The ancient Buddha has the combat power of eternal life, which has long been noticed by the top figures in the field.

Moreover, he was born in dizang temple. He has the highest inheritance and secret treasure. His combat power is absolutely not under Mingzi, but even stronger!

At this time, he tried his best to take Ji Xingyao as a hostage. Naturally, it is impossible to show mercy.

It's no exaggeration to say that in ordinary times, not to mention Ji Xingyao, it's just some other top figures in the field. I'm afraid they can't resist the inevitable blow of the ancient Buddha.

But a strange scene happened. Halfway through it, the invisible forces of regular Taoist patterns emerged and crisscrossed, binding the whole person of the ancient Buddha.

Then press hard!

Poof, the mysterious ancient freak of dizang temple was suppressed on the ground!

Everyone was shocked and breathed cold.

This was the power of the array, which was so powerful that it was unbelievable. It seemed that as long as Lintian was willing, just a thought would be enough to wipe out all the enemies in this world.

Like the master of life and death!

Ji Xingyao made a false alarm, and immediately his eyes appeared extremely angry. He said, "this is the descendant of dizang temple? It's so shameless and inferior!"

Many people think so.

Ancient Buddha has always been famous for its mystery and ethereal whereabouts, leaving little impression on the world.

However, when he first appeared four years ago, he defeated Lintian with careful layout and made him trapped under the Styx river.

This cruel and deep city government has long been feared.

Until today, he appeared again and sniped again when Lintian was weak. He arranged all means to kill Lintian in a large array.

Originally, this series of means can be called beautiful and impeccable.

But I didn't think that Lintian was better, but he broke all the ancient Buddha's means with a terrible forbidden array.

If so, people's impression of the ancient Buddha is not contradictory.

But when he wanted to attack and took Ji Xingyao hostage, many monks felt cold at once.

Is this still a Buddhist?

With ruthless means, no taboo and extreme use, it is no different from evil and heresy!

"Heresy, damn you!"

The ancient Buddha's light was fierce, just like an angry arhat. He broke the shackles and rose into the air. He held a dark bowl and killed Lintian.

Even in the depths of danger, he remained calm and calm without panic.


The bowl soars into the air, sprinkles ten thousand feet of Buddha light, and gathers into a huge bergamot. Each finger joint is like the pillar of heaven, emitting boundless light.

It can be called a hand covering the sky!

This is an extremely famous and powerful Taoism. It's an underground Bergamot!

Lintian looked indifferent, and his mind moved. A glittering and translucent God Chain Whip came, which was restrained by the law.

With a slap, the covered Bergamot was directly broken into light and rain.


There was another crisp whiplash. On the handsome face of the ancient Buddha, there was another bloody whiplash mark, which was deeply visible.

He suffered from eating pain, his body fell to the ground, and smoke filled the air.

So far, everyone can see that in this world, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you are trapped in it, you are doomed to be only fish on the anvil and can only be slaughtered!

"How dare you withdraw this array and fight the poor monk fairly?"

The ancient Buddha spoke in a deep voice. His face was bloody, but he ignored it. He looked terrible and calm.


Many people secretly scolded and despised him. Did he ever give Lintian a fair fight when he used the earth hiding magnanimous array to deal with Lintian?

However, the ancient Buddha could speak such shameless words in a fair and aboveboard manner. His face was not red, his heart did not jump, and his thick skin was eye popping.

Even Lintian was stunned. He couldn't believe that it would be the words of a Buddha in dizang temple. It was... Shameless!


The long whip of the law fell, and in an instant, dozens of bloody scars were left on the ancient Buddha. The bones were deeply visible and shocking.

"Do you think that humiliating me like this can make me bow my head?"

The voice of the ancient Buddha was cold, and he was bloody all over, but he seemed unaware, and still maintained a solemn look.

"No, I never wanted to make you bow your head. I just wanted to kill you a little."

Lintian looked calm.

As he spoke, the sharp blades of the law swept up and covered him like a storm.

Poof poof!

Although the ancient Buddha tried to dodge, he was still cut into flesh and blood and was beyond recognition. The sad scene made many monks feel cold.

Undoubtedly, Lintian was not talking nonsense. He really wanted to torture the ancient Buddha to death!

"I admit that I underestimated you this time, but it's impossible for you to see my ugly begging for mercy."

The ancient Buddha looked indifferent. He seemed to have realized that it was useless to struggle in this world. He sat cross legged on the ground at the moment, with a calm attitude of waiting for death.

This makes people look sideways. We have to admit that although the ancient Buddha was cruel and black hearted, his temperament can be called the pole of tenacity and strength.

If I were to be another monk, I'm afraid I'd be out of control and yell.

But the ancient Buddha didn't!

"Funny, do you think you're not ugly now?"

