On the same day, a message about the mysterious young people's Congress breaking the ancient and modern records on the fifth floor spread all over Baiyujing like a storm.

For a moment, I don't know how much uproar it caused.

"Who is that man?"

Countless monks were shocked and curious about the identity of the person who broke into the fifth floor.


"It's unprecedented to break the five records of cloud Qingbai in one day!"

"Yun Qingbai exists like an invincible myth. Now, is his position finally going to be shaken?"

More people were shocked by the news.


"That's just yunqingbai's record ten years ago. Since it's a record, it's bound to be broken. Why be so surprised?"

"Yes, it's just the record ten years ago. It's doomed that it's impossible to shake Yun Qingbai's position."

Some practitioners don't think so.


In Tongtian sword sect, it can be described as chicken flying and dog jumping, restlessness and uproar.

Some people were angry, some were anxious, and some couldn't accept it. They shouted to kill Lintian.

Of course, they didn't know who Lintian was at this time.

The most embarrassing thing is here. Just a young man of unknown origin broke Yun Qingbai's five records. In the end, as the overlord of Baiyujing, they couldn't find out the identity of each other. If it was spread, they had to make a lot of jokes.


Kong Ling looked cold, and a touch of depression lingered in his eyebrows.

At this time, she was walking in the bustling street, with an indescribable hatred and shame in her heart.

Just today, yunqingbai just gave Yehua sword to her.

But on the same day, the sword was taken away, which made Kong Ling almost crazy.

As the third highest figure in the "Thirteen Swords" of Tongtian sword sect, Kong Ling has enough capital to be proud.

She has unique demeanor and combat power. She was born in the mysterious five color peacock vein of the ancient family. She can be called gorgeous in any way.

But today, she encountered the most embarrassing and dark day of her life!

"Don't let me know who you are!"

The fierce anger surged in Kong Lingqing's eyes, and he hated Bei's teeth.

"Who else, of course, is Lin demon!"

The sound of anger came from the distance and made Kong fall into a wake-up look.

Unconsciously, he came to the vicinity of the performance building again.

But this place is different from the desolation and desolation in the past. There are many monks gathered here.

The one who just made a sound was one of the black robed men with a cold face, collapsed eyes and a bloodthirsty smell all over.

"Which forest demon?" Someone asked.

"Of course it's the guy who should be cut by thousands of knives. A while ago, he turned the ancient Cangzhou upside down, shaking the Tianshu holy land and getting angry. Don't you know?"

The man in Black said coldly.

"How can you be sure that he is the one who broke yunqingbai's record this time?"

Many people still don't believe it.

The man in black sneered, "I know him even if he turns into ash. As for whether you believe it or not, I don't care."

With that, he strode out of the crowd.

But he was stopped by Kong Ling before he went far.

"What are you, girl?" The black robed man's eyes narrowed and his face showed deep fear.

"Are you sure that Lin demon did it?" Kong Ling had already accumulated a lot of anger, and now by chance, she got some news that she would never miss.


The man in black nodded. Although the woman in front of him was as beautiful as a fairy, her breath was extremely fierce and frightening.

Being stared at by her clear eyes makes the souls of black robed men have a stabbing pain cut by a knife.

"Really?" Kong Ling asked, although it seems calm, it has a kind of oppressive power.

The man in black shivered all over and showed signs of collapse.

"To tell you the truth, I came down from the black nightmare Tiangou clan. My name is Gou xuxing. I have a sworn hatred with the forest demon God!"

The black robed man clenched his teeth, "when I learned that he appeared in the Dongsheng boundary, I went to that ancient Cangzhou for the first time, mobilized the power of the clan to conduct a comprehensive investigation, and finally completely determined that this son is really the forest demon God..."

Without waiting to finish, Kong Ling interrupted: "don't talk nonsense. I just ask you, are you sure the man who broke the record on the fifth floor today is Lin demon God?"

Gou xuxing looked sluggish and said, "girl, look at the whole ancient wasteland. If we talk about the art of tracking, we black nightmare Tiangou family claim to be the second, no one dares to be the first."

"I dare to take a head guarantee that the person who broke the record on the fifth floor must be Lin xunlin demon God. There is no doubt that I have just detected the vicinity of Yandao building and have already locked in the smell left by him. I will never make mistakes."

His words are firm and confident.

"Lintian... Lin demon God... It turned out to be this cruel character from xiheng world..."

Kong Ling's jade face is uncertain. I wish I could send this message back to the sect now.

Seeing this, Gou xuxing took the opportunity to say, "girl, when this son was in xiheng boundary, he almost killed me. I see you hate this man too much. How about... How about we work together to deal with him?"

"I think you are cowardly and delusional!" There was an undisguised disgust in Kong Ling's eyes.

