Yun Qingbai is too proud. He can't tolerate being confronted with Kendo by himself in the Kendo duel.

Therefore, at the last moment, if you want to return a tooth for a tooth, take plundering your natural power as the source, kill yourself and sacrifice the sword, and destroy yourself.

It's a pity he's wrong!

Yun Qingbai was afraid that he could not think of it at all. When he made a breakthrough in his physical cultivation and promoted to the king's realm, he also changed his original spirit pulse and produced a real talent and magic power——

The abyss swallows the dome!

This is the name of the original spirit pulse, but it is also the name of a strange supernatural power implied by this natural power.

Yun Qingbai's mistake is that he thinks he can win his talent and can seek the ultimate sword path, but he is doomed to be unable to awaken the divine power of talent.

Because the abyss swallows the dome, it doesn't belong to him after all.

Just like the sword whirlpool in front of him, it had a powerful swallowing power, but in Lintian's eyes, it was like teaching others to teach axes!


If the sword spirit of the tide is coming, it is strong enough to easily erase some peerless overlords in the world.

But Lintian could not be touched.

This scene makes Yunqing's white face more and more iron blue. The originally firm and incomparable Taoist heart is turbulent at this moment.

He doesn't believe it!

Not willing!

"It's impossible!"

Yun Qingbai's hair looks like crazy.

After 60 years of practice, a sword that gathers all his life's efforts can't hurt even a hair of the other party, which is a heavy blow to Yun Qingbai!

"It's called cocooning yourself. Your strength doesn't belong to you after all, but you always believe in it."

Lintian looked more and more insipid.


Yun Qingbai roared. At the moment, he no longer has the style of a generation of peerless sword repair. He seems to be in a turbulent mood and unstable state of mind.

"Impossible? Then I'll show you what the real abyss swallows the dome is!"

Suddenly, Lintian's body glowed. Suddenly, an abyss emerged, as big as the boundless, and its depth was immeasurable. There was a vision of the collapse of the sky, floating and sinking in it.

Endless stars, annihilated in it!

In an instant, the whirlpool of Kendo seemed to stagnate, tumbled violently, showed signs of collapse, and hummed and moaned endlessly.

"You see, the power you took away can only bow down before me. Do you think it still belongs to you?"

Lintian's black hair was flying and his words were plain, but his words were like a heavy hammer, beating on Yun Qingbai's heart.

His face changed violently, he was angry and unwilling, his lips were bleeding, and his eyes were staring at Lintian, which was still hard to accept.

All one's life's Tao industry doesn't belong to him in the end. That taste, just like what one wants in this life, is like a mirror, which is enough to collapse any monk!


Finally, Yun Qingbai coughed up blood and looked pale.

In the previous battle, he had been seriously injured. Now, he gathered his whole life's efforts in one sword and exhausted all his strength.

Now he suffered such a blow again, which made his whole person show a sign of impending collapse.

To Lintian's surprise, Yunqing's white face became calm again in just a moment!

"Perhaps this is retribution."

He took a deep breath, and his waist was still as straight as a sword, just like his pride.

"No, it's not retribution, and I never believe in retribution."

Lintian said categorically, "if there is retribution, you Yun Qingbai should have died after killing my Lin family's direct relatives, but in the end... You are still alive and live more brightly than anyone else. From then on, I knew that there would never be retribution in the world, so I only believe in myself!"

Yun Qingbai was stunned and said, "maybe what you said is right. The theory of retribution doesn't exist at all..."

He didn't know what he had remembered, and his face was uncertain, showing a chilling hatred.

"Yes, there is no retribution..."

For a long time, Yun Qingbai murmured. He raised his hand and suddenly inserted it into his chest. With a snort, his skin opened and his flesh burst, and his blood burst like a spring.

When he took out the palm of his hand, there was an additional section of Yingying luminous spirit pulse, which was soaked in the bright red blood water.

