The way is regarded as the strongest!

When Lintian first touched the top path, it was crowned with many unreachable and longing descriptions.

It is rare in ancient and modern times. In ancient times, this road was as ethereal as a legend, which made many talented heroes sigh.

Even some people doubt whether the Tao really exists.

However, with Lintian's profound cultivation, after many things, he gradually found that with the changes of the boundless years, the definition of the world's practitioners on the top path had already changed.

In his understanding, Jue Ding road is the strongest road ever since. Reaching this realm is like the king of one realm, which can push all opponents.

However, in the eyes of other practitioners, the core heirs of ancient orthodoxy like Kong Ling, Su Xingfeng and snow thousand marks are already top figures.

Among them, there are bound to be misunderstandings!

In the previous battle, there were more than ten so-called top characters killed by Lintian. According to Lintian's judgment, the strength of these top characters can only be regarded as that Fang touched the threshold of the top Road, and has not stepped into it!

Even some people claimed to be the top arrogant without even touching the threshold, which made Lintian feel ridiculous and ridiculous.

Is your own cognition too harsh, or has the world become extremely tolerant of the definition of the top?

Lintian didn't know.

But he knew that compared with these top figures, figures such as sword demon yechen and sword laughing at heaven, undoubtedly more in line with the definition of top.

"Even if you take a step back, you can divide the Jue Top Road into three levels. The guys who were killed by their own town just now are at best the lowest level and just have a glimpse of the path."

"As for figures like yechen and xiaocangtian, it's hard to estimate how strong they are when they first peep into the doorway."

"And the giant figures of the last generation, such as Yun Qingbai, Yan zhanqiu, Wang Xuanyu, you hengzhen and ye Maha, should have had extremely amazing attainments on the way to juedan road. Even if they are not the strongest, they should not be much different..."

Lintian pondered.

The coming of the great world means that countless immortal demons will emerge in this world, rising like stars and competing in the great world.

Before that, it would be beneficial and harmless to have a deep and accurate understanding of the top figures in the same generation.

"No matter what, I'll take my way and make an unprecedented way, which will be my way!"

For a long time, Lintian's doubts faded, and his heart became clear and more firm.

He sat on the Taoist altar and thought about the mystery of the top of the mountain. On the top of other mountains, the war was still going on.

Similarly, those visitors from different orthodoxy at the foot of the mountain also pay close attention to the situation.

Lintian was destined to win one of the thirty-six places in the list of small giants. Now, it depends on who can spend the places on the top of other mountains.

The fighting on each mountain peak can be called tragic. Peers compete for hegemony and the strong fight. Any battle on the outside is enough to cause a big sensation.

But on this immortal mountain, it is common.

The strong people of the Fengyu clan are almost too busy. There are too many commendable battles, and there are too many brilliant top figures in the field. Each has its own distinctive characteristics, which is really dazzling and difficult to choose.

Similarly, Lintian also looked at the top of other mountains, and the huge divine power spread out and watched the war.

The crazy sword laughs at the heaven. The sword is as powerful as electricity. It has the power of shaking the earth and destroying the withered and decadent. Since it ascended the Taoist altar, almost no one can support ten moves under his hand.

The sword demon yechen is also brilliant. A crape myrtle ancient sword has a vast sword meaning. It has a dignified atmosphere and the magic power of destruction. It is invincible. There is no one who can defeat its edge.

On the contrary, Jin Muyun is also a top sword cultivator, but his sword intention is as violent as thunder, overwhelming, rigid and powerful, killing and cutting into the sky.

Li Qingping's fighting methods are treacherous, cruel and unpredictable. He fights the enemy with a jade flute. The sound of the flute is like the sound of ghosts and gods, with the power of capturing souls.

Yu Lingkong, Ji Xingyao, Gou Yanzhen

These peerless figures, who have long been famous in the world, are destined to be among the small giants.

What Lintian noticed especially was Gou Yanzhen. His fight could be described as cruel and abnormal.

Anyone who challenges his opponent will be forced to tear his body with his hands, resulting in broken limbs and blood falling like a waterfall.

Make the opponent suffer unimaginable torture and destruction before being eliminated.

Such a cruel means also provoked the anger and roar of many old Taoist figures. They all wanted to go up and kill the black dog Cub with their own hands.

But Gou Yanzhen's means are cruel, but they are extremely frightening. Most of the strong who witnessed such a bloody scene are too frightened to challenge, lest they be torn by Gou Yanzhen.

When Lintian looked over, he happened to see Gou Yanzhen holding a pretty woman in his hand. With a gasp, the woman's arms and body were torn apart like cloth and silk, and the bright red blood rain fell on the Taoist altar like a waterfall.

