
The brilliant lights swept the air and gradually appeared thousands of miles away.

Lintian was looking forward to something, but his heart was completely different.

In the distant light, there are Xiao Qinghe and many practitioners of Lingbao Holy Land wearing apricot yellow Taoist robes, except Zhao Jingxuan.

Moreover, those figures are not only numerous, but more than 30 people, and there are also several banbu King states.

This is very unusual!

Lintian noticed something strange at the first sight after he had been trained by killing and cutting. Without hesitation, he ran the lion dragon spirit and hid his figure.

A moment later, Xiao Qinghe and a group of spiritual treasure Holy Land practitioners roared to the void.

"You don't have to send each other off. Since Miss Zhao has gone to the immortal mountain to prepare for the competition of small giants, I can visit again later."

Xiao Qinghe stands in the void and bows his hands.

"Tao you are so polite."

The first thin figure, the old man with a goatee, smiled and said, "before leaving, the old man took the liberty to ask, Taoist friend, is he alone this time?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone else looked a little subtle.

Xiao Qinghe glanced at the crowd with a surprised look on his face and said, "why, is it wrong for me to visit your sect alone?"

The old man with goatee laughed: "no problem, just..."

He paused, shrunk the smile on his face, and there was a smell of interrogation in his eyes, "as far as we know, Taoist friend, you didn't come alone."

Xiao Qinghe frowned: "elder gongyangqian, what do you mean by that?"

"Stop pretending. Who doesn't know that you and the Lin demon God made trouble in the white jade capital a few days ago?"

A young man shouted loudly.

"We respect you as a descendant of the sun and Moon Temple, but if you hide evil intentions and have evil intentions, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Tell me, did Lin demon come with you?"

Other heirs of the holy land of Lingbao also spoke one after another, looking at Xiao Qinghe one by one with a touch of coldness.

In the void, the sea of clouds rolled and the atmosphere was more solemn.

Xiao Qinghe thought for a moment and suddenly sneered: "as early as when you were so excited to send me away, I noticed something was wrong. Now I see, it's true."

Alone, he was surrounded by this holy land of spiritual treasures. Despite this, he was not afraid at all, but showed disdain.

"Want to find out the news of Lin demon from me? It's wishful thinking! I advise you to get out of the way!"

After that, Xiao Qinghe went straight forward.


The old man with goat beard, Gongyang Qian, dodged and blocked the Xiaoqing River. He looked indifferent and cold, "Taoist friend, if you insist on going your own way, we can only use some other means."

When talking, the other strong people gathered around, and their breath surged around them. They looked like they would fight if they didn't agree with each other.

Xiao Qinghe's face sank and said coldly, "I only ask, are you going to war with my Sun Moon Temple?"

The ram's dry eyelids jumped and said, "it's not so exaggerated. I just want you to tell us some truth. If you get the answer, I'll see you off and there will be no obstruction."


A dark iron spear appeared in the palm of Xiao Qinghe's hand, and his whole body was filled with golden brilliance. The whole person's momentum climbed to the extreme in an instant.

"Less fucking nonsense, kind of work!" He drank and his eyes flashed. "Alas, why should Taoist friends be so stubborn? It's not too late to rein in on the precipice." The ram sighed softly, but his eyes were full of cold and dark meaning.

"Old man, I'm not afraid to tell you. Even if you kill me today, you don't want to get any news from me. If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

Xiao Qinghe's breathing is as loud as thunder. He is covered with gold and stands proudly in the sea of clouds with a battle spear. He has the posture that one man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand men can't open it.

Ram Qian's eyes twinkled and suddenly smiled: "you said, if we do it to you, will the forest demon God die?"

Xiao Qinghe changed his face slightly and said, "what do you mean?"

"Taoist friend, I have offended!" With a loud drink, the ram straightened his lean body, stepped into the void, and cleaved with one palm towards the Xiaoqing River.


This palm, if the sky falls on the Lingshan mountain, steams purple divine light, and crushes and explodes the void. It is powerful and terrible.

Xiao Qinghe swept the spear and shook it. In the terrible roar, gongyangqian's blow was easily resolved.

"You deserve to fight me?"

Xiao Qinghe disdains it. His eyebrows are full of loneliness and arrogance. A half step King's territory really can't bring him too much threat.

"What if we are added?"

At this time, three or four figures came out one after another, men and women, all in the same half step King's territory.

At the same time, other monks in the holy land of Lingbao also offered their own treasures to defend around and treat them strictly.

"Bully the less with more? Are all the top figures in the holy land of Lingbao dead?"

Xiao Qinghe sneered.

"Taoist friend, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth!"

