The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 67 - 20: We Should Save Him

[Earth, a certain café - Morning]

"Ah, it's still here." Damian said silently to himself as he picked up the 'gemstone'.

"Okay let's see, where should I go next?" He thought as he removed the beige cloak and mask to place them in his bag, "I should pick an place that is far away from the way that the whole group will be coming from."

He jumped onto one of the highest buildings to have a greater view of the whole street. Looking around, he found the perfect spot. An abandoned construction site. It was pretty isolated and it was probably a spot for gang activities, but hey, it did not mean much to him or Erik.

Damian jumped off the building and landed onto the ground. "...In order to not make things suspicious, I should just walk there." He said to himself, before he walked onto the morning street.


[Fiore's Headquarters, main hall]

"So... What's with this sudden meet up?"

"I don't know." Mary gave a shrug to Lavi, who was in the midst of yawning, "Jai will probably explain more, once he arrives. He seem to be a little too serious too."

"Maybe something had happened to that idiot?" Yukiko suggested, crossing her arms in disappointment, "...Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. Like seriously, when didn't she give up trouble?"

"...But, that's sort of our responsibility, isn't it?" Lavi rebutted, "Besides, I would want to have a little more activities in my schedule, to make things more fun."

Ben agreed with a grin, "I would also want to see the princess after all."

Hearing that, Yukiko shot a disgusted look at Ben, "Know your boundaries."

For some reason, it has always tick her off, whenever Ben acted this way.

"Why did you say that?" He asked as he walked towards her, until he was a few inches away from her. He then tilted his body such that his face was directly in front of hers, "You're jealous?"

Immediately, her face flushed with anger.

Without any warning whatsoever, she swung her hand towards his cheek. Unfortunately, Ben caught her hand, "Hey, are you going to make my nose bloody again? That's not nice."

Feeling slightly amused by his response, she chuckled momentarily, "Ha, says who?" She ended by giving him a smirk, which was extremely alluring.

However, she did not know that it was.

Seeing her expression, he was taken aback, causing his grip loosened slightly. She took this advantage and launched her knee straight to the center of his ribcage, "...Don't overestimate yourself."

Lavi, who was standing by the side, gave a low and amusing whistle as the sight of those two.

Ben breathed in sharply for a second, before gaining back his composure. Rubbing his middle gingerly, he commented almost quietly, "...Ah, you're sure scary."

But, she did hear him as soon as Jai walked towards them. He brushed past them and headed right for the glass door, bȧrėly acknowledging any of their presence, "Everyone get in the car."

Noticing the serious look on his face, everyone followed his command.

Once everyone was in the car, Jai began to explain the situation, "We are heading to Emily's place to get her."

"Why do that all of a sudden?" Mary questioned with a raised eyebrow, "Is something happening?"

"I'm... Not too sure myself." He sighed before continuing, "Remember that Phantom guy who attacked Ethan?"


"He was Damian. He came to the headquarters in the morning and revealed himself to me." He admitted almost immediately, "And he was also the one who told me to bring Emily to Fiore to keep her unharmed. If I were to guess, something is about to happen here."

"Wait, what?" Mary blurted out in shock, "Is he turning on Phantom?!"

"As of now, that seems to be the case." Jai answered, "However, he could have tricked us all into a bigger trap in Fiore."

"I doubt it." Ben jumped in, "He was probably in some plot with the Phantoms to harm or do something to Emily at first. But, most likely, he can't bear himself to do it to her. And so, his relationship with her must have caused him to betray them, in order to keep her safe. However, he should prepare for death. Just so you know, Phantom don't take betrayal lightly."

"So, the humane side of people could really change one's decision, huh." Lavi stated with a hint of melancholy.

"Well yeah, even though he's a Phantom, he is still used to being humane." he responded.

"That will explain why he didn't kill anyone when he arrived at Fiore during the ceremony. All the Guards who collapsed, are just knocked out." Jai added on.

Just then, Mary snapped her fingers and pointed to him, "Wait, if that's the case... Then who killed Joseph?"

"We still can't find anything. However, there's almost no doubt that it will be from the Phantoms."

All of a sudden, Beck joined in the conversation, "We need to save Damian."

"If Emily knows that Damian is dead, she wouldn't be able to take it. Besides, we do need him for a lead on Joseph's death, right?"

"That is true, but we don't know where he is." Jai answered.

"Well, he is definitely here, right? If Damian ask Emily to leave here, that means that the attack will be happening here. So, he must in this city now. I'll just need to go look for him."

Everyone looked at him in silence, debating on whether they should let Beck go. After all, he was known to be a reckless person, taking things head on without thinking about the consequences and, of course, himself.

Seeing at everyone staring at him like he was insane, he was already knew that he was going to get a 'no, it's too dangerous' and so he was preparing to just jump out of the car and search for Damian by himself. However, his older twin brother's laughter proved him wrong.

"You are sure determined and I like the sound of that. You should look at the East side and I'll get the West side. Lavi?"

"I'll take the North." He grinned, "Yukiko, do you want to take the South?"

Rolling her eyes with annoyance, she unwillingly agreed, "...Fine."

"Then that's that." Ben concluded as he clapped his hands once, "Let's go then."

The vehicle came to a halt and the four of them set off to their allocated direction.

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