That sword is clean without impurities, just like a pool of the clearest spring in the world.

But when it stabbed out and fell into Lintian's eyes, it was another scene.

It is clearly a sword, but it seems to be turned into thousands of hands, dense, like a torrent, filling the world, filling the vast mountains and rivers, and spreading the starry sky of the universe!


So it's everywhere.

In a trance, the countless swords turned into a heavy sword array to block out the sky and the sun, kill the five elements and destroy everything.

Kendo is the most aggressive way to attack and attack.

This sword, however, shows the infinite, immeasurable and omniscient image. It is extremely fierce and terrifying!


Lintian's eyes were tingling, and his mind was filled with the unparalleled sword, and his ears seemed to ring out again.

"My sword starts from one and returns to infinity. All things are born and all spirits are changed. The sword moves infinitely and should be random. The essence of the sword is like constant sand number!"

"This Kendo was created by me and is called 'taixuan'."

"The essence of cultivating taixuan lies in the mind, and the meaning of yuntaixuan sword lies in 840 million acupoints..."

A wave of inheritance power surged into Lintian's mind and made him fall into a strange feeling.

Taixuan Kendo!

This inheritance was created by the taixuan sword emperor after stepping into the realm of the emperor, with the feeling of a lifelong road. It is a real supreme sword Sutra.

When practicing this method, the acupoints and orifices of the whole body are regarded as "sword orifices". The sword Qi is melted in it and tempered with the mysterious method of practicing kung fu.

According to the statement of taixuan sword emperor, there are 840 million acupoints and orifices in the human body. Each acupoint and orifices are like a divine treasure, as big as an abyss, like a sword furnace!

840 million acupoints and orifices are 840 million sword furnaces!

Cultivating taixuan Kendo is to keep a wisp of sword Qi in each sword furnace, so that it can quench the light of the sword, gather the meaning of the sword, refine the soul of the sword and turn into the spirit of the sword.

The one who controls the 840 million sword Qi is a mysterious truth kept in the heart!

When you reach the extreme of this method, move your mind and sweep 840 million sword Qi out together. That scene can cover the whole empty starry sky!

The edge of that unparalleled sword will be everywhere.

The supreme power of Kendo is enough to cut off ghosts and gods, break Yin and Yang, destroy the five elements, open the sky and the universe and cross the ages!

For a long time, when Lintian woke up from his perception, there was an uncontrollable shock in his face.


It's too strong!

The mantle left by the taixuan sword emperor is beyond imagination. It can even be called the emperor Dao sword Sutra, the supreme method!

840 million taixuan sword Qi roared out together and swept through the starry sky and heaven and earth. How terrible should such scenes be?

After Lintian calmed down, he found that it was impossible to cultivate the "taixuan sword Sutra" to the utmost.

Unless he can set foot in the realm of emperor.

However, the taixuan sword Scripture was profound and mysterious. The cultivation methods recorded in it about the strong in the eternal life environment were also incredible, which was enough for Lintian to use infinitely.

After all, this is left by the sword emperor of a generation.

The word "sword emperor" makes people tremble when they think about it.

"With my current cultivation, I can only cultivate up to 3000 sword Qi, but it's enough. Taixuan sword is not won by quantity."

"In Changsheng, there are 3000 taixuan sword Qi, which can be melted into a sword or formed into a sword array..."

Lintian noticed that there were many descriptions about the sword array in the taixuan sword Sutra.

Like the longevity level, you can cultivate three sword arrays, which are:

"Great nothingness sword killing array".

"Big prison killing sword array".

"Great freedom sword killing array".

Each sword array corresponds to different control methods. It is magical and terrible.

Just like the great nothingness sword killing array, once concluded, a total of 720 sword Qi condensing array will turn into nothingness and kill the enemy invisibly!

Moreover, the quality of sword Qi determines the power of sword array.

If the sword awn can be quenched, the power of the sword array will change. If the sword idea can be gathered, the power of the sword array will change again.

Until the soul and spirit of the sword are refined, the power of the sword array will be completely different.

However, only the holy land can refine the sword soul, and only the imperial land can light the sword into spirit.

That is to say, today's Lintian could only condense the taixuan sword spirit into the sword meaning at most, but even so, the power was amazing.

After thoroughly understanding these, Lin Xunqiang restrained his inner impulse and didn't start practicing immediately.

Cultivating Dharma can't be done in a moment.

Like cultivating taixuan sword Sutra, the first step is to cultivate a sense of taixuan truth and nurture it in the mind. Only in this way can we control and use other sword Qi.

This is the beginning stage, but it is also the most critical and mysterious step, which determines the basis for cultivating this sword Sutra in the future!

The so-called true meaning of taixuan, in fact, is to integrate one's own Taoism, essence, Qi and spirit into one's own Avenue power.

For example, if you swallow the essence of the Tao and cultivate yourself in the inner sphere, you will definitely pursue the essence of the Tao.


