[I don’t know how my brother is doing? 】

After Xiao Chuchu had lunch, she lay on the small bed, being held by her mother and looking at the rain outside the window.

But after a while, her mind wandered to the study room.

[Brother, have you reviewed that chapter carefully...]

[The article is poorly written, but it will be publicly executed in front of the emperor’s father. This afternoon, several cabinet ministers were discussing matters with the emperor's father. 】

Liu promised to look a little worried when he heard this.

But she soon felt relieved and patted her little daughter on the arm.

She had just hinted at her son's grandfather's school entrance examination.

Although the son is unsmiling, he is smart.

Wen Xian Zhiyin.

And he has always been able to do what he said. He just said that if he goes back to the study to study hard and review his homework, he will definitely do it.

Liu promised to have confidence in her son. After all, she had secretly asked Qiuli to inquire about the fifth prince in the past, and she knew her son very well.

"Is Chuchu thinking about brother?"

"Your brother is probably studying. He has been smart since he was a child and never forgets what he has read, but he has always memorized things quickly."

"When he gets off school and the weather clears up, he can come and play with you again."

Liu promised to coax her daughter softly.

Looking at Chu Chu's small body, she couldn't bear to see the child's worried pout.

Liu promised to think for a moment and then asked Qiuli to grind ink and lay paper.

"Chu Chu, mother, can you teach you how to read?"

Xiao Chuchu: "..."

Want to study so early?

don't want!

He is still a little baby.

She spread her hands, looked at the big words, her head moved a little bit, and soon she fell asleep.

Liu promised to laugh or cry, so he could only accept the paper and ink.

"It's almost time."

"Have the school exams started?

She looked towards the study room and thought.


Qianqing Palace.

The three cabinet ministers were drinking tea and resting in the cubicle, waiting for the emperor to summon them again.

Then I heard the report from the master of the study room, Bachelor Lu.

"The emperor is invited to read the articles submitted by the princes today."

Emperor Xiao Yunzhou, wearing plain clothes of brocade with dragon pattern, is still handsome in his early thirties.

He took the seven pieces of rice paper presented by Eunuch Bingbi and unfolded them one by one.

"Give Bachelor Lu a seat."

Lu Zhen is already sixty years old and has gray hair.

Not only was he a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, ranking third, he was also Xiao Yunzhou's lecturer when he was the crown prince.

Xiao Yunzhou knew that Lu Zhen had real talent and learning and always respected him.

As his sons grew up, he still asked him to teach him.

Because Xiao Yunzhou was taught by Lu Zhen in the Prince's Mansion, he was proficient in the Four Books and Five Classics, and was well-read, making him more knowledgeable than several editors at the Hanlin Academy.

As soon as he read the prince's article, he smiled and nodded, "The exam is "Xianwen"?"

"Zhu Xi has a saying: A virtuous person will be harmonious and virtuous."

"Okay, the eldest prince's article talks about cultivating virtues and cultivating the spirit of scholarship in one's belly. The explanation is very correct."

Xiao Yunzhou showed appreciation.

The eldest prince is eleven years old this year, and his articles use a lot of allusions.

"The eldest prince usually works hard."

Looking at the second prince again, the plot is not biased, but it is quite satisfactory.


If it were an ordinary child, it would be pretty good.

But the prince has a Hanlin college student to personally lecture on the scriptures, so this article is too simple.

When he turned to the last two pages of the third and fourth princes, Xiao Yunzhou couldn't help but frown.

"One is nine years old and the other is eight years old. Zhu Xi's explanations are both wrong."

Your own teacher knows best.

It is impossible to preach the Bible without talking about interpretation.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The third and fourth princes are young after all."

Xiao Yunzhou frowned, "I know, and I don't ask them to write beautiful articles. I just write down what the master in the study said, but they can't do it. It really disappoints me."

Recently, the Tatars invaded the border and the Yellow River burst its banks, which made him feel very unhappy.

I got angry when I saw my son scribbling on his homework.

Especially the third and fourth brothers, who already make no sense. How can I still read the homework of the fifth, sixth and seventh grades?

Xiao Yunzhou felt a little depressed when he thought about it, and glanced at Old Bachelor Lu who was sitting below him.

Master, are you just here to make him angry today?

Of the seven princes who are attending lectures in the study room, only two can read their homework?

"Sister Lu, don't worry about my face."

"Those who don't study hard will be punished as they deserve! When the late emperor was here, Master Lu, you were not the least bit soft-hearted when you slapped my palms!"

Xiao Yunzhou glared at the old bachelor angrily.