Yue Jianming couldn't help making a noise.

The ancient Buddha glanced at him, took back his eyes and ignored him directly.

This made Yue Jianming angry and wanted to chop the bald donkey to death.

At this time, Lintian smiled and said, "I heard that there is a punishment in the dizang temple, which is called 'eighteen purgatories'. Once the punishment is imposed, it can make the gods and Demons despair and give in, and I don't know whether it is true or false."

Eighteen purgatory?

Everyone was confused. It was the first time I heard about it.

But the ancient Buddha's face changed slightly, and his heart felt inexplicably cold. This is a secret punishment of dizang temple, which is specially used to deal with traitors in the sect.

Because it is too cruel and bloody, if it is spread, it will damage the reputation of dizang temple. Therefore, only important people in dizang temple can know such punishment.

But obviously, Lintian knew!


At this moment, Lintian flicked his finger, and a wisp of black Buddha fire swept out, like lightning, into the body of the ancient Buddha.

"Heresy! What are you going to do?"

As soon as the ancient Buddha's eyes were frozen and his whole body was stiff, he wanted to stand up and resist, but he was suppressed by layers of law prohibition forces, which made him unable to move.

"Eighteen purgatory, the first prison is called tongue pulling prison, which is to lengthen the tongue with a secret method, then slowly pull it out, and endure with Buddha fire until the tongue flesh is scorched but not rotten, and then cut the tongue into strands with a fine sharp blade..."

Lintian's voice was bland, but the content of his words was like a cold current, which made the practitioners present feel cold and suddenly changed their faces.

This punishment is a pervert!

"Ah --!"

The ancient Buddha shouted fiercely, his whole body twitched and his cheeks twisted.

Everyone saw that his tongue was pulled out inch by inch. There was a black Buddha fire burning on it, and the whole tongue gradually became scorched black.

Obviously, he is being tortured by "tongue pulling prison"!

Some practitioners can't even bear to see it anymore.

The ancient Buddha, the descendant of the dignified dizang temple, is also a ruthless character who is famous in the upper nine realms. Now, he is subjected to such cruel torture in full view of the public.

Who can calm down?

Lintian dared to act like this, which made many monks scared. Then he realized that the title of Lin demon God was not for nothing.

"Heresy! I remember this hatred, and I will repay it in the future!"

The ancient Buddha suddenly regained calm. He abandoned the sense of six senses. The sharp pain on his tongue could not affect his mind.

Lintian smiled calmly. The torture of the 18th purgatory was not so easy to resist, and it was useless to abandon the six senses!

"Let me come!"

However, just when Lintian was going to continue, a loud cry sounded and a big blackbird came in the air.

What made Lintian's eyes jump was that this guy could go in and out freely in his own array, just like entering a no man's land!

However, Lintian was relieved when he saw the big blackbird appear. He was really worried that the thief bird was harmed by the ancient Buddha.

As soon as the big blackbird arrived, he picked up the black pot behind him and banged it on the ancient Buddha's forehead.

Before, the ancient Buddha, who had been falling in front of the mountain without changing his face, now showed a rare look of panic and angrily said, "little martial uncle, you want to help outsiders deal with me?"

"His mother, where is your little uncle in your eyes?"

The big blackbird's voice was filled with hate. He smashed the black pot again, banging and banging. Before long, a dense bag swelled on the top of the ancient Buddha's head.

And he screamed, as if he had suffered terrible pain.

In the distance, everyone was dumbfounded. The appearance of the big blackbird surprised them. What's more, the ancient Buddha also respected the bird as "little martial uncle"!

This is completely beyond everyone's expectation.

In the end, the ancient Buddha was completely smashed to the ground, his body constantly twitched, like a madman, foaming at the mouth, covered with red pimples, and was extremely miserable.

Before that, he was holy, like a real Buddha in the world, with unique style. Even if he was suppressed, he was still calm and fearless of life and death.

But now, it's terrible, making people feel flesh pain for it.

Bang Dang!

After an earth shaking noise, the ancient Buddha was directly knocked unconscious by the black pot.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe cold, miserable! That's terrible! The great ancient Buddha was knocked unconscious by a black pot. If it is spread, it will become a big joke.


When the big blackbird drank, he saw the buzzing of the black pot, emitting a strange wave, and suddenly swallowed the body of the ancient Buddha and disappeared.

"Are you going to save him?" Lintian frowned.

The big blackbird looked complex and said, "you're wrong. It's just a part of the ancient Buddha. His original statue has never appeared in recent years!"

Lintian's black eyes suddenly shrunk. If he separated, he could have the combat power of four robberies in his long life?

How strong should it be?

For a moment, Lintian was also calm. The news made him feel a little surprised and unbelievable!


PS: make up and send it!

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