The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 80 **** for tat


At this time, after the song was over, Rouge gently retreated after getting up.

Li Minde suddenly stood up and said: "Three sisters, I forgot my cloak, I have to go out and take it."

The cloak was clearly placed on the carriage, how could it be forgotten? Li Weiyang wants to know who is this rouge, why did it attract Li Minde's attention?

Just in front of the two people's fine face, she did not reveal any strange, but smiled and said: "Go."

The nine princess jumped up: "I am going with you!"

Who knows the next moment, she screamed, Li Weiyang apologized: "I am really sorry, princess, I am not careful."

Li Weiyang actually sprinkled the tea cup in his hand on the beautiful skirt of the nine princesses.

The nine princess pouted, high as if to hang the oil bottle: "You are really clumsy!" She apparently did not realize that Li Weiyang did not want her to go with it, but deliberately did so.

The nine princesses were taken to another room to change clothes. In addition to the next person, there were only three people with different expressions.

Tuoba really laughed out loudly: "The three of us seem to have a special fate."

There is a fate, this is still the edge. Li Weiyang smiled coldly and turned his head to look at the river. Then he suddenly asked: "What is that?"

Tuoba Yu looked at her in the eyes: "Oh, that is the Yufeng Tower, built on an island in Jiangxin. It looks very beautiful at night. If you are interested, you can go to the island to see the next day. ""

Li Weiyang smiled slightly, if he thought: "This is a good place." In the words, there is another layer of meaning.

Takuya’s gaze suddenly seemed to be a slight shock, but he said faintly: “What do you mean by this?”

Li Weiyang glanced at him and smiled. "This place is good for the terrain. This river is made up of the Linshan River and the Amber Lake. If you can cut the long channel at the lowest point of the watershed, you can even support the Lijiang River. The two major river basins in the river are both open to navigation and irrigation. You said, is this a good place?"

Tuoba’s face turned pale. He didn’t know how Li Weiyang knew it, but it was indeed his original idea, but he had not had time to implement it. Once it was implemented, it would completely transport the two rivers. With all control in his hands, his financial resources will be greatly enhanced, far exceeding Tuobayu and others. But he still didn't think that he could not disturb other people's way of getting this place, but he couldn't let others take the lead. When he was shocked, he immediately said: "If this idea can be implemented, why can't it be done for thousands of years? What? The county magistrate doesn't want to be whimsical, it's just a nonsense."

Li Weiyang smiled slightly: "Is it whimsical, and the third hall is the most understandable. The ancient famous Xianyuan 偃, divided the Lijiang River into the inner and outer rivers, and controlled the amount of irrigation water. So far, there are still flood control, transportation, and irrigation functions. The huge stone bridge spanning the Luzhou River East Bridge is even more impressive. Since these projects that could not have been completed by human resources already exist, what is incredible!"

Takuya’s face always has a smile, but now he can’t smile.

He suddenly felt cold.

Li Weiyang's look at his eyes is like knowing what he is thinking, even knowing every step of his life, seeing it like that, just like being chilled.

Tuoyu Yu was keenly aware that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right. Just to say something, at this time, someone suddenly said outside: "The nine princess said that her stomach hurts and ran out from the window!"

This naughty girl! Tuoyuyu had no time to think of the other, and quickly stood up and said: "The county owner sat down, I went out to find it."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, the nine princess must go to the carriage to find my three brothers."

Tuoyuyu hesitated for a moment. He was not worried about what Tuoba would do. After all, this restaurant is his own place. Tuoba really didn’t have the courage to look for things here. It’s just that it’s really good to leave Li Weiyang here. ? While thinking about it, he whispered to the guards outside the door: "Pay attention to the movements in the house!"

Subsequently, Tuobayu quickly landed underground. There was only two people in the room between Tuozhen and Li Weiyang. Li Weiyang stood up and she was not interested in sitting on a table with such people.

Tuobazhen suddenly said: "The county owner, have you ever heard of a story?"