She is a descendant of Tongtian sword sect and a direct descendant of five colored peacocks. She has a proud and noble temperament. How can she cooperate with the notorious black nightmare Tiangou clan in the whole ancient wasteland?

Therefore, her words were also impolite.

Gou xuxing was furious, but he could only bear it in his heart. In his capacity, he was really not qualified to act wildly in the white jade capital.

"I remember you. If you dare to cheat me, you will take off your dog's head!"

After that, Kong Ling floated away.

Lao Tzu did not suppress you, his mother, but one day. Gou xuxing was ruthless in his heart.

In the evening of that day, the news that Lintian was the one who broke the record on the fifth floor began to spread throughout the white jade capital.

Lin demon!

That night, the name was destined to be known by countless monks in Baiyujing.


Tongtian sword sect, Daowu peak.

In the cloud light hall.

"How could he be so powerful... How could he..." Zhao Jingzhen was devastated and looked devastated. He could no longer see his previous pride and contempt.

At this time, he had thoroughly understood all the news about Lintian after he entered the ancient wasteland.

Including Lintian's deeds of disturbing the situation in the West Hengjie, as well as Lintian's behavior in ancient Cangzhou not long ago.

All this, like a heavy hammer, completely shattered Zhao Jingzhen's inner pride and dependence, making him almost want to collapse.

It's only a few years since I saw him. That country boy has risen to this level?

"Therefore, if you want revenge, you can only take a long-term view and never have any slightest contempt and neglect!"

Next, Meng Rong looked calm and gave advice, "you should remember that your only advantage at present is that your grandfather and I will support you, but this is far from enough. The key is that you need to grow up quickly!"

Zhao Jingzhen hesitated: "but... He has set foot on the top, and his combat power is unparalleled in Yanlun territory. I..."

"This is no excuse!" Bluntly.

"Meng Rong, stop criticizing Jingzhen. Now, come to me quickly." Suddenly, a heavy voice sounded.


Meng Rong was shocked.


The third floor of Yunguang hall is an independent retreat.

At this time, there was a tall old man with silver hair sitting cross legged on a futon, with a terrible momentum unique to the strong in the king's territory.

The old man is the father of Meng Rong, Meng Qiujing!

At the same time, he has another identity, a powerful inner door elder of Tongtian sword sect!

"Father, what can I do for you?" Meng Rong came and bowed.

"Have you heard about the record breaking on the fifth floor today?" Meng Qiujing said calmly.

"I heard."

"Do you know who did it?"

"Who?" Meng Rong was stunned and puzzled. His father had been busy closing the door to prepare for the three robberies in his long life. How could he suddenly care about such things?


When Meng Qiujing reported this name, Meng Rong was as if she had been struck by lightning and was completely ignorant there.

Half a ring before she lost her voice and said, "how could it be him?"

Meng Qiujing said calmly, "why can't it be him? The news has been confirmed and there will be no mistake. I didn't call you to see your gaffe."

Meng Rong took a deep breath and said, "father, please speak."

"This son, who was dug out of the original spiritual pulse in those years, is doomed to be a loser if he can survive. But now, he is young and has achieved such dazzling achievements as today. According to my judgment, he should have reborn the original spiritual pulse!"

"If it had not been for this, he would never have had such an incredible transformation."

Meng Qiujing had a deep look in his eyes. "Only a few people, such as elder Gu Dongting and I, knew what yunqingbai did when he came to the lower world."

"It is also this event that makes yunqingbai obtain a great fortune, so as to complement his own path, step on the top of the mountain in one fell swoop, and realize the power of a powerful road to heaven!"

"Otherwise, if yunqingbai wants to win the title of the first person under the king's territory, it must be postponed for many years."

Meng Rong was quite restless.

That year, it was she who secretly tipped off the news that Lin Shi's clan had a baby with "original spiritual pulse" and told her father Meng Qiujing.

Then, his father Meng Qiujing told Yun Qingbai about the news, and then there was the bloody incident that took place in Lin is a clan.

This is an extremely private matter. Only a few people in the whole Tongtian sword sect know that if it is uncovered, it will definitely cause unpredictable storm.

At that time, Yun Qingbai will not be the only one involved. It is destined to affect her and her father!

Therefore, if it was not necessary, Meng Rong would never mention it, but she didn't expect that her father would bring it up again at this time?

At this time, Meng Qiujing, who sat on the ground cross legged, got up. The figure of Wei'an was like an infinite tall, casting a long shadow in the empty hall.

"The reason why I say this is just to tell you that this son appeared in the ancient wasteland and was destined to come for revenge!"

The voice of indifference and dullness echoed and reached the hearts of the people.

Meng Rong's face changed and shuddered.

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