The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 22 - 21: The Attack

They reached the school just as the bell rang. The group dropped Emily, Mary and Beck at the back of the school and left saying that they will fetch them as soon as school is over. The three then quickly made their way through crowd and into the classroom.

Just as they reached the classroom, Emily was tackled by a girl. "Where have you been?! I couldn't contact you for the whole night! I was worried sick, you know?"

"Yeah, about th--" Emily wanted to get up to explain, but Hailey pushed her down and continued her chiding. "What do you think you're doing? You want me, your best friend, to die out of loneliness?! You're so cruel."

Hailey started to act dramatically as if she was a wife who just found out that her husband was cheating on her. "How could you be so heartless?!"

Beck and Mary stood with their eyes wide open in surprised. They did not know if Hailey was joking or not, or whether they should stop her from sitting on their Princess' back.

"Like I said, I w--" Emily was cut the second time by a cranky old man, Mr Robertson. "What are you two doing?! Can't you see everyone is already in their seats?! It's lesson time, not the time to play! Both of you, I'll see you after school!"

He then handled them each a detention slip.

"Sir, that's ridiculous. We weren't late or anything, you can't just give us detention like that." Hailey protested while still trying to keep herself calm, so that she would not give him a kick in the face. She always wanted to do that so badly, she hated that man to the core.

"Yes, I can. You two are disrupting my lesson." Mr Robertson reasoned.

Hailey bit on her bottom lip before retorting, "How the hell can we disrupt something that hasn't started? And you're late shouldn't you get a detention too?"

"How dare you speak to me that way?! Follow me to the principal's office after this and I'll add another session of detention for you, Miss Zindles."

Emily was pretty sure he was still holding a grudge on her because of what happened the last time she was in school, she embarrassed him. She reached out to grab Hailey's arm, "Hey, let's just go." She did not want Hailey to get in anymore trouble.

Hailey cursed under her breath as the four of them went back to their seats. She seemed to be in a very bad mood.

"WHAT WAS THAT, MISS ZINDLES?!" The cranky voice boomed across the classroom. She paused as he stomped up to her, "What did you say?!"

She took a deep breath and forced a smile, "Nothing, Sir. I think it was just the wind." She was always good at composing herself, but Emily knew that she was still in a very bad mood.

"I wonder what happened to her?"

Mr Robertson let her go and continued on with his lesson. Emily could not stay focused at all, she was affected by the looks of Beck's wound. She looked over to Hailey, who was just next to her, to see that the girl was in the same state as her, she was daydreaming. "Something has really gotten into her."

All the sudden, there was an announcement through the PA system. "This is the vice-principal speaking, this is an emergency. Two suspicious men have been spotted in the school compound. All students please evacuate the school premises in an orderly manner using the respective emergency exits. I repeat, ..." The announcement was repeated the second time as the class was filled with chatters.

"...Is this an exercise? You can't be serious."

"...Hold on, I'm going to tweet this."

"Well, this is kind of scary, isn't it...?"

"YOU KIDS, QUIET DOWN." Mr Robertson ordered, but the class completely ignored him, engaging in their own conversation.

In the next minute, another announcement was heard. But, this time, it was from a completely different person, someone they did not heard before. "Is this thing working? Testing one, two, three. It seems to be working. Alright, there's no need to panic. We will get what we need and leave. So, if you don't come in our way, we won't hurt you. That's it."

Just as the voice said that, one of the windows in the classroom, nearest to Hailey, shattered. In a blink of an eye, two men appeared in the classroom. Hailey had got away unharmed since her fast reflexes came in. The chatters then turned into screams as everyone rushed for the doors and even the teacher, Mr Robertson, did the same.

The last time Emily checked, this was not the definition of 'an orderly manner'.

Instead of exiting, Emily went to Hailey to check if she was okay. She quickly glanced from her head to her toes, checking if there were any cuts on her. Luckily, there was none. Noting that, Emily hurriedly helped her up and both went for the door.

She let best friend went out first, hoping that those intruders would not get to her.

However, just as it was Emily's turn to go, one of the men grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving. Hailey reached out for her hand but it was too late, she was out of reach.

With a swing of the arm, one of the men managed to shut the doors, locking it. Hailey banged on it loudly, demanding it to be open. Unfortunately, her actions were to no avail.

Emily struggled to get away from the man's grip, as she yelled, "Who are you?!"

The man, holding her arm, loosened his grip and introduced himself, "I'm Kyle, Kyle Johnson. Nice to meet you, Princess." Just as he did that, Beck appeared between the two, keeping the stranger away from her.

"Ah, the fire demon. It will be great if you could step away." Kyle suggested with a plastered smile.

Beck neither budge nor respond.

Kyle cracked a grin, "Looks like you're not going to do what you're told to do, huh. Well, I've asked you already. So don't blame me if I were to use violence."

In a split second, Kyle closed the distance between him and Beck. He then moved back slightly so that he could give a skillful kick to the side Beck's face.

Beck blocked it, but the impact made him stumbled to the side.

Kyle took this advantage and immediately gave him another kick, this time to his side. Beck noticed and decided to dodged it. However, just as he landed, he received another attack to the ċhėst, sending him flying across the classroom.

He hit the wall at the end classroom and slid down it, unconscious.

Kyle dusted his clothes and turned to Emily, "Well, that was easy."

"Hey Jason, It will be faster if you can help me." Kyle sighed irritatingly as he turned towards the other man who was causally sitting on the teacher's desk.

Jason took a deep breath and looked up, "I can, but I don't want to get my hands dirty. Besides, you're new here, this is the best time for you to get experience."

Kyle nodded in agreement, "True, but can I get that promotion if I get the Princess?"

"Of course, you can."

"Alright then." He took a deep breath and composed himself. This time, he seemed to be a completely different person.

"Let's do this."

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