The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 74 Ice is like a knife


Prime Minister

The big lady hurried back to the prime minister's office, and even Li Weiyang couldn't take care of it. This is actually a very profound reason. Li Xiaoran went out for three days and even brought back a new diverticulum. What is different is that this time Li Xiaoran did not know the big lady.

This means that Li Xiaoran has not respected her wife as usual. I also wanted to come. After the Witchcraft incident, he did not even step into her house. If you say that the usual lady can still stand, but at this time, she can no longer be patient. She hurriedly took Li Changle home, but I heard that Li Xiaoran went to the banquet with the new beauty. It was not in the house, and suddenly the anger turned into depression, and the hateful teeth had to bite the bleeding. Over and over again, I didn’t even care about asking for the whereabouts of Li Weiyang. Early the next morning, she was fidgeting and immediately sent someone to recruit the new beauty Yun Ji.

The big lady held the teacup in her hand and stared at Yunji in front of her eyes.

This woman's skin is white, snow, nose and face are like carved out with jade. Standing there like a flower tree and snow, Qiong pressure the sea otter, although not as good as the daughter of her national color, but it is also a Beautiful beauty is a way to turn away the beauty of the eyes. Her weak Liu Fufeng generally came forward and gave a graceful gesture.

The big lady had a moment of misunderstanding when she saw this face. She almost thought that the woman was back again, and then her heart was darkly ignited. The old man never forgot the woman! However, after all, she was deep in the city. Although she hated this Yunji, she did not show any points on her face. She smiled and let her go forward and asked her to reach out and look at her hand. Yun Ji’s fingers are as thin and long as spring onions, and the palm shape is also very beautiful. The big lady asked her how old she was.

Yun Jidao: "The slave is called Yun Mei, 16 years old, Changzhou people."

Her voice twitched like a yellow scorpion, and a fine tooth like a jade. The big lady’s heart is hateful: This looks like I’m seeing it. It’s no wonder that Li Xiaoran, who has few new favorites in recent years, has to accept her.

Yun Ji didn't dare to look at the lady's gaze, because the mother had a smile on her face, but her eyes were extremely deep, like a big mouth to swallow her, and she wanted to take something from her body. Come out the same.

"Oh." The big lady realized that she was out of order, and quickly re-attached the gentle and elegant smile: "You don't have to be afraid. I just watched you look so beautiful, and my heart is also happy on behalf of the master." After fixing the god, I thought about it with my eyes. "Just, the name of Meier is too vulgar. I will change your name to you. It is simply called Yunrou, and it looks elegant and generous. How?"

Yun Ji was deeply bowed, but the corner of her mouth was kneeling down, obviously not happy.

The big lady didn't expect the girl to look weak and stubborn. She was slightly annoyed - I don't know why, she was particularly irritated after being left out, but she did not show it. To clean up this little monk, there are too many methods. Her eyes turned and she changed her mouth without a shock: "But it seems that this name is not good. You are still called Yun Mei for the time being. Wait until the day is free." And give you the name again!"

Yun Ji once again thanked her, but she was wary of the great lady’s ability to observe the hearts of the people.

When I was squatting, suddenly there was a prostitute to report, saying that the lord came.

The big lady slowly looked up and stared at Li Xiaoran who walked in. She didn't want to show sharp eyes at this time, but she was already involuntarily.

This time, he brought people back without saying a word, it was too humiliating her.

When Li Xiaoran saw Yun Ji as if he had been wronged, his face immediately felt a bit unhappy. But after all, he is a person with a sense of proportion, so he just said faintly: "You go ahead, I have something to say to my wife."

In the gap of this speech, Ms. Lin suddenly walked in and whispered a few words to the big lady. The lady changed her face and asked: "Can things be true?"

Ms. Lin smiled and said: "Yes, the old slave has already verified it."

The big lady glimpsed, and then there was a glimpse of the color that was not noticeable. Originally, she was going to say a few words about Yun Ji to Li Xiaoran. Now I heard that Li Weiyang’s disappearance did not return to the government. He immediately made a fuss, and decided to temporarily put down Yun Ji’s affairs and clean up Li Weiyang’s confession. .

After Yunji retired, the big lady suddenly became the right color: "Mother Lin, let other people go out, I have something to say to the master." She felt that this sentence was slowly removed from the mouth like a blade, but the mood when she spoke Surprisingly good.