Lintian took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He remembered what he had just seen and finally understood.

In this ultimate inheritance place, the inheritance among thousands of ancient stone statues is really not suitable for me, but because I inadvertently "wander in Taigu", I witnessed the scenes before Taigu, and let myself get the inheritance from taixuan sword emperor by chance!

"It turns out that the emperor of wucai war and the emperor of taixuan sword know each other..."

"In ancient times, all the great figures who created this top domain gathered together at the call of the taixuan sword emperor. It can be seen how powerful the taixuan sword emperor was at the beginning."

"Moreover, after the creation of the realm of the top, these great figures in ancient times have successively gone to the ancient star path. Does this mean that when the realm reaches their level, if they want to make a breakthrough, they also need to go to the ancient star path?"

Lintian was feeling for a while.

The realm of Jue Ding was transformed by thousands of sages who worked together to refine a wisp of chaotic origin, just to reopen the Jue Ding path for future generations!

Who can think of it?

"The painstaking efforts of the sages should be precious and important. In this way, we can live up to what we have learned."

Lintian was determined.

Then he opened his eyes and grew up.

"Wake up, Lin demon is awake."

"Sitting for a day, I don't know whether he has been passed on?"

A whisper sounded. Lintian looked up and saw that many strong men were looking at themselves near the ultimate battlefield.

Lintian didn't pay attention to it. He said in his heart that he had been sitting all day?

He looked around and saw thousands of ancient stone statues that had long disappeared.

Like emperor SHAOHAO, Ruoyu fairy and Yuan fatian, they have all returned to the vicinity of the ultimate battlefield.

"Big brother."

The old clam and the big blackbird waved in the distance.

Zhao Jingxuan was there, smiling at himself.

Lintian walked over and asked, "the second round of duel has begun?"

He saw that in that battlefield, a young man in purple robe was dueling with Wang Xuanyu, the descendant of taiyizong, and the war was fierce.

"Yes, it started in the morning. This second round of duel is very cruel. A total of 54 people passed the first round of competition. Each of them is a tough role and difficult to deal with."

The old clam frowned.

"The rules of the second round of duel are also confusing. No matter who is among the 54 people, they can enter the battlefield and challenge a strong one. The winner stays and the loser is eliminated."

The big blackbird said quickly, "but if so, it's nothing. The key is that the winner can either leave or stay in the battlefield and accept the challenge from others."

Lintian was stunned: "will you get any benefits after winning?"

The crowd shook their heads together: "no, this second round is the final battle. Therefore, we can't understand how to get the 'sage guide'."

"Like you hengzhen, ye Maha and others, they have won the previous duel, but in the end, they have failed to win the sage's guidance."

Old clam explained, "now, everyone doubts whether this second round of duel will be the same as the first round. It also needs to win multiple duels in a row in order to have a chance to get the 'sage guide'."

Hearing this, Lintian suddenly remembered the conversation between Emperor taixuan sword and Emperor Wudai war.

At that time, taixuan sword emperor once held a bronze box, four inches long and two fingers wide, which was the size of a palm, just like a heavy bronze flying sword.

According to the taixuan sword emperor, the bronze box contains the experience of a group of sages about Jue Ding Road, which is extremely valuable.

Lintian guessed that what was sealed in the bronze box was probably the so-called "sage guide"!

At that time, the taixuan sword emperor once said that this object must not fall into the hands of those with evil intentions. Therefore, the taixuan sword emperor created the ultimate inheritance place in front of him.

Thinking of this, Lintian couldn't help wondering that the second round of competition was actually a test of the mental skills of the strong.

Only those who meet the conditions left by the taixuan sword emperor may be able to get the "sage introduction".

"Mental skill is related to the state of mind. If it is not right, it is bound to bring disaster to the world. This is by no means what the taixuan sword emperor would like to see. But how can we meet the conditions for obtaining the guidance of saints about the state of mind?"

For a moment, Lintian could not help frowning. He was also confused and could not guess.


At this time, there was a terrible collision sound in the battlefield. Wang Xuanyu defeated the purple robed youth in one fell swoop and won the battle.

But in the same way, Wang Xuanyu was also seriously injured and had no choice but to withdraw from the battlefield. What made him most bitter was that he also failed to get "sage guidance" after his victory.

Is this not due to this creation?

Wang Xuanyu sighed.


At this time, if the dancing fairy figure danced lightly and fell into the field, the atmosphere in the field became tense for a time.

They are all staring closely to see who the dancing fairy will choose as her opponent.

By this time, half of the 54 peerless overlords who passed the first round of assessment had fought, and so far no one has been cited by the sage.

However, no one expected that if the dancing fairy would wait here and enter the battlefield.

After all, it seems that emperor SHAOHAO has been watching.

If the dancing fairy is alone, she stands in the field, glances at the heroes, and finally stops in an area.

When she saw the figure with her eyes locked, it immediately made the whole audience in an uproar.


PS: add more!

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