Lu Zhen stood up immediately and said, "Your Majesty is wise, and I will accept your orders."

Xiao Yunzhou shook his head and was ready to just flip through the homework of the three younger sons behind him.

But I didn't expect that on the next page, the fifth prince corrected the words and came into view!

This article clears up the errors and omissions in the previous two articles.

The article starts from virtue and words, and proceeds from benevolence and courage. It is even and stable, and does not give in at all compared to the second prince.

After the fourth prince even memorized the wrong lessons, it seemed to be particularly meaningful and clear in thinking.

Full of righteousness!

This article, from the calligraphy to the content, gave Xiao Yunzhou a sense of comfort.


He couldn't help but slap the table in praise.

After looking at the signature, he praised even more, "I remember, Xiao Wu is only seven years old this year. Master Lu taught well. Come, I'll give you three cups of the snow clam ointment that Master Lu recently bought!"

Lu Zhen lowered his eyes and immediately stood up respectfully, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, sometimes luck is really important.

In fact, the article written by the fifth prince is not better than that of the eldest brother and the second brother. After all, he is much older, and his ability to hold a pen and read books are three or four years behind.

But it happened that the fifth prince was lucky and was born at the right time, ranking behind the third prince who was not good at articles and the fourth prince who was greedy for fun.

After reading their extremely bad articles, and then looking at the Fifth Prince, that article really stands out!

"I am ashamed of myself."

Lu Zhen let out a sigh of relief as he thought about it.

Thanks to the fifth prince's hard work, he had taught Xiao Yunzhou since he was the prince. He knew the emperor very well and knew that he had shown signs of anger just now.

After enduring two bullshit articles from the third prince and the fourth prince, if he continues to write a third article that doesn’t make sense, Xiao Yunzhou will definitely punish him severely!

Fortunately, the fifth prince learned it seriously, otherwise he would have suffered the emperor's wrath.

"Huh? The sixth child also learned well?"

Xiao Yunzhou felt better now. When he turned over the book again, he was surprised to find that the sixth prince also wrote the meaning correctly when he was six years old.

Although I can’t write anything else except paraphrasing.

But because of his young age, he turned a blind eye.

Xiao Yunzhou nodded, "The eldest prince, second prince, fifth prince, and sixth prince will be rewarded with a mutton soup pot each."

"Third Prince, Fourth Prince, Grand Tutor, give them a hard slap on the palms of their hands!"

With his younger brother in comparison, these two seem even more idiotic!

Xiao Yunzhou put down a stack of articles.

"Neither of these two are allowed to go to the winter festival in three days. They will copy books for me in the house!"


Go to the study.

Several princes were either looking intently or sitting on pins and needles.

"Fourth and fifth brothers, how is your article?" The third prince obviously couldn't answer and wanted to give him some advice.

The fourth prince cleverly found the worst one and looked at the sixth prince teasingly, "I must have a better answer than the sixth brother. The sixth brother, let alone making a fuss, probably can't even recite the explanation, right?"

The Sixth Prince had a swollen face. He had been at the bottom of most schools before, but he didn't like being talked about.

What's more, today he was taken over by Fifth Brother to review!

The fourth prince was happy to see his angry look, and he looked at the fifth prince Cheng Qian, "And fifth brother, if something happened to your mother-in-law early in the morning, you must not have paid attention to the morning class."

"Hey, the master in the study is so cruel. He only chooses this time to test us. What are you going to do, fifth brother?"

"I see you were reading at noon. Could it be that this time you are not as good as the newly enlightened eighth brother? Hahaha!"

The eighth brother didn't even enter the study room.

This is obviously ridicule.

The fifth prince Cheng Qian lowered his eyes, expressionless.

The fourth prince is Concubine Li's own son, and he often tries to support him.

"Fourth brother, what are you talking nonsense about?" The sixth prince stood up angrily. He had just been given some advice from the fifth brother, and now he was unknowingly siding with the fifth brother.

"Why are you laughing at Fifth Brother and bullying us?"

"Bastard! Why did you talk to your brother when I bullied you?" The fourth prince was furious.

"Sixth brother, don't be disrespectful to your elder brother." The third prince also made a serious face.

Cheng Qian grabbed the extremely angry sixth brother.

He glanced out the window.

Academician Lu's figure is reflected in the window grille of the upper study room.

"Third and Fourth Princes, why are you making such a noise!" Sure enough, Academician Lu admonished them as soon as they entered the study.

"By the order of the emperor, I have brought a three-inch ruler. The third and fourth princes each have thirty feet!"

The third prince and the fourth prince were stunned.

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