Li Xiaoran thought she was going to blame herself for not telling him about Yun Ji’s things in advance, and a thunder was flashing on her face.

The big lady knows Li Xiaoran very well. At the moment, her face is not moving, but there is hidden cunning in her eyes: "Master, I have another important thing to tell you."

Li Xiaoran’s face was a little slow, and he shook his hand to make it fall back and forth.

I thought that I was about to get rid of Li Weiyang. The big lady felt a blood rushing to the bottom of her throat and fought hard to swallow it. As he approached him, he looked up and looked worried: "I said this thing very well." Big responsibility, this makes me very embarrassed, but now, I have to tell the truth to the master."

The sound is very light, but every word is like ice.

Li Xiaoran frowned. "Don't let go of it, hurry."

The big lady was proud of her heart, but her face hesitated more and more: "I went to the Yongning Princess House yesterday for dinner. The old lady suddenly came to my old friend and rushed back. It happened that I was not feeling well, I came back together, we all left. I was afraid that it would be difficult for the princess to explain, so that Weiyang and Mind would stay for the dinner."

In fact, the old lady was thinking about it, to test whether Li Weiyang could deal with it alone, and the great lady did not take her seriously.

"And then?" Li Xiaoran felt that something was wrong.

The appearance of the maiden of the big lady: "Then my headache was so bad, I lie down first, thinking that Weiyang and Mind will come back when they arrive. Who knows that someone just reported that they found the carriage of our Li family on the official road, next to it. And the guards of our family, all of them are dead, and even worse, Weiyang and Mind are missing..."

The carriage was attacked!

Li Xiaoran felt that the ice was piercing into his own brain, and the pores of his body were all tightened. The body was not moving, and his lips were not squeaky. What he is most afraid of now is that he has an accident at home, and he is more worried about this matter.

"Who is so courageous!" After that, there was a deep anger. He stared at the big lady like a wolf, his teeth slammed hard, and he continued to come out of Mars, almost extruding from his teeth. These words: "Don't dare to move my carriage!"

The big lady never saw Li Xiaoran’s swearing look. She gave a slight glimpse and immediately said, “Yes, these people are so bold, not only attacked the carriage, but even Weiyang and Mind both hijacked away! Now afraid ——"

"What do you mean!" Li Xiaoran screamed, almost spurting out the flames in his eyes. He did not expect anyone in Kyoto to dare to touch his Li family's carriage, and even hijacked his daughter. Although he does not have any deep feelings for Li Weiyang, it definitely violates his authority. "Send someone to look for it, and immediately send someone to find Weiyang and Mind!"

When the three ladies died, they lost their adopted children. They passed out and thought that he was eager to see the property of the three rooms! Be sure to get Mind back immediately!

"Master, the most important thing is not this, they have been missing for a night!" The big lady greeted his gaze without fear, and the light of the steel needle had already appeared in his eyes. "I am afraid that Weiyang has already lost its way!"

Li Xiaoran was stung by this steel-like gaze - no, it should be said that it was completely stunned. He was there for a while, and the muscles on his face began to violently twist, as if pressed by an invisible hand.

The big lady noticed that Li Xiaoran’s forehead’s blue veins also burst out at the moment, twisting like a donkey. There was a fascination in the eyes, which showed how angry he was, and her face seemed to be more uneasy: "Master, if Weiyang really came back, Li’s reputation and face would be all over!" ”

A nobleman who has been missing for one night, Li Xiaoran can't help but imagine how much humiliation the Li family will suffer in the future. What will his colleagues think about, what the emperor will think! He suddenly calmed down, his face was covered with a layer of fuzzy steel mask. "What do you mean by this sentence?"

This sentence touched the secret of the deepest heart of the lady. If it is normal, she will play a generous mother, wait for the lord to think about the consequences of this matter, and then she will come out to be a good person, and send Li Weiyang to the temple to be alive, so that neither will Li Xiaoran Suspicion of her intentions, and can maintain a consistent image in front of everyone, but this time, she did not continue to be patient, but first raised it, yes, she must seize this opportunity to put Li Weiyang dead ! Although the big lady thought this way, but when Li Xiaoran doubted, there was still a trace of fear in her heart, so she quickly adjusted her mood, and the color on the face turned to mourning: "Master, I am not saying anything." Selfishness, I am just really worried about Weiyang. She is a good girl's family. She hasn't given it to others. If anyone knows this thing in the future, who will marry her?" She said that she has something to do with it. Papa covered his eyes and looked as if he was really worried.

