The Princess With The Jet Black Hair

Chapter 90 - 46: Everything was going so well

[Fiore's castle, Zack's room]

Just before she left, she looked directly and asked "...What if despite everything that Erik said, he actually did not want to die? What if he..."

"Wanted to change?"

She closed the door gently, as she bit her bottom lip to contain her anger.

"So, how did it went?" Beck asked as Emily walked out of Zack's room.

She hung her head down and said nothing. She then shook her head and walked away from them. The three of them followed closely behind her.

"I think the princess needs some alone time." Jai sent his thoughts to the two brothers. "Looks like things did not go the way she wanted."

"Should we just let her go like that?" Beck sent that doubt on his mind to Jai.

"I think that's the best choice," Jai replied mentally.

Just then, Emily stopped and turned to Jai, "Sorry, but I would like to take a bath. So, can you guys stop following me for a while?"

"Ah, yes, of course." He replied, "I'll get the servants to prepare the water. Just head to the bathroom."

"Yeah, thanks." She said as she faked a smile. She then did what Jai told her to, leaving the three guys alone.

"Zack didn't change his decision, did he?" Ben asked, seeing that Emily was finally gone.

"Yeah, that seems to be the case." Jai agreed. "Well, I'll be going now. I need to ask the servants to prepare the bath for the princess and I'll also have given the king an update on this."

With that being said, Jai disappeared into thin air.

"Looks like it's just you and me, Beck," Ben said as he swung his arm over his twin's shoulders.

"What you say about a little sparring?" He asked with a wink. "It's been long since we did that."

"Sure, no problem," Beck replied with a smile. He was a little worried about Emily, but as of now, he was not in the position to say or do anything.

"Let's just hope that you have improved." Ben teased as he gave his brother a nudge to his side with his elbow.

"Yeah, I hope so too," Beck said as he let out a laugh.

[Fiore's castle, Zack's room]

Zack was laying on his bed saying nothing. Kate was a little mad when he said that he would not want to save Erik.

She knew that Erik did lots of bad deeds, but she also knew that deep down, he was not a bad guy. When their Uncle, Erik's father, was in debt, Erik was the one that took care of Zack and herself. He did not abandon them... Well, in the beginning, he did not.

Kate did not really talk about the Phantom much, but she knew who they were. They were the 'bad guys'.

...And Erik joined the 'bad guys'.

However, Kate was sure that he did it for a reason. Erik was not the type of guy that will do something without thinking or a good reason.

Suddenly, Zack called out to Kate.

"Kate, do you think that I made the wrong decision?"

She turned around and saw her Brother looking directly at her. She looked away and nodded vigorously.

"What's your take on this?" Zack asked his nine-year-old sister.

"Well, I think that you made a HUGEEE mistake." She said shyly. She then took a deep breath and continued, "It's just that... I think that your forgotten something important... Which is the reason that led Erik to join those bad people. I know he did lots of bad things, but I think he deserved a second chance."

Her gaze then began to sadden, "...I still want to play with Erik like last time. Just like you, Erik was just like another brother to me... Mummy and Daddy are gone, I don't really don't want to see anyone die already." Her voice cracked a little towards the end.

The idea of not being able to see Erik made Kate teared up a little.

"Emily is right, isn't she? I was too worked up that I have forgotten about his reason for joining and the time I spent with him." He sighed and stared at the ceiling, "...I guess I'm the stupid one all along."

He rolled his sides and covered his hands over his face and curled up into a ball. "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! I was acting so rudely towards Emily."

"Aren't you acting somewhat like a murderer?"

Emily's words echoed throughout his mind. His gut tightened when he began thinking about that.

Emily was not wrong, he would indirectly be a murderer if he did that to Erik.

He lied, in order to get Erik executed.

...How immature.

Emily was doing him a favour, she was trying to help him, yet he pushed her away.

With his mind calmed and cleared, he hopped off the bed and went out of his room.

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