There are tens of millions of practitioners who have entered the realm of the supreme peak.

Although they are all practitioners below the king's realm, no matter who they are, they dare not have any slack, because at any time, there will be the birth of the king's realm!

As we all know, only some top Tianjiao are expected to compete for the top king.

But why did those ancient orthodoxy send so many successors?

The reason is easy to guess. Among these descendants, they may not be able to become the king, but they have the qualification to be promoted to the king!

It can be predicted that before long, many "new kings" of the younger generation will be born, and then rely on the high realm to crush other opponents!

Time is pressing!

Although the summit will close in ten years, no one can slack off, because crises are everywhere and competition is doomed to be cruel.

Lintian entered the top of the mountain and came to become king.

However, what he seeks is the realm of the king at the top, and his way is different from the world. It is not so easy to become a king.

The realm of life and death is the realm of kings.

For practitioners, becoming a king is tantamount to transcending the five realms, breaking the shackles of life and death. Its far-reaching influence is beyond the past and related to the level of achievement on the road of longevity in the future.

Lintian decided early that he would not follow the road of his predecessors, but would like to step on his own road and compete with ancient and modern sages.

Moreover, according to the mysterious woman, the king's territory also determines the road to sanctification in the future!

If this step is not taken well, the future achievements are bound to be limited.

Now Lintian has come to the immortal world. The most urgent thing is to meet old clam and ALU, and then look for good fortune to prepare for becoming king!



The vast mountains and rivers were red as fire. Lintian recognized the direction and began to hurry.

The immortal world was one of the "three thousand worlds" on the top, just like a huge small world. Along the way, Lintian also met many monks, all in a hurry.

Obviously, they are seizing the time to find luck and opportunities.

There was a fierce fighting sound in the distance. A group of monks were fighting, which made the mountains and rivers pale, and the world was bright.

They are competing for an ancient stone well, in which a bright glow of fire is continuously emitted, and the flow of surging divine light is extremely amazing.

There is no doubt that there must be good fortune under the stone well!

Lintian only glanced at it, then avoided it and moved on.

Along the way, he has encountered many similar conflicts and fights. What he robbed was nothing more than some miraculous drugs, rare treasures, divine materials and some miraculous treasure lands.

These can be called good fortune and belong to opportunities that can be met and not sought in the outside world.

However, it was not very attractive to Lintian. His path had reached the end. What he needed was a great fortune to create the king's realm.

Two days passed quickly.


When Lintian passed a fiery River, he suddenly rushed out a big fish from the river and opened his mouth to bite him.

The big fish is about ten feet long. It is as red as jade, with a dragon beard and scale tail, and strange flame wings on both sides.


It is extremely powerful. When it rushes over, the glow of fire is surging, burning the void. In the open mouth, the sharp teeth are like a halberd, flashing a frightening cold awn.


Lintian dodged easily.

I saw a low hill in the rear, which was melted by the glow on the fiery red strange fish and turned into nothing.

At the same time, Lintian rushed to kill, and his fist burst out, showing a shocking scene.

The fiery red fish did not dodge, and the tail was thrown, which blocked Lintian's fist!

Lintian was moved. You know, with his current strength, any punch was enough to kill the existence of a top small giant.

Even the top giant dared not challenge Lintian.

But now, this fiery red strange fish is blocked!

"Interesting, come again!"

Walking in front of the sky, you will feel like walking on the ice and shaking the sky.

The fiery red strange fish was soon overwhelmed by the fist strength, and the scales on his body began to peel off.


Suddenly, the fiery red strange fish seemed to notice something bad, decided to run away and rushed towards the fiery red river at an extremely fast speed.

Lintian followed and killed him.

To his surprise, the figure of the fiery red strange fish suddenly shrunk and turned into a palm. It avoided his killing and rushed into the river.


The fiery red waves splashed, and then look at the fiery red strange fish, it has disappeared.

Let a fish escape from his hand, which made Lintian's face a little uneasy. He was about to catch up, and a palpitation suddenly appeared in his heart.

Just like under the fiery River, there is some kind of great terror!

Lintian immediately stopped, his figure retreated, and his divine consciousness spread and went to the bottom of the river.

In an instant, a strange picture appeared in my mind.

Thousands of feet below the river, there is a mysterious bronze portal with mottled road patterns engraved on it, glittering with strange luster.

Next to the bronze portal stands a stone pillar, which is wound with a thick and glittering fiery red chain.

The other end of the chain was tied to a stone statue of a fierce beast.

The fierce beast looks like a dragon. Its body is entrenched at the bottom of the river. It is as thick as a mountain and lifelike.