Li Xiaoran sneered, but there was no smile, just like the mouth cracked open. Although he felt that the big lady was crying in the cat, he had to admit that she was right! He looked at her with hate, and Shantou came up with a sentence: "What should I do with this?!"

The big lady pretended to be shocked and said: "Yes, I am also guilty of this. I will send someone to get her back, and then we will discuss what to do! I just want to make the master have a preparation!"

Li Xiaoran bowed his eyes and flashed a condensed color in his expression. He waved his hand and said loudly: "Call the housekeeper here!"

There was footsteps immediately outside, and quickly left.

Li Xiaoran sat down and took a cup of tea to drink, but he felt so cold. He sighed: "It’s a big trouble to come back alive!"

The big lady smiled a little, then concealed her smile and went forward: "The lord doesn't have to worry, he can't say that the Yangji people are not heaven!"

Li Xiaoran didn't know what to say for a while, sitting for a while, just when he was ready to stand up and think about countermeasures, someone suddenly came to report: "Three Miss is back!"

Li Xiaoran looked at Li Weiyang and walked in slowly, and was surprised.

Before Li Weiyang came back, he dressed up carefully. I specially put on a hibiscus picked in a garden, and I used the eyebrow pencil to trace the eyebrows lightly. The smear was very light. I couldn’t see it when I looked carefully, and I applied a layer of powder on my face. The rouge is opened, and it is lightly applied to the eyes and lips. If there is no makeup, there is no fresh and beautiful. This is because if she does not wear makeup today, she can't hide the shackles that have not been sleepy for a night. However, in the eyes of unsuspecting people, Li Weiyang, who never applied powder, is filled with the vitality of youth at the moment. Nowhere is it pure and fresh, just like the flowers that have not blossomed in the morning, with a kind of past Lively never before.

Li Xiaoran was keenly aware that Li Weiyang’s hair had a silver scorpion. If it is normal, this will not attract his attention, but I don't know why, but today he noticed it, it is made of the purest silver, the hollow silver enamel in the middle, the shape is the vivid flower tree, above It is made of light silver tablets and flowers and flower buds. The heart is inlaid with bright gems, and it glows with seven colors in the sunlight. Wearing it on the head, it really is a burning heart, adding a lot of beauty to the original beautiful and lovely Li Weiyang.

"Weiyang, you are finally back!" The big lady eagerly greeted her face, but her fangs were looming.

Li Weiyang looked in his eyes, but he seemed to be very moved. He quickly responded with a smile: "Mother, Weiyang has made you worried."

"Not in the end, it is worrying, the mother's heart must be anxious to die, for fear of what happened to you!" The big lady's mouth sneered a little, the fangs in her eyes have gradually become clear. Li Weiyang is alive and returning, and it’s nothing to hurt. It’s already a dead end!

Li Weiyang’s heart was shocked and he frowned slightly. With her cleverness, she already felt the other party's words, but she was innocent, as if she was undefended: "Mother is so good to me, I don't think about it, it's really hard day and night!"

I thought she would panic, but I didn't expect it to be a little bit out! The big lady bit her teeth, and the sneer at the mouth burst into full bloom: "The next person said that the guards who followed are dead, and you are also taken away, let the mother see, what damage can be?"

Li Weiyang smiled slightly and said: "Mother, Weiyang has no injury, you see." After that, she gently turned around and smiled at Li Xiaoran. "Father, Weiyang is not filial, and you are worried." ""

The big lady thought she was pretending to be calm and sneering and continuing to sprinkle salt on her wounds: "Wu Wei, if you have any wrongs, don't hold back, and the mother said yes, the mother will definitely be the master for you."

Wronged? Li Weiyang sneered in his heart. She squinted at the ugly big lady and felt that she had nothing to say with this evil beast-like woman. She spoke coldly: "Mother is worried and worried, and there is no harm in the future."

The big lady stared at her eyes and wanted to continue to knock on her side, but found that her eyes were coldly looking at herself, but it contained an invisible chill, like the statues enshrined in the wilderness temple. It’s creepy. At this time, Li Weiyang suddenly laughed, and the big lady felt that the laughter was like a scoop of ice water pouring into her heart, and involuntarily chilled, the momentum was involuntarily weak.

"Weiyang, are you really okay? Then how did you get back?" It must not be that the gangsters put you back, Li Xiaoran asked involuntarily. He no longer wants to listen to the words that the big lady said. He must know the ins and outs of this matter, and make the best arrangements!

