The Forbidden City, the night is picturesque.


This is the place occupied by the Zuo clan, one of the seven superior door lords of the Empire. Under the night, the peak is like snow and the lights are bright.

In the discussion hall on the top of the mountain, many high-level figures from the left family gathered together to drink and talk and laugh happily.

"After tonight, the Lin family will only have one result. They will either be regarded as the crime of treason and exterminate the family, or they will accept our conditions, give up Xixin peak, get out of the Forbidden City, exile to the frontier battlefield of the Empire, kill the enemy and make atonement."

The elder of the left family, zuobugu, raised his glass and laughed. He was full of ambition.

"Hey, back in those days, a hairy boy of his Lin family disturbed the situation in the Forbidden City, which made me feel embarrassed and had to swallow it. Now, the boy is afraid to have died in the ancient wasteland!"

"This is the end of fighting us!"

For a moment, there was a happy voice in the hall, and everyone smiled with a proud smile like revenge.

"If the Lin family agrees to give up Xixin peak and send the forces of the family to the frontier battlefield to kill the enemy, I'm afraid there will be many variables. After all, if you cut the grass without removing the roots, there will be endless trouble."

Someone mused.

"Hehe, don't worry."

Zuo Weihai, the owner of the left family, smiled faintly, "on the frontier battlefield, there are also our left family's army. Just a military order to let them act as cannon fodder on the battlefield is enough to wipe out all the strength of their Lin family."

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the hall.

At the same time, at the foot of Yujingfeng.

Lintian's figure floated to him, and when he glanced at it, he saw that the jade well peak was covered with a layer of strict imperial forbidden array power.

"You don't want to kill my left house alone, do you?"

Zuo wenkun stared.

"Why not?"

Lintian said calmly.

"You're looking for death! You're overestimating your strength!"

Zuo wenkun laughed angrily. He felt ridiculous. When did anyone dare to do this?

"Look, after tonight, Zuo family... Will be removed from the Forbidden City."

Lintian said a word and went straight up the mountain.

Zuo wenkun, on the other hand, was suppressed and knelt down, unable to move. He could only watch and could not even speak.


Zuo wenkun sneered. His eyes were full of endless hatred. He didn't believe that a young man who returned after leaving for more than ten years could shake the huge Zuo family.

Just the next moment, he was stunned.

Up and down the Yujing peak, the forbidden formation of the king's way was so terrible that it was easy to kill the old monsters in the king's territory, but Lintian was not blocked, like entering the uninhabited territory!


Zuo wenkun's heart shook, producing a bad premonition and a burst of cold all over.

Unfortunately, he can no longer see what happened in Yujing peak.

"Bold! Who are you? How dare you break into my left house?"

As soon as he climbed the mountain, someone noticed Lintian's figure. It was a group of guards who rushed over like wolves and tigers.

Poof poof!

Without waiting to get close, their bodies exploded one by one, and the blood rain splashed like a waterfall.

Lintian, without looking, continued to climb the mountain.

Dressed in moon white, he looked like a mountain climber, walking around with his hands on his back.

Only in a pair of black eyes can we see the killing opportunity of the surging ocean.

Under the night lights, you can see rows of beautiful ancient buildings on the huge Yujing peak.

"Who dares to come to my left house to die?"

"Come on, there's a foreign invasion!"

Bursts of violent cheers sounded, and the left guard stationed in the whole Yujing peak began to set out like a tide.

One by one, they were murderous and extremely angry.

Lintian didn't hide his shadow. It was totally unnecessary.

However, when the strong left family saw that only a young man rushed into Yujing peak, they couldn't help but be stunned and almost couldn't believe it.

Are there people in the Forbidden City who dare to run to their left house?


Someone drank too much.

Lintian didn't realize that he was just the one who drank too much, but his body broke like paper paste, and his blood spilled all over the ground.

This strange and bloody scene immediately changed the faces of those strong leftists.

"Come on, stop him!"

"Let's go!"

In the roar of anger, these strong leftists came from all directions like a tide, offering treasures one by one and urging the Taoist Dharma.

However, Lintian didn't stop from beginning to end and kept moving forward. His seemingly slow pace was actually extremely fast.

In this process, any attack that comes is disintegrated.

All the Taoist methods that were killed were annihilated.

But the lives of those who fight are wiped out!

Lintian was spotless and walked on the ground in the bloody killing.

Poof poof!

Group after group of strong leftists came in a fierce manner, but they fell to the ground like stubble after stubble of leeks.

Their bodies exploded, like clusters of bloody fireworks in full bloom, paving a scarlet and beautiful blood path behind Lintian.

From beginning to end, Lintian never started.