Li Weiyang turned his face and raised his brow. Tuoba really poured himself a glass of wine: "There was a very strong monarch in the former dynasty. He personally sent troops to attack southern Xinjiang. Unfortunately, he could not attack repeatedly, and the latter lost again. Persuaded him to retreat, but he insisted that he would not, but he was only outside the military account, and then left the word on the ground, and everyone else could not understand it. Only after a wise man listened, immediately went back to pack up, and others asked him. Why do you want to go, he said that the emperor has already said that the chicken ribs are tasteless, and the meaning of abandonment is unfortunate. His Majesty’s resignation has already sprouted, but when he is still undecided, he will retreat in the future, so he has to make plans early. Others listened and felt reasonable. They were all ready to withdraw. The emperor found this situation, and under one sing, he was shocked." When it comes to this, Tuoba said: "You guess the emperor treated the smart man?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I don't know what the monarch will do, but I know that if you change your three halls, you will definitely kill someone who can guess your mind."

Takuya’s eyes are not embarrassing: "It’s a good talk. When the two armies fought, the coach had not yet issued orders. The smart people made their own cleverness, affecting the military heart, and dispelling the ambitions. As the main player, of course, they must kill them to show the public. So, one It is best not to be too smart. Even if she is really so smart, she should not show this kind of intelligence in front of others. If it is so provoked, it would be too worthless."

Li Weiyang sneered: "Sorry, I don't have time to listen to my story here."

Tuoba really drank a glass of wine, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes: "Li Weiyang, I am not telling a story, but a history that has actually happened, and this kind of history is very strange. It will take a few years. Will repeat it, assuming you are the smart person, you said I will kill you?"

At this moment, Li Weiyang really saw the killing in the eyes of Takuya.

Tuoba really will jump in a hurry, because the plan to open the channel is what he will do in the future, but now he is known by the Seven Emperors, he must not do it. Li Weiyang knew how much his own practice was against Tuoba, but she did it, and did it in front of him, just to make him angry.

The current Li Weiyang is very eager to pull the tiger, and has a sense of accomplishment. Of course, this is also an extremely dangerous thing. If you don't get it, you have to break it.

Li Weiyang smiled slightly, and seemed to be beating the flame in the clear eyes. She suddenly stepped forward two steps, and both hands fell on the table. Looking face-to-face, looking at Tuozhen, whispered: "Three halls, I advise you not to act rashly. Whether it is killing me or hurting people around me, otherwise - you will regret it for your own decision."

The true voice of Takuya has almost frozen into an icicle: "Li Weiyang! You really don't care what?!"

Li Weiyang provoked his lips and said: "Wrong, I care more, especially my own life, so don't scare me under the three halls. I won't be scared. If it is not careful, it will not be. The words that were said leaked out, I am afraid that the three temples will give me this life to bury them!" After that, she loosened her hand and turned away.

Tuoba really can't believe it. He doesn't believe that Li Weiyang will know so many things. He only thinks that the other party is threatening him and intimidating him. He even thinks that Li Weiyang is just a little clever and will guess that he is about this river. The plan, so he did not put this threat in his eyes, but an arrow stopped in front of the door, blocking Li Weiyang from leaving the only exit: "Li Weiyang! You stand!"

Tuoba looked at Li Weiyang intently, as if to tear her whole person with strong resentment. The white cockroach in the room suddenly stunned. She was far away. She couldn’t hear what the Miss and Tuoba had said, but when she saw the disappointment of the three halls, her heart filled with infinite fear. And Zhao Yue, on the side, has already supported the sword.

Li Weiyang stared at him coldly, I don't know why, her kind of eyes made Tuoba really have a breathing difficulty for a moment.

Takuya really bite his teeth: "Without my permission, do you dare to go?!"

Li Weiyang smiled and stretched out his slender fingers, and smashed the wine from the top of his chest: "Three Highness, you walked your Yangguan Road, I passed my wooden bridge, remember to stay away from me, don't The sky is like a pug, follow me, I hate you, from the first time I saw you, remember!" After that, she shot the shoulders of Takuya very gently, then chic After him, when he was a stinky rag, he was thrown away.

Tuoba was really thrown in place, and a cold breeze came over. He only felt cold from the head to the foot. At that time, he clearly saw the chill in the eyes of Li Weiyang. The breath seemed to belong to a living person, as if ... She is a miser who climbed up from the 18th floor of Hell and asked for his life!

After walking through a door, Li Weiyang did not go downstairs, suddenly pushed the door next to the seat of the seat, and smiled: "Seventh Highness, how does the eavesdrop feel?"

The person who was going to look for the nine princesses sat all the way, with a smile on the face, and toasted: "The county owner is courageous!"