Li Weiyang understood the meaning of Li Xiaoran very well, but she did not answer this question immediately. She just smiled and suddenly seemed to think of something like this: "To my father, I want you to prepare a gift for Weiyang today, so thank you for the seven emperors. And Princess Yongning, if it is not the two Highness, it will not come back!"

The big lady changed her face and immediately said, "What are you talking about?"

Li Xiaoran also stood up at once, and his face was amazed.

Li Weiyang raised his eyebrows and said innocently: "How can the father not know? Oh, I only care about the rest of my life and my mother, and I forgot to say something serious. Yesterday I didn’t know where to rush out a group of people to **** our carriage, bodyguard They tried to protect me and Mind, but they were outnumbered. When they were in a critical situation, the Seventh High was passing by. The road was incomprehensible and the heroic was very good! After the gangsters were forced to retreat, the seven priests saw Mind injured and deliberately We sent it back to Yongning Princess House to rehabilitate. The princess took us overnight and sent someone to Mind to invite the doctor. This is really a trip to the nobles. If they were not helped by the two, they would not be able to come back safely! ”

When Li Xiaoran heard it, he was overjoyed: "Is it saved by the Seven Halls?"

Li Weiyang nodded.

"And Princess Yongning also took you?"

Li Weiyang continued to nod.

“Is this all true?”

Li Weiyang grinned and said: "What happened to your father, I was sitting in the carriage of the Princess House!" When she said this, she smiled and glanced at the big lady: "Fortunately, my life is big, if it is true. After being robbed by the culprits, he still dared to come back, and he had to keep his innocence as soon as possible. Mother, I am coming back safely. How do you seem to be unhappy?"

"No, this is impossible! You must be lying, how can you disappear for a night without anything happening!" The lady sighed and slammed her face, completely dying.

People often say that the bigger the hope, the greater the disappointment. The big lady thought that she could take this opportunity to let Li Weiyang completely finish, but she did not expect that this would make her ruin. This is really good luck, too People can't accept it!

Li Xiaoran was discolored: "What are you talking about! Still can't stop!"

The big lady stunned, and then she looked pale, and she realized that she was out of order.

After Li Xiaoran was angry, he was anxious. Now he has become happy. The Seven Emperors saved Li Weiyang. She also stayed in the Princess House for a night. The impact of these two news far exceeded the disappearance of Li Weiyang.

However, he still has a bit of doubt, because all this change is too fast and people are overwhelmed.

Li Weiyang seems to know what he is thinking, laughing: "Yes, the princess said that I was shocked because of the feast, and gave me a scorpion to comfort me." She said that she pointed at the finger Valuable scorpion.

Li Xiaoran this time, a long sigh of relief. This is really - too surprising! Later, he glanced at the big lady.

The big lady was shocked. The original fog was scattered, and she barely smiled: "Weiyang, you are really - good luck."

Li Xiaoran also laughed and appeased: "Yuan, your mother is just too happy for a while."

I am afraid that the big lady is disappointed to the extreme. I will not let go of any chance to put myself to death. It is just a poisonous heart, and it is extremely evil! However, Li Weiyang smiled a little, but why not?

"Yeah, the mother is too happy, don't blame me." The lady's throat is like a cotton, and the speech is extremely unnatural.

"Mother, you don't have to be like this. This is the good luck that God has given me. No one can stop it." Although Li Weiyang said that he was extremely humble, he obviously had thorns in his words.

Li Weiyang's eyes are as black as well water. In the eyes of the big lady, like the devil's sneaky, the gloom of the blue light.

"Of course, this thing is also my life. If the Seventh House of the Night did not pass by last night -" Li Weiyang said faintly: "I am afraid that there will be a violent wilderness, and the dog crow eats."

Li Xiaoran listened to Li Weiyang’s words. He felt that this was true. He said that he was worried that Li Weiyang’s death would affect the family’s reputation. She felt that she was indeed an unlucky daughter, but now she seems to be Hong Fuqi. It’s day. His psychological changes have a subtle expression on his face, and he was all taken in by Li Weiyang.

Li Xiaoran did not forget to ask: "Where is the old lady?"

"My father is relieved that Weiyang will soon report to the old lady."

