This is a joke!

Everyone realized that from the beginning, Chi Lingxiao was deliberately teasing Lintian. His intentions were not vicious, but it was absolutely bad.

"Why take a break to deal with rubbish like you?"

Lintian's eyes were cold.


A few words left the whole audience silent.

In today's shangjiujing, who dares to use such words to describe the existence of a person who is ranked in the top 10 of Tianjiao gold list?

It's all about humiliating Chi Lingxiao in a fair and aboveboard way!

Sure enough, in an instant, Chi Lingxiao's face was cold, and his eyes were steaming with a terrible God's awn, saying, "how dare you insult me?"

"Those who insult people will scold you for rubbish if they insult them forever. Don't you agree?"

Lintian's words were plain, but people were shocked.

They realized that Chi Lingxiao might be called a ruthless man who goes his own way and has no law.

But similarly, Lin demon is not a vegetarian!

When it comes to the strength of courage, the whole upper nine realms are obvious to all!

"Equatorial friend, I just reminded you not to go too far. You see, retribution is coming now."

The snow suddenly opened its mouth.

In a word, his face became more and more gloomy.

"I want to see what ability you Lin demon God has and dare to speak like this!"


At the next moment, the red spirit soared into the sky and danced wildly. Behind it, there was a picture of the collapse of the six prisons and the destruction of ghosts and gods.

This is the power of six prisons to destroy the world. It is a first-class and peerless method from ancient to modern times!

In an instant, the heaven and earth roared, setting off the awe inspiring power of Chi Lingxiao, who was very angry and overbearing.


At this time, Lintian stepped on the gang fight, swept out, suddenly pointed and killed with a broken blade.

Impermanence cut!

If you have seen the duel between Lintian and Yun Qingbai, you can clearly find that the impermanence chop this time has obviously soared in power, resulting in qualitative transformation!

Chi Lingxiao was awe inspiring and just wanted to resist, but his whole body had a bone chilling cold, like being pressed against his throat by the blade.

His face changed greatly, he realized the terrible of this cut, and did not hesitate to use all his strength.

"Six prisons mourning!"

In the roar, he punched out, and six purgatories emerged, showing a trend of six harmonies, suppressing heaven and earth and breaking out.

Each purgatory presents different scenes, deduces different prestige, and gathers together, just like opening the door of the six samsara!

This is undoubtedly Chi Lingxiao's desperate means.

At this moment, all the people in the field felt cold as if they were in an ice cave. These methods can frighten ghosts and gods.

To everyone's surprise, Lintian's cutting power was like destroying the withered and decadent. Where he passed, he broke the six purgatories and made a deafening roar.

In the light rain, a bloody scar was torn on the arm of Chi Lingxiao.

He seemed unbelievable. He touched the wound and said, "can you hurt me?"

In the field, there was great silence.

It's more than injury. This is the first strike of the war. It's preemptive!

In the distance, the snow saint's eyes suddenly coagulated, and her heart shook. Lin xunqai had just passed the disaster, and her breath was weak.

But under such circumstances, he cut and hurt Chi Lingxiao!

So how powerful was Lintian's combat power?

"Garbage is garbage. Who gives you the courage to challenge me?"

Lintian rushed violently in the cold sound like a knife. He was obviously hurt all over and looked very embarrassed.

But when attacking, it gives people a breath of oppression, which makes people almost suffocate!

"You want to die!"

The red spirit Xiao roared, and his anger soared. The endless flame path light diffused from him, making him like a burning sun.

"Six refining blades!"

In the void, six purgatories emerged, and the flames and blades swept out like a tide. They turned into a large array of knives, which was full of everything and full of edge, which shocked the world.

Many practitioners retreated one after another in horror, and their scalp became numb.

Lintian manipulated the broken blade, looked indifferent and fought with it.


The collision between the two makes this world seem to be blasted, the universe is easy to change, the void is disordered, and there is a smell of chaos and turbulence.

Where the fiery turbulence swept, mountains piled up with white bones collapsed and turned into powder.

This is destined to be an unprecedented duel at the overlord level.

But to everyone's palpitation, just for a moment, Chi Lingxiao was injured again, and was split by the broken blade, so that the whole person flew upside down and sprayed blood from his mouth and nose.

The reason why his body was intact was that a layer of armor on his body helped him dissolve the power of this cut.

But even so, he still suffered internal injuries.

"Why don't you talk, garbage? Didn't you shout very loudly just now?"

Lintian's voice became colder and colder.

When crossing the robbery, the most taboo is to be disturbed by the outside world, and he has no grievance with Chi Lingxiao. However, this guy bounces very badly and interferes with himself frequently.

This is no longer as simple as offence and provocation!

Therefore, Lintian was not polite at all.