Li Weiyang sneered and turned his head and said: "Zhao Yue, looking outside, there are any idle people waiting to come in, killing!"

"Yes." Zhao Yue and Bai Yu retired together.

There are only two people in the room, Li Weiyang and Tuoyuyu.

Tuobayu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Why, the county owner guessed that I was next door?"

Li Weiyang sneered aloud: "The princess lost the natural guard to find. Since you know that Tuoba is really uneasy, naturally, I will not let me alone with him, isn't it?"

Takuya Yu smiled: "The county owner still knows me very well."

"Unfortunately, I still misread you!" Li Weiyang said coldly. "I thought that after the last incident, we couldn't trust each other, at least allies, but you are doing this kind of cockroach and dog thief!"

Tuoba Yu’s cold face was red, but he had to admit that he could not fully trust Li Weiyang, so he could only say: "I don't mean this."

Li Weiyang suppressed his heart. In fact, Tuoyu has no reason to believe her. He wants to know that the Emperor’s struggle is sinister. If Li Weiyang is a true supporter of Tuoba, he deliberately makes a look at Tuobayu, and then borrows it. It’s not impossible to sell him for trust in the second time! After being a deadly enemy for a lifetime, Li Weiyang knew that Tuoyuyu was not as convinced.

Therefore, she slowed down the dissatisfaction and said: "I know that it is not so simple to let my Highness trust me. Therefore, I have prepared a lot of things to take my honor as a certificate."

"For example?" Tuoyuyu suddenly became interested in everything she said.

"The three emperors loved their brothers and respected the emperor. In fact, his ambitions have already existed. Not only did he collude with the officials in the DPRK, but he also had contacts with the rivers and lakes. In particular, there were many people in his house. The most powerful, it is said that there are four will be three sages and two women. The four will be Li Jing, Mu Yang, Zhou Heng, Lu Lu, the four of them are the versatile tactics, especially Li Jing, who was named after Li Ming 13 years ago. In the battle with the South Xinjiang, he killed 506 people. The army called it 'Tianwai Shenlong'. He once led a thousand troops and horses, but he was a monarch, but eight years ago, he was delayed because of a drunkenness. Was expelled from the military camp. Later, Tuozhen really helped him to forge his native identity to participate in the military martial arts, successfully entered the military department, and now the military department joined the army. Mu Yang is a weak scholar on the surface, and he took a leisure job at Yushitai, helping his majesty to draft a document. However, when the person was sixteen years old, he entered the gang as a deputy lord in the name of Mucheng. Zhou Hengyuan was a child of the family, but when he was the emperor, his family was trapped, and all of them were one hundred and nine. Was chopped in the head He fled at the time because he was just born. Later, he grew up in the wilderness, and he was born with a wolf heart and a tiger. He was later taken over by Tuoba, and he managed to falsify his identity and sent it to the ban. Now he has already completed the banned north branch. Lu Lu, a man who is a city hooligan, has an unusual ability to communicate, and has a wide range of contacts. He is also very arrogant and flattering. He is now arranged in a secret camp and specializes in assassination."

Li Weiyang smiled and came together. Tuobayu breathed deeply, his hands on the back, only a moment later, put it on the side of the leg, and then into the sleeves. Because, those things, even he does not know.

Some things, except for the real world, no one can know.

Li Weiyang knows clearly, and she continues to say: "The three sages are Gaocheng, Jingneng, Sun Song, Gaocheng is good at strategy, and is currently the chief of the princes; Jingneng is good at emperor, and is currently a prince; Sun Song’s three-inch tongue is a must for the world. At present, he is just a flower, but at the crucial moment, his three-inch tongue can help his master to lobby the world’s subjects and make a contribution. As for the two women - one has become the new favorite of His Majesty, one... now the Fuzi of the Five Emperors..."

Tuobayu stood up and his face was not shocked: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Li Weiyang smiled: "I know that you don't believe that Tuoba really has such power, but he has used the financial resources of the Prince and the Queen's power over the years, and the background of Wu Xianyu, who has been working for himself. His acting skills are so good, the Queen’s mother and son have actually been jealous of him for many years.”