Li Xiaoran nodded and watched Li Weiyang leave. Then he turned and stared at his wife. He did not expect that she was not only a small amount of air, but also a sentimental woman. She is obviously an aunt, but she always tries to get through the children she has. Li Xiaoran did not ask her to be like a child to his other children, at least to have a face to face, so that the explicit expression of resentment made him feel chilling. What happened to Li Weiyang, his body also flowed his blood, the big lady actually expected her accident, in order to get rid of her, this is really chilling. I was so eager to run the officialdom outside, and everything was done without dripping, but I didn’t expect that a very good wife would have broken down in the back, too disappointing!

He snorted and waited for the lady to explain, and the sleeves went straight! Walking to the door, he suddenly stood still: "Don't forget to prepare for the ceremony!"

The big lady stunned, and then she was full of resentment, but she was helpless. Weng said: "Yes."

Li Weiyang first went to the old lady's yard and asked Ann, and said things again, and then returned to his yard. Bai Hao sighed with relief: "Miss, good for you, go to the Seven Emperors' House, ask him to help." Arrange everything."

"Of course, the big lady will not let this opportunity happen. I will be able to make a living." Now Li Weiyang is convinced that he has not helped the Tuoyu before, he is a person who knows how to return, and the effect is immediate. Before she came back, she dressed up and dressed up, and prepared for it. I really can't see the difference.

"The big lady is simply robbing the fire..."

"She was such a person..."

At this time, Mozhu suddenly returned: "Miss, the seven-year-old mother is coming!"

Li Weiyang is a glimpse.


"Weiyang..." The seven-year-old mother rushed over and clung to Li Weiyang and burst into tears.

Li Weiyang looked at the fragile mother-in-law with a smile, and did not know what to do at the moment. The white beggar next to him quickly came over and helped the seven-year-old mother, and carefully said: "Don't worry about it, Miss, isn't this safely coming back?"

Qiu Niang’s eyes were swollen, and she was really worried about her death. When she heard that, she immediately rushed over.

Li Weiyang whispered to her the explanation of the ins and outs, and probably said that it was similar to Li Xiaoran's words. She did not want her own mother to follow.

"It turned out to be the case..." Hearing because of the night at the Princess House, the seven-year-old mother was relieved.

I thought that Li Weiyang was wronged...

"The original lady insisted on coming back..." Bai Xiao smiled.

"But the princess is very difficult but..." Mo Zhu interjected.

Li Weiyang only smiled and said: "In fact, it doesn't matter, but the princess thinks that I was shocked by the feast, and I didn't want to go..."

"I was looking for someone to return to the government to report, but it was already very late. I was afraid that I would disturb the old lady and you..." Li Weiyang said, looking at the sadness left on the face of the seven-year-old girl, it is not awkward, "all I am not good, let the mother worry about you."

The seven-year-old mother with tears, shaking her head and laughing. After she was happy, she sighed softly and looked at the bloodshot eyes of Li Weiyang’s eyes. Her heart was a little uncomfortable: "It’s all useless, it’s no way to protect you."

In Li Weiyang’s heart, there was a warm current.

To tell the truth, she always has a sense of alienation from the seven-year-old mother. Although she is her own biological mother, she died early in her life. She grew up not at her side, and her feelings are not particularly deep. I know how to get along with her, so I can't let go of my hands everywhere, but today I saw her tears from the heart, Li Weiyang felt embarrassed for his former alienation.

Her eyes are as warm as jade, but bright as a star.

"Mother, I said, I will protect you later."

Qiu Niang looked at her daughter, her emotions fluctuated: "Weiyang, don't do it with the big lady, she will hurt you."

Tan Shi is a weak woman. Now she has nothing to ask for. She only hopes that her daughter will be safe in her life and will marry a good family in the future. The big lady is very hot-hearted, she does not want to have an accident.

"Mother, as long as people live, they will encounter countless twists and turns. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. This road is my own choice. No matter what hardships or dangers I encounter, I will not step back. Since I I have already prepared enough, I don’t have to think about anything, let alone, even if I want to retire, others will not allow me to retire! It’s boring and live, it’s so painful, it’s nothing to fear. ..." She is not afraid of life, nor is she afraid of death, but the big lady is different, so the winner will be her.

When she was jealous, she suddenly felt that Weiyang’s stubbornness and strength were far more than her imagination.

"Weiyang..." She made up her mind, "Mother will support you."

Can make the weak Qiu Niang say this... Li Weiyang does not feel the smile, only feels sour and sweet, the feeling of having a family around is really good.

