As soon as Lin Xunfu stepped on the black boat, he handed over a divine medicine.

Then he stood at the stern of the boat and looked into the vast and bloody Styx river.

Before entering the forbidden area of Styx River, Lintian checked the atmosphere of this forbidden area with divine knowledge.

At that time, he saw a shocking picture.

A river of blood surged, floating and sinking with strange and unknown corpses.

When the Buddha died, a hole was pierced in the middle of his eyebrow and his face showed anger.

There is a cracked body like a black dragon, winding tens of thousands of feet long.

Sage with feather coat and crown

A strange beast with Taoist patterns on its forehead

Without exception, they were all buried in the river of blood.

At the same time, the voices of gods and Demons crying and saints wailing stirred, presenting a bloody scene of great disaster and terror.

At that time, Lintian suspected that this terrible scene came from the legendary Styx river.

At this time, I was in the black boat and looked around. The blood river was surging. I didn't know where to start or where to end, just like forever.

Lintian was in a trance, as if he saw the strange and terrible scenes again, and saw the bodies floating and sinking in the blood River

Is this really the legendary Styx?

On the black boat, Tuoba Hun, Xue Baoji and Dongyang Ting arrived one after another, each occupying a position and handing over a divine medicine.

Obviously, they also know the rules of taking a boat.

Seeing Lintian's back to the crowd and looking at the blood River, Tuoba Hun looked at each other and took back his eyes.

No one bothered Lintian.

The scene of the death of the young man in brocade made them all realize that the young man in front of them was a cruel role that was not inferior to them.

On the shore, fierce fighting and competition continued.

Soon, two people came to the fore and rushed into the black boat. They were a thin man and a sweet and beautiful woman in purple.

However, both of them were bleeding and somewhat embarrassed. As soon as they arrived on the ship, they first handed in the divine medicine, and then arched their hands towards Tuoba Hun and others, with a low attitude.


Another man rushed to get on board, but before he could get close, he was swept by a layer of dim yellow lights, and his body suddenly flew out, spitting blood from his mouth and nose.

At the same time, the hole boatman propped up his oars, and the black boat slowly left the bank and went deep into the bloody Styx.



On the shore, there was a loud cry of reluctance, and the strong who failed to board the ship were full of loss.

On the black boat, Tuoba Hun and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, they have obtained the qualification to reach the other side. At that time, they will naturally have the opportunity to compete for the opportunity against the sky!

"Old boatman, wait and take me!"

Suddenly, there was a loud cry on the shore. It was vaguely visible that a young man in green was waving and shouting.

Lintian was standing at the stern of the boat. When he saw the green robed boy, his eyes lit up, old clam!

But immediately, he was speechless. It was a bad time for the goods to come.

"Old clam, wait. If I see Wang Xuanyu, I will ask for justice for you!"

Lintian preached and comforted him.

"Oh, that's all I can do."

The old clam was depressed.

Lintian asked Ji Xingyao and Mo Tianhe again, but the old clam shook his head and said he didn't know.

It turned out that old clam and jixingyao had also dispersed under the impact of the hell earth army.

"You notice their tracks. Wait here until I come back. If you get the chance, you will naturally have your share."

Lintian said.

The old clam smiled and nodded again and again: "don't worry, there's more than one chance in the temple of God and hell. I'll go for a walk in other places first."

Seeing the old clam go away, Lintian looked back.

"The green robed boy was lucky. He came too late and didn't catch up with the fight and competition. Otherwise, he would have died long ago. How could he have the chance to shout like this."

Suddenly someone laughed like a joke.

It was Dongyang Ting, but as soon as he spoke, he suddenly felt a sharp chill locked in, which made him stiff all over.

Looking up, Lintian didn't know when he looked. His deep black eyes were cold.

Tuoba Hun and others also noticed that the atmosphere was wrong, and their look became subtle.


Lintian spoke briefly, but there was no doubt about it.

Dongyang Ting raised his eyebrow, pointed to his nose and said, "are you ordering me?"

In his voice, he was dissatisfied.

Although he realized that Lintian's combat power should not be underestimated, he was embarrassed to be ordered by Lintian in full view of the public.

"We are all in the same boat now. If there is a dispute, everyone will be affected. I hope you two step back."

Xue Baoji suddenly said, "of course, if you really want to do it, you can wait until you land."

Seemingly fair words, in fact, do not want to be involved.

The black boat is too small. Once you fight, no one can be alone.

"Yes, Dongyang Taoist friend is just a joke. Why is this friend so fussy?"

Tuoba Hun also nodded.

