The young man in black was stunned and his voice stopped suddenly.

In front of him, the burly retinue who had been paralyzed on the ground was wiped out with one palm and completely lay down on the ground.

When they die, they all stare!

He didn't seem to think that in the end, he was the first to die first.

This is called carrying the pot?

"As a squire, I don't know how to dissuade the master from doing evil. Instead, I help the tyrant and die without borrowing."

The silver haired man spoke coldly.

However, all the top figures nearby saw that the silver haired man was actually trying to take the life of a squire and keep the young man in black.

Lintian naturally saw that he didn't say a word and just looked at it.

Such an attitude is an attitude!

The silver haired man felt bitter and realized that killing only one squire could not satisfy the demon figure in front of him.

He took a deep breath and looked coldly at the young man in black.

"Young master Lin, can you... Let him stop killing people?"

But at this moment, Caicai whispered like summoning up courage.

As soon as he said this, the silver haired man immediately showed his gratitude and looked kindly at Caicai.

He knew that the person who untied the bell had to tie it.

Whether the young man in black can survive depends on the existence of the girl and whether she can change Lintian's attitude!

"Caicai, do you know what would happen if I didn't come in time?"

Lintian looked gentle and looked at the girl in front of him.

"I know."

Caicai nodded and immediately said, "but I don't want you to offend them because of me. It's just a small matter. It's not worth it."

Everyone was dumbfounded. The forest demon God was still afraid of offending others?

It's like a joke!

For one thing, this girl's intention is extremely valuable.

"Just listen to you."

Lintian also smiled. Caicai was the same as nine years ago. He was kind, simple and had a pure heart, like a ray of sunshine, giving people the simplest warmth.

Caicai was a little reserved and said, "Er, childe, you won't blame me for being so busy?"

"As you said, it's just a small matter. It's nothing. As long as you think it's right to do so, try to stick to your mind."

Lintian smiled.

"Thank you, Lord Lin!"

On the ground, the young man in black was excited and incoherent.

"Fool, you should thank this girl more. If it weren't for her, I'd like to chop you alive today!"

The silver haired man kicked him hard and looked like he hated iron but didn't make steel.


A little grudge ended here.

The young man in Black got lucky and was taken away by the silver haired man.

Other heroes in the field also dispersed one after another.

Perhaps the most absurd thing was that Lintian didn't know who the young man in black was or the silver haired man from beginning to end.

I don't even know their names.

But when Lintian appeared, the conflict was solved in the most smooth way without his own hands.

This is power.

Surrender without war!


"Caicai, after all these years, how come your cultivation hasn't entered the king's territory?"

Lintian was puzzled.

Outside the burning immortal city, Lintian found a mountain at random and took a rest.

In almost three days, the power of the leading city will appear in the top of the mountain.

At that time, the monks distributed in the 3000 circles can return to the ancient wasteland.

Caicai was a little embarrassed and said, "from the time of practice, my father told me that practice is to do my favorite thing. I only like to collect Xiaguang Linglu, which has always been the case..."


Lintian exclaimed.

Practice comes from the heart. Every monk's quest is different. Some people seek the best of kendo, such as cloud Qingbai.

Some people seek to sanctify the flesh, such as Aru.

Others just want to see the myriad phenomena of the heavens and see the true meaning of the avenue, like an old clam.

Others seek fame, profit, Dharma, Tao, immortality and freedom

this is not the only one.

What Caicai wants is to like.

She regards practice as her own heart and likes to collect fire, haze and spirit dew, so she takes it as her practice.

Although cultivation can't see how fast it has improved, it is also cultivation.

"Do you have a goal?"

Lintian asked.


The eyes of the little stars are clear and bright all at once.

She said seriously, "I hope that one day I can pick the clouds in the sky, refine the most beautiful silk thread in the world, and then weave a suit of clothes myself as my wedding dress."

"I also want to collect 10000 different Xiaguang Linglu and make it into wine slurry. When I get married, it will be used as a wedding wine. Please enjoy it with my friends at my wedding banquet!"

When it comes to your dreams, Caicai's whole person radiates an unspeakable brilliance. The sound of Qingling Ding Dong is floating like the sound of nature.

The girl stood in the clouds on the top of the mountain with her hands on her back, just like the most gorgeous light.

Lintian was stunned for a while and said with heartfelt admiration, "this is the most beautiful goal I have ever seen."

Caicai was immediately shy and woke up from her vision. She lowered her head and said, "I'll make you laugh."

"Hey hey, Caicai girl, you still have a key problem to solve if you want to achieve this goal."

The old clam said with a smile.