The fact that Li Weiyang was attacked on the official road and saved by the Seven Emperors spread all over Kyoto. It ruined those famous gates. Everyone said that the Yongan County had good luck and the carriage was hijacked once in a hundred years. The emperor's hero, who was also loved by the emperor, was saved. Of course, there are also many gossips, and some even suspect that there will be gangsters on the official road for no reason, not to mention that the gangsters have all died. A living mouth has not stayed. Some even preached that Li Weiyang deliberately tried to approach the Seven Emperors. The words of the acid came and went, and the Li family did not care much. After all, compared with the women’s loss, these are clouds. No matter how stormy outside, the Tuoba and Li Weiyang, who are the parties, have no reaction. After the incident, the two have no intersection. This is a lively event and it has passed.

Li Changle heard about this incident. He thought that Li Weiyang was going to be a bad mold, but he didn't expect the other party to be ruined. The heart is annoyed, but there is nothing to help, and I can’t help but feel bored.

Sandalwood, her face is not good, persuaded: "Miss, now the flowers in the garden are open, you might as well go out?"

Li Changle looked at her with cold eyes, and Tanxiang’s heart sighed: “The slave is—” She is also kind.

Li Changle glanced at the spring outside. Recently, his head became more and more painful. Especially when he saw Li Weiyang swaying in front of himself, he couldn’t help but blaze. "Forget it, go out and go."

Li Changle walked into the garden with sandalwood and others, but saw a beautiful woman sitting in the octagonal pavilion not far away. She could not help but frown: "Who is that?"

Sandalwood glanced at it and said with care: "That is the nine-year-old mother of the new master."

Nine-year-old mother? Is the woman Yun Ji who brought her father back without a mother? Li Changle looked far away, could not help but frown, Yun Ji is a Changzhou person, I heard that it is a Huadan origin, the father actually brought such a low-lying woman into the government, is it crazy?

Li Changle took sandalwood and walked quietly to Yunji. The gimmick next to it reminded him that he was scared by a cold look of Li Changle.

Yun Ji looked up and suddenly found that Missy came, scared to stand up quickly.

Li Changle smiled slightly, picked up his eyes and smiled at the things in her hand.

Yun Ji Xue Bai’s hand is a small brocade purse with a silk embroidered with a lotus flower and a small jade bead next to it. Although the workmanship is exquisite, at first glance, I know that the materials are very cheap and very old.

"This purse is really beautiful." Li Changle smiled slightly, and the face was quiet, but in fact he was suspicious.

Yun Ji is actually very scared. She was only here to enjoy the scenery. Who knows how to touch the scene and unconsciously took out the purse that she kept with her. She thought her gimmick would remind her, but no one told her big. Miss is here! She didn't know what Li Changle saw, but - a purse can't represent anything! She smiled as much as possible, pretending to be honest: "Yes, this is my mother's embroidered, I have been with me, right as a talisman."

Li Changle is a very sensitive person. She always thinks that this is like a sentiment from a man. This speculation makes her excited at once. However, she suppresses this excitement and smiles slightly: "You are married. Entering our home, I will be a family in the future, so I don't have to be so constrained."

Yun Ji saw that she was no longer pursued, and quickly collected the purse.

Li Changle deliberately pretended not to notice, but smiled sullenly: "Nine-Yang Niang, Changzhou is so far away from here, would you be homesick?"

Since the age of ten, Yun Ji has left the hometown with the troupe. The impression of her parents has been blurred. Not to mention any homesickness. She has been playing outside and has been despised by people. Later she went to the banquet of Lou Shangshu. Yes, he was brought back by Li Xiaoran. But when she arrived at Li Fu, no one could afford her. Everyone was behind her. She was a squatting drama. The young lady was different. She actually showed such a kind smile to her, so she was surprised for a moment. I don’t know how to answer her.

Li Changle’s words turned: “But if you are such a beautiful character, your father will naturally have more pity for you. You will never have to walk the streets again and again, and you will have a hard time.”

Listening to her saying that Yun Ji just smiled bitterly, it is not her intention.

Li Changle smiled and talked about other things at random, diverting Yun Ji’s attention.

After talking for half an hour, Yun Ji had a good impression on the young lady. When she left, she agreed to talk to her next time.

Sandalwood looked in the eyes, but the more strange in my heart, the young lady on the surface is approachable, but actually a proud person, Jiu Niang was born to be mean, Missy actually talked with her very happy? This is really weird!

