In the void space, there are flying rainbow flashing like rain, big stars flowing in brilliance, and black clouds steaming like chaos

A path runs through nothingness, surrounded by colorful and magnificent, light and rain, walking in it is like wandering in the long river of years.


In the distance, there is a bright place in the compass, and then you can see a void in the golden space.

Lintian was absorbed and flew away.

On his body, stars flowed, silvery and illusory, making him free like a fish swimming in the water when crossing the void.

This is the power of Xingyu Tianyi.

Without this treasure, when shuttling through this nihilistic space, it will be immediately wiped out by the terrible power of space rules!

"With only seven space nodes left, you can reach your destination..."

Lintian calculated silently.

He is not careless at all.

According to the high priest of Yunzhi family, the rules of heaven and earth have changed with the advent of the great world. In particular, we must be careful when moving the world from one world to another in the void space.

Unless you have the power of the imperial realm, even if the sage makes mistakes in space movement, he will always be lost and can't find a way back!

After a stick of incense.

Lintian was so excited that he could return to the lower bound with only one spatial coordinate left.

But at this time, Lintian suddenly saw that in the far nothingness area, a huge strange and fierce beast, carrying thousands of stars, crossed the boundless nothingness and came here.

This beast is just a bunch of eyes, which are as big as the sky sun, scarlet and frightening, emitting cold and ruthless horror light!

Compared with its huge body, the stars are like humble marbles

Lintian was shocked. It was this strange monster again!

He remembered that when he left the lower boundary and went to the ancient wasteland, he also saw this beast. At that time, the other party directly rushed over.

Let Lintian, who was crossing the void, immediately encounter a terrible impact!

Because of this impact, Lintian, who was supposed to reach the East victory boundary of the ancient wasteland, was moved to the West Heng boundary.

Now, the beast appears again.

Lintian dared to swear that he would never admit his mistake.

In the depths of the beast's eyes, there are a pair of silver mysterious symbols, which are obscure and cold, as if they can swallow human soul.

It as like as two peas in the year.

"What the hell is this? It can run wild in the boundless space world?"

Lintian's eyes narrowed and his face became very dignified.

It's getting closer.

He could even feel that the breath from that strange and fierce beast was more terrible than the sage!

Lintian didn't hesitate and went all out to the last space node.

However, unexpectedly, the strange beast did not invade this time. It seemed to recognize Lintian. In a pair of scarlet and cold eyes, the silver symbols rolled around and quietly watched Lintian's action with an unspeakable smell in his eyes.

It seems like an accident, a surprise, and I can't believe it

Lintian didn't notice this. When he rushed to the last space node, he jumped away without any hesitation.


He disappeared completely.

The strange beast looked at this scene and still did not move. Its body was suspended there, just like a huge land floating in nothingness.

"Dayuan swallowed the dome... I finally saw you again..."

A cold voice sounded in the nothingness world, and there was a trace of satisfaction in the scarlet eyes of the strange and fierce beast.

"As long as you live... We will meet sooner or later..."

In the murmuring voice, the strange and fierce beast turned his body, roared and rolled into the void and disappeared into the vast nothingness.


The lower boundary, the far north of the Obsidian Empire, is a frontier fortress.

The setting sun shines.

On the battlefield, bloody gunpowder smoke filled the air, tens of thousands of corpses had already been buried on the ground, and blood flowed into a river.




The two armies fought hard on the battlefield, as if two torrents were colliding. The sky was full of swords and murderous spirits.

An army is subordinate to the border army of the Obsidian Empire, with a total number of about 3000 people, riding on 36 medium-sized imperial holy stripe warships.

Boom, boom!

On the warship, the powerful holy stripe cannon opened its fire and spewed out thousands of feet of fire tongue, which was like the whip of Thor. It danced and beat wildly to defeat the enemy's attacks again and again, with amazing lethality.

The enemy is Shuiman from the wuman family. There are about 1000 people, all of whom have amazing combat power, are brave and not afraid of death, and hold all kinds of barbaric weapons and witch treasures.

Although the number of people is small, the Shuiman army obviously has an advantage. It rushes forward like a dark cloud pressing the city, forcing the imperial army back and forth.


Suddenly, in the large water army, a figure shrouded in water mist rushed into the sky and smashed down with a white bone sledgehammer. A medium-sized imperial warship suffered heavy damage. With a click, a big pit was hit in the middle of the ship.

Then, the whole warship was out of balance and fell to the ground.

"Run away!"


On the ship, there was a cry of surprise, and a group of imperial soldiers rushed out, but they were still halfway surrounded by a group of strong water like a tide.

At the end of the day, blood rain and corpses flew like waterfalls.

