The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 55 Rays appear


Li Weiyang bowed his head and said: "My father sent a spy to the victims to understand the situation. He said that when the local officials heard the censorship, they immediately set up a factory stove and hoisted the yellow flag with stilts. Write the four characters of "Banxian porridge" and gather the victims to wait. After the royal history arrives, they will ring the bell to start porridge to the victims. When the royal history goes, they will immediately withdraw the flat stove, and the disaster will come here. It’s over. It’s not just local officials who are full of pockets. What’s worse is that they mix white mud in the disaster relief food. Finally, they simply put the bark directly under the pot. The victims are struggling to drink this “porridge”. Starve to death. So disaster relief, can you not riot?"

The emperor listened, almost stunned, and he never imagined that there would be such a thing happening. The reason why he did not believe that Li Weiyang said that the local officials were full of private sacs was because they sent three patrols to investigate the censorship. They could not find out the cause of the riots. The little girl in front of her eyes said that the head of the incident was true. Forcing myself to believe that she is open to the letter is not possible.

"The people who sent the singer did not find out anything! Not only the censorship, but also the spies in the palace!" The emperor was literally one word.

Li Weiyang hangs his head, and of course the emperor can't find anything, because the evidence on the surface has been annihilated by the local officials, and the victims have also been suppressed, and no truth can be asked. However, these things, in every disaster that the past life experienced, she saw it with her own eyes, all the tricks used by corrupt officials.

"The father's person couldn't find it at first, because the victims were not willing to say anything, full of resistance. Later, I suggested that the father simply pretend to disguise himself and pretend to be a mob. Of course, in order to convince the other party, Nature is quite awkward..."

"You--" the emperor was almost aphasia.

"Four is the tax reduction and exemption that the older sister said. His Majesty issued a tax exemption order and sent a relief to the disaster area. This is a good thing to appease the people. However, some local officials have intensified their taxation on the victims after the disaster. After the tax exemption order was conveyed to the disaster area, the taxation work has been basically completed. Your Mausoleum can only be defeated by the emperor."

The Queen Mother looked at the clerk beside him, and the other side was working hard to record the blunt words of the three women.

"Five is the usual position. Under the Majesty, Changping warehouse is in the name of the people, and the local people invade the people. The local bureaucrats responsible for the Changping warehouse use the power to buy and sell food and the tyrants of the tyrants. Coupled with the usual shackles of warehousing, the benefits of the people will naturally become a competition with the people. This system cannot be implemented. Therefore, the five strategies for disaster relief are just paper talks, even to the masters. The mouse's greed of the ink is actually a disaster for the country!" Li Weiyang's words and sentences are so vocal.

The emperor sat half-sounding on the throne and did not say a word.

Everyone looked at him nervously, not knowing when his mouth spit out a word, this beautiful little girl would have to land.

However, the emperor finally took a long breath: "These five strategies, but from your big sister."

Li Weiyang lowered his eyes and complimented: "Your Majesty, the big sister does not leave the house, the way of thinking is naturally good, but unfortunately, when it is implemented, there will be many difficulties, and the minister is different from the older sister because the body is not good. Xiao was sent to the country to take care of the sick, and he knew more about the poor tenants. Please forgive the sins of the older sister."

Such thorough insight, sophisticated analytical skills and an open vision are also present in a girl. The emperor looked at Li Weiyang, and the color of his eyes was shocking: "You know that there will be problems?"

Li Weiyang raised his eyes and said: "Your Majesty, Weiyang is just talking about things, not for the prophets."

She is not a god, how can she not know the prophet? The emperor nodded and said: "You are so young, it is really rare to have these insights. How do you solve it according to your intention?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "The disaster relief began with the rectification of the rule of law. Please ask the priest to send a censor and punish the corrupt officials."

The emperor's eyebrows shook his heart and waved his hand. He said: "If the ordinary people continue to find corrupt officials, they can tie them up and send them to Beijing for crimes. The checkpoints on the road must be released. If anyone dares to block, Kill immediately."

Li Weiyang whispered: "Please give a range of greed and silver."

The emperor said coldly: "In the future, if you are greedy for disasters, you will be killed by one hundred and two!"

Li Weiyang’s eyes stunned: "But there are so many people who are greedy, and I am afraid that I will not be able to kill them for a while, and the number of officials is not enough."

The emperor looked at her and suddenly smiled: "According to what you said, what should I do?"

Li Weiyang smiled: "With regard to filling the issue of officials, there will naturally be a sacred sect, and the ministers can take some time for the succession of the officials."

The emperor nodded and said, "Well, then you will hand over the official renewal to your father."

When the old lady listened to her heart and was overjoyed, the killing of corrupt officials would certainly offend a large number of people, but if they still have the power to renew their duties, then whether they are left or right officials, they will try to come to settle the Li family and please Li. This is Good things for the big day.

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "The sorrow has never seen such a smart little girl. Your Majesty, you must reward her."

The emperor looked at Li Weiyang and shook his head. "This child is too young to accept the commandment, or reward the gold and silver."

Sure enough, it’s an old fox, isn’t it a fate now? Li Weiyang’s heart sank, his face smiled brighter, he did not humble and leaned over, and he slammed three heads. His voice was sincere: “The Queen Mother praised her, and her daughter-in-law did not dare to act. The minister was just lucky and caught up with His Majesty. The woman is allowed to talk about the political affairs, and the minister has happened to live in the civil society before she has the opportunity to share her worries. The minister does not dare to accept the reward, but also asks to take it back."

She was not arrogant, and she did not humble her attitude. She immediately won the affection of the Queen Mother. The Empress Dowager smiled and waved her hand: "Stupid child, hold it for you, and swear by Jinkou Yuyan, it will not be regrettable!"

The emperor agreed to nod and waved. Immediately, there was a palace man who promised to quit the main hall. When he came in again half a mile, he held more than twenty pallets in succession. Each tray was full of heavy gold and jewels. Everything was extremely rare. Rao was the old lady. I am used to gold and silver jewelry, but I also feel dazzled.

Such a generous reward is simply the first time.

The female officers next to me looked at the heat, and my heart was dark: this girl really hit the big fortune.

Li Weiyang did not look up at the gold, but only quietly crouched on the ground, can't see the look, gold? She does not need it! What she wants is much more valuable than gold!

------Off topic ------

Ok, we are very omnipotent, please call me the golden finger Qin

PS: Editors are often fascinated by the ghosts. If you threaten to edit an adult, you will be collectively ass, >_

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