On the sky, the figure of the taixuan sword emperor gradually collapsed and disappeared into light rain.

Everyone knows that this is just a brand of will, but the inner heart still can't help but produce admiration and admiration.

Perhaps this is the style of the emperor.

It was not until a long time that the heroes recovered from the shock and ecstasy.

Only then did they clearly realize that this time, they did get the sage's guide containing the secret of sanctification!

"Brother Lin, it seems that this war is no longer necessary."

In the ultimate battlefield, Emperor SHAOHAO spoke and looked a little different.

When they heard the speech, they looked at it one after another and felt the same emotion in their hearts. In the second round of battle, Lin demon God fought with blood and lost a number of peerless overlords.

But in the end, the sage did appear, but everyone present got a share. In this way, the previous efforts of Lin demon God seem... Meaningless.

Of course, they admired Lintian very much in their hearts, just because the result was too unexpected.

Lintian suddenly said, "brother SHAOHAO, I would venture to ask, have you noticed this scene before?"

SHAOHAO laughed: "brother Lin's insight is like a torch. I can't hide it from you."

For a moment, the whole audience was stunned and uncertain. SHAOHAO had expected that the scene just now would appear?

"Brother Lin also knows that I was silent in the ancient times and was sealed in the egg of Xingxiu by our ancestors. At that time, I had learned some secrets about the Jue Ding domain."

"As for the introduction of saints, I also heard from our ancestors that taixuan, known as the first sword emperor in ancient times, collected the experiences of thousands of powerful people to become saints and kept them here, so that we can inherit them by our abilities today."

"The test in this ultimate battlefield is the second, and the test of mind is the first."

"Therefore, such a result is not surprising."

SHAOHAO talked freely and told the whole story.

All the heroes in the field looked different and were filled with emotion for a moment. SHAOHAO was worthy of being the emperor's son. He had a strong foundation and mastered more secrets than people imagined.

"But why don't SHAOHAO Taoist friends remind one or two and have to wait until the truth comes out?"

Suddenly, there was a voice of discontent.

This remark has aroused the approval of many people.

SHAOHAO looked pale. He looked at the person he was talking to and said, "if I take the lead in reminding you, are you still willing to enter the battlefield and fight with all your strength?"

"What's more, I have always acted openly and aboveboard. Doesn't mean that all the secrets I have need to be made public?"

The man was speechless.

Indeed, why should SHAOHAO remind?

"Practice is like cultivating the mind. If you just want to rely on other people's reminders to seek good fortune, I'm afraid you can't get the guidance of saints so easily this time."

SHAOHAO's words made the whole audience silent.

In any case, it is impossible to blame SHAOHAO for what happened today.

On the contrary, it is precisely because he did not remind them that they all went all out to compete on the road, so that at this last moment, they obtained unexpected luck!

Speaking of it, they even want to thank SHAOHAO for not reminding.

Lintian couldn't help feeling when he wanted to understand this. In silence, SHAOHAO sold another favor to the heroes present.

Whoever it is, you have to recognize it!

Such wisdom and means are absolutely amazing.

"Elder brother, you have to be careful. This guy is so deep that people can't guess what he thinks. We'd better have less contact with him in the future."

The old clam sounded with a trace of fear.

Lintian listened quietly.

"Brother Lin, it's time for you to announce your position on the Tianjiao gold list now?"

SHAOHAO asked with a smile.

"I'm just afraid you'll feel unhappy after listening."

Lintian said with a smile.

SHAOHAO was stunned, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Alas, I knew I wouldn't ask you. Asking for nothing is too disappointing."

The audience also realized that SHAOHAO was the first on the Tianjiao gold list, and the answer that could make him "ask for nothing" was naturally self-evident.


Lin demon God, before the end of the realm of the absolute top, entered the ultimate inheritance place with the first place in the Tianjiao gold list!

For a moment, the audience looked sideways and the heroes were shocked.

First, the meaning is so different.

In the years since the opening of shangjiujing, first of all, Yun Qingbai has dominated the first position of Tianjiao gold list for several years with an unparalleled attitude.

But in the end, on the magic cutting platform, Yun Qingbai was defeated by Lintian!

In recent years, Emperor SHAOHAO has also occupied the first place in the Tianjiao gold list. So far, no one can shake it, and its reputation has shocked the nine realms.

But now, his rank was broken by Lintian!

There were Yun Qingbai in the front and Emperor SHAOHAO in the back. One fell under Lintian's hands in the battle. Although the other didn't compete with Lintian, his ranking was overwhelmed by Lintian.

How can such a first place mean so much?

Think about Lintian's unbeaten record in the past. Think about a "wheel battle" with a luxurious lineup just now.

For a time, everyone looked at Lintian with an indisputable complexity.

His clothes were stained with blood, his face was pale and his hair was disheveled. He looked very weak and tired, but at this time, he was completely different in the eyes of everyone!

This is an existence that can't be ignored enough to make any peers tremble. It's like a legend. It has never been defeated since it set foot in the upper nine realms!

