Seven top kings were killed one after another in the fierce battle.

The remaining four fled without fighting!

On Feixing mountain, the powerful forces distributed in other regions were panicked and ran away screaming.

Even the top king is not Lintian's enemy. Who dares to stay?

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Lintian seemed invincible and invincible, which was enough to make anyone cold.


Lintian's voice was cold and his figure disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, he appeared behind a runaway king, and his fist burst out and was invincible.

The king is a young man with extraordinary valor. He was extremely conceited before, but now he is desperate. If the beast is still fighting, he will fight with all his strength.

But in an instant, he was killed by Lin xunzhen. His fist strength was covered, and his whole body was broken and blood rained.


Flying star mountain, more and more chaos, everywhere crying father and mother, chicken flying dog jumping scene.

Before, their biggest dependence was the seven top kings sitting here, but as these top kings were ambushed and killed one after another, all the strong men on the mountain collapsed.

I can't fight at all!

Although Lin demon is alone, he has the power to push the whole audience. Who can compete with the enemy?

Even, they suspected that even if the ninth Prince Wu Lingfeng came back, it would be difficult to suppress the spirit of the forest demon God.


Lintian's cold voice sounded again, his palms and fingers relaxed, and a burning star spread out in the void.

Stars burst and burned in it, which contains the real power of the law of fire, and its prestige is completely different from that in the past.


In the distance, a king on the top of the mountain who had swept high into the sky and fled in a panic was drowned by a fiery red star river before he completely left the scope of Feixing mountain.

The stars in the galaxy burned and exploded, causing them to suffer unbearable damage in an instant. They fell in the bleak and unwilling scream, burning up their flesh and bones, and destroying their form and spirit!


Originally, Lintian was going to chase the king who fled in another direction, but when he noticed the trace of the man in the fire robe, he immediately changed his mind.


The next moment, he disappeared.

The man in fire robe was the first to choose to escape, but his escape direction was not outside the mountain, but on the top of the mountain.

At this time, he had come to a hanging Lingquan waterfall on the side of the mountain top.

Below the waterfall, there is a pool of water, in which three Liangyi divine lotus swaying, flowing Yin and Yang, holy and dreamy.

As soon as he arrived, the man in the fire robe waved his sleeve robe, and a divine haze swept out, and he shrouded himself in the Liangyi divine lotus in the pool.

However, almost at the same time, a terrible force of forbidden array suddenly appeared around the pool and spread away.


Shenxia burst to pieces. The remaining power of the prohibition did not decrease. If the man in the fire robe didn't dodge in time, he would almost be hit.

"The damned wulingfeng still has a forbidden array here!"

The fire robed man's face sank and he was angry. He realized that even if Wu Lingfeng left, he didn't believe in their obedient forces from beginning to end!

"Liangyi divine lotus?"

Lintian appeared, and there was a flash of light in his black eyes, and his heart could not help shaking. This is a magic medicine that has long disappeared in the outside world, which is as close as a legend.

At this time, there are three Liangyi divine lotus plants in the pool!

It's no wonder that Feixing mountain is regarded as a "blessed land". Indeed, it is the show of Zhong Ling and God, and heaven's creation.


The man in the fire robe fled without hesitation.

Originally, he was defeated by Lintian, which made him unacceptable.

But now, he was so angry that he almost coughed up blood.

Sure enough, he expected it. At this moment, Lintian had been killed violently.

There is no doubt that the man in the fire robe was killed. When he was dying, he was unwilling to stare at the three Liangyi divine lotus in the pool. Instead, his greatest hatred fell on the limelight of Wuling

Because, in the artillery man's view, if this guy hadn't secretly set a ban and blocked his pace of seizing Liangyi divine lotus, he would have a chance to escape!

Unfortunately, regret is useless.

With the man in the robe of fire being shot dead, only one of the seven top kings finally escaped.

Lintian was too lazy to go after him, so he fixed his eyes on the Liangyi lotus in the pool.

A moment later.

The prohibition around the pool was broken by Lintian, and the three Liangyi lotus fell into Lintian's hands.

"With this magic medicine, I can master another avenue to heaven!"

Lintian's black eyes were bright.

The world Avenue is divided into nine grades, but above the ninth grade, there are 99 thoroughfares to heaven!

In the Liangyi divine lotus, there are two first-class roads of yin and Yang. If the two roads of yin and yang are integrated, they can be transformed into a road to heaven——

Tai Chi!

As early as ancient times, this way was regarded as a way to the origin of heaven and earth, with incredible magical functions.

Then Lintian didn't delay. He took action and began to sweep the flying star mountain!

As one of the few "blessed places" away from the fire, the fortune and opportunity bred by Feixing mountain completely exceeded Lintian's imagination.

In the pine forest beside the cliff, there is a golden pagoda pine, on which a golden pine tower condenses, with fragrance, which is also a divine medicine.

On the Bank of mountain streams, there is a prescription medicine garden, which is full of light and color, and the medicine fragrance is transpiration, which turns into a rich colorful spirit fog.