Gou Yanzhen showed an excited and bloodthirsty smile, stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the blood floating in the void, then took a deep breath, made a comfortable groan, and became extremely intoxicated.


Almost at the same time, he also noticed Lintian's eyes. He grinned, his snow-white teeth were sharp, and said a sentence silently in his lips:

"Lin demon God, I will tear your hand like this and taste whether your blood has a wonderful smell like a demon God."

His throat rolled, as if staring at tempting prey, laughing recklessly.

Lintian looked at each other quietly, and looked back.

If he meets Gou Yanzhen in the duel of "good luck", he doesn't mind torturing the black dog to death!

Then Lintian saw Xiao Qinghe.

Lintian was surprised that Xiao Qinghe could continue to fight on the Taoist altar until now.

In his cognition, although Xiao Qinghe is strong, he is still far from the real top.

However, Xiaoqinghe has been able to "guard the mountain" until now, which can only prove that this guy's potential is extremely deep, far beyond his real strength.

Soon Lintian frowned.

Xiao Qinghe is in a bad situation!

His opponent is a young man in feather with feminine breath. He has a fair complexion and a handsome face like a woman, with a unique charm of witchcraft.

If Lintian remembered correctly, the young man in feather was named qingwenjun, who came from qingluan and was regarded as the Holy Son of this family.

Qinglianer, who died in her own hands, is qingwenjun's cousin.

At this time, qingwenjun's figure is as ethereal as an elusive one. It is not only fast, but also extremely magical.

No matter how Xiao Qinghe attacked, he couldn't even touch his clothes!

Undoubtedly, qingwenjun has an absolute advantage in body method.

Originally, under normal circumstances, Xiao Qinghe had no hope of winning, but Qing Wenjun was not in a hurry to defeat the other party. Instead, he played with Xiao Qinghe like a cat playing with a mouse.

Qingwenjun is as feminine as a woman. She is extremely weird. She is slender and white with a thin and sharp gold needle in her hand.

It was as if he were embroidering. He regarded Xiao Qinghe as cloth and silk. Every time he shot, he would pierce fine needle holes in Xiao Qinghe's body.

Xiao Qinghe obviously suffered great pain, his face was iron blue and extremely angry, but he couldn't catch qingwenjun's steps at all, so that he suffered more and more injuries.

It can be clearly seen that his skin was pierced with fine blood holes, and strands of blood soaked out, outlining the rudiment of a "rose flower".

Qing Wenjun is really embroidering!

His movements even have a sense of beauty, like a great painter reaching the extreme, splashing ink.

However, this kind of practice, which regards the opponent as the canvas, takes the blood as the ink, and takes the gold needle as the pen edge, makes people unable to feel a trace of beauty, but looks extremely penetrating!

Anyone who sees this scene will feel numb on his scalp and fear in his heart.

Xiao Qinghe was in great pain. His skin was trembling and his eyes were about to crack. He seemed to be desperately trying to kill qingwenjun with all his strength.

But everything seemed futile.

Qingwenjun looked leisurely and leisurely. He shot the golden needle in his hand and turned a blind eye to Xiao Qinghe's anger.

This is humiliation!

At least, Xiao Qinghe is also one of the 16 scorching figures in the sun and Moon Temple. His identity, status and combat effectiveness can be called the first-class and top level among the Tianjiao of the younger generation in the world.

But at this time, he was manipulated as a canvas, which undoubtedly trampled and insulted his dignity and Tao heart!

Even Lintian could not restrain a chill in his black eyes, and there was an uncontrollable killing opportunity in his heart.

Although the means are not as cruel as Gou Yan's, when it comes to metamorphosis, they are more than that!


At that moment, Lintian's face changed, his fists were clenched quietly, and the murderous opportunity in his eyes was like essence, emitting a terrible light.

At the top of the mountain in the distance, Xiao Qinghe suddenly froze and stagnated in the air, like being fixed.

At this time, qingwenjun paced forward and twisted the slender gold needle into the heart of Xiaoqinghe.

Then, with a flash of his figure, he returned to his original place.

But Xiao Qinghe's body was cut crisscross by countless fierce silk threads and suddenly exploded.

The blood mist transpiration, reflected in the void, turned into a rich and flirtatious blood rose pattern, bright red and dazzling.

All the strong people who noticed this scene were cold and scared. Such means were simply abnormal to the extreme!

Qingwenjun seemed unaware, stroking his chin and staring at the blooming blood rose in the void. His soft white face was full of appreciation.

Even though he knew that Xiao Qinghe could not die on the immortal mountain, Lintian was still angry and his black eyes were terrible.

It's unforgivable that qingwenjun humiliated and tortured Xiao Qinghe with such abnormal and bloody means!


PS: continue with 2 consecutive shifts.

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