There is a strong premonition in Takuya's heart. He knows that everything she said is true, because these things are not fabricated by air. But he still thinks that she is somewhat alarmist. Every emperor has a group of followers, and there are hidden piles placed in other people's houses. Takuya is a real person - he does not think it will be so terrible.

Li Weiyang knows that he won't believe it, and he won't understand how terrible this group of people is. She slowly said: "These people are just the tip of the iceberg. If he can buy it, he will buy it. If he can't buy it, he will persuade him. I can't kill it. I know that every prince has his own power and dark piles, which are all money can buy, but the human heart is not something that can be measured by money. I dare say that no one has him like this. Patience and perseverance, because not everyone loves money. If you run into a money that doesn't love you, can you sleep like seven days and seven nights, and go to the other person to collect other people's favorite things and send them to him? You can Netizes a person, do not hesitate to clean the tomb for the relatives who can not sweep the sweep every year? Can you compare with those brothers and sisters of the rivers and lakes? In order to achieve the goal, he can ignore nothing, nothing, seven of His Royal Highness, these, You still can't do it. This is because you are born very well. You don't have to tell me, there are a large number of people who will help you, but can they be loyal to you and loyal to death? So, This point, you can not be compared to him, whether you, Prince Edward, Prince or five. "

Tuobayu only felt a little cold, and came up from the spine. He originally thought that Tuoba was really thinking in the process of helping the Prince. Who knows that he had premeditated, but he used the Prince and the Queen as a chess piece. No wonder, no wonder he can be very filial in front of the Emperor. Incomparable obedience, it turned out that he is an unfamiliar wolf.

Tuoyu Yu sat quietly for a while and said: "I believe in you, but I want to know, how many people know about this matter?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Besides the three halls that just slammed the door and left, I will leave you and me."

Some of these people have not yet played their due role, but at the crucial moment, many unremarkable characters will become the key to Tuoba’s true position.

Tuoyu Yu took a breath and said: "You will not tell others."

Li Weiyang understood what he meant by this sentence, so she shook her head: "There will be no fourth person to know about this."

When Tuoyuyu heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know how Li Weiyang knew all this, but everyone had their own secrets. As long as the content she said was true, how did she know what? What matters, the most important thing is that she can't tell others about these chips.

Later, he couldn't help but sigh: "In addition to this restaurant, I have 18 places to listen to the news. Over the years, the information in my hands has been innumerable and detailed, but from what you said. It seems that in my database, there are seventy volumes of Tuoba’s true files, of which the most reliable ones are only two volumes. The other files are the wrong clues that Tuoba really deliberately laid. This person is really terrible. It is."

Li Weiyang smiled. It was about the vision and judgment. Takuya may not lose to anyone, but the patience and arrangement of the materials collected are not as good as the extension. This is not surprising. Ordinary people will not be able to afford a non-threatening prince, including Tuoyuyu. He spent too much thought on others and completely ignored Takuya, but Takuya is the opposite, he does not Willing to let go of any of the subsections, and then carefully and carefully, the Luoguo government has a big business, and there are always traces to follow.

"There are always people who neglect you in this world, because they are too sly and poisonous, they are always hidden in the dark like a viper, and you don't pay attention to bite you. But as long as you take his seven inches, everything will be Don't be afraid."

Tuoyu Yudao: "I know these people, but I only regard them as irrelevant roles. Some people even think of them as friends who can make friends. I made a big mistake, thanks to your reminder, this person's feelings I remember, he has any needs on the day, I should go all out." His look is clear, as if to say a trivial little thing.

However, Li Weiyang looked at the pair of scorpions, but he knew that this was an important promise. She was silent for a moment and smiled slightly: "Thank you."

"What you said to your third brother today," the sharp light in his eyes gradually softened and slowly said, "Not to irritate him, but to win the trust of me."

Li Weiyang just smiled, not sure or denying it. After a long time, she looked at him again, only to find that he stared at her quietly, and there seemed to be a soft light hidden in the depths of his eyes.

I don't know when, my interest in her has become a strange love. Tuoyuyu looked at her deeply and sighed: "You ah..." He still wants to say something again. The corner of his eye is raining outside, and he can't help but live. "I will send you to the bus."

When I went out, the day was still good. Now it is a heavy rain. The pedestrians who are enjoying the lights on the street are avoiding. Li Weiyang is standing at the door of the restaurant. Bai Yan said: "Miss, there is rain gear on the car, and the slaves are going to take it. ""

"There is here." In the hands of Tuoyuyu, he took an umbrella that he had just told people to take out.

