The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 41 Reluctantly cut love


Li Changle was keenly smelling something wrong, and quickly said: "My sister is really confused, and I have forgotten everything I sent."

Li Weiyang's black and white eyes reveal a hint of surprise: "Big sister, I am returning to the big brother is a blue ink jade," then her eyes fell on the beautiful purse of Li Minfeng's waist, said, "Big brother said Wouldn't it be this purse?"

Li Minfeng’s face was changed: “Since the three sisters did not send it, then I remembered it wrong.”

Li Weiyang has already approached him. He suddenly pointed at his waist pocket and was surprised: "Oh, is this purse not purple?" Then she turned her head and looked at the purple smoke with a smile. "Your embroidered peace and peace city, Miss Li Jia's delicate embroidery is exactly the same, the stitches are delicate, the color is bright, and we can't embroider the second person."

Everyone was taken aback, Li Changru snorted: "What is wrong with this, how can the lobby brother's body carry a purse made by a girl?!"

The old lady’s face sank and quietly sent the purse in the name of the master. The courage of this girl was too big!

The purple smoke face brush changed, and the slammed down to the ground, shivering: "Slaves, slaves are the purses that are sent according to the instructions of Miss San..."

Li Weiyang glanced at the purse and sighed: "If you are in harmony with your eldest brother, you should say that you must repair the darkness of the road. Chen is the sister of the big brother. Even if you want to send a purse, you should also send Pengcheng Wanli. Or what is the name of the water?

Purple smoke suddenly understands, Miss San has long known that she will send a sloppy purse in the past, but also determined that the young master will accept, but he did not feel it, only fell into the trap of the other side! Just now, regret is too late!

Don't say the old lady, even the big lady's face is not good-looking. The young master has not yet married, but he has taken a fancy to the purple smoke of his sister, and he has doubts about his morality. The big lady is cold and cold: "Min Feng, you are too disappointing! Anyone who dares to accept it!"

Li Minfeng glanced at Ziyan, but he didn't have much panic. "Mom, I didn't think so much. Looking at this purse, I took it."

Pushing it all? Think beautiful! Li Weiyang’s face is grotesque: “Big brother, don’t be embarrassed, you have always been generous to your sister. I don’t know how to thank you. Since the big brother likes the purple cigarette, the sister certainly wants the beauty of the adult.” She said that she saw the purple smoke. .

Li Minfeng looks as usual: "Your mind has led me, but-"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Where is the big brother saying, how can you guess that the gift is purple smoke? If you don't like her, why bring the purse with you!"

Li Minfeng glanced at him. He originally wanted to let the purple smoke work for him to take the purse, but he did not expect to become the weapon that Li Weiyang used to attack him. Now he sneer: "The three sisters are really jealous, listen to you. The meaning is that even I know everything in my heart!" His words are not enough, how to say that he does not have ulterior motives for purple smoke, this is not a big bright thing.

Li Changle frowned and said: "Three sisters, but it is a misunderstanding, you don't have to worry."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Big sister, Ziyan is following me from Pingcheng and I am going back to Kyoto. I am obliged to find a good home for her. Since Big Brother likes her, she is also infatuated, I am sincerely fulfilling." Li Minfeng, who looked at the thick eyebrows and deep locks: "Since the purple smoke has a low status, it is more than enough to follow the big brother to make a red-sleeved scent. The big brother has collected her sentimental tokens, and it is impossible to trample on this gimmick. It’s not good to pass it out.”

The three ladies smiled slightly and bowed their heads to tea.

The big lady’s face was gloomy and dripping. The second lady listened for a long time. Then she smiled and said: “I really want to congratulate the peak. This girl is not only beautiful, but also smart and rare.”

Li Changru also followed: "Yes, purple smoke is a clever gimmick. I asked her three sisters last time. The three sisters are not willing! This time, the big brother is cheap!"

Cheap shit! The big lady's brows faintly pulsate, and there is a hint of coldness in her eyes. The lord hates the young masters in the family and hooks up with the hoe. When Li Minfeng comes back, he looks at the **** in his sister's house. The lord is still not angry! However, Li Minfeng obviously knows that the person who sent the purse is a purple smoke, but I don’t know why I really accepted the purse, so that the big lady is really bored and annoyed: "This girl is so smart, I will follow me first, and then I will send it to repair." Bamboo court."

In any case, you can't let such a fox get into your son's house! The big lady made up her mind!

"So, please ask the mother to discipline the purple smoke." Li Weiyang glanced at Li Minfeng: "If the big brother is so good to me, the purple cigarette is so obedient and sensible, I am absolutely unwilling to cut love."

Li Minfeng looked at her coldly and coldly: "That would thank the three sisters." Anyway, it will soon be a matter of course, and it is useless to leave the purple cigarette in the head of Li Weiyang.

Purple smoke listened, but his face showed a look of joy. Regardless of the care of Miss San, she finally entered the courtyard of the young master!

Li Minfeng was a little annoyed in his heart, but thought that Li Weiyang would pay for her what she did today. The smile on her face was deepened by three points. She left the matter aside and turned to Li Changle. .

Li Changle agreed, walked over with a smile and took the tea cup next to the old lady: "Old lady, drink hot tea."

The old lady had to take it subconsciously, but Li Changle slipped his hand and suddenly screamed. The teacup fell to the ground and the tea broke!

This movement, a person who was shocked by the house.

As early as the hoes rushed over, the hands and feet were able to clean up the debris. Li Changle, a pair of embarrassed appearances, even bent down and bowed down, as if to help, frightened a lot of gimmicks.

At this time, Li Changle suddenly snorted and picked up a piece of debris on the ground, saying: "What is this?"

Shantou Green Xin smiled and said: "Return to Missy, this is the red ginseng that the old lady often eats."

Red ginseng is very precious. It not only makes up for the vitality, but also helps the blood and soothe the nerves. The taste is too bitter. So the red ginseng and the duck soup are usually cooked together, or the red ginseng is cut into thin slices. drink. This point, Li Changle knows clearly, but why do you know why? Everyone feels strange.

Li Changle showed a look of desire and words, and the red ginseng piece was tightened in his hand. The old lady looked at her and said, "What happened?"

Li Changle Liu Mei slightly picked up, very uneasy: "This is not a red ginseng film, this is Su Zi."

Li Weiyang listened, his eyes suddenly became cold, and finally came!

------Off topic ------

PS: There is a child who asks Li Changle to marry Takuya in the past. It should be twenty-five years old. Why is it not so late to marry? This is for a reason, and \\(^o^) will be mentioned later. /~

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