Looking at the back of Yun Ji disappeared in the garden, Li Changle smiled and stood up and said: "Go."

Sandalwood looked at the smile of Li Changle's lips and couldn't help but bow down.

Li Changle entered the courtyard of the big lady and talked with her about half an hour. When she came out, she smiled and smiled. Sandalwood looked in her eyes and her heart was even more fearful. Every time Missy shows this smile, someone must be unlucky. Just - who will be unlucky? It’s just that if Jiu Nian’s mother suffers, she will never let Missy be so happy...

Half a month later, the big lady sent someone to ask Li Xiaoran to come over. Li Xiaoran had just returned to the government and said that there was something to be done and went to the study room. The lady had been waiting until she was dark. The big lady ordered a lamp and urged him again. Waiting for him for a while, only to see him enter the door, he personally went forward to dress him, look at his face, smiled and said: "Two days later is the birthday of Jiu Niang, I want to be alive for her."

Li Xiaoran looked up and looked at the big lady coldly.

The big lady jumped in her heart, but her face was still smiling.

Li Xiaoran did not see any clues, refused the hand of the big lady, and faintly said: "I know, I have other things, you should rest early."

"Master, I have prepared a dessert, how much you use a little." The great lady eagerly said.

Li Xiaoran shook his head: "No." After that, he turned and left, and ran to the courtyard of Jiuyi Niang.

Lin’s mother looked at the big lady uneasily, and the big lady sneered and raised a sharp smile. On the table, there was no one to warm up the half-supplement tonic, and the eyes were full of sweet air and cold.

On the other hand, Bai Hao quietly told Li Weiyang about the movements that happened in the Li family in the past few days. According to the lady’s instructions, there was no such thing as a big deal, including Miss Da and Jiu Niang’s talks, including the big lady’s message today to give nine My mother is alive.

When Bai Hao finished, he couldn’t help but say: "Miss, it looks like the big lady is starting to pull up the nine-year-old mother."

Li Weiyang smiled and shook his head: "Being the mother-in-law, if you can't control the husband's diverticulum, you have to find a way to get rid of it. Four sisters and Liuyi Niang have been very difficult to deal with. Now my father is specializing in Jiu Niang, even her. I don’t care about it. Do you think that the big lady will let the nine-year-old mother live well?"

A white meal, then said: "Miss means -"

"Light is a nine-year-old mother, and certainly can't satisfy their appetite. If it can drag the nails into the water, it would be better." Candlelight reflected on the pear-wood window sill engraved with rich sea otters, and the delicate shadows were in Li Weiyang. Dropped on the surface, as if covered with a dark gauze.

Lin’s mother looked solemnly through the corridor, the sun reflected on the courtyard wall, and she was swaying, and she frowned. The hoes on the side looked at her in a hurry, followed by a few tall and strong mothers.

"Where is Lin's mother going? How can it be hurry?" The little girl sneaked their ears.

"You don't know, Jiuyi Niang is going to have a birthday, and the big lady wants to organize for her personally! What antique plates, silk satin... The water is like going out, the lady is really good for Jiu Niang!"

"That is, the faces of the four sisters are green, and the six sisters are also closed for the day and are not willing to go out! The treatment of Jiu Niang has never been seen in Li Jiake."

"Who asked the lord to love Jiu Niang! You didn't see it, and the apex was like the same. For half a month, I was resting in her yard. Jiuyi Niang married, it is half a master, and I should never touch it. Those Lao Shizi costumes, the lord pets her, just re-do a set of lines, often close the door to sing to the master to listen to it!"

"What! You don't know!" Another gimmick whispered, "I heard the mother next week said that Jiuyi Niang is not an ordinary person, young and beautiful will serve men, you know where!"

Li Weiyang walked through the garden, and the hoes immediately snorted and looked at each other.

Li Weiyang smiled a little and said: "Let's go, be careful, Lin will hear you."

The little gimmicks laughed and quickly smashed. Miss San is good, usually does not casually blame the hoe, not even like Miss Wu will sneak in the back.

Li Weiyang looked at Lin's mother's back disappeared in the hallway, and frowned at the involuntarily. I don't know this time. The big lady's grandmother is the birth of Jiuyi Niang.

Maybe she is so hearted...

------Off topic ------

The enthusiasm of everyone's message has dropped, and my enthusiasm for writing has also dropped. >_

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