"Hey, can you hear me?"

Upon hearing that, Emily opened her eyes to see a beautiful woman with black hair that was similar to hers. She had bright orange eyes and she was wearing a long black dress that exposed her back. The woman gave her a hand and helped her up.

"Where am I?" She thought as she looked at her surrounding. It was an empty space, as if she was in heaven or something.

"Well, I guess we can say that you're in your mind." The woman replied as she smiled charmingly.

"Oh, I se-- Wait, how did you know I was about to asked that question. I'm pretty sure I thought about it, I didn't say it out loud. Also, what do you mean we are in my mind?" Emily squinted her eyes after she realised that woman was a little suspicious.

The woman chuckled charmingly and said, "Well, I would like to answer all your questions but, we don't have time. You need my help, right? Oh yeah, you can call me Erica."

Emily nodded, "Yeah, I do. My f--"

Erica placed her hand in front of her, stopping her from continuing, "I know what happened. I can help you to seal that fire demon back, but it will just a temporary seal. It can only last for a couple of hours."

Emily's eyes lit up as she replied immediately, "It doesn't matter, that should be just enough time for me to get back to my parents for help."

"Well, there will definitely be enough time. However, for the sealing process, I need to use your body. As of now, I'm just a spirit. I need a medium to actually do this sort of things. So, can I use you as my medium?"

Without any consideration whatsoever, Emily agreed, "Yeah, you can. I just want you to save him, please."

"Are you sure? There are a couple of risks. If I use you, there's a high chance that you might die, that is if I use too much energy. Similarly, if I use too little energy the sealing process of that demon will not work. Do you still want me to do this?"

"There is chance that I might die, but I still got to agree, Beck risked his life many times for me already, this is the least I could do to repay him." She took a deep breath and looked at Erica directly in her eyes as she nodded, "I'm sure, just do what you have to do."

Erica raised her eyebrows in amazement for a second, but in the next, her expression softened as her lips curved up to form a slight smile, "I see, alright."

Erica then processed to take off her necklace and put it on Emily's neck, "Take care of this for me, alright? Oh, and also this." A cube manifested on her hand out of no where and she passed it to her.

Emily had no idea why would Erica do that, but she could not care less. All she wanted was to save Beck.

"Okay, hold my hands." Erica instructed as she placed her hands out. Emily eyed down and did what she was told.

Erica smiled as she shut her eyes and told Emily to do the same, which she did.

"Open them now."

...Someone else was controlling it.

Mary heaved a sigh of relief, when she saw the princess had finally awakened. "Thank goodness, Emily. You're okay?"

'Emily' did not respond because she could not move her mouth, instead she just ignored Mary and went to Beck.

"He-Hey, Emily. What's wrong?" Mary asked as she followed behind her, "Emily, can you hear me?"

'Emily' suddenly turned to Mary and nodded before returning her attention to Beck. Mary's heart sank when she noticed that Emily's eyes were orange in colour.

She walked over and whispered to Yukiko, "That's not Emily, right? I don't remember her eyes being orange."

"I don't know, but I doubt it's her." Yukiko answered as she inspected Emily.

"Oh no." Mary dug into her bag and pulled out a tiny filled cloth bag.

Yukiko scrunched her nose and jerked her chin towards the mysterious bag, "What's that?"

"Salt." Mary whispered as she sneaked behind 'Emily' and sprinkled a handful of the salt at her, "Go away, demon! Get away, from Emily!"

'Emily' turned and blinked a couple times at Mary, feeling a little confused of what had just done. Yukiko immediately pulled Mary away and huffed, "Whoever it is, he or she is helping Beck. Just leave her be for the moment."

'Emily' forgot about what had just happened and processed with the sealing process. She unbuttoned Beck's shirt and placed a her hands on his ċhėst. She focused her energy and a orangish light coated her hands.

A black symbol appeared on Beck ċhėst and another long and black symbol appeared at the his right side of his torso. They looked like tattoos but Emily was sure that they were not, probably the symbols that symbolised the seals.

"But... Why do he have two?"

"Is she resealing the demon?" Mary questioned as both of them sat at one corner observing her, as she performed first aid her broken leg.

"Seems... like it." Yukiko forced out, before grimacing in pain.

"Bear with it for a while." Mary stated as she lifted her leg, "Wait, did you taught her about sealing? How would she know?"

"Beats me, I have no idea how to seal anything, so there's no way taught her something like that."

"Wow, the Princess is sealing the demon back herself. She never cease to amaze me." Jason let out a smirk as he gave a kick towards Ben's head, which he dodged swiftly to.

"Oh yeah, I wonder what happened to your other friend? There's not a single trace of his energy in the place." Jason informed as he blocked Ben's kick with his forearm, "Did he die?"

Upon hearing that, Ben could not help but to scoff, "The energy of your other friend had been wiped out for a while now too. Wonder if he's dead? I wouldn't be surprised, since the standards here has dropped a lot since I left."

"Well, that's why I asked you to come back, no?"

"You missed me, huh." Ben spoke expressionlessly as he gave Jason a punch, which was sadly blocked.

"Of course, you were my partner after all." He smiled, "We took many lives together. Those were great times."

Ben did not respond. Looking back, those times were just insane. He took countless of lives, innocent or not, without a sense of guilt. He did not want to remember the past, especially how one of his true friends was brutally murdered by this whole organisation. He could not believe how he used to treat this messed up organisation like his family.

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