smiled. "You guys, what is that?"

Princess Ali slid her head in the direction of her fingers and looked at the white clouds drifting across the sky. I couldn’t help but say: "What's in the sky?"

The prince looked calm and calm: "Don't Princess Alice see a big cow flying in the sky?"

Guo Dao was not angry. He opened the fan with a bang and slammed it up. Then he even had a chance to move, his hand sank, and one fell into the game.

The prince smacked the beautiful eyes and spit out a sigh of relief: "Tell you not to take this step, but you have to go. It is true that there is a road to heaven. You don't have to go. There is no door to hell. You can't blame me!" Sure enough, after the words of the prince's words, Li Weiyang's chess has already made a move, and one step has been decided.

Guo was lost, and his face could not help but look hard. Turning his head and glance at the prince, he said: "You are still very embarrassed to say! It is because you are interfering with it, so it hurts me to divide God!"

The prince couldn't help but put down the tea pot in his hand and suppressed the ridicule in the light. He said in a word: "When the five sons said this, when you play chess, we have to shun, and all people can't cough, can't talk. You simply forbid others to move around, saving you who would accidentally sneeze and interfere with your thoughts!"

Guo Daogang wants to talk, but Li Weiyang is smiling at them and can't help but say: "Jiaer, you come to judge!"

Li Weiyang sipped a cup of tea and deliberately looked at Princess Alice: "How does Princess Princess think?"

Princess Ali is holding her chin, and her mouth is full of pastries, but she is unobtrusive: "I think they are like a happy family!"

After listening to these four words, the face of the prince was suddenly red. She has a fascinating appearance, but she grew up in the mountains since she was a child. The bones have always been a very strict and rigorous person. Has he been described by such words? Not to mention the object is Guo guide! Happy family? Princess Alice said it was coming!

Seeing the prince is very annoyed, Li Weiyang hurriedly held her arm and whispered: "Don't worry about Princess Alice's words. If you have her radical method, wouldn't you really sit down with the words of this happy family?" She said that her eyes were looking at Guo Dao. Guo Tuan reluctantly spread his hands and said that he did not think that Princess Ali would go elsewhere.

Li Weiyang gently sighed. In her opinion, the prince is indeed enough to match Guo, but there is still a problem. Guo Dao once hurt his right hand. It is impossible to raise a sword in this life. And the prince is also a person who pursues perfection, and the husband she wants must be both civil and military, and the world is unparalleled. Jing Wang may be able to match, but Guo Dao is really unable to climb. If the prince 将来 衿 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭 郭Really, appreciate his chic and refined, not the prince who is doing things like perfection...

At this time, the prince has already suppressed the shame. In order to conceal her guilt, she seems to be in a hurry: "Jia, you have not answered what I said, how do you deal with it?"

When Li Weiyang saw the topic and turned back, he just smiled: "Why is the child so attached to this matter?"

When the prince saw the other party and was unmoved, he had to tell the truth: "Because the last time I wanted to kill him, I didn't succeed. It can be seen that it is difficult to deal with it. To deal with such an undead person, how can you succeed?"

Li Weiyang’s gaze gently passed over the face of the prince’s face, but his look was very calm: “The most understanding of the world’s people is not us, but afterwards, if you want to die, you can only do it yourself. ""

Upon hearing such a sentence, both Wang Zi and Guo Dao were shocked.

It was Princess Ali who first asked: "How is this possible? But Chu is a good helper in the aftermath, and she is loyal to her, and will not kill him anyway!"

Li Weiyang shook his head and shook his head: "That may not be! The Prince is the biological son of the prince, because there is also a lot of suspicion between the prince and the prince, plus these recent rumors, in order to appease the Prince, I have never been so fond of it before."

Guo Dao looked deeply at Li Weiyang: "But it is not enough to rely on this point to kill and slay, right?"

Li Weiyang’s mouth slowly rose: “Then we will give her a reason to kill.”

The prince repeatedly recited this sentence, and Liu Mei scorned: "This can be difficult, just like the princess just said, although she gradually became alienated, but she would not kill a loyal person for no reason. Unless it is..." She said that she suddenly stopped here, and then she realized: "Unless the sorrow has already jeopardized her post-settlement status, she has to get rid of the affair... I understand!" Bright, immediately said: "We can make some rumors like the last one, and then naturally have to get rid of this arm."