Bai Hao immediately went up to pick up, Tuo Yuyu smiled and avoided: "I am coming."

The rain on the umbrella fell on his cheek, and Tuoyu lowered his head, and the sound mixed with rain and drifted into Li Weiyang’s ear: "The county owner can go back to sleep after he returns."

His side face, in the rain, it seems that it is not a Qingjun, Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I hope so."

Li Minde was waiting in front of the carriage. He had come out for an hour, but he never went back. Li Weiyang did not ask him a word and went to the carriage.

Tuobayu greeted Li Minde with a smile, but Mind showed a cold smile and then quickly got on the carriage.

The carriage drove to Lifu. Li Weiyang saw through the car curtain that the tall figure was still in the rain. I don’t know why, I didn’t have an umbrella. It seemed to look at the direction of the carriage and was fascinated.

Li Weiyang paused and put down the curtain. Li Minde behind him said: "Three sisters -"

Li Weiyang looked back and looked at him: "What happened?"

"You don't ask where I just went?"

Li Weiyang raised his hand and gently licked the thin rain on his shoulder. He said, "Go to the rouge?"

Li Minde was suddenly stunned, and he could hardly say a word.

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "You didn't eat anything at the banquet. I told people to bring some wine and vegetables to the car, white."

She called the name of the white stork, and Bai Yu immediately agreed to take out the dishes from the rosewood snack box. Li Weiyang glanced at Li Minde’s pale face: “It’s raining at night, it’s a bit cold, why don’t you go out? The last piece of clothes, forget it, drink a scent of osmanthus, and drive the cold."

Li Minde stunned, and Li Weiyang looked at him. This young boy has a well-defined facial contour. The five senses are mixed with the beauty of the beautiful and the gentleness of the man. It is obviously two kinds of disharmony, but it is very eye-catching. Shown on his face. Her eyes smiled: "Not too late?!"

Li Minde used to have no chopsticks.

"What are you thinking?" She slammed her hand, and Li Minde had a pain on his forehead and slammed his forehead.

"Going away again... It looks like you are going to do it with me!"

"I didn't --" He suddenly wanted to argue.

Li Weiyang suddenly smiled, but although his smile passed away, he still looked at him dumbfounded.

"Don't say anything, sorry, can't tell me the truth, even though I hate it." She sighed. "In short, you only need to know one thing. I will never blame you, even if you never tell me the truth." ......"

Li Minde’s pupils inadvertently shrank slightly, and the radiant glow flashed through the bottom, but then it was covered in gloom.

Li Weiyang saw the look of his eyes and couldn't help but find that his heart had a distressed moment at that moment, but at the same time he felt strange, and she could not help but feel depressed. Has this juvenile who relies on her gradually grows up? The feeling he now gives her is more and more difficult to ponder.

However, the next moment, Li Minde suddenly leaned her head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Li Weiyang was surprised.

Li Minde did not speak, leaning her head on her shoulder and licking her eyes. The eyes were sour and the tears rose. When she thought that he would eventually leave her, his heart was so painful.

"Since you say that you have grown up, there will be secrets. I don't ask you, you should be happy. This shows that I trust you." Li Weiyang pulled him up and put the chopsticks back into his hands. Put a piece of sweet and sour squid into his mouth, "eat it."

The osmanthus is not high, and it is sweet. Li Weiyang likes it very much. There was an outsider on the table. She didn't drink much. Now, together with Li Minde, she poured a cup and made a fine product. This osmanthus brewed and let her feel the whole body warm and mellow.

Li Weiyang looked at the rainy silk outside the window, and thought of the appearance of the irritating anger that Tuozhen had just made, and could not help but sneer, lifted the glass and drank it.

Li Minde stopped and turned to look at her.

"Three sisters?" He never saw her drinking, or used such expressions at this time.

Li Weiyang stunned and reacted. He smiled and said: "I won't be drunk. Don't worry, just drink a small cup."

Li Minde glanced at her cup: "Did you have already drank three cups?"

Li Minde took the cup on her hand and just about to let go, but she grabbed her cup and quickly sipped it.

"Three sisters?!"