Just Wang Yao, there are more than ten strains!

In addition, there are minerals with scarce spiritual materials and gurgling spiritual springs

All these were swept away by Lintian.

The strongmen of the major forces on the mountain fled in panic like a lost dog. Some people wanted to fish in troubled waters and get a profit before they left.

But because of greed, he lost the chance to escape and was killed by Lintian, who was in the field.

Until later, Lintian came to the top of the mountain, where there were many palaces, which originally belonged to different forces.

When Lintian arrived, these palaces were already empty and in a mess. Although many scattered treasures were left, most of them were difficult to get into Lintian's eyes.

Even so, Lintian still gained a lot. There were all kinds of holy materials for refining treasures, as well as all kinds of pills and treasures that had already been refined.

Although most of them were useless to Lintian, they were also of amazing value.


When Lintian was about to leave the palace where the empty golden black vein was located, he suddenly noticed an ancient painting hanging on the wall.

The scroll is four feet long and one foot wide. It has been a long time. It has been yellowing and old, with ancient mottled.

On the picture scroll, a thin figure sits on the starry sky, with a leisurely manner, with a leisurely and carefree taste.

In his hand, holding the fishing rod, below is a vast river of stars, with stars flashing.

Fishing above the stars!

The picture is very ordinary, even dim and old, but the weather in the picture can be called shocking and shocking.

Looking at the past and present, who can sit on the starry sky and fish before the star river?

What kind of state should we reach before we can have that carefree, detached and free bearing?

Lintian's eyes were attracted and his mind was touched.

However, when I looked carefully, I found that the thin figure only showed a side face outline, which was extremely blurred.

Similarly, in his hand, there is a fishing rod without a fishing line.

Does this picture mean that those who wish to take the bait?

Lintian felt something in his heart and felt it with his divine sense.

But there is no harvest, as if this is a simple ancient picture.

Lintian frowned and said in his heart that the picture was hung here like a miscellaneous object, which showed that Jin Wu didn't understand any secret from the picture.

But why do you feel something wrong?

Lintian looked at the thin figure sitting cross legged on the starry sky, and looked at it carefully.

In a trance, he had a feeling of familiarity in his heart.

It's him!

Suddenly, Lintian's mind flashed and his palm opened, and there was another copper piece.

The copper block is rusty and engraved with a picture. An old man in Taoist robe is riding on the back of a green cow. He is looking up at the sky in a leisurely manner.

The portrait is ancient and unsophisticated. After years of erosion, it has long been dim and vague, but it is filled with a supreme pressure!

The power is vast, deep and boundless, as if the old man in Taoist robe could live at any time.

Just his eyes make people tremble, deep and vast, reflecting the ups and downs of the sun and the moon and the changes of years. It seems that the mysteries of the avenue of heaven are hidden in the depths of his eyes!

This is the "Taoist riding an ox"!

At the beginning, Lintian was chased and killed by the black nightmare Tiangou clan in the West Hengjie, so he had to flee for his life in the mountains.

In this process, he just had a wisp of kindness in his heart and released a blood leopard. Who ever thought that the blood leopard knew his kindness and gave him this copper block engraved with "Taoist riding an ox".

Lintian remembered that after his exploration, he learned that the copper piece came from a monk who had already sat down.

He wants to follow the example of the saints, cross the other shore of the starry sky and go to the wonderful ruins, one of the four ancient Avenue ruins.

But after searching for 48000 years, I didn't get what I wanted, and finally died with regret!

The copper block, which was regarded as the "relic of the sages" by the monk, was obtained by the blood leopard by chance, and then fell into his own hands.

Because of this, Lintian deduced that the "picture of Taoist riding cattle" should be related to the "wonderful ruins" which is one of the ancient four Avenue ruins!

At this time, Lintian took out the copper block and compared it slightly. At that time, he found that the old Taoist robe riding a green bull on the copper block and the thin figure on the painting scroll of "fishing for the stars" were clearly the same person!

The origin of this picture is really not simple!

Lintian was shocked.

Suddenly, the palm of his hand was hot, and he saw the rusty copper block. At the moment, a strange breath flowed into the "fishing star sky" picture.

Suddenly, an amazing scene appeared. The original yellow and old picture scroll seemed to come back to life at the moment, with a divine luster.

In the painting, the figure sitting on the starry sky suddenly burst out a hearty laugh: "interesting, endless years of waiting, finally waiting for someone to come. If so, those who wish to take the bait."

With that, he gently shook the fishing rod in his hand and saw that a bright star was caught in the vast river of stars!


PS: the gifts to be distributed are confirmed. There are Kindle, USB flash disk, panda enamel cup, power bank, T-shirt and vertical and horizontal coin. There are only two Kindle, and many others are customized and not for sale.

At 7 p.m. on Saturday, there will be an interactive post of "topping" in the "Tianjiao war discipline" circle of the "vertical and horizontal novel" app. Children's shoes are welcome to participate actively and have a great chance of winning the prize~

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