"Brother Lin should be respected for today's top territory."

In the silence, if the dancing fairy spoke, the cold voice was like a stone breaking the sky, which made the whole audience restless.

This sentence is too heavy!

It's no less than admitting that Lin Xun is the first person in Juedao!

Other people can't afford such a reputation at all, because if they can't afford it, they will be pointed out by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people for overestimating their strength.

But Lintian's reputation was on his head

Then people have nothing to say, nothing to refute, and nothing to say!

Yuan fatian, King Jin Feipeng, ye Maha, you hengzhen, Wang Xuanyu, Ji Xingyao and other peerless overlords have never refuted.

Silence itself is a kind of recognition.

Even if there may be dissatisfaction in your heart, you have to recognize it!

SHAOHAO, on the other hand, had a rare gaffe, and his expression, which had always been ancient well, showed a complex color of extinction at the moment.

He looked at Lintian and didn't say much, but... Who can know what he thought in his heart?

"If the dancing girl is falsely praised."

Lintian bowed his hands and was not surprised. He was the first person in the top of the mountain?

His path has never been limited to this!

After knowing the power of the sages, the bloody war in the nine regions, and the mysterious ancient path in the starry sky outside the ancient wasteland, the emperors went one after another to explore.

Lintian's eyes had already changed.

He knew that there was still a long way to go.

In the past, he seemed to be the enemy of the whole world. If one day, he can look at the heavens and be invincible in the world, maybe it is the time to be proud.

As soon as the voice fell, Lintian went to the ultimate battlefield.

The heroes were silent and looked right, which was recognition and respect for Lintian's strength.

"Brother Lin..."

Suddenly, SHAOHAO spoke. Lintian stopped and turned his head and said, "what's the matter?"

SHAOHAO smiled and said, "I hope that when the battle of the nine regions comes, I can compete with brother Lin again!"

The word "Zai" proves that SHAOHAO cares about being overtaken by Lintian!

"If you have a chance, you should accompany yourself."

Lintian smiled and turned to leave the battlefield.

Looking at Lintian, old clam, ALU and big blackbird were all very excited.

In the past ten years, Lintian became the first person recognized in the top of the world from being a monk in Yanlun territory!

And, worthy of its name, no one doubts!

How can they not be excited and happy?

"Big brother!"

The old clam rushed forward excitedly and wanted to give Lintian a big hug, but he was grabbed by Aru and scolded, "is this your time to be courteous?"

The old clam was stunned and looked at Zhao Jingxuan on one side.

At this time, Zhao Jingxuan's beautiful and picturesque face was full of gorgeous smiles, and a pair of eyes were smiling into crescent moons.

No one knew better than her how difficult it was for Lintian to achieve what he has achieved since he practiced in the lower empire!

It is because of understanding that I am more excited and happy!

When seeing Lintian coming closer and closer in his blood stained clothes, Zhao Jingxuan couldn't help but rush forward and hug Lintian, with tears in his eyes and red eyes.

Nothing, just hold tight.

The old clam, ARU and the big blackbird grinned.

Lin Xun was stunned and felt the soft fragrance and warm jade in his arms. All the emotions in his heart finally turned into a smile on his lips.


On this day, the dispute over the ultimate inheritance place ended and the heroes left one after another.

On the same day, the news about the sage guide and that Lintian had become the first person in the top of the mountain also spread all over the upper nine realms like a hurricane!

The sound of uproar, shock, surprise and disbelief is staged in different areas and places like a frying pan.

The first person on Tianjiao gold list!

The first person in the top of the world!

The two titles belong to Lin demon God, which was unexpected before.

At the same time, the voice of doubt also appeared, but soon disappeared again.

Because every peerless overlord who participates in the battle of intermediate inheritance has been recognized. These doubts simply can't exist!

This is called Shizhi and the name belongs.

As for emperor SHAOHAO, a peerless overlord who had been noticed by countless people, it was also slightly dimmed under Lintian's reputation.

Of course, this is just a comparison of reputation.

The first place, after all, should be more concerned than the second place!

It is always possible and only one person can lead the way and walk alone on the top!

These had nothing to do with Lintian. After returning to Feixing mountain with Zhao Jingxuan and old clam, he began to take the time to recover.

Because it will end in less than a month


PS: the plot of the top of the world is almost finished. Lin demon God is going to return to the ancient wasteland. A new struggle for hegemony and journey will begin.

In addition, add more tomorrow!

Finally, when it comes to subscription, it's not miserable, but it's lack of stamina. The increase is so slow that it's almost invisible.

Goldfish is not crying for poverty. It has been more than a year since Tianjiao wrote, and it has never asked for a subscription like this. It is really forced to do so.

Subscription results are too poor. What we lack is not only the money to support our family, but also a spiritual blow to writing.

People have their pursuit. Of course, they also hope to get better and better in writing books. Please also see that pirated friends can see the heartfelt voice of goldfish and give more vertical and horizontal support.

Thanks, friends.

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