"Well?" Li Weiyang smiled, and a black hair rolled over her crystal clear face. Under the candlelight on the carriage, her eyes were like smoke waves, and her eyes turned pale. Her expression was a little helpless. "How do you become so vocal, steward!"

Li Minde hurriedly bowed his head and saw her white fingertips holding a glass of wine. The wine was as bright as jade, but it still pierced his eyes.

Li Weiyang seems to be drunk, softly fell on his seat, just relying on him.

The rich floral fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, mixed with the fragrance of her body, sings a strange smell in the carriage, from the nose to the itch of his limbs, his heart.

Suddenly I really want to rely on it all the time, but a voice keeps reminding him in my mind, don’t be greedy, don’t indulge this warmth... Your existence will hurt her, and even bring her endless dangers. It's not where you should stay, the price of completely losing her is something you can't afford.

Li Minde bowed his head and there was also a sweet-scented osmanthus in front of him. But he suddenly reached out and took the glass cup that Li Weiyang had just used. He poured a cup of belly, but he didn't know why the taste was completely different from what he had before.

Zhao Yueshou was outside the carriage, and the white horse in the carriage focused on the wick. In fact, her heart was filled with strange feelings. The three young masters are not the same as before. Originally, he was a smart boy, but he did not lose the innocent boy. But now when he did not speak, he did not dare to talk with him. He always felt the strength of his bones slowly revealed. And noble, but it was not in the past. The floating of the eyebrows of the eyebrows is a glimpse of faintness, and only the adults will have the indifference and coldness. Does the death of the three ladies really have such a big impact on him?

"Minde?" Li Weiyang seemed to be really drunk. He screamed as if he didn't know him. His hand had come up and pinched his cheeks.


"Laughter, I like to see you laughing!" She reverted to a fierce look.

Looking at his cheeks with red eyes and spring-like eyes, Li Weiyang couldn't help but pinch his fingers.

"Three sisters, you are really drunk!" It is simply - just like a person! Li Minde was speechless and his face was pinched into a buns.

Li Weiyang whispered: "The wine can forget the worry, but it can also solve the problem. You should also drink a little Minde. Otherwise, the young age will become old-fashioned, and it will be terrible to grow up!"

She only felt that the whole world was shaking, trying to look at it, but seeing Li Minde's blush is exactly like a tomato. She let go of her hand and moved to find a more comfortable angle to sleep in her seat.

Li Minde looked at her sleeping face and suddenly laughed. He whispered: "This is good, as long as you are happy, how is it."

Tonight, he felt that Li Weiyang’s mood was particularly bad, although he didn’t know why, but if he could make her smile, he would be willing to do anything.

Early the next morning, Li Weiyang was invited to the Xiangxiangyuan by the old lady.

When and when people can't do everything, even if Li Weiyang's organs are exhausted, there are countless troubles to find. When he saw that the big lady was holding the sick body and sitting in the hall, Li Weiyang smiled very smoothly: "Mother is also, is the body better?"

The big lady smiled and said: "The medicine that I took the doctor is not always good. Oh, my body bones have always been weak, and this is inevitable."

Li Weiyang is a bit strange. The big lady has always refused to show weakness in front of people. How can she sneak out with a face and ran out?

In fact, yesterday evening, Mrs. Jiang Guogong sent someone to ask Li Xiaoran to talk about it in the past. Originally, the wife’s mother had made the son-in-law’s past a matter of righteousness. At that time, with the face of the lady, Li Changle would be back. It is a pity that Li Xiaoran turned out to be an excuse for busy business. He refused, and the next lady, Mo Knei, could not let her old bones rush to Li Fu to plead, so it was too unreasonable. . This incident, let the big lady realize that Li Xiaoran is not the man who had been inferior in front of the Jiang family ten years ago. Perhaps earlier, his heart has buried the injustice of the Jiang family. It gradually broke out.

In this way, she must have another idea. Therefore, although she must fall down when she walks, she is still strong.

"There are so many things in the house, my heart is annoying, the medicine is eating a lot, but it doesn't help," the big lady opened the door and talked about the illness with the old lady. "I am afraid I have to nurse for a long time..."

When the second lady listened, she immediately came to her mind: "If the big sister can’t attend to the house, the younger brother and sister can share it for you..."

