In short, the first kind of false saint has been decided since becoming king.

This is the difference between ID Tao and false borrowed Tao.

The higher the quality, the farther, stronger and higher you can go on the path of longevity!

The borrowed Tao is a kind of external force, which is to match their own Tao with those that do not belong to them.

In practice, the power that does not belong to one's own is an external force after all, and the same is true of false Taoist species.

The second kind of pseudo saint is also exquisite.

According to the mysterious woman, among the strong who set foot in the Holy Land in the world, anyone who took a solid path in the past can be called a false saint!

Such saints can also understand the laws of the holy way and seek the holy way, but because they follow the way that people have long walked in the past, their achievements are doomed.

However, the mysterious woman also said that in the eyes of practitioners in the world, the second kind of false saint has been regarded as the true saint. She has the power completely different from the first kind of false saint. She can understand the laws of the holy way and has great powers.

This is the difference of vision.

In the eyes of mysterious women and other figures, although the first kind of pseudo saint and the second kind of pseudo saint are different, they are ultimately picking up the wisdom of their predecessors and following their old path, and their achievements are doomed to be limited.

But in the eyes of others, it is doomed not to think so.

"The saint without saint is the true saint, and the way without Tao is the Avenue..." Lintian suddenly murmured, thinking of a strange experience in the past.

In that year, in the mulberry forest of the bloodkilling battlefield, there was an ice and snow sacred tree, on which there was a golden cicada and a white cicada.

They are all terrorist beings who set foot in the holy land.

By chance, Lintian had a strange "chat" with golden cicada, who said this at that time!

"Well, who told you that?"

The mysterious woman was stunned and seemed surprised.

Lintian didn't hide it either. He told the story of chatting with Jin Chan that year.

"Golden cicada..." the mysterious woman seemed to think of something and fell into silent thinking.

"This is a paranoid and admirable madman who made a holy wish to sanctify all creatures in the world one day!"

The mysterious woman seemed to have some emotion, with a trace of memory in her cold voice, "everyone knows it's impossible, but the madman has been seeking this way... Just don't say it."

She shook her head, as if unwilling to indulge in memories, as if memories were unbearable.

Lintian wanted to ask about the origin of the golden cicada. Seeing this, he immediately held back and knew that he could not get the answer even if he asked.

"However, his words are true. The saint without holiness is the true saint, and the way without Tao is the avenue. The real saint is to open up an unprecedented way by himself!"

When the mysterious woman said this, she sighed, "this requirement is too harsh. Since ancient times, people who have set foot in the holy land can't open up their own sacred road."

"Most of the great saints I know hate it. It's too difficult to take this step without him!"

"Have you ever set foot on this road, elder?" Lintian couldn't help asking.

The mysterious woman was stunned and said, "it's true. When you step into the Holy Land in the future, you will naturally understand."

Next, she briefly explained the realm of saints.

Above the sage, it is the great sage, which means "great and boundless".

Above the great saint, it is the holy king, the king of the holy way, and is regarded as the holy king.

As for whether there was a higher realm above the holy king, the mysterious woman didn't say, and Lintian didn't ask.

However, whether it is true or false, and whether it is the level of holy land, it is a little far away from Lintian at present.

After all, he hasn't even stepped into the king's realm. It's a taboo of practice to aim high.


Suddenly, a crisp sound like broken glass sounded on the sky.

The mysterious woman raised her head abruptly and looked cool and frightening.

I saw a shocking void crack on the zhanran sky, just like a crack in the sky.

Vaguely visible, a spear shadow filled with supreme majesty loomed in the crack of nothingness.

Lintian was hairy all over and felt an unprecedented depression and fatal breath, which made him stiff all over. The spirit, Taoist heart and even his Taoist practice showed a sign of collapse!


With a wave of the mysterious woman's hand, a divine rainbow shrouded Lintian and moved him to a far distance, while she stood under the cracked dark sky, looking calm, but her breath became more and more frightening.

Not far away, a group of sheep trembled and crawled like mud. Their eyes were full of terror. They seemed to have never thought that such a terrible thing would happen suddenly.


The spear shadow made a sound, and the area roared. Between heaven and earth, it was suddenly filled with an unspeakable smell of killing and destruction.

The earth is turned upside down and the universe is changing. This world seems to be facing heaven's punishment!

"Unexpectedly, she came in advance..." the mysterious woman said to herself, didn't avoid, and stood there quietly. Thousands of divine rainbow appeared all over her, glittering and shining, which set off her figure detached from the dust, like a dream.

Click! Click!

