The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 2 - 1: The Encounter

"She is going to be here any minute now." Emily thought to herself as she checked the time on her phone.

A sigh escaped her lips as she suddenly found an interest in her black converse shoes.

A wave of anxiety swept through her as the other students, who were passing by, stared at her with their judgemental eyes. She tried to play it off by forcing out a smile. However, it didn't work out the way she wanted it to be. Instead, that smile of hers made them walked away, pretending as if they seen nothing, as if she was invisible.

Well, it can't be helped.

Ever since she was little, it was hard for her to make friends. Not because she don't want to, but she just couldn't. She tried...

And failed.

She questioned herself all the time, what is wrong with her? Is it her charisma? The way she speaks? Or maybe, her looks? Who is she kidding? It's her hair.

Her jet black hair.

It's true that 'black' is one of the most common hair colour. However, most people who has or claim to have 'black' hair, doesn't really have 'black' hair. There's always a small percentage of brown in it, making it not completely 'black'.

Emily is similar yet different though. Her hair is jet black. Zero percent of brown, but there was a tinge purple, making it a strange type of black. For that reason, it always gives out a strange and intimidating feeling.

"Hey...Emily..." An alluring voice brushed passed her ear, scaring her in the process.

"Hailey! Why did you do that?! I almost died!" Emily shouted while trying to keep her breathing in check. Hailey leaned forward and began laughing so hard that she might actually fall over.

Hailey tried to stop laughing as she took a deep breath and pursed her lips together, making a adorable expression. "Well, I can't help myself. You seemed to be daydreaming. You didn't even noticed me when I'm right next to you. So I thought: 'Why not give little Ol' Emily a little scare?" She replied as the two of them walked down the stairs.

Hailey Zindles, Emily's best friend and probably her only friend. She is the definition of perfection. She's beautiful, smart, athletic, charismatic and talented, there's almost nothing that she can't do. Even though, she can be playful at times, but there's no doubt that Emily is really grateful to have a friend like her.

"That was not cool. Anyways, what did you said to that guy? He's the fourth one in this month, right" Emily asked as they walked towards the school's entrance.

Hailey stretched her arms and yawned. "Yeah. I indirectly rejected him by saying that I'm actually a quirky girl who loves collecting toe nails and I would love to collect his. After hearing that, he just left."

Emily shook her head disapprovingly at that ridiculous lie she told, "You're too much! He must be petrified. Poor dude."

"Hey! At least I didn't give him a brutal reject. I even tried to make it funny! Besides, if that-guy-whom-I've-already-forgot-the-name is indeed in love with me, he wouldn't mind those kind of strange hobbies, you know?"

The two of them gave each other a glance before bursting into laughter.

...Until, Emily bumped into a crowd of students.

The students didn't not react. Instead, they continued their whisperings as their eyes were fixed on the huge black limousine parked outside of the school's car park with a man in a black suit standing beside it.

Some of the students were even taking photos of that chuck of metal.

"What's going on here?" Hailey asked as she pulled Emily up by the arm.

"I don't know. But, to be honest, I couldn't care less. I want to go home as soon as possible. I'm starving." Emily ġrȯȧnėd.

"Me too, but it's still cool that we could see a limousine this close. Let's just squeezed our way through-- EXCUSE ME PEOPLE!" Before Emily knew, Hailey was already squeezing through the crowd.

"Wait up."Emily called out as she tried to catch up.

They tugged, pushed and shoved their way through the group of clammy people. Just as they were almost out of the human congestion. Emily felt a slight push from one of the students in the crowd.

Everything seem to slow down.

She could see the floor getting closer to her face. "Yup... I'm falling." She thought to herself, "Dammit."

Instinctively, she closed her eyes. "I'll probably have a bloody nose later."

Just as she braced herself for the impact, she felt someone grabbed her by her arm.

She opened her eyes and looked up. She saw a man in the black suit. He was at least six foot tall and he had ebony coloured hair. His face was... stunning.

"You should watch your steps." The man stated as he gave Emily a warm smile. His voice was soothing and almost melodic.

"T-thank you." Emily stammered as she practically jumped out of his arms.

Just when Emily was about to leave, the man grabbed her arm and waist for the second time and pulled her closer to him. His eyes darted from her head to her toes, as he began to inspect every inch of her very closely.

"What are you--"

Emily tried to push herself out of his grip when he suddenly called out for her.

"Emily... Emily Patterson."

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