Although he felt that the white spirit rhinoceros was angry and ashamed, it had a provocative style, but Lintian couldn't care to appreciate it.

In his perception, a towering killing machine is coming from a very far place at a high speed!

Lintian was surprised by the killing opportunity, and realized that there were definitely not a few opponents coming this time.

And there are many experts!

"Well, I'll catch up with you next time."

Lintian made a decision and turned away.


Ji Xingyao shouted.

"What else?"

Lintian looked back and looked at it.

Ji Xingyao was stunned, and then hummed, "don't you want to compensate?"

Lintian smiled: "forget it, as long as you don't get angry with me again."

As he spoke, his figure had disappeared into the void in the distance.

"Bah! Who will be angry with you, a smelly rascal!" Ji Xingyao spat softly, her pretty face was inexplicable, and she felt a little hot and ashamed.

This guy can't spit out Ivory!

"Elder martial sister Ji, you and the forest demon......" someone couldn't help asking.

Without waiting to finish, Ji Xingyao coldly interrupted: "it doesn't matter at all. If you dare to chew your tongue, don't blame me for not reading the friendship of the same door!"

There was an anger in his voice.

It can be heard in other people's ears, but it seems to be trying to cover up

Ji Xingyao also noticed that the people looked at her differently, and there was another burst of anger in her heart.

She took a deep breath, looked cold again and said, "we should go, too."

In the distance, the amazing killing machine, such as the spread of black clouds, has covered this way. If you don't go at this time, there will be endless trouble in the future.

"What about Jinlan mountain?" Someone asked.

"Who wants who wants!" Ji Xingyao's words are neat.

Immediately, they chose to evacuate.

However, on the way, Ji Xingyao chose to leave alone.

"Younger martial sister Ji, where are you going?" Asked Mo Tianhe.

"Do one thing."

Ji Xingyao didn't reply. When she spoke, her clothes danced like a startled rainbow and disappeared in the distance.

"Elder martial sister Ji, what is she going to do?"

Many people were stunned.

"It must have something to do with the forest demon!"

Mo Tianhe's face was gloomy.


Not long after they left, near Jinlan mountain, the king came.

Like dark clouds covering the ground, the momentum is amazing.

"He ran away first again!"

"Damn it!"

"Keep chasing!"

The roar stirred the four fields and made the void tremble, showing endless anger and hatred.

However, Lintian had stopped the action of bloody washing the blessed land of Lingshan. In the next pursuit, they had completely lost Lintian's trace.

What made wulingfeng angry most was that other big forces entrenched in the fire away area attacked boldly at this time, took advantage of the fire and robbed the conquered blessed land.

As a result, Wu Lingfeng was immediately embarrassed in their situation.

Even if they hated again, they knew that they had lost the chance to kill Lintian. They immediately changed their actions and seized the blessed land that belonged to them.


On this day, all parties trembled after leaving the fire.

According to statistics, in less than two hours, Lintian alone conquered four blessed places: Feixing mountain, Yexiang mountain, Mingcui mountain and xingxia mountain.

Everywhere, there is a river of blood and smoke!

In less than two hours, there were no less than fifteen strong people in the top King's territory who died in Lintian's hands.

see the scene which is dreadful to one 's mind!

You know, in the upper nine realms, the king at the top of the mountain is like the existence of standing on the top of the mountain. He can roar everywhere and gallop through the eight wastelands.

In their eyes, ordinary kings are no different from tujiwa dogs.

Not to mention those roles that have not yet been promoted to King, they are not enough.

But Lintian killed the king on the top of the mountain, and the territory was like a tear!

This has caused great shock and horror to other Jue Ding Wang territories.

Similarly, Lintian's retaliation caused a larger bloodbath in the fire area.

The major forces took the opportunity to seize the conquered blessed land. Wu Lingfeng and other major forces were naturally unwilling, which triggered a collision between the major forces!

However, all these disturbances had nothing to do with Lintian.

After leaving, he went straight back to Xingluo mountain, but Xingluo mountain had already turned into a piece of ruins, and even the original spirit veins in it were seriously damaged irreparably.

Lintian could only shake his head when he saw this, not much emotion, but some regret that such a blessed land of Lingshan mountain was destroyed. Whose sin is it?

"There's such a big noise, whether it's Alu or old clam, as long as you come to Lihuo territory, you should know that I'm here..."

Lintian was lost in thought.

The retaliation against Jinwu and other major forces has not been carried out to the end, but the effect has been achieved. If we continue to fight, we will put ourselves in danger.

The enemy is not a fool and will certainly do everything possible to fight back.

However, Lintian didn't intend to give up.

If you beat a snake, you will not die, but suffer from it.

The experience and lessons of many years of expedition had made Lintian deeply understand that there must be no mercy on the enemy.