In the crack of nothingness, the spear shadow gradually condensed and swept out of the collapsed sky, shattering the nearby nothingness.

The spear shadow is so terrible that it is interwoven with the supreme power of Tao and Dharma, just like the spear of judgment from heaven!

As before, the mysterious woman did not avoid, and it was useless to avoid.

Because this is the spear of cutting the Tao, just like the embodiment of the will of heaven. Its origin is unpredictable, which means unknown and death!


The battle spear finally appeared completely. It was too bright and prosperous. It was filled with the gas of killing and cutting from the sky.

At this moment, the sheep transformed by the five saints all had a sense of panic and fainted directly.

This is undoubtedly very frightening. It's just the smell of a battle spear, which stunned all five saints!

Spread it out, who dares to believe it?

At the same time, the mysterious woman didn't hide or avoid. She pointed a little, and the thousands of God rainbow that haunted her suddenly swept out and gathered at her fingertips.

Unintentionally, the fingertips collided with the spear!


Just like the collapse of heaven and earth, the fiery power of order and rules turned into a torrential turbulent flow, which broke out in this moment and swept between heaven and earth.

It is hard to imagine what a supreme and terrible force it is. It seems that it can crush the sky, break the avenue, and chaos the ancient and modern times, producing a destructive atmosphere that is enough to make all living beings in the world despair.

Lintian felt a sharp pain in front of him, and the spirit was buzzing. Even with the protection of the rainbow, he still felt a boundless fear.

Then, I couldn't see anything.

I don't know how long later, when Lintian's vision became clear, he saw that the world had already recovered as before.

Day or that day, there is no trace of breakage. On the earth, mountains and rivers are still there, and even vegetation is intact. It seems that what I saw just now is just a nightmare, which has never happened at all.

But when he saw the mysterious woman, Lintian was shocked because a hole the size of a bowl was chiseled in his left shoulder!

Moreover, her figure became more and more blurred and hazy, like smoke, as if it would dissipate at any time.

"This is the cutting power from the order of the ancient wasteland Avenue. Anyone who embarks on the forbidden path in the holy land will be watched by it." The mysterious woman said casually. When she turned to look at Lintian, the wound on her left shoulder had disappeared.

Cutting power!

Lintian suddenly remembered that he had seen this scene in the ancient temple left by the Duji holy monk in the deep part of the boundary river.

At that time, he passed through the white jade lotus platform, and even was lucky to see the scene when the holy monk Du Ji and the queen Heihuang practiced together, which was like going back to ancient times and changing dreams for thousands of years.

But in the end, the two saints fell together.

It was a magnificent golden figure that killed them.

The reason is that the two saints created a "Da Zang Ji Jing" together, which violated some taboo power and led to the power of cutting the Tao.

The golden figure comes from the same place as the power of cutting the Tao!

Lintian was shocked at the thought.

Today, he has witnessed such a taboo power coming, and it seems extremely terrible that the mysterious woman can survive from the power of beheading.

"Elder, are you all right?"

Lintian abandoned his thoughts and asked.

"No problem. I can stay for a while."

The mysterious woman looked very dull, "but time is running out. Next, she can only change her itinerary."

As she spoke, her figure flashed and suddenly developed five separate bodies. Each separate body was the same as her, and the breath was also amazing.

"I will send these five sheep to different daotong to sell. Are you going to take a trip to Jiehe with me or to a daotong?"

Asked the mysterious woman.

Originally, according to her plan, she wanted to take Lintian to visit the remaining five Taoists one by one, but it seemed that the emergence of the power of cutting the Tao changed her idea.

"Boundary river?"

Lintian was stunned.

"Yes, only in Jiehe can we infer the timing of the coming of the great world. You can also have a look at how different this great world... Is."

As soon as the mysterious woman's voice fell, Lintian said without hesitation, "I'll go to Jiehe with you."

"Are you really not going to visit Tongtian sword sect or Lingbao holy land? This is a rare opportunity. Even if it's just separation, it won't hurt you at all."

Mysterious woman seems to mean something.

"No more."

Lintian was sorry, but he also knew that even if he went, it was no different from going to the black nightmare Tiangou family before.

Although you will feel happy, it doesn't make much sense after all.

And if you can follow the mysterious woman to see the signs of the coming of the great world, it is undoubtedly the most rare and valuable experience!

"Good." The mysterious woman nodded.

Her five ways acted together, each driving a sheep, driving the divine rainbow, moving the void to the five roads.

And she took Lintian to the East.


PS: the first change! Other Taoist revenge passages will be briefly mentioned, but they will not be written in detail, because the plot will appear repetitive and unnecessary.

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