The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Zhou Chong!"

"Boss Zhou!"

Han Changyu and Li Hongyuan's faces changed.

"Mr. Zhou, what are you doing?"

Lin Ming also hurried to support Zhou Chong. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't let the No. 1 son of Blue Island City kneel down to him.

"Thank you, thank you..."

Zhou Chong murmured, full of fear, and couldn't organize better words.

He really couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this batch of red wine was really sold.

You know, those who booked this batch of red wine are not only ordinary rich and powerful people, but also those good sons in the provincial government!

If they drank the red wine, if they died...

Zhou Chong would have lost ten heads!

His father would also suffer an unexpected disaster, and his grandfather's temper would probably make him angry to death!

Today, Lin Ming's few words resolved a terrible disaster for his Zhou family.

Zhou Chong swore that if Lin Ming hadn't reminded him, he would never have thought of testing the wine, because he really trusted the foreign supplier too much!


Zhou Chong suddenly slapped himself, and then bowed deeply to Lin Ming.

This time, Lin Ming didn't stop him.

If he was a normal person, he should do the same as Zhou Chong.

"Mr. Lin, I apologize to you for my previous disrespect. If it weren't for you, I, Zhou Chong, would probably not live for a few days. Thank you! Thank you so much!" Zhou Chong's eyebrows were almost lowered to the ground.

"Mr. Zhou, you are too serious. Those things didn't happen. It's because Mr. Zhou has a good character and listens to others, so he can stop at the brink of disaster. Otherwise, no one can stop him."

Lin Ming helped Zhou Chong up again.

"Mr. Lin, I'm not a fool. I know what kind of consequences will happen to my Zhou family once these red wines are sold."

Zhou Chong looked at Lin Ming, but this time he was not as cold as before, but as gentle as he could be.

It really verified Lin Ming's previous thoughts-how cruel he was at that time, how cowardly he is now!

"Mr. Lin, you are the benefactor of the Zhou family, and the benefactor of me, Zhou Chong! If you think highly of me, I will call you 'Brother Lin' in the future. Apart from anything else, no matter what Brother Lin does in the future, as long as I, Zhou Chong, can do it, I will never refuse!" Zhou Chong said again.

"Thanks to Mr. Zhou's kindness, I am indeed a few years older than you. We can call each other brothers, and it won't be impolite, haha!" Lin Ming laughed.

Li Hongyuan, who was standing by, was full of envy, secretly thinking that Lin Ming was indeed a capable person, who made the arrogant Mr. Zhou bow down to him with just a few words.

At the same time, he was also shocked by Lin Ming's ability to "tell fortunes", which was so accurate!

Starting from Zhang Chonghui of Haining Network, to Lin Jiahua's concert, to the price increase of Feitian Moutai, until now...

Every time, there was no mistake!

If Li Hongyuan was still half-believing and half-doubting before, he is now convinced.

Before this, Lin Ming and Zhou Chong had no connection at all, and they were completely from two different worlds.

Apart from "telling fortunes", Li Hongyuan really couldn't think of how Lin Ming knew that the batch of red wine was fake.

"Brother Han, set up a banquet! I must have a big drink with Brother Lin today, and I won't go home until I'm drunk!" Zhou Chong said to Han Changyu.

"Okay, okay... Let's go to Hong Ning's Tianyang Hotel, okay?"

Han Changyu was all smiles. He had a very good relationship with Zhou Chong. He was naturally happy that Zhou Chong could turn danger into safety.

"Although the crisis was resolved, you lost 50 million yuan. Don't you feel bad?" Lin Chong teased.

"Money is a bastard. If you lose it, you can earn it again. If I lose my life, it will be really over!" Zhou Chong laughed.

Lin Ming admired his mentality very much, and from his attitude, it can be seen that this guy, like Li Hongyuan, is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

Of course, maybe Zhou Chong also has the idea of ​​making friends with him, but there is no need for everyone to expose it.

Next, Han Changyu booked a private room at Tianyang Hotel for lunch. Seeing that it was not yet 11 o'clock, he sat down and drank tea for a while.

According to Han Changyu's words, the top-quality Dahongpao that had just been brewed should not be wasted, right?

But compared to before, the atmosphere is much better now.

Zhou Chong looked like a little fanboy, and he no longer had the condescending attitude he had just had.

Han Changyu had seen Lin Ming's ability, so he didn't dare to offend him and was always polite.

Needless to say, Li Hongyuan, before today, he didn't dare to get close to Zhou

Chong is a person like this, but after Lin Ming resolved this disaster for the Zhou family, Zhou Chong's attitude towards Li Hongyuan also changed 180 degrees.

There is only one reason - Lin Ming was introduced by him, Li Hongyuan!

The so-called 'one person's success brings prosperity to the whole family', may be this truth.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

The few people were chatting happily, but there was a knock on the door of Han Changyu's office.


Nodding politely to Lin Ming, Han Changyu said: "Come in."

The two-color door opened, and a figure in a black uniform and a short skirt walked in.

"Boss Han, I am Chen Jia from the project department. Director Liu is in a meeting, so I will report to you about..."

Chen Jia stopped talking before she finished.

Because she saw Lin Ming sitting on the sofa!

"Is it really you?!"

Chen Jia rubbed her eyes fiercely, her face full of disbelief.

It turned out that the person who walked into the elevator was really him!

But... how is this possible? !

How did Lin Ming appear in Mr. Han's office? And he seemed to be talking and laughing, looking very elegant?

"I've been looking for you, but I couldn't find you." Lin Ming said with a smile.

This scene confused Han Changyu and Zhou Chong.

"Mr. Lin, do you know each other?" Han Changyu asked.



Lin Ming and Chen Jia spoke almost at the same time.

Han Changyu looked at Lin Ming, then at Chen Jia.

Chen Jia explained quickly: "Mr. Han, it's not that I don't know him, he... I..."

Looking at Chen Jia's pretty face flushed, Lin Ming couldn't help laughing.

No wonder he gave birth to such a cute daughter, because Chen Jia is cute!

"I like her." Lin Ming suddenly said.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Chen Jia stamped her feet anxiously.

"Brother Lin, are you kidding?" Zhou Chong's mouth twitched.

With Lin Ming's ability, he could have any woman he wanted, but why did he like such an ordinary employee?

Well, she wasn't ordinary, at least she was really pretty, but her conditions were ordinary.

"Yes, I like her."

Lin Ming looked at Chen Jia and said word by word: "I love her, love her to my bones. If I can't be her man and can't give her the best and happiest life, then I will live a life worse than death for the rest of my life!"

Chen Jia stared at Lin Ming blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Although she didn't believe Lin Ming's words, she had to admit that she had never heard Lin Ming say such words since they got married.

As for the others, Li Hongyuan was easy to say, as he probably knew about Lin Ming and Chen Jia's affairs.

Zhou Chong and Han Changyu were confused!

Is this a confession?

So direct?

"I really need to learn from Brother Lin. Brother Lin is very good at fortune-telling and is also a good pick-up girl!"

Zhou Chong's admiration for Lin Ming became stronger.

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