Li Weiyang gently sighed: "The same tricks can be indispensable. If you do too much, it will make people feel that this is awkward."

The prince was hesitant: "If this is not the case, do you still want to catch the real evidence?"

Li Weiyang’s smile is very harmonious, but his face is full of self-confidence: “It’s hard to grasp the evidence! Let’s see if we can do it seamlessly.”

Guo Dao shook his head and said: "No, if you want to be in the palace, I advise you to rest this mind. After so many years in the palace, the forces have long been ingrained, so we can easily do it. If you fail, you will get into trouble."

Li Weiyang certainly understands Guo's concerns, but sooner or later he will kill them one day. It is better to start with a strong one. She can no longer see the Chu into the Guofu. Thinking about this, she said faintly: "The amount is not a gentleman, no poison, no husband! We can't do so obviously, rumors are not available, let's let everyone see you!"

The prince sighed and said: "So you have chosen a good day?"

Li Weiyang said with an understatement: "Laba is coming, and according to the usual practice, there will be a feast for the guests and guests on that day. Of course, because of the frontline war, the royal family will not be small in order to appease the people. When we are, we will not be small. You can find a chance to do it."

Guo can't help but sound a three-pointer: "What do you want to do? How do you let everyone know?"

Li Weiyang smiled slightly: "Zi Zi, you are proficient in the technique of Qimen armor. I want to ask you if there is any medicine in this world that can cause people to have strong hallucinations and confusion."

The prince was slightly suspicious, Shen Shen said: "I am not very proficient in the poisoning, but there is a prostitute around me, maybe she will have a way." She said, she turned her head: "Spring Breeze." Among the four beautiful prostitutes behind him, a Bi-shirt woman stood up immediately.

Li Weiyang looked at the cold eyes and saw that the woman was only 13 or four years old, but her eyes were smart and her manners were lively. Going forward to salute, but it is very dignified, it can be seen that the prince is very good at discipline. She smiled and said cordially: "Is this niece called spring breeze? Is she proficient in poison?"

The prince smiled slightly: "This father's real name is Fan Ze. He has a lot of research on the configuration of poison. He can be said to be an expert. He used to be a small servant in the criminal department, responsible for drafting official documents, and occasionally helping to identify difficult cases. The poisoning situation. Later, because a case was involved, there was no death, this little girl was also outside. When I was found by chance, she took her back home. Like her father, she was very medicine. proficient."

Li Weiyang smiled and asked: "The spring breeze, I have a difficult question, I want you to ponder."

"Please ask Miss Guo to show it." The sound of the spring breeze sounded like a name. It really made people feel like a spring breeze. Li Weiyang smiled and said what he said just now.

The spring breeze thought for a while, saying: "If you want someone to be undetectable, I am afraid it is more difficult, and according to Miss Guo, this person is very proficient in witchcraft poison, it is even more difficult."

Li Weiyang looked at her: "Can you do that?"

The spring breeze looked up and solemnly said: "Slaves can formulate a kind of powder. This kind of powder can produce strong hallucinations as soon as people touch it. Seriously, even the mind will be lost. But because the other party is a expert, we must be careful, as long as the medicine The lightness and the subtleness of the volume also have the opportunity to let the other party know."

The prince did not rest assured: "Are you sure?"

The spring breeze nodded and said: "The slaves are immediately deployed, and after three hours they can be offered to the young lady."

The prince was very satisfied, and smiled slightly: "Jiaer, are you still licking this girl?"

Li Weiyang naturally admired: "It is a clever gimmick. It seems that Zizi is really a hidden tiger."

The prince was slightly proud of her smile. After all, she was a young woman. Even though she had a thousand breasts, she was always pressed by Li Weiyang. At this moment, she heard her envious tone, and she was even more proud. Guo guided the prince to see the prince's tail curled up, and unconsciously wanted to step on his foot. He sighed: "It's a pity, unfortunately!"

The prince looked at him immediately: "What a pity?"

Guo Xing said with a smile: "It's a pity that a girl is better than a young lady. You are so smug!"

The prince didn't come up with a sigh of relief, and almost couldn't speak. She glared at Guo Dao and actually lost her former measure.