As for the thin man and the woman in purple, they all chose to remain silent and watch their changes.

Seeing this, Dongyang Ting's lips flashed a funny arc and said, "friend, now, are you going to make me apologize?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lintian saw a flower in front of him, and he grabbed it with his hand!

Suddenly, Dongyang Ting's face suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, Lintian really dared to do it and was a little caught off guard.

Xue Baoji and Tuoba Hun were furious. This guy really didn't pay attention to them!

Knowing that once the battle, it was destined to affect them, but he ignored it!

But the next moment, their eyes narrowed, their anger turned into nothing, and was replaced by a deep chill.

Because the fierce battle they predicted didn't break out at all, dongyangting was directly grabbed by his neck and his body was picked up!

In other words, top figures such as Dongyang Ting, an ancient freak who came out of Dongyang, were captured without even resisting a move!

In an instant, Xue Baoji felt cold in their hearts.

As peers, they all know that even if it is a sneak attack, suddenly, with their strength, it is impossible to subdue dongyangting!

But now, dongyangting was captured so easily that he didn't even have the power to fight back, which undoubtedly seemed terrible.


Lintian spoke again.

Only this time, but no one dared to question his attitude!

Dongyang Ting's face turned red, and his eyes were full of anger and unwilling, but he finally bowed his head and said bitterly: "I apologize. I shouldn't be rude, but please raise my hand."

The drama of rather die than surrender did not appear. Dongyangting directly recognized the planting, which changed Xue Baoji's look again.

Bang! Lin Xun released his hand. Dongyang Ting fell and sat on the boat. He coughed violently and left five deep fingerprints on his neck.

"It's your turn."

Lintian looked at xuebaoji.

Xue Baoji was stunned at first, then his face suddenly became very cold and said, "you... Also intend to order me to apologize?"

Lintian said, "he should apologize for his rude remarks to my friend, and you once said rude words to me. Do you want to end it?"

Everyone was surprised. Then they realized that this guy was not without temper, but had been forbearing!

Everyone knows that Xue Baoji scolded and ridiculed Lintian when he was on the bank.

"Don't you worry, if you do it, everyone on this ship will suffer?"

Xue Baoji said coldly.

She is ready and alert. She will not let herself repeat the mistakes of dongyangting. She is even ready. If she starts, she will definitely pull others into the water!

At that time, Lintian was destined to be the target of public criticism.

"I give you a chance to apologize. If you don't cherish it, I can guarantee that you will die on the Styx river today."

Lintian looked calm and his black eyes were cold.

Even if Xue Baoji was an extremely beautiful beauty and had a noble background, Lintian was not embarrassed at all.

What pity for fragrance and jade? Lintian would never do that.

The atmosphere on the ship became silent, and everyone was ready to do it.

Because everyone knew that once the battle broke out, it would affect everyone, and no one could be spared. At the same time, they all had a trace of dissatisfaction with Lintian.

Knowing that everyone is in the same boat and still acts recklessly, does it ignore their existence?

For a moment, they looked at Lintian differently.

But to their surprise, Xue Baoji's jade face changed for a long time, and finally apologized. His voice seemed to squeeze out from his teeth: "I apologize. I shouldn't have been so rude at the beginning. I hope Taoist friends will forgive me."

There was no sincerity in his voice, but there was a sense of hate.

Anyone can hear it.

However, this is an apology after all!

It has been proved that Xue Baoji didn't want to turn against Lintian at this time even though he hated him very much.

"I hope there won't be another time."

Lintian took back his eyes and went back to the stern, ignoring these.

The atmosphere on the ship was different from Lintian's.

From beginning to end, the skeleton boatman turned a blind eye to all this, supporting the white bone oar and boating on the bloody Styx river.

At the bow of the ship, the yellow oil lamp swayed and sprinkled mottled light and shadow.

The Styx River surges and rolls endlessly.

Gradually, we can see the other shore. There are blood colored auspicious clouds floating on the sky.

A bloody altar stands high in the sky, covered by auspicious clouds, looming and mysterious.

Altar of the gods!

A sealed against heaven, hidden in it!

Everyone looked different and looked at the distance.

Until reaching the other side, dongyangting got off the ship first, followed by Xue Baoji and Tuoba Hun

"Friends, please first!"

The skinny man and the woman in purple hurried to let Lintian go first.

Lintian glanced at them and didn't refuse.

However, the moment he stepped out and got off the ship, it suddenly rose sharply!

Dongyang Ting, Xue Baoji, Tuoba Hun and others who stood in different positions shot at the same time. The timing was extremely accurate and obviously premeditated!

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