Humiliated by the garbage one by one, Chi Lingxiao was so angry that he almost coughed up blood. Since his birth, he has stepped on the corpses of Tianjiao all the way up, as if he had become an existence that makes people talk and turn pale, but he has never been humiliated like this!


Chi Lingxiao roared and broke out completely.


But soon, he was defeated again, his mouth was broken by Lintian's punch, his teeth peeled off, and half of his cheeks were red and swollen.

At that moment, they all remembered the words that Lin Xun had just said. They were going to pull out Chi Lingxiao's tongue and break his mouth!

And the snow saint has been unable to keep calm.

She had seen that Chi Lingxiao was obviously a little worse in combat power. He was not Lintian's opponent at all.

With the passage of time, Lintian's breath was obviously recovering and improving at an amazing speed, and became more and more terrible.

Obviously, he is recovering rapidly from the weak period after the robbery, and the rising state is no longer comparable to the three robberies of longevity!

"This time, Chi Lingxiao really can't bear to go away."

The snow Saint sighed in her heart.

Sure enough, as soon as her idea fell, Chi Lingxiao screamed angrily in the field.

His mouth was dripping with blood and red and swollen, and he was obviously blasted by Lintian again. His jaw bones were broken and collapsed, beyond recognition.

This may be called a curse from the mouth.

Before, Chi Lingxiao was so arrogant and domineering that he had no taboo in his words and showed his posture of pointing out the country when he was looking for a robbery in the forest.

People can't bear to see the flesh around him, but now they feel miserable.

At least he is also a overlord ranking in the top 10 of Tianjiao gold list, but now he is beaten like this by Lin demon God. It's really terrible.

It can be predicted that when the news of this war comes out, Chi Lingxiao is destined to become a well-known tragic figure. Lintian's fighting power was also shocking. They all remembered that it was not him who chased Yun Qingbai the other day?


The broken blade swept out and saw that it was about to cut Chi Lingxiao. At this time, a cry suddenly sounded——

"Brother, wait a minute!"


Suddenly, the broken blade stopped three inches away from the center of Chi Lingxiao's eyebrow. The sharp light pierced the skin in the center of his eyebrow and shed a red blood stain.

It can be imagined that if this cut down, Chi Lingxiao will definitely be split in half!

This made Chi Lingxiao almost fly out, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and he felt like walking in front of the gate of death.

"Old clam?"

At this time, Lintian raised his eyes to the place where the sound came from. I don't know when, there stood a young man in green robe, with a handsome and evil face, grinning with himself, which naturally had an obscene smell.

Who is not an old clam?

All the people looked at him and wanted to see who could stop Lintian's cruel hand with a word.

"Brother, let him go once. This guy has been close to me since ancient times. This time, he also helped me a lot in the search for ancient Buddhas in Shangjiu territory."

The old clam rushed forward and whispered.

It was more than four years since I saw you again. Lintian was quite surprised and surprised.

Seeing that it was the old clam pleading, Lintian was too lazy to argue with Chi Lingxiao, and took back the broken blade with a clang.

"No more!"

He glanced at Chi Lingxiao. The latter's face was uncertain, but he was already relieved. When he looked at Lintian again, Chi Lingxiao's eyes became extremely complicated.

He never thought that he would lose so ugly that he had no chance to win or counter attack!

Only when we really fought with Lintian could we understand the power and horror of the latter.

"Hahaha, you have today, too? How many times have I said that it's common for me to be recognized as the eldest brother by Jin Duyi?"

Looking at the red, swollen and bleeding mouth and the extremely embarrassed red Lingxiao, the old clam laughed wildly with his stomach, and tears almost came out.

In ancient times, he was able to make friends with Chi Lingxiao, on the one hand, because his identity was roughly the same, but the fundamental reason was that he smelled the same.

Chi Lingxiao is crazy, domineering, arrogant and lawless, which is very good for old clam's appetite. He is also an extremely proud, arrogant and childless person.

The friendship between the two has the feeling that they cherish each other and hate to meet late.

After years of silence, the two friends met again a few years ago.

That's why old clam stopped Lintian from killing Chi Lingxiao.

"Hum! I can't beat your brother, but it doesn't take much effort to beat you. Do you want to try?"

Chi Lingxiao's face was hot. He was laughed at by the old clam, and he was uncomfortable all over.

"Go and talk in the futu tower."

Lintian glanced around and turned to the futu tower.

The old clam was waiting to follow up. Seeing Chi Lingxiao standing in that struggling posture, he rushed forward immediately, hugged him on the shoulder and walked towards the futu tower.

"My eldest brother is your eldest brother. It's no shame to be run away by him. Come on, I'll introduce you later."

Old clam was very enthusiastic, while Chi Lingxiao was silent, but he didn't refuse.

"Lin Daoyou, can I have a few with you?"

Suddenly, the snow Saint spoke with a clear and pleasant voice. She stood there, with ice flesh and jade bones, outstanding beauty and unique demeanor.

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