The second lady is the power to control the house. The big lady's face is unchanged and calm: "For the time being, I don't need it. There are people who can use it under my hand. It’s just the old lady’s filial piety here, but also the younger brother and sister. Take care of..."

The second lady’s face was not good, and she didn’t want to surrender her power. She also counted on throwing all the things of Xiaoshun’s mother-in-law to her. The big lady would really sneak a sneak peek.

The old lady was holding a bead in her hand, as if she had not heard anything.

The big lady also thought about Li Weiyang. "Is the lamp a good look yesterday?"

"Nature is good-looking, but unfortunately the mother is not good enough to walk." Li Weiyang's smile is very calm.

The big lady can't help but sigh. "Yeah, I used to take your sisters to see the Lantern Festival when I was in the annual lantern festival. Your older sister likes the lotus lamp most. When you see it, you can't let go. You know that there are exquisite things in the home. She likes the one under the West Bridge. It’s really a child...”

She glanced at the old lady, and the other side didn't even look up.

The great lady immediately felt a little isolated. I don’t know when she was at this house, and she said that she was ignored. Perhaps they all deliberately ignored her.

In the past few months, Li Weiyang was very prosperous in Lifu. The lady was hiding in the room but she was not allowed to go to bed. Every time I heard someone came to the county to go to the banquet, I would die and live, but in just three months, tired. There are a few more white hairs on the side, and it seems to be more and more old-fashioned.

The big lady took out a Buddhist scripture from her sleeve and spread it out to the old lady. "The child is stupid. I heard that the blood was pious, but I actually broke my finger and copied a Fahua Sutra for the old lady... ”

The old lady didn’t look at it. She got up early today, her eyelids were closed, and she couldn’t help but interrupt. “What are you coming here today...”

The lady’s face was white and she gnawed her teeth: “Old lady, Changle’s letter says that she has already repented, asking the old lady to open the net, let her come back, my body is not good, I just need someone to wait, you can bear to see me. I am sick, there is not even a person waiting for a soup on the edge of the bed?" She said, she lowered her head and wiped her tears.

Li Weiyang looked at the performance of the big lady and couldn't help but sneer. There are twenty or thirty gimmicks in Furuiyuan. The big lady will not have the tea to hand over the water. I still don't want to take Li Changle back.

The old lady frowned. "Let her go and think about it. After three months, can't I sit still?"

The big lady is bitter: "She used to be a child, and she has eaten this bitterness, the old lady is kind, let her come back, and there are many people around me."

The second lady is cold and cold: "Where is Dad said, you are not this daughter, Miss Mi, Miss Mi, Miss Wu, can you take care of you? You keep saying that you will be the prostitute, since you are looking for a disease People, why not let them come?"

The second lady has always liked to dismantle the big lady. It is not surprising to make this opinion.

The big lady barely smiled and said: "I am afraid I have wronged these children."

Four sisters quickly said: "If you don't grievances, you can go to the lady's house to be filial, it is their duty." She said, she took a look at Li Weiyang, "I don't know how the county owner -"

Li Weiyang certainly won't refuse. She goes to the big lady's house every day. The other person is at least ten years old, and this is not something that can be refused. My mother is sick, her daughter is going to filial piety, and there is nothing to say. Although suddenly a little...

In the eyes of the big lady, there was a flash of something flashing, and the mouth moved, as if to refusal, after all, it was: "What does the old lady mean?"

In response, the old lady would naturally agree, so she nodded and waved her hand like a fly: "Okay, that's it."

On the way back, Li Weiyang appeared very silent. Returning to her yard, she took the book and looked at the rocking chair.

When she saw that she had something to worry about, she did not dare to stay away. She took a flower bandage and stayed with her.

For a long time, Li Weiyang did not say a word, the page did not turn over a page.

After an hour, she suddenly put down the book, "White," her tone of voice, a rare pause.

"Why would the big lady agree that I would go into her house to serve the sick?" Li Weiyang seems to be talking to himself, as if he is talking to the white baboon, his fingers unconsciously groping the pages of the book, a little bit rolled, slow. Slow down, this shows that her brain is also spinning fast.

"I am afraid that the big lady is not happy. She does not like to see the lady. The lady went to see her that day. The slave said that she would lick a lot of things when she heard it."

Li Weiyang should have a voice, and there was no sound. If the big lady wants to get rid of her, it doesn't have to be so expensive, if not, what is the idea?

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