Li Weiyang quickly said: "Well, five brothers, you should not take the children to find happiness, you know her personality, why should you deliberately anger her?"

Guo Dao haha ​​laughed and said: "I thought that you were surrounded by both martial arts and martial arts, but there was still a master of drug production. It can be seen that Wang’s family is very deep. I don’t know where to put Miss Wang to finish it?” It means that Wang’s ambition is great.

The prince's face was a sigh of relief, and he said: "I kindly help, but you deliberately ridicule. Is this the attitude towards allies? If you are dissatisfied with my personal character, it is no problem to ask for it earlier. Why bother to turn around and sneer? Yes, my prince is indeed a man with two sides and three knives and seeing the wind and turning the rudder. I don’t hide it, but for the family benefit, I have to do this. Even if I have always admired Jiaer in my heart, I must be against her. This is my mission. It is also my responsibility. Isn’t your Guo Gongzi not the same?”

Guo guides a glimpse, and looks into the eyes of the prince, only to see that a pair of clear phoenix eyes and gods, like a burning flame, beautiful and thrilling. His heart was shocked and he smiled and said: "I lost my word!"

The prince licked his face and gently sighed: "I know that no matter whether it is the five sons or the Jiaer, you have not fully trusted me. But there is an old saying that Lu Yao knows horsepower, and I have seen people for a long time. I promised to you. Allied, standing at your side at the most critical moment, you should not doubt me casually."

Li Weiyang smiled. In fact, it seems to her that a villain is far more lovely than a hypocrite. She is not a bright person. The prince's early days have always changed. Although it is quite a bit of a little daughter's mind, but more is still considered from the overall situation, otherwise she will not sit here at this time. Dare to swear and swear, this has already shown that this woman has extraordinary power. Thinking of this, she has a soft tone: "Five brothers, Zizi said yes, the so-called employers are not suspicious, suspects do not need, since we have to rely on the power of her royal family, why should we always be aggressive?"

Guo Dao quickly stood up and gave a deep ritual to the prince, saying: "It is my fault. From now on, I will never sneer at Miss Wang again."

The prince shook his head and she couldn’t see Guo’s thoughts. The other party gave the good guy to Li Weiyang to do it, and he was willing to stand in the black, dressed up with a white face and deliberately angered himself. In these few days, she only thought that Guo Dao seemed to have a special concern for Li Weiyang, and this care has already reached the extreme, as if she was thinking about the other side, far more than the general brother and sister.

She suddenly remembered that Wang Ji once said that the rumor that Guo Jia was not Guo's biological daughter, the heart could not help but be a move, could it be said that Guo guided him... She looked at each other carefully, and she could not help but raise a sigh, such a The talented and noble son will be fascinated by Guo Jia, and this sentiment is destined to go rough. I also know that Li Weiyang’s side already has Xu Wangyuan Lie, which is also a character with no underground in the sky. How can it be called Guo’s love? It seems that the king of the king has a dream and a woman. She thought so, her face could not help but ease the three-pointed: "I am not a small-bellied chicken, and today's things have been revealed, I will never mention it again."

The three men sat down again and changed their mindset. Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I heard that the five brothers painted well."

Guo’s guide, I seem to see that Li Weiyang’s expression is a little narrow, and I can’t help but think of the paintings I have painted for her. The face is red: “You should not be happy with me! Whatever you have told you.”

Li Weiyang said faintly: "When the powder is made, it will be ground into ink and blended into a painting. By the time, you naturally know what to do."

Guo Dao looked at the prince, and the other party was also a surprised look.

Li Weiyang faintly said: "Wu Chu invited the famous jade carving craftsman, and also went around to find a famous painter to draw a model, to tribute to a thousand hands Guanyin jade on the day of the Laba Festival, but unfortunately he searched for a long time I didn’t find a suitable artist, and the paintings I received were not very satisfied...”

The prince was so well-informed that she nodded. "I know this news. The spy has already reported everything. But this is only a trivial matter, so I didn't mention it. What is the idea of ​​Jiaer?"

Li Weiyang’s eyes deepened: “Everything is ready, only the east wind, just look at the day of the Laba Festival.”

------Off topic ------

There are suspected cases of bird flu in this city. If Xiaoqin suddenly stops for a few days and Mi has a leave to explain to everyone, Xiaoqin must have grown wings, >_

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