
Only this word can describe the feelings of Gou Yangjia and other four kings.

After being too shocked and unexpected, Rao is their strong heart, and they can't help being disturbed by the previous scenes.

A young man in yanlunjing, with the help of the taboo power of Xingqi sea, transformed into a dark dragon in the sky like a mole ant. Whoever kills the king is like killing and tearing paintings. Who dares to believe it?

The most terrible thing is that even the holy treasure is being suppressed!

At this time, Lintian was bathed in the stars, like a demon God, and became the only master in the world, with boundless power and terror.

Who dares to believe that this is just a Yanlun environment practitioner?


Gou Yangjia made a decision without hesitation.

Mo Zhen is dead and Zhong Wenyuan is dead. If you don't go, you are doomed to be robbed!

As a king, he is also in charge of such big killing tools as Shengbao, but now he has to flee. This is undoubtedly a great shame.

But at this time, in order to protect life, who can take care of these?

"Here is the only way for you to escape and return!"

Lintian attacked in the cold voice.


He used the seal of the shadow to wind around the forbidden power and fell from the sky like the seal of heaven.

Gou Yangjia was running away, suddenly aware of the fatal danger, and suddenly gave a roar, which shook the prison seal.

But it was in vain. He was constantly broken by the seal, and even the seal of the blood prison was shaken and shook violently in the empty hand.

Finally, the blood prison seal could not bear it, and was oppressed into the depths of the sea.

At this time, Lintian had already killed another king.

In this three thousand mile sea area, Lintian, who was in charge of the restraining power here, was the only undisputed master.

If you want to escape, it depends on whether he agrees or not!

Otherwise, even saints are difficult to get out of trouble.

This is no exaggeration. In the past years, there were real saints who lost their way in the sea of stars and chess, could not find their way home, and were likely to have been robbed.

At present, even though Lintian could borrow less than one thousandth of the power of the star array, it was more than enough to deal with several King states.

If it were not for the obstruction of those holy treasures, the battle would have ended long ago!



A star fell and hit the purple and green neon umbrella, making a sound like beating a drum.

The king of Lingbao Holy Land shivered all over. His body was trampled by thousands of troops and horses, resulting in boundless pain, which made him groan.

When he was just about to dodge, Lintian had already killed him violently.


Just one punch, the king's body burst open. Even the yuan God didn't have time to escape, he completely drank his hatred and died.


Dang! Dang! Dang!

A Golden Jade ultimatum competed with the forbidden wave coming from all directions, constantly making a collision sound like striking iron, and the divine light splashed everywhere.

A moment later, the Golden Jade ultimatum was suppressed into the sea.

At the same time, the king of cangming daozong trembled for mercy and was as anxious as a lost dog, but in the end, he was killed by Lintian without hesitation.


Only the king of Tianshu holy land is left. A wall built by stars blocks the road ahead. He is impacting with a ruler.

However, this sacred treasure, which is known to be able to hold heaven, can't even break a wall transformed by invisible prohibition at the moment.

It's desperate!

However, it is not that the ruler of Zhentian is not strong, but that it is difficult to give full play to its power with the power of the king.

In the end, he was also killed with endless reluctance.


The turbulent sea water, the turbulent and collapsed sky, and the stars dancing wildly between heaven and earth

When everything was calm, only Lintian was left in the field.

He stood on the island, hunting in his white clothes, his black hair flying in the wind, and his deep black eyes were scanning the depths of the sea in front of him.

The first group killed eight kings.

The second batch will destroy the territory of six kings!

This has been a brilliant achievement that has shocked the world and is extremely brilliant.

But Lintian didn't have any joy and pride.

Because he knows that this can only prove that the power and terror of the star array on Sunday have little to do with himself.

At best, he's just "using his strength".

However, being able to kill all kings made Lintian feel happy. His hatred and anger were also vented to a certain extent.

"What a pity..."

Lintian measured it for a moment and got a judgment.

Although Tongtian sword, Changsheng hall, blood prison seal, purple and green neon umbrella, Zhentian ruler and Golden Jade ultimatum were suppressed at the bottom of the sea, they could not be refined.

He glanced at the people on the coast and said, "it's commendable that you can wait here. I hope you can continue to wait later."

Many kings frowned as soon as he said this. They were keenly aware that the meaning of Lintian's words was thought-provoking.

"Arrogance! Why should I wait after killing you?"

Gou Yanzhen drank angrily.


Lintian vomited two words in his lips, but he didn't look at it, and waved his sleeve robe.

A brilliant star rainbow came down from the sky, just like a heavenly guillotine appearing out of thin air.


Gou Yanzhen grinned at himself. He didn't have time to react. His body suddenly burst into pieces. His spirit and form were all gone. He was dying. He didn't even have any preparation.

Too sudden!

In an instant, there was silence in the field. Everyone's eyes dilated. In full view of the public, most of them also didn't have time to respond. Gou Yanzhen was killed!

What surprised them most was that Lintian didn't seem to have the power that a disciple of yanlunjing could have!

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