"Do you think I covet your talent..." Yun Qingbai lowered his head and stared at the palm of his hand. His chest was broken by himself, but he seemed unaware.

Only in the eyes, there is an incomparable luster of pain.

Tick! Tick!

Drops of blood slipped from his chest and fingers. The scene was particularly bloody and seeping, which made Lintian frown.

"Unfortunately, you are not me after all. Naturally, you don't understand. I Yun Qingbai didn't want to embark on the road of cultivation at the beginning!"

When Yun Qingbai said this, his voice suddenly became excited and crazy, as if he was venting the emotions repressed in the deepest part of his heart.

Lintian looked indifferent.

He will not sympathize with the enemy, never.


Yun Qingbai seemed to be weak. After all, he couldn't help it. He sat in the void, but his waist and spine were still straight.

He looked up, ignored the bloody wound on his chest, and looked at Lintian. His face also became very complex, like relief and self mockery: "I haven't been so rude for a long time, but unexpectedly, it will be in front of you."

"Regret it?" Lintian said.

Yun Qingbai shook his head: "I have never regretted acting in this life, even now."

Speaking of this, he suddenly said seriously, "in fact, we are all the same kind of people, but you have a choice, but I... Have no choice..."

In the end, he looked lost and sat there stunned, as if recalling his past experience.

"Give it back to you."

For a long time, Yun Qingbai raised his head with difficulty, spread out his palm and revealed the original spiritual pulse of Yingying white light.

Lintian grabbed it and took it in his hand, but he didn't look at it. His palms and fingers worked hard and crushed it into light and rain.

Yun Qingbai was stunned: "didn't you kill me just to get it back?"

"In your eyes, this thing is like your road. It's heavy, but for me, it's gone and it won't hurt my way!"

Lintian said calmly, "when I decided to revenge, I only had one idea. You Yun Qingbai... Must die!"

Yun Qingbai burst out laughing, as if laughing at himself.

"Thank you very much. You still have the patience to wait until now. Before I die, can you promise me a small request?" He looked up at Lintian.

Lintian was silent for a moment and said, "say."

Yun Qingbai seemed very pleased. Then, an unspeakable look of arrogance, pride and flying appeared in his eyebrows.

In a trance, he seemed to restore the style of the peerless sword repair, and said word by word: "I wish I would die on your strongest blow!"

Lintian was surprised when he raised his eyebrows.


He promised.


An abyss emerges and spreads into the void. It has the breath of all kinds of roads. It floats and sinks in it. There is the power of fighting and gathering in it.

There was Lintian's will, imprinted in it!

Yun Qingbai looked up at the scene, his eyes showed obsession and admiration, and a slight sigh came out of his lips.

If you die in this way, you can close your eyes!


That abyss can engulf the sky and sink into the sea of stars.

At this moment, only yunqingbai was buried.

On the verge of death, yunqingbai could not help but think of the scenes of that year——


It was a cold winter, with heavy snow.

The four-year-old village boy stumbled, stepping on the snow and heading home.

It was too cold. The boy in the shabby cotton padded jacket was blue with cold, and his teeth trembled. He quickened his pace.

Because I'll be home soon.

My mother must have cooked the porridge already. My father should still be worried. After all, it takes a lot of money to go to school.

The family was very poor. The boy knew from an early age, but no matter how poor he was, his parents never wronged him, which made him very sensible and obedient when he was young. He never wanted his parents to worry about himself.

Only when he got home, the boy was stunned.

The courtyard was covered with a thick layer of snow, but there were two bloody bodies lying quietly on the snow, a man and a woman.

The man is sallow and thin, and his eyebrows are full of wind and frost. He is a hunter in the village. The woman has soft eyebrows and eyes. She is a hardworking poor peasant woman.

In the stove, a pot of porridge has been boiled, emitting an attractive aroma, but it can't hide the thick blood in the courtyard.

In the sky, heavy snow is flying, boy (end of this chapter)

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