"What?" Cairan.

"Find a good husband. If you don't have a favorite husband, what's the use of this wedding dress and wedding wine?" The old clam said with a smile.

Caicai's pretty face turned red, like the burning clouds in the sky.

Aru can't help but be happy. Caicai is really a likable girl. Her bright and clean character and kind-hearted nature are as beautiful as the spring breeze in March.


The old clam suddenly heard a voice and reminded Lintian, "brother, if you want to return to the lower world in the future, I'm afraid you need the help of this Caicai girl."

"How do you say that?" Lintian asked.

"The cloud weaving clan is not simple. Its ancestor was a great legend. He was good at an extremely magical secret method. He regarded the laws of heaven and earth as silk thread and was able to cut out the real 'Heavenly clothes'!"

The old clam said mysteriously, "Tianyi, which is the supreme treasure that even the great emperor will move. Tianyi woven by different rules has different magical functions."

"Some can avoid the fate of heaven and earth, some can ignore the constraints of rules and shuttle through the mysterious area outside Zhou Xu, while others can turn into treasures of Kambi emperor soldiers..."

"Because Yunzhi people rarely appear in the world, and few people know their origin and rumors."

"If I hadn't awakened the memory power in my blood, I wouldn't have known these past mysteries."

"Of course, the most important thing is that if we want to return to the lower boundary, we inevitably need to enter the void tunnel between the interfaces, and the cloud weaving family is best at space shuttle!"

"If we can have their help, it will be much smoother when we return to the lower boundary in the future."

Speaking of this, Lintian suddenly realized.

Lintian also thought about returning to the lower bound. The only thorny problem was how to return.

When he came to the ancient wasteland from the lower world, he broke a void tunnel with the help of the five color holy array of the Empire.

But now it's doomed to fail.

According to Zhao Jingxuan, there was more than one path to the lower boundary in the ancient wasteland before.

For example, there are such channels in some ancient Taoist traditions such as Lingbao holy land and Tianshu holy land.

But as early as a few years ago, before this great world really came, the power of heaven and earth in the ancient wasteland had changed dramatically.

The void channel leading to the lower world has almost collapsed and disintegrated with the coming of this sudden change!

Even Zhao Jingxuan himself was helpless about this. He could only take one step at a time and size up the situation.

Therefore, for Lintian at this time, to return to the lower bound, the first thing to solve is the path problem.

However, the old clam's proposal made Lintian's heart move.

Cloud weaving clan!

Who would have thought that such a girl as Caicai came from such a mysterious ethnic group?

And the mysterious "heavenly clothes" suddenly reminded Lintian of the method of making "holy stripe war clothes". Although they were different, they had some similarities.

What's more, the ancient wasteland was so vast, but it was very strange that Lintian had never seen anyone with "holy stripe war suit" so far.

In the lower Empire, every holy stripe master knows about the holy stripe war suit.

According to Lintian's conjecture, there must be another secret.

Similarly, if old clam hadn't mentioned the "heavenly clothes" this time, Lintian didn't know that there were such magical treasures in the world.

"Forget it. If we really have no choice in the future, it's not too late to ask for Caicai's help."

Lin Xun thought for a while and made a decision.

He doesn't want to bother Caicai. Caicai may be happy to help him, but will the cloud weaving clan behind Caicai do the same?

Not necessarily.

Moreover, Lintian still had some things to solve. Even if he returned to the ancient wasteland, he could not return to the lower boundary immediately.

"Old clam, get ready with Aru. When we leave the top of the mountain, I'm afraid there will be some trouble."

Lintian said.


The old clam was stunned and suddenly remembered the siege he suffered when he left the Guixu.

Now they will leave the top of the world. Will similar things happen again?

"I killed so many so-called peerless people. If the forces behind these guys knew this, how could they hold back?"

Lintian's dark eyes were deep, and he said calmly, "in the past, we had to face it passively. Life and death were not up to us, but this time, I don't want to be so passive anymore!"

The old clam nodded and said, "near the place where we returned, is the sunset soup Valley entrenched by the Jinwu vein. If the old monsters of the Jinwu vein knew that the little crows had been killed by us, they would be furious and kill them."

"Well, and it can be predicted that there will be saints, and there may be many..."

Lintian's eyes were flickering.

In my heart, the waves are calm.

For ten years, he has enough cards to face all this!


PS: Calvin, the update may be a little late tonight. Please take it easy.

In addition, thank you for your reward and monthly ticket support. Bite your teeth tonight, and you will certainly continue to increase.

So, keep asking for subscriptions~~~

(end of this chapter)

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