The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 40 - 39: Rescue Plan - Activated

Yukiko stood there in anger, probably because of Emily.

Just kidding.

It definitely was because of Emily.

She shot an icy glare at her, "What do you think you were doing... Weakling. I don't want to serve someone as weak as you. I can't believe I've came all the way here to see this crap."

A gust of cool air hit the room as she pointed her sword at Emily, "...I should've killed you."

She then shifted her attention to Jason.

Emily bit her lips with anger towards... Well, herself, "She's right... I'm so useless."

In an instant, she swung her sword once towards him, causing him to jump back.

Immediately after that, she pulled back her sword once before giving him an insane amount of swings at an inhumane speed.

However, Jason swiftly dodged every single one of her attacks.

Suddenly, he stopped when the next attack was directed to his face.

Just as the blade was about to make contact with his flesh, he grabbed the sharp end of her sword and looked at her menacingly, which intimidated her, "I was expecting more."

He tightened his grip and shattered her blade.

White shiny particles sparkled as they slowly fell onto the ground before disappearing into the thin air.

He ended up behind her in the next second, leaving a small mist trail behind him. He grabbed onto one of Yukiko's wrists as he kicked her hard at the side of her knee, sending an impact enough to break her bones.

Her face was contorted in pain as she struggled to get away from his grasp, but failed to do so.

Jason used his other hand, which was at rest, to make an upward motion towards her upper arm that was in his hand, attempting to fully amputated her whole arm, just with one of his hands.

"You should not come here alone, you know? Damn, you should've waited for me."

Yukiko eyes widened as she realised she was saved from that attack.

Ben carried Yukiko with one arm and placed her next to Emily, "Wow, it's seems forever since I last see you. Did you miss me?"

Emily did not say anything...

She could not.

Even though he saved Yukiko... His left arm was completely detached from his body.

Blood was continuously rushing out, but Ben acted as if he was completely fine, which he should not be.

Emily was shaking in fear, seeing his amputated arm on the ground, a couple metres away from him, "...Your a-arm."

"Oh, this?" He said as he lifted up the remaining upper arm that was left intact, "It's fine, at least I still got my legs."

Afterwards, he shifted his attention to Yukiko, who was equally shocked, "Can you stop the bleeding for me?"

She regained her composure and did not say anything, she just agreed to do it. She focused her energy on his wound and a ball of bluish light appeared on her hands. She placed them towards his open wound and the blood that was gushing out of his wound froze, stopping his bleeding.

Jason picked up Ben's cleanly amputated arm that was next to him and tossed it to Ben.

Ben caught it with his good arm and said, "Thanks, Jason."

Emily was confused, "How... Does Ben know Jason's name...?"

He turned back to Yukiko and requested, "Help me preserve this."

Again, she nodded and did what he told her to do.

Ben took a deep breath and stood up. He looked at Jason, who was smiling, and gave a smile back, "It's been a pretty long time since I saw you."

"Yeah, how are you?" Jason asked retaining the smile on his face.

"Pretty good, I'm sure you're doing fine yourself, right? Anyways, can you let my little Brother down?" Ben politely asked as he pointed to Beck.

"Alright, if you say so."

Jason snapped his fingers and those shackles disappeared, leaving Beck to fall on the hard concreted ground, "Since I did something nice for once, can you think about coming back here? Things aren't the same when yo--"

"Did you do that to Beck?" Ben questioned immediately as he saw his other twin in pain. His voice was different, it was much... Chilling. His eyes were cold and a little dead. The air around thickened with tension as his personality changed from how Emily known him to be, a relaxed and flirtatious guy.

"Oh." Jason turned to look at Beck, "Yeah, I did that to him. You should check on him now, he might die if you don't. His seal is undone and his energy is seeping through. It will be bad if his energy reaches zero. Why did I bother explaining? Well, y--"

This time, Jason's left arm was amputated off in a fraction of a second. Ben did it so quietly and cleanly that it took Emily a good few seconds to finally realise what had just happened.

Emily did not see Ben making any movement at all, but somehow Jason's arm just flew off.

Jason froze for a moment, before laughing it off as if nothing had just happened.

"...What's up with these people? Is amputation part of their daily routine or something?" Emily thought about it as she noticed the similar gesture made between the two.

"...Sorry, it's fairer this way, right?" Ben stated. His words were extremely cold, he had no guilt whatsoever when he said that.

That sent chills down Emily's spine.

Jason stopped himself from laughing and gave Ben a smile, "Of course. I'm glad you did that, this just tells me you're aren't getting rusty. I thought you had lose that unemotional side of you, Ben."

He paused for a moment, to give him a nonchalant shrug, before he continued.

"But, that's no surprise that you're still the same, after all... You're an ex-phantom member."

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