With his current strength, he can easily crush any friar in the five realms with a little murderous spirit.

Even in the king's realm, it will be greatly deterred and its fighting spirit will be impacted!

Moreover, these vulnerable goods were not worthy of Lintian's serious action.

Gradually, the strong left family realized that something was wrong. They all screamed in shock and anger, fled in panic and began to ask for help.

Although the young man is terrible, the dead can walk all the way!

If you look down from the sky, you can find that behind Lintian, a blood path was paved straight and spread to the top of the mountain

It's like a blood line drawn by the stroke of death. It's shocking!


In the discussion hall on the top of the mountain, the closed door was knocked open, and a strong man from the left family screamed in panic: "master, it's bad, there's a foreign enemy coming!"

In the main hall, Zuo Weihai, Zuo Bugu and other senior members of the Zuo family frowned, and the original lively atmosphere solidified.


At the same time, the strong left family who reported the news suddenly died and his body exploded.

Originally, everyone drank and talked in a warm atmosphere, but suddenly such a scene occurred, and some waitresses screamed on the spot.

Those big people in the left family changed their faces slightly, and the atmosphere suddenly became very scary.

When they looked up, they saw a young man in moon white outside the hall, coming alone, with deep eyes.

"Who are you?"

Someone asked in a deep voice.

It is surprising that a strange young man suddenly appears here.

You know, with their left family's defense power, the old monsters in the king's territory can't step into it without permission!

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that after tonight, your left family will be removed from the Forbidden City."

Lintian said calmly.

A light word made Zuo Weihai and others look gloomy. When was their left house so threatened?

In such a big empire, who dares to threaten like this?


Suddenly, someone was very angry and smiled. He was a big man in the left family.

Lintian's black eyes looked at the past, and a murderous spirit burst out, like a pair of divine swords, killing each other's spirits in the air.

With a puff, the big man of the left family stared, his body fell to the ground and his breath was cut off.

This frightening scene made the atmosphere of the main hall suddenly dead and silent. Everyone in the left family changed his face, cold and scared.

I didn't expect that such a sudden young man would be so terrible!

"He... He is Lintian!"

Suddenly, someone screamed.


Everyone was stunned. Looking at Lintian's appearance again, a guess appeared in their mind. Lintian, the leader of the Lin family in Xixin peak?

Suddenly, in such a big hall, all the top leaders of the left family looked surprised and looked at Lintian in disbelief.

How could they forget that more than ten years ago, the Lord of Xixin peak, which was covered with Beijing and famous all over the world?

"How can you come back?"

Zuo Weihai's face changed wildly.

Everyone else looks like hell.

Of course, what made them tremble was that Lintian not only came back, but also killed their left house alone tonight!

They couldn't believe it. In their understanding, Lintian was just a strong man in the cave when he left the lower world.

It has only been more than ten years. How could he become so strong?

For a moment, the candlelight flickered in the main hall, and the atmosphere was dead and silent. Everyone was in doubt.

Lintian walked into the hall, opened a seat, sat down leisurely, glanced at the people and smiled: "if I don't come back, how can I know what you Zuoqin family have done?"

He was calm and at will as if he had returned to his own house, but the top leaders of the left family did not dare to move any more!

They can't see through.

"What do you want here?"

Zuo Weihai took a deep breath to calm himself down.

This is the territory of their left family, but now he is intruded by a younger generation and bullied, which makes him feel very embarrassed.

But Lintian's power was so weird that he didn't dare to mess around for a while.

"When I was born, the Lin family suffered a bloody incident. Since then, the Lin family has become a dish of Chinese food in the eyes of some people. It has become fragmented and declining, including your left family."

Lintian's eyes were cold. "Later, I managed to stand firm in the Forbidden City, but I was repeatedly suppressed and targeted. Among them, there is your left family."

"In recent years, my Lin family has been frequently framed, shaken by wind and rain, and even in danger of collapse, including your left family!"

Zuo Weihai Leng hum: "this is called the law of the jungle. Even if my Zuo family doesn't move, others will move your Lin family!"

Lintian nodded: "you're right, the law of the jungle, so today I came to settle this account with your left family."

"It's up to you?"

Zuo Weihai was livid.

"It's up to me."

A few words, calm, simple, resounding.

Then, Lin Xun grew up.

At that moment, a terrible power spread from Lintian, like an overwhelming ocean, drowning the whole hall.

Every big man in the left family seems to be strangled by his throat and his face is as white as falling into an ice cave.


PS: the fourth watch is around 8 p.m. and the fifth watch is to be determined.

Anyway, it will explode 5 more today. If you enjoy it, don't forget to subscribe and monthly tickets! Goldfish continues to code words~

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