At first, Xiao Qinghe and Alu didn't notice anything wrong.

But later, as they went deep into the Xingqi sea, they all found that the bright stars falling from the sky came to Lintian in the Qi Dynasty, which made his figure silver and dreamy.

They realized that something was wrong.

Let the light of the forest flow like dust, and let the sky shine.

His body is like a bottomless black hole. No matter how many stars come, it will be swallowed up.

Later, with Lintian's breath and breath, the stars in the sky seemed to tremble. The falling stars came from all directions like a river tide, which made the void disordered, silvery and dazzling.

Such a scene can be described as "earth shaking"!

But what's worse is that in this way, the way they go is covered by stars. Even if they have a secret map of road guidance, they can't recognize the path at all.

In desperation, Xiao Qinghe had to make a noise and interrupted Lintian's wonderful encounter.

Lintian woke up, glanced at the stars around him, and saw that they were full of fog. He immediately understood what was going on.

His heart moved and he remembered the "chart of stars in the sky" in the sea, and subconsciously waved his sleeve robe.


The bright stars in the sky returned in all directions along the original direction, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Looking from a distance, it was like an immortal, shaking his sleeves, and the stars rushed into the sky. The magnificent and magnificent scene made Xiao Qinghe's eyes straight.

Is that okay?

Aru's reaction was very simple. He tutted and said, "it's so fucking beautiful. One day, I must climb on the nine days and catch a handful of stars as stones to play with."

"Also grab a handful of stars to play, blow, blow hard." Xiao Qinghe sneered.

"Well frog watching the sky, poor." Aru rolled his eyes and looked lazy.

Xiao qinghedon is in a bad mood. What he can't stand most is Aru's white eyes.

A rough and crazy guy like a God, but he likes to roll his eyes. It's unbearable!

"I warn you, don't think you can do whatever you want after saving us once!" Xiao Qinghe said angrily.

"Only the weak make threats, and the strong do it directly."

Aru's arms as thick as rock are held in front of his chest. His figure is extremely tall, a full head higher than Xiaoqing River, naturally with a smell of looking down.

"You..." Xiao Qinghe really has the impulse to do it. Aru's mouth is definitely a big weapon to pull hatred. It's too angry to pay for his life.

"Well, let's hurry." Lintian hurriedly persuaded him to make peace.

"Hum, if Lintian hadn't advised me, I would fight with you this time regardless of everything." Xiao Qinghe Leng hum.

"You can't just talk without practice. A real man has only one word, dry!" Aru's eyes were bright and provocative, staring at Xiao Qinghe.

Lintian had a headache. Then he found that Xiao Qinghe and Alu were like enemies of Xiangke.

In desperation, he can only take the lead in moving forward.

At this moment, Xiao Qinghe was startled. He rushed forward and shouted, "this is a star chess sea. You can't run around!"

This little dispute finally passed, and the three continued to move forward.

But Lintian looked a little different.

As he moves forward, all the mysteries of the nearby area emerge in the sea of knowledge, so that he can judge the direction of each path in an instant.

Where there is danger, where there is a mystery, all of them are clearly peeped through by him.

"Sure enough, the star chess sea is transformed by a 'Celestial Star array'!"

Lintian was so excited that he felt clear and bright.

He can even judge that the area he is now moving forward is located in the Tianmen direction of the Oriental Jiaosu palace of the grand array.

This place belongs to the category of one of the 360 Star battle arrays of the great Zhou sky. There are 360 small arrays in it. Each array core corresponds to an island on the sea.

Under the operation of the large array, each island is covered with different powers, including puzzle prohibition, illusion prohibition, killing prohibition and so on.

Once you break in without permission, it is bound to trigger prohibition!

You should know that this is a holy array covering heaven and earth. One hair will move the whole body. At that time, even with the means of connecting the sky, it is doomed to encounter unpredictable dangers!

Lintian carefully judged and compared, and found that the path led by Xiao Qinghe was indeed one of the few "living" paths in this area.

Lintian smiled at this thought.

The star chess sea may be an insurmountable Jedi for the practitioners in the world.

However, for those who have the inheritance of "star array of the sky", entering this sea is like walking on the ground!

Moreover, as long as you like, you can use the power of the array for yourself.

In the sea, the stars were floating quietly. Lintian knew that this time he accidentally bumped into a "great fortune"!

Only with the inheritance of this grand array, it is enough for you to use infinitely!

Along the way, Lintian compared and referred to it to figure out the inheritance mystery in the "star chart of the sky".

