Walter Hardy was caught off guard and was wondering if the Prince was going to send the father of his wife to prison. It had happened unintentionally and would probably not have come to pass if Bjorn hadn’t seized his assets in the first place, so shouldn’t he be held accountable as well?

   Bjorn sat on the opposite side of the table from Walter. He felt a mix of hatred and longing for the Prince, and when their eyes met, Bjorn gave Walter a carefree grin, as if forgetting where he was.

   “Your looking well,” Bjorn said.

   A lawyer and a police officer stood in the corner, out of the way. When the officers had come to estate, Walter had been more than a little intoxicated and the result was a brief melee with the officer. On top of everything, Walter was also having to face charges of assaulting an officer.

   When he was brought in, he realised that he was no longer going to be able to use his daughter as a shield and was going to have to face the consequences of unlawfully using her name. How was he to know she was going to be accused of fraud and blackmail?

   “How could you do this to me, how?” Walter finally let the frustration out.

   “Well,” Bjorn shrugged, “I doubt that’s what a father accusing his daughter of being a cheat would say.”

   “Hasn’t the kids reputation been vindicated by now? What’s the point of keeping me here? The father of the Grand Duchess, locked up like some common criminal. I deeply apologise, I swear, I wont make another mistake again. At least let me go for the sake of my unborn grandchild.”

   Walter looked about the room anxiously, from Bjorn to the officer and lawyer. His face was badly battered from the fight with the officer. Bjorn hadn’t seen anyone that badly beaten up since he witnessed Erna’s injuries.

   Bjorn lit his cigar and let out a thick cloud of smoke into Walter Hardy’s face. The man coughed and tried to wave the smoke away.

   “My wife doesn’t have a father, Viscount Hardy, you no more have a grandchild than you do a daughter.”

   The lawyer handed Bjorn a neatly compiled bunch of papers, which Bjorn took as if picking up the daily newspaper. He placed them on the table in front of Walter, who could see what they were. His face became tired and filled with contempt.

   “How could you? How can you claim to be her husband, to love her, but sever her connection to the only family she has?”

   “You abandoned your daughter first, I have no doubt you would have cast her aside a second time once her usefulness was spent,” Bjorn grinned. “If you agree to these terms, we can avoid imprisonment, but you will have to leave the city and play dead.”

   “Absolutely not.”

   “Then I guess it’s off to jail for you,” Bjorn clicked his tongue and leaned back in his chair. “The prospects for you look bleak, imprisoned for fraud and assaulting a police officer. If that is what you desire, then so be it, I will also have to divorce Erna, we can’t have the Royal Family associating with criminals by any margin.”

   “D…divorce your wife, Erna?” The anger in Walter’s eyes diminished and was replaced by bewilderment. 

   “I am giving you the opportunity to do right by the daughter you claim to love so much. I would rather not have to go through the trouble of divorcing a second time, but if you insist on continuing to call yourself the father of the Grand Duchess, then I will have no choice.”

   “You really think I will let myself get caught up in such a lie?”

   “What makes you think you have much of a choice?”

   “Please, don’t do that, please, for the sake of the child…”

   “Child? Do you really think to use an unborn child to gain pity? My child, Erna’s child?” Bjorn sneered at the Viscount. “I think you’re overestimating yourself and your daughter. I have divorced the daughter of King Lars, who bore me a son. Do you truly believe that I am incapable of divorcing your daughter?”

   Bjorn got up from his seat and towered over Walter. His penetrating gaze dared Walter to make the wrong move and as Walter faced the unwavering grey eyes, his breathing became more laboured.

   “If you do not sever ties, then the responsibility of Erna and her unborn child will fall to you. The instant I divorce Erna, I will also disown the child and it will never be recognised as a member of the Royal Family.”

   “Your Highness.”

   “If you desire for your daughter to live a comfortable life and happiness, while also looking after your grandson, I will do so with my whole heart. You know what you need to do to make that ideal a reality,” Bjorn said with sincerity. “Viscount, I urge you to do the right thing, chose the more favourable path for you, your daughter and your grandchild. My patience is not limitless.”