"My Lord! I can't hold it anymore. There are only 35 available warships left in our army."

On the front line of the battlefield and in the imperial barracks, the sentry reported quickly, with smoke and anxiety all over his face.

This bloody battle has been fought for more than a month, and nearly 100000 elite soldiers have been lost on the imperial side.

Although the Shuiman army was seriously damaged, there was a steady stream of reinforcements, and they fought fiercely, fearless and crazy.

Now, they are approaching the border of the far north of the Empire!

"Go down, I see."

In the barracks, an old voice sounded. This was an old man wearing Imperial military uniform, with a straight waist and a silver beard and hair.

His face was withered and thin, and his eyes were as sharp as hawks and falcons. When he looked around, there was an electric light.

The old man's name is Chang sun Xiong. He is the controller of the military camp in the far north of the Empire. He is a strong king with many war achievements.

"Is there a full-scale war? This is the nine veins of the witch man. This is to take advantage of the fire..."

Chang sun Xiong frowned, and his heart was heavy.

Over the years, drastic changes have been taking place in the world, not only within the Empire, but also in the border areas.

In the past, the far north was a barren snow field, which was extremely cold.

And there are natural towering mountains across the territory between the Empire and Shuiman, like a natural graben, blocking the possibility of Shuiman's invasion.

But now, with the drastic changes of heaven and earth, this ice field has already completely changed its shape. The ice and snow have melted and the mountains have collapsed, turning into a grassland with rich aura and abundant water and grass!

There was no natural barrier to stop the natural graben. Shuiman was ready to move. Finally, last month, he launched an all-round attack on the far northern border of the Empire.

According to Chang sun Xiong, unprecedented battles are breaking out in other regions of the Empire, such as the southwest border and the East.

The army of the nine veins of Wu man seemed to be surrounded and began to encroach on the territory of the Empire. The situation was not optimistic.

What worries sun Xiong most is that the Empire today is also turbulent and shaky.

Everything is because of the drastic change of heaven and earth!

Over the years, there have been a large number of spiritual mountains and blessed lands within the Empire, and even the aura between heaven and earth has become unprecedentedly rich.

This was originally a big happy event.

The stronger the aura is, the more beneficial it is to practice. This is something that many practitioners in the Empire dared not think of before.

But similarly, with the drastic changes of heaven and earth, there are many demon birds, fierce animals, spirits and demons in the territory of the Empire

These monsters haunt in groups, occupy Lingshan, occupy the blessed land, wantonly invade the imperial cities, burn, kill and rob, and do all kinds of evil.

Nowadays, even if the Empire mobilized all kinds of troops to attack, it could not stop the rampant situation of demons.

On the contrary, in the fight with these monsters, the empire lost a lot of elite power, and some cities were occupied by those monsters!

Moreover, with the passage of time, the dramatic changes of heaven and earth continue to be staged, so that there are more and more demons in the territory of the Empire, and the situation is extremely not optimistic.

"Internal and external troubles..."

The eldest sun sighed in his ambition.

The great world is the troubled world!

This is what the great emperor said more than ten years ago. Now it seems that it is true.

"Sir, four more warships of our army have been damaged!"

The anxious sound of the sentry sounded through the barracks again.

The eldest grandson was shocked by his ambition, and his eyes flashed cold. He realized that he couldn't wait any longer.


The next moment, his figure rushed up and soared up.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Chang sun Xiong saw that the imperial army was collapsing step by step. Although he was trying his best to resist the attack, it was still useless.

On the other side of the Shuiman army, it is completely fierce and fearless, and has an obvious advantage in overall strength.

"My Imperial officers and men listen to orders! In any case, we can't let the witches and men step into the territory of our empire today!"

Chang sun Xiong's beard soared, and his voice shook between heaven and earth like thunder, spreading in the bloody battlefield.


With the sound, Chang sun Xiong rushed into the battlefield, raised his hand and waved a fist, just like a rainbow breaking the sky, crushing a blood path in the enemy army!

The fierce and unparalleled posture inspired all the Imperial officers and men who were fighting with blood.

"Hum, Chang sun Xiong, you shrinking turtle finally came out. This time, you will die!"

Suddenly, on the other side of the Shuiman army, three figures were swept out, and the finished shape besieged Chang sun Xiong in the center.

These three figures all spread a terrible smell of the king's realm, and they are all the existence of the man King level.

In an instant, the imperial soldiers turned pale. Unexpectedly, there are three kings hidden in this large army.

This was never mentioned in the previous intelligence!

Even Chang sun Xiong's eyes suddenly narrowed and his heart was heavy. He realized that the enemy had planned to kill himself for a long time.


PS: two shifts as usual.

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