The ram came at a dry step, and his thin body burst out its power to rush into the sky, like a violent rush of thunder and lightning.

At the same time, other digital half step Wang Jing also started from different directions.


A middle-aged woman offered a war drum made of animal skin and patted it gently. The sound of the drum was like the cry of gods and demons, which was earth shaking.


A pudgy man waved a silver chain, split the sky and hit the ground, and was fierce and domineering.


An old man in grey robe insisted on killing him with a blue ancient sword.


In an instant, Xiaoqinghe was attacked in all directions and shrouded in various attacks.

Obviously, for such a top figure like him, the half step King territory of Lingbao holy land is not despised, otherwise, it is impossible to rush forward.

The Regal isolationist Xiao Qinghe was looking heavy and gloomy, and his heart was in a rage. His mother obviously deceives him.

However, before he could make a move, a figure appeared in front of him out of thin air.

This man was Lintian.

After witnessing the previous scenes, he had already understood all the circumstances, and an uncontrollable killing opportunity surged in his heart.


Sooner or later, attacks from all sides have come.

Whip shadow, palm power, drum sound and sword Qi... All are powerful and terrible. They are the powerful killing power from banbu King's territory. Together, they make the world moan and the wind and cloud stir.

Such a huge sea of clouds, all burst into powder in an instant!

Lintian's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. In an instant, he photographed thousands of green fingerprints, each of which was concise, truthful and branded with light.

With the deafening roar, all attacks are resolved!

But they were not surprised but delighted at this.

"Hahaha, Lin demon God, you finally appeared!" The ram looked up and laughed.

Other heirs of Lingbao holy land also sneered, as if they had known it would be like this.

"Are you an idiot? I know they want to force you to show up. Why do you do that? I really think they dare to kill me?"

Xiao Qinghe was angry and glared at Lintian.

Before, the reason why he talked with the other party was to tell Lintian that the situation had changed and let him leave quickly.

Who ever thought, but this guy jumped out foolishly!


Lintian's lips showed a radian, "as a friend, being an idiot is better than being ungrateful, don't you think?"

"Friends?" Xiao Qinghe was stunned, and his heart was rarely touched.

"Lin demon God, do you remember when you killed my nephew Gongyang feather in Guixu?"

In the distance, RAM Qian looked resentful and seeping, "I've been waiting for today for a long time, but I've finally looked forward to you!"

"You are the forest demon God? You are so brave. You damaged the face of my holy land of Lingbao in the return ruins. Today, you dare to set foot on my holy land of Lingbao. You simply don't know how to write the word of death!"

The others also looked very cold.

"There's a lot of nonsense. I dared to kill ram feather back then, but I dare to kill you today!"

Lintian was moved when he spoke. He was already worried about killing. How could he delay time.


When he stepped out, the snow-white ice soared into the air, and the whole person's momentum changed, just like turning into a demon God and rushing forward.

Gongyang Qian narrowed his eyes, suddenly turned his whole body's cultivation, urged a war knife and cleaved out: "do it together and kill this Liao!"

However, before his voice fell, Lintian rushed to him, too fast, quickly moved, overbearing and arrogant, and punched.

With the sound of the bell, the ram's dry war knife gave out a violent cry and left.

At the same time, the fiery and terrible fist was shrouded and printed on the ram feather's chest.


The ram's dry chest suddenly collapsed and burst into pieces. His lean body bent like a cooked prawn and flew out.

He bled and screamed. The whole person was seriously injured and dying!

And from beginning to end, it's just a blink of an eye.

The whole audience was silent.

One punch!

Gongyangqian and other half step kings exist, but they can't resist!

It was also at this time that they suddenly realized that the young man in front of them was a demon figure who was now famous in Dongsheng world.

Even Xiao Qinghe's lips twitched imperceptibly. When it comes to ferocity and metamorphosis, Lintian is undoubtedly the one that makes him feel puzzled.

There was a stir in the field, and the faces of all the practitioners of Lingbao holy land changed greatly.

At this time, Lintian continued to attack without reservation.

After all, this is the territory of Lingbao holy land. It is only a thousand miles away from Sanqing mountain where its zongmen is located. If we don't make a quick decision, it will lead to unpredictable counterattack for a long time.


Lintian's figure was unreal and rushed to the short and fat man with a silver chain.

The sound is as powerful as a drum.

The sound of Pu Lun Xun's drum broke the prison.

The power of Pu Lao's roar remained unabated, so that the middle-aged woman holding the animal skin drum was also hit by lightning, and the spirit was seriously injured and screamed bitterly.

At this time, Lintian's figure had been killed in front of the short and fat man, and a bright and unparalleled seal came down.

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