The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 60 - 13: Suspicion

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Yukiko yelled just as Damian went in his room.

Not knowing how to reply, Emily couldn't help but to remain silent. However, after a few seconds of deafening silence, she finally got some words out her mouth, "...Sorry, it's just..."

"Just what?" The other girl snarled, keeping her arms across her ċhėst.

Her mouth opened as if she wanted to reply, but she quickly shut it as she shook her head, "...It's nothing."

"What do you mean 'it's nothing'?" Yukiko narrowed her sharp gaze towards the girl and kept it there as she continued, "Things could have went terribly wrong!"

"I'm just overthinking something..." Emily's voice trailed off as she ventured off to another opened box.

Suddenly, she felt a grip on her arm. She whipped her head around and looked up to see Yukiko, "Stop. You're not yourself, I don't want to make any more mistakes. Go sit with your friend."

"Hey! What the hell? Why are you talking to her like that? Remember the time when you almost got her killed? Who gave you the right to boss her around? She can do what she wants." Hailey stood up for her best friend.

Just like her best friend, Emily wanted to protest.

But Yukiko was right.

Right now, she definitely could not do anything right at this state of mind. She felt so useless. As of now, she was nothing but a burden. If she gets injured, there is almost no doubt that it will be easier for the Phantoms to get her.

"To make up for the time when you almost got her killed, you can at least just let her do what she w--"

Just then, Emily interrupted her, cutting her off, "It's fine, Hailey. She's right."

She then stood up and smiled, "You said you wanted to watch that movie, right? Why don't we do that now?"

That smile of hers was fake.

And that was picked up by Hailey.

However, she said nothing. If that was what Emily wanted, then she would just let things be. She nodded and she plopped onto the sofa, while Emily followed behind.

The two spent hours on the television, while the rest helped out in Damian's unpacking.

Emily could not concentrate on the movie the whole time, she kept thinking about what would happen to Hailey, Damian or even Patricia if any of them knew her secret. Those Phantoms would definitely use that against her. Not only that, they might get harm or maybe die in the process, which would be an absolute nightmare, especially since how the three of them were equally important to her.

They were the only ones there for her, when no one was.

After a few good hours, they were finally done with his unpacking, which was surprising. With the amount of things Damian had brought into Patricia's house, it will take at least a day to finish unpacking. Moreover, none of them broke a single drop of sweat while doing that tedious task.

Were they used to this? Who knows.

They could actually be running a moving service company, back in Fiore, without Emily's acknowledge.

"Thanks, I owe you guys one." Damian smiled as he walked down the stairs, stretching, "You guys are really efficient, you know that? It's as if you guys aren't humans or something."

The room went silent, everyone under Emily's group froze momentarily.

"Well, they aren't human to begin with." Emily thought.

"I'm joking." Damian said with a playful grin, "There's no way you guys aren't humans, right?"

Laughing nervously, Mary walked rigidly towards him, "Hahaha... Great joke. W-We are humans of course. You're such a funny guy."

"And you're an interesting girl." Damian 'complimented' while retaining his charming grin.

Mary forced out a laugh once again and playfully punched his arm, "Yeahhhh, dudeeee."

"That's how humans here act, right...?" Mary thought as she broke out a cold sweat.

"Mary..." Yukiko blurted out silently as she shook her head in disappointment, "You're worse than I thought..."

Just then, Patricia slammed open the door.

"HEY! I'm back." She shouted happily, "Now, who is ready to PAR-TAY!"

Again, everyone in the room stared, at the woman in her office outfit, in silence.

She then clapped her hands, as if she was about to tango, "Come on people! Get dress! We are going out!"

"Wait, what? To where? I thought you're cookin--"

Cutting him off, Patricia then placed one of her fingers on Damian's lips, "Shh... I've changed my mind, since I just got my pay cheque. Now, get change into something else. We're going to celebrate your return."

"Well then, I guess we will be going now." Mary informed and she grabbed her bag, "Have fun, Emily."

"That will be much better. At least I can breath now, without all of them watching over her." Damian thought as a surge of relief went through him.

Patricia noticed the group of seven and suggested, "You guys can come along if you want. The more, the merrier." She then walked over to Jai and pointed at him, "I would want him to come too."

"Excuse me?" Jai ċȯċked his head to the side, blinking innocently at the sight of her finger.

"What's wrong? You're not going to reject my offer, right?" Patricia questioned as her hands fell onto her perfect waist. Noting the silence, she then let out a grin as she peering over his shoulders, towards Emily, "I'm sure Emily will be glad to have you guys too."

"Right, Emily?"

"Err... Sure." Emily reluctantly nodded, "This is going to end so badly, isn't it? They are definitely DEFINITELY aren't used to being on Earth, but I don't want to seem as if I don't want them to go too."

"Please, don't come along. Just reject her offer. Reject the offer for the love of god." Damian silently pleaded, "Don't make things harder for me, please."

However, his wish was not heard.

Abruptly, Lavi perked up, "I don't mind, I mean if there's food, I'll go. Besides, I'm really hungry." He was still hungry even though he finished every packet of chips in Patricia's house.

"I guess, that's that." Patricia declared with a smile, "Come on, get change people!" She continued cheering as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom.

Shaking his head, he shambled up his room, "...Dammit. Life just hates me, huh."

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