The conversation was already over, so Wang Xingyong didn't need to talk about anything else.

He bent down and stood in front of Lin Ming, saying, "Boss Lin, I was blind yesterday and didn't recognize you and Mr. Zhou, so I said those nonsense. In fact, I came to you today to apologize."

Lin Ming blinked, "Why do I hear this so confusingly? A big shot like Manager Wang needs to apologize to me? Isn't it just three times the liquidated damages? It's only 150,000 for a contract, Dingsheng Real Estate can afford it. Your legal department is also notoriously tyrannical, but I don't even dare to think of suing you."

Listening to Lin Ming's sarcastic tone, Wang Xingyong felt very aggrieved.

He also regretted his attitude towards Lin Ming and Zhou Chong yesterday. If he had been a little more polite, it wouldn't be so hard at this moment!

"Boss Lin, you are a wise man, let's be frank."

Wang Xingyong took a deep breath and continued, "We have seen your methods yesterday. The Fire Department directly stopped the sales of Zijin Huafu on the grounds that the quality inspection failed. This is a huge loss for the entire group. One day of delay means one day of less profit."

"Director Han has also made it clear that if we continue to be ungrateful, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau will take action."

"Zijin Huafu has been under construction in Landao City for two or three years, and has always been in a state of no one's interest. It is about to usher in glory, but I was confused for a moment and offended you and Mr. Zhou. Not to mention you, the voices within the group are almost drowning me!"

"The group means to continue to perform the previous deposit contract, and the housing price will be in accordance with the contract. You two can sell it to whoever you want. The sales office will give you the green light all the way until you and Mr. Zhou calm down."

Speaking of this, Wang Xingyong paused.

He added: "I was wrong first, you can beat me or scold me. But it's not easy for Zijin Shengfu to come this far, I really hope you can be magnanimous and take back those magical powers!"

Lin Ming smiled slightly: "You have to go to Zhou Chong for this matter, I can't do anything about it."

Wang Xingyong looked resentful: "Boss Lin, everyone knows that Mr. Zhou listens to you..."


Lin Ming curled his lips: "In that case, then I will call Zhou Chong to ask, but he has a hot temper and will explode at any time, I can't guarantee whether it will work."

"Thank you, Boss Lin, thank you, Boss Lin..."

Wang Xingyong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew there was no need to stay, so he stood up and said goodbye.

Lin Ming asked him to take those things back, but this guy was almost scared to death, and quickly closed the door of the apartment, and disappeared like a famine.

"It just so happens that I plan to go to Old Chen's house these days, which will save me money on cigarettes and alcohol."

Lin Ming feels that he is in a great mood now!

All this is because of his ability to predict the future, and because of Chen Sheng's accidental push on him!

I should really thank this brother-in-law!

Taking out his mobile phone, Lin Ming called Zhou Chong.

He said simply and straightforwardly: "Wang Xingyong found out where I live from somewhere, and just came to me, saying that Dingsheng Real Estate is willing to continue to perform the deposit contract we signed before, and is willing to give us the green light."

"From now on, we can sell these contracts however we want, you can contact the real estate speculation group."

Zhou Chong sneered: "He won't cry until he sees the coffin. Brother Lin, did you scold him a few more times to help me vent my anger?"

Lin Ming smiled: "Anyway, I think he should be very uncomfortable now."


Zhou Chong laughed: "Okay, Brother Lin, I will contact the real estate speculation group right away, and the right way is to realize those contracts as soon as possible."

Lin Ming nodded: "Wang Xingye brought me some things, Maotai liquor, Zhong/Hua cigarettes, etc. Do you want to share some with you?"

Zhou Chong: "..."


7 o'clock in the evening.

Lin Ming called Zhou Chong.

"Xianglin Middle Road, bring a few more people, the girl in the coffee shop is 'waiting for you'."

Without much nonsense, and without waiting for Zhou Chong to ask, Lin Ming hung up the phone.

He simply had a bowl of ramen in the square downstairs.

On the way back to the apartment, Xuanxuan called again.

"Dad, I miss you..."

The little girl pouted, looking aggrieved.

"Dad misses you too, you have to be obedient at home." Lin Ming smiled


"Dad, when will you come again? I'm almost starving!"

Xuan Xuan had just finished speaking when Chen Jia took the phone away.

In the video, Chen Jia's face was surprisingly beautiful, but the coldness on her face ruined the atmosphere a little.

"You bought so much fried chicken for Xuan Xuan, aren't you afraid that she will get sick? These are not good things, don't buy them in the future!"

Lin Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Where are there so many bad things? People now use regular channels and regular food. If it is junk food, I dare not buy it!"

"You said it as if you saw it." Chen Jia snorted.

For some reason, Lin Ming always felt that this video was not actually called by Xuan Xuan, but by Chen Jia's will.

"Xuan Xuan, are you there?" Lin Ming said.

"Dad, I'm here."

Looking at the curious look of the little girl on the screen, Lin Ming smiled and said, "Did you want to video chat with Dad yourself, or did Mom ask you to?"

"Yes, Mom... Uh-huh!"

Before Xuan Xuan finished speaking, Chen Jia suddenly covered her mouth.

Then, in Lin Ming's ecstatic look, the video was hung up.


Holding the phone, Lin Ming laughed wildly on the street for a long time.

He didn't care about the strange looks from passers-by.

What he cared about was the melting iceberg in Chen Jia's heart.

This was more exciting than him making hundreds of millions of dollars overnight!


The next day.

9 a.m.

Lao Yang Breakfast Shop.

"I'll just interrupt you for a news segment--"

"According to the South Asian Meteorological Bureau of Varun, at about 7 a.m. Forbidden Time, a rare thunderstorm suddenly occurred in the sea area about 700 nautical miles from the shore. In just two minutes, the waves were as high as 50 meters."

"Our large cruise ship Poseidon was in the center of the thunderstorm at the time, and several tourists were washed into the sea by the huge waves and their whereabouts are unknown."

The voice of the famous host of Yangshi came from the old TV.

Lin Ming put the last piece of fried dough stick in his hand into his mouth, then drank up the soy milk, and leaned back happily.

You can sleep anytime you want to sleep, and you can eat anything you want anytime you want to eat.

These are really the two great things in the world.

The phone rang at this time, and Lin Ming picked it up and saw that it was Han Changyu calling.

"Mr. Han, it should be 9 o'clock in the evening over there? Are you still not sleeping?" Lin Ming smiled.

"Mr. Lin, I am grateful for your kindness. I, Han Changyu, will remember it in my heart!"

Han Changyu said: "If I were not older than you, I would really like to call you 'Brother Lin' like Zhou Chong and the others!"

Now he is full of fear.

Han Changyu knew about the thunderstorm at the first time.

People in China may just treat this as news, but those guys abroad who are afraid of chaos in the world have already started spreading rumors.

The world is destroyed again, and disasters are coming...

The main reason is that such thunderstorms are too rare, and they rarely appear once in hundreds of years.

"Don't say these words, just be nice to Chen Jia in the future." Lin Ming said.

"Mr. Lin, don't hang up yet!"

Han Changyu hesitated for a while and asked, "I want to know, if I was on the Poseidon at that time, would I be among those washed into the sea by the huge waves?"

"Go to bed early, I'll welcome you back."

Lin Ming didn't answer directly, but he had already told Han Changyu the answer.

Because Lin Ming said at the time that Han Changyu's first calamity was the thunderstorm.

If he was safe and sound, how could it be called a 'calamity'?

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