   Stepping away from the table, Bjorn bowed wordlessly. Walter was unable to answer, the shock of things still sinking in. Without another word, Bjorn left the room. As the iron door slammed shut, Walter stared at the document on the table.


Upon opening the chunky envelope, a book with crude bindings slid out. The title read ‘The Name of Love and the Abyss.’ It was the latest release from Hermann Publishing, with the title that had only just been finalised.

   Catherine Owen’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at the book. Her late brothers posthumous works was finally in print and being carted all across the sea. All of the publishers in Lars might have rejected the poems, but here they were, in all their uncensored glory.

   “Initially, we will begin publishing in Lars. Most of Lechen’s intellectuals who are intrigued by Gerald Owen are well versed in Lars and this book is sure to generate a lot of intrigue. Once the buzz has escalated, we intend to release a translated version in Lechen, so that the everyone can have access. By that point, the book will have already been circulating Lars,” the publisher Hermann, who sat across from Catherine calmly outlined the plan.

   Catherine listened intently, clutching the book close to her chest. The prospect of having the truth about her brothers death come to light and the woman responsible, brought a sense of relief.

   “Currently, the entire nation is in turmoil over the Grand Duchess’ scandal, so I plan on publishing once that has settled down a bit. Do you have any thoughts?”

   “I agree,” Catherine nodded hesitantly, “now that its all over, there’s no reason to wait any longer. If possible, I would appreciate it if the book could be published at a time when it can receive the most attention.”

   “Then lets make a forecast for that eventuality.”

   Hermann grew grave, he was under no illusion about the impact this book was going to have, not only on Lars, but also on Lechen.

   “Whatever you think is best,” Catherine said simply.


Erna had remained asleep through the whole day. Bjorn drew the curtains to block out the afternoon sun and took a seat in the chair beside the bed, so that he could closely observe her. He loosened his tie and let out a gentle sigh.

   Erna had spent the last few days resting. She was determined to follow the doctors orders, to give the child the best start she could manage and it was best he stayed on her side.

   Seeing Erna’s face grow increasingly gaunt, day after day, reminded Bjorn of the toll the pregnancy was taking on her. It seemed like the child was pushing this resilient woman to her limits. At one point, just a sip of water was a struggle to keep down, thought it seemed like she was improving a little over time.

   As Bjorn gazed at Erna’s still flat belly, a faint smile graced his lips. Even if they were childless, he would never abandon this woman to the world. He couldn’t deny the power her pregnancy had over the public. As she proved her worth, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. She might as well have been a true Dniester.

   “Bjorn?” Erna said sleepily, “you came back early.”

   Erna cautiously rose to a sitting position and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She looked like she was exhausted, an unusual sight for someone that had just woken from a nap.

   “Are you busy?” She was impatient to learn of her father, the anxiety and apprehension curdling her words.

   “I was just on my way to see Viscount Hardy,” Bjorn said.

   It was a shock to her as normally he would have left without saying a word. Taken aback, Erna sighed and clutched the edge of her blanket.



   “You…” he wasn’t sure if he should say, but she deserves to know. “You no longer have a father. Clear the Hardy name from your life.”

   “What do you mean?” Erna was confused, maybe she was still groggy from sleep, but understanding escaped her.

   “I made a deal with Walter Hardy, to secure his release he had to cut ties. Your father agreed to these terms.”

   Bjorn gave it two days at most, before Walter called up and agreed. His daughter was only money to him and being the selfish man that he was, he would not want to go to prison. His daughter was now only a burden to him.

   “So it is best that you discard him from your life, that’s the only way to keep your peace.”

   Although isolation couldn’t shield Erna from the accusations that were being hurled in her direction, at lease she wouldn’t get caught up in any more of Walters plots. For Bjorn, that was enough, the criticism’s of the world was fine, but he would not let any one dare shake up the Grand Duchess.

   “Hey Bjorn….I know.” she looked up at him with pitiful eyes, “why did you marry me?”


   Bjorn frowned, confused, a question he was never expecting. He sounded annoyed, annoyed at being asked such a ridiculous question.

   “The bet,” Erna’s voice cracked, she took a moment to gather her courage. “The bet you made with your friends, the one that started on the card table at the social club.”

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