When Lintian shenzhifu came into contact with the stone statue, he felt cold in his heart and stiff all over, and felt a kind of inexplicable depression and fear.


Almost at the same time, the stone statue of the fierce beast seemed to come alive, emitting a rolling and terrible evil spirit, making the river suddenly boil and roar.

However, before the evil spirit spread, it was suppressed by the fiery red chain tied to the stone statue of the fierce beast.

The chain is shining, glittering and shining, and mysterious symbols appear to suppress the evil spirit on the stone statue.

Lintian was shocked.

Under a river, there was a flash of bronze portal. On one side of the portal, there was a stone statue of a fierce beast bound by mysterious chains.

What's inside the bronze door?

And was the stone statue of the fierce beast suppressed here to guard this bronze gate?

After thinking for a moment, Lintian decided to leave.

This place is too dangerous and strange for him to explore at all. If he enters rashly, there may be accidents and endanger his life.

"Unexpectedly, there are such dangerous places in the top of the mountain. Maybe I can enter when I set foot in the king's territory."

Lintian vaguely felt that there might be something hidden in that bronze door!

A big blackbird approached stealthily, carrying a black pot in its claws, and came behind Lintian silently. The black pot aimed at the back of Lintian's head and then raised it abruptly——

But at that moment, Lintian suddenly turned around.


The raised black pot whirled in the void and naturally buckled on the big blackbird's back. Then it raised its head, coughed, and said, "ha, brother, we meet again."

Lintian smiled: "it's you. Why do you like to carry the black pot as before?"

Like to carry a black pot

The big blackbird was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, glanced around and said, "brother, I have something else to do. Let's go first."

Before the voice fell, the big blackbird flew into the void as soon as its wings spread, just like a blink, with incredible speed.

"Big black, don't go yet!"

Almost at the same time, Lintian soared into the air, and the ice step turned to the limit. He raised his hand and hit it directly.

This blackbird is not easy!

At that time, in the dilapidated ancient temple under the vortex of the boundary river, it looked like a black phoenix, its wings were as dark as night, and there were strands of strange Buddha light.

It was once regarded as a Buddha's embryo and was silent in a Buddhist niche. Later, it was awakened by Mu Zheng, one of the eighteen sons of Dadi Tibetan temple.

According to Mu Zheng, the big blackbird is an unprecedented "Buddha embryo", which is likely to be left by the sage of Duji!

Lintian clearly remembered that the big blackbird carried the black pot and smashed Mu Zheng, the top figure of the earth Tibetan temple, fainted with a few simple and rough blows.

Moreover, this guy is also extremely rogue, obscene and insidious. He likes sneak attacks most. If he hadn't noticed in advance just now, he would have been hit in the back of his head with a black pot!


In the distance, the big blackbird's wings shook, and a strange black Buddha fire was burning, melting Lintian's fist in the air.

"I convince people with virtue. I generally don't like to do it, but if you do it again, don't blame me for killing you!"

The big blackbird has a rascal tone.

"If you stay, I won't do it."

Lintian smiled.

During the conversation, they didn't stop. They chased each other and competed in the void.

"Shit, you robbed the fortune left by old Du Ji. It's good that I didn't care about it with you. What else do you want?"

Said the big blackbird impatiently.

Lintian said seriously, "that's why I think it's necessary for us to talk. I'm not sure. I'll return the good fortune to you."

In his hand, there was also a section of charred Bodhi wood, which was sealed with an extremely terrible and supreme golden power.

According to Lintian's conjecture, the big blackbird had been silent in the shrine of the ancient temple in the past. He must know some secrets that outsiders could not know.

"Give it back to me?"

The big blackbird was stunned, and then burst into a wild laugh, "this fortune involves the way of taboo. It's not rare for us. What if we die like old Duji in the future?"

Then it seemed to gloat and said, "brother, I advise you to have a long snack. The eighteen sons of dizang temple and an ancient Buddha who was born only after the silence of ancient times have now entered the top of the world, and you are regarded as the number one 'heresy' by these bald donkeys!"

When the voice fell, the big blackbird had soared away, and the speed was much faster, just like a blink, disappeared without a trace.

Lintian stopped and knew he couldn't catch up.

Heirs of Dadi Tibetan temple?

Number one heresy?

Lintian raised his eyebrows, but he was not frightened. He just wondered what the big blackbird meant?

Is it because he has obtained the [Da Zang Ji Jing] left behind by the Duji saint and Heihuang, so he will be watched by the earth Tibetan temple?

And who is the "ancient Buddha"?


PS: Thank you for the 22 monthly tickets awarded by "Mr. Shen" and "Yuanbao rabbit" respectively! The sixth watch is before 7:30 pm!

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