At present, it is the second year of entering the top domain, and there are still eight years to experience and become strong.

Similarly, there are opportunities to liquidate those enemies.

"Yun Qingbai now, I'm afraid he has already set foot in the king's territory. If he knows that I'm leaving the fire territory, dare he come and see me?"

Lintian thought of Yun Qingbai again.

He has made a decision. When he has reached the point of truth, he will go to find Yun Qingbai and completely end the blood feud that has been postponed for many years!

Suddenly, Lintian felt something in his heart. He woke up from his thoughts and looked at the distance with a different color.

There, Ji Xingyao, dressed in white, with green silk like a waterfall and beautiful like a fairy in the picture, paced in the void.

"Miss Ji? Are you here to talk to me?"

Lintian asked with a smile.

Ji Xingyao looked cool, and her eyes were like electricity. She stared at Lintian and said, "do you think I came to talk to you?"

This guy is so angry. He's a forest demon, but he's so rude!

Before Lintian could speak, she said directly, "I entered the forbidden area of the Styx river a few days ago and met a man by chance."

Lintian said, showing interest.

The forbidden area of the Styx River, but he knows what a terrible place it is!

But why did Ji Xingyao mention this to herself?

"That man is a young man in green. He looks handsome, but he is too proud and conceited." Ji Xingyao recalled.

It's an old clam!

Lintian was shocked. He had long wondered whether the old clam would be transported to the forbidden area of the Styx river when he went from the burning fairy world to the fire land.

What Ji Xingyao said at the moment undoubtedly proves this.

"However, perhaps he was so proud that he was accidentally involved in a dangerous place..."

When Ji Xingyao said this, Lintian's black eyes coagulated and said, "dangerous place? Miss Ji, can you make it clear?"

He's a little worried. Ji Xingyao was going to make a mockery of Lintian, but he frowned and looked serious, so he held back.

She stroked her mind and told the whole story of seeing the old clam.

It turned out that about half a month ago, Ji Xingyao went to a mysterious Canyon in the forbidden area of the Styx to explore opportunities.

The mysterious Canyon is barren and shrouded in blood mist all year round. It is extremely strange and unknown.

Just as Ji Xingyao hesitated to enter, he heard an excited call.

Walking into the bloody Canyon, I found that there was a dry well in the canyon, and the cry for help came from the dry well.

Then Ji Xingyao saw the old clam trapped in the dry well.

He was extremely embarrassed. His hands and legs supported the wall of the well, and his body was wrapped with fine bloody chains. He was dragging him to the depths of the dry well, looking extremely embarrassed and laborious.

In particular, at his ankle, he was firmly held by a pale, shriveled and old palm, so that he couldn't move at all and could only call loudly.

Ji Xingyao had intended to save him, but he stopped him, saying that this was the "Shenming blood well", which was the most terrible and strange place in the world.

Speaking of this, Ji Xingyao snorted coldly, "this guy has been trapped, but he spoke loudly. He said that if I approached him, I would not be able to save him, but would hurt him."

Lin xunlian hurriedly said, "this guy is such a character. Don't worry about him. What's next?"

Ji Xingyao said casually, "next I'll go."

"Gone?" Lintian was stunned.

Ji Xingyao said, "if I don't go, can I stay there? But before I leave, the guy asked me to bring you a word."

"What do you say?" Lintian was worried.

Ji Xingyao looked a little strange. Imitating the tone of old clam at that time, he said, "he told Lintian that the king had found a great opportunity for him and asked him to come to rescue him!"

Lintian's face turned black. This guy was in danger and his voice was so arrogant. Are you really afraid of death?

He took a deep breath and said, "and then?"

"Then, he gave up his resistance and was dragged into the depths of the dry well. There was no trace. I doubt that there should be another heaven and earth at the bottom of the so-called Shenming blood well."

Ji Xingyao mused.

After knowing this, Lintian was also a little heavy in his heart. The old clam went into the Shenming blood well, which he had never thought of before.

Taking a deep breath, he seriously arched his hands and said, "thank you, Miss Ji, for telling me all this. There will be rewards in the future."

This news is really too important. If Ji Xingyao deliberately conceals it, it is likely to delay the time to rescue the old clam!

Ji Xingyao's lip angle lifted a hint of fun radian and said, "I don't see. Do you know the gratitude of Lin demon?"

Lintian was not in the mood to joke and said, "Miss Ji, can you tell me the specific location of the Shenming blood well?"

Ji Xingyao said, "that's why I came to you. I have a remnant in my hand, which has been preserved since ancient times. It records some secrets, which may be related to the mysterious place under the God's hell blood well."

Lintian suddenly said, "so, are you going to explore again?"

Ji Xingyao nodded, "that's right. What do you think?"

Lintian certainly had no problem, and agreed.


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