The more he understood, the more he marveled. The power of this array was completely beyond his imagination.

If it works with all its strength, it can bring the power of 14800 stars to the sky, which is enough to destroy one heaven and earth and destroy all things!

Unfortunately, this array is a holy array, which needs to be restrained by the law of the holy way. Even if Lintian can spy on the mystery, he can't control it now.

"In those days, could it not be that the saint who ran wildly above Zhou Xu, who used the supreme means to set up the Celestial Star array here, which turned into this' star chess sea '?"

Lintian was filled with emotion.

"In the future, if you can't solve the robbery, you can sneak here. In this way, even if the saint comes, I'm afraid you can't help yourself..."

Of course, being beaten passively was not Lintian's style. Xingqi sea was an unimaginable large holy array. If you could use one tenth of its power to deal with the old monsters in the king's territory, it would be more than enough!

Lintian also talked with Alu occasionally along the way.

Soon, he learned that the origin of Aru was very complicated!

He came out of a mysterious world left over from ancient times and finally came to Dongsheng world after many twists and turns.

Before coming to Dongsheng world, ALU lived in a village deep in the mountains in the secret world and practiced with an old man he called "old bastard" since childhood.

Referring to the "old bastard", ARU was also full of resentment and poured bitter water on Lintian. He said that since he was three years old, he had been forced to compete with the cubs of the six armed demon ape family, the speed of flight with the descendants of Xingluo bird, the louder voice with the descendants of zhenhou, and the stronger body with the descendants of Longxiang family

At the age of 13, after finally comparing the descendants of other creatures in various competitions, aruben thought he was finally free. Who ever thought that the "old bastard" put forward a more abnormal request.

Move the mountain!

Every day we have to move a mountain thousands of feet high and run from morning to dusk, from dusk to early morning.

When Aru was able to carry a thousand feet of mountains and play with stones, "old bastard" put forward more excessive requirements.


When Aru can turn clouds and rain like a dragon and set off thousands of waves and storms in the sea, without exception, he has higher requirements

Until he came to dongshengjie, he was still fighting with the descendants of a group of terrible creatures. Every time, he didn't stop until he was exhausted.

"The old bastard has promised that when I set foot in the realm of the king of Dongsheng, I won't ask for any more. Then, I can be regarded as a real relief."

When Aru said this, his rough and wild face was full of longing and longing, which showed what a dark life he had lived before.

Lintian also sighed after hearing this, and his mood could not be calm.

He can be sure that Aru in front of him is taking the most difficult and arduous road since ancient times - "sanctification of the flesh"!

The "old bastard" in Aru's mouth must be a great expert.

Moreover, through Alu's words, Lintian also realized that Alu seemed to live in a deep mountain village. In fact, the village was definitely not simple.

There are six armed demon ape descendants, starbird descendants, zhenhou descendants, dragon elephant descendants

This is not a village. It is clearly a place outside the world occupied by ancient alien creatures!

After thinking that the "keel stick" in Aru's hand is a holy treasure that can easily hit the old monster sukong, we can infer how extraordinary the "secret world" he grew up in.

After hearing all this, Xiao Qinghe was speechless and scolded the pervert in his heart.

I thought Lin demon God was abnormal enough, but I didn't think that Aru was not inferior at all!


"Here we are."

After walking through the star chess sea for half a day, when they arrived at an island, with a strange wave, Lintian and the three of them were instantly moved to an empty world.

The sky is blue, the earth is fragrant with vegetation, and the air is filled with peaceful and pure spiritual power.

It's amazing here. Whether it's green plants, vines or colorful flowers, they all have a spirit and are clean and flawless.

As soon as Lintian arrived, they were like entering the legendary holy land. Their mouths and noses were full of pure and peaceful aura, and their spirit was refreshed and happy.

Undoubtedly, this is the "immortal forbidden area" regarded by Dongsheng as one of the five forbidden areas!

At a glance, you can see that a sacred mountain stands far away, black as ink. There are 36 peaks on it. If the lotus petals are in full bloom, it will open the sky.

"That is the immortal mountain, which is born with the luck of heaven and earth. It has the characteristics of immortality. It has existed since ancient times, as if it were immortal."

"It is said that it is also one of the most primitive places of origin of the ancient wasteland, on which the innate gods born in chaos once lived..."

"There are so many magical legends about it that no one has been able to see through all its mysteries since ancient times."

"However, for us, these are not important. What is important is that the battle for the small